The hitchhiker, Li fei'er, was safely delivered to her destination because she was carrying large and small bags of luggage. The mixed race driver was very helpful to deliver her things to her rented apartment, borrowed her bathroom for a while, and then politely left.

Li fei'er sat on the plane for almost 20 hours and took a hot bath. Unexpectedly, she fell asleep in the bathtub.

When Li fei'er wakes up, she finds herself lying in the hospital. Her eyes are all white. There is no one except her in bed.

She was so scared that she quickly got up and found that her whole body was in good condition. She was also covered with a robe that was not her own. In particular, there was no discomfort in special parts. She should not have been violated and her mobile phone was not on her body. So she speculated that she fainted after taking a bath at home?

However, because she is not short of money, the apartment she rents is a separate house, and no one will enter her home and send her to the hospital.

Li fei'er went to the door and twisted the door. She found that it couldn't be opened. She was a little worried, so she knocked hard inside the door and said, "doctor, doctor, open the door quickly!"

As expected, the door opened, but Li fei'er's eyes widened. She stepped back several steps in a row. There was a big man and four foreign bodyguards with big arms and big waists standing at the door. Her father was also a big man in the river. This lineup did not frighten her, but calmly asked: "who are you? Why am I here? "

The man standing at the door is Salomon. Now, it's one day after Li Fei Er was taken from her apartment to the hospital.

When the "warm-hearted" driver borrowed her bathroom, he sprayed a colorless and tasteless drug on the wall of her bathtub, which could cause people to lose consciousness temporarily. Even if she washed the bathtub first, the residue was enough to make Li Fei Er drowsy.

The house in the United States is rarely protected by anti-theft net. So on that night, two men and a woman sneaked into Li fei'er's apartment. The woman went into the bathroom, fished Li fei'er out and put her on the couch. After a careful inspection, she found that she was innocent, and was extremely surprised to say: "great, such a beautiful girl is still the original girl Loading, if meet the conditions, we can get the reward under the crown

The other two men were also ecstatic. The three wrapped Li fei'er tightly and sent her to the hospital overnight. The doctor injected Li fei'er with tranquilizer and began to draw her blood to match Ling Wei. They also tested the function of other organs necessary for pregnant fetus.

Of course, this evening's matching test is not only for Li fei'er, but also for the other three selected Chinese virgins.

As for whether these women are willing to be surrogate women, the consequences of their abduction are beyond Solomon's consideration. His only worry is that he is afraid that none of the four candidates is suitable.

Finally, the result came out, which may also be Ling Wei's blessing. Two of the four candidates matched her physical fitness and were suitable to replace her in pregnancy.

Solomon never believed in any religion, and could not help but shed tears to thank the Buddha. Later, through his careful comparative investigation, he found that the other woman was far worse than Li Fei Er in terms of appearance and skin color.

The most important thing is that through careful investigation, Solomon unexpectedly found that Li fei'er and his daughter have a mysterious to dramatic connection, so he decisively chose Li fei'er. Now, he is here to inform Li fei'er.

Yes, it's a notice, not a discussion.

Solomon was even more satisfied when he saw his murderous subordinates suddenly appear, and Li fei'er still looked as usual. His grandson of the dark night emperor must be brave and resourceful. Although the genes he gave birth to came from his daughter and her unknown son-in-law, after all, the fetus had to grow up in the belly of the chosen woman, and the quality of the woman was also very important factor.

Solomon came in, and four men behind him helped him to move the chair and sit down. He said with great momentum, "Miss, please sit down and talk."

Li fei'er sits by the bed and looks at Solomon silently. She has speculated that she has been kidnapped, but the other party has not turned over, so she must have a plot. She estimates that her ability to resist is useless. She can only wait for the other party to offer a condition. If she is asking for ransom, she can talk to her father, and her life is not in great danger.

Solomon said, "you are a Chinese. Your name is Li Fei Er. Your parents divorced. Your mother remarried and settled in Houston, Texas. Your father is a very successful businessman in China, so you are not short of money."

Li Fei Er calmly said: "Sir, what do you want to do with my investigation in such detail?"

Solomon said: "of course, I need your help to do something. Originally, I wanted to use money to solve it, but you are not short of money. What I asked you to do, you can not be locked up and lead to depression. That is not good for the fetus. I want to be frank with you and hope you can cooperate willingly."

Li Fei Er is surprised: "fetus? What do you want me to do? "

Solomon frowned and said, "my daughter is seriously injured and unconscious, but she is pregnant. Her physical function is unable to maintain the healthy development of the fetus. She needs a woman who matches her body to give birth to a baby instead of her. Your conditions match very well, so we choose you."Li fei'er's eyes widened. She couldn't believe that in this world, there are such absurd demands. This person can still speak so eloquently, as if it was a great honor to choose her as a surrogate.

In Solomon's eyes, it is indeed the honor of the selected person to be able to give birth to a baby for his daughter.

However, before Li fei'er refused, Solomon handed over a file folder and said, "I must investigate everything for my daughter to have a baby. This is all the information. You can make a decision after you read it. If you agree and cooperate with her, you will be very happy.

If you don't agree, I'll ask the doctor here to temporarily close your mind with drugs, so that you can conceive a fetus in an idiotic state until you give birth to a grandson for me, and then you can regain your consciousness. "

Li Fei Er is scared at last!

Although she grew up, because of Li Lixin's position in the world, she was bold and fearless, but she was really scared at this moment!

She could see that although the man seemed to be a handsome man, and he had just talked to her, he didn't look fierce. But there was an indescribable murderous atmosphere in his body. This murderous atmosphere was only prepared by people who came from a sea of corpses. It wasn't just like blowing beard and staring eyes.

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