Li fei'er understands that the decision made by this terrible man is non-negotiable. Moreover, he has completely lost contact with the outside world in the hospital where he doesn't know where. If he doesn't agree, what the man said to make her become an idiot is absolutely not a threat.

Watching Solomon politely stand up and go out with a slight nod to her. The door is locked mercilessly again. Li fei'er starts to shiver. It takes a long time to open the file folder. Who knows that when she sees a picture as big as the file folder, her fear turns into a shock!

This photo shows a man with a long body, wearing a jujube red casual suit, with white shirt, black trousers, black, white and red inside. It creates a kind of indescribable beauty. It's Lin Yan, Li fei'er's sweetheart!

Even the suit Lin Yan was wearing was selected by Li fei'er, washed and ironed by herself.

After Li fei'er was shocked, she was drowned in fear again. Did the terrible man just find out that she once fell in love with Lin Yan? Is this to use Lin Yan's safety to coerce her into accepting surrogacy?

She quickly turned to the second page, fear was shocked to replace, this page is still a picture, is a police card on the photo, the photo, is valiant and beautiful features of Ling Wei!

Li fei'er turns back quickly, but sees Ling Wei with a confident smile in front of him, lying on the stretcher in a daze.

The following information clearly records the rescue process of Ling Wei after being shot, as well as the examination documents given by the doctor.

Li fei'er had a good family since she was a child. She went to a bilingual noble school all the time. Before she went to university, she also made a special attack for half a year. There was no problem reading these foreign language documents. After reading them one by one, she was in a state of dementia!

Just now that terrible man's mouth said daughter, unexpectedly! Unexpectedly! It's Ling Wei, a hero all over China who has been determined to die for his country!

Ling Wei didn't die when she was on a mission abroad. Instead, she was in a coma. The bad leader who besieged them and caused her serious injury was Ling Wei's own father who had been separated for many years!

Seriously injured and comatose Ling Wei is recognized by her father and treated for her at all costs. It's amazing enough. What's more, comatose Ling Wei is also found to be pregnant!

The child pregnant is still Lin Yan's!

It's a matter of grandson's blood. The paranoid Solomon will never fail to confirm who the child's father is. As soon as Ling Wei is found out to be pregnant, he orders Huaxia's minions to get a sample of Lin Yan's DNA by some means and confirm that the child in Ling Wei's stomach is Lin Yan's!

Then, there are the pictures of Li Fei Er who was secretly photographed on the plane, and all kinds of information that Solomon quickly found out that Li Fei Er and Lin Yan were once lovers!

If this is a love story written by an Internet writer, Li fei'er will probably laugh too much. But in modern society, this kind of strange coincidence to the extreme has happened!

No wonder that the terrible man just said that she would be willing to cooperate with surrogacy after reading the information. It turns out that even her infatuation with Lin Yan has been found out by Ling Wei's terrible father!

Holding the file folder, Li fei'er slowly slides down the wall and squats in a huddle, as if reducing the size of her body can reduce the risk.

In her mind, as if she had just been attacked by a nuclear bomb, there was nothing. Until now, she still could not believe that all this she had experienced was true.

However, Li fei'er is not a self deceiving personality after all. She knows that since she is involved in this matter, that terrible father will not let her go. However, is that how to comply?

If the comatose woman who can't conceive a fetus is not Ling Wei, but a woman she doesn't know at all, Li fei'er would rather commit suicide than compromise when she can't escape, and become a tool to conceive a child that has nothing to do with her.

But now, this woman is Ling Wei!

But now, the fetus who can't grow up healthily without her help is Lin Yan's!

Li fei'er is confused, frightened and helpless, and has a lot of grievances.

It's not her father's idea of loving her, but her father's idea of loving her.


Why does Ling Wei become like this and still have Lin Yan's flesh and blood?

What's more, Li Feier was the one who gave birth to her?

Li fei'er feels deeply indignant and ambivalent. If this woman is not Ling Wei, and she is caught by that father to give birth to a couple of strangers, she will have nothing to do with each other after birth. Maybe it's better to accept that this child belongs to Lin Yan and Ling Wei, but she comes to give birth.

What a cruel fact that the child has no blood relationship with a man who loves him deeply growing in his stomach!Li fei'er is more and more sad, and her body is shrinking in the corner. Slowly, she raises her head, and an idea in her heart is more and more clear - since she has no fate with Lin Yan in this life, she is no longer willing to put half of her feelings into the second man, and she can't stand the character of being alone all her life. She has long decided to play to a certain age, but not her husband I'm a kid.

Now the situation is that she has been arrested. Ling Wei's terrible father seems to have great energy. He must be able to hide from everyone and control her. If he agrees, he will transplant her. If he doesn't, he will make her stupid. Instead of doing so, he might as well promise.

Li fei'er has always been so crisp that she decided to have the baby happily. After several months of pregnancy, she didn't believe that the man could keep a close eye on her. She would run away whenever she had the chance to give birth to the baby and find a safe country. Mother and son would spend their whole life together.

In this case, even if Lingwei died, it can be regarded as a continuation of blood, and it is worthy of Lingwei.

Li fei'er thinks that although the egg is not his own, it is in his own belly after all, and it is bred into a baby with his own flesh and blood. This is his own, that is, his own with brother Yan. It is better to have brother Yan's child than to borrow a duck.

So when Solomon came in again to ask for advice, Li Fei agreed obediently.

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