Next, Lin Yan and Qin Shaowei talked all the time. Even the lunch was the work meal that the secretary brought from the canteen of the guest house. Until two o'clock in the afternoon, when it was almost time to go to work, Lin Yan left.

Perhaps it's a matter of fact that the popularity of the Xintong incident has cooled down after Cao Yu and WAN Feixue were sentenced to death with a reprieve, and people's attention has been replaced by new situations. After a year, no one is interested in Xintong except the depositors who can't get their hard-earned money back.

At this time, if you don't bring up this matter again, it will undoubtedly become a excrement stirring stick hated by the government.

Originally, Lin Yan was going to risk the world's great injustice to be a whipping stick. Who knows that he had just told Qin Shaowei about his plan. When he was ready to stir it up, someone took on the glorious mission for him and pushed the matter to the forefront again.

Li Wuliang, the president of Luping bank, is a person with "high integrity and courage to take on responsibilities".

Li Wuliang can be regarded as a person who can bend and stretch. Huang Ruihan is clearly the vice president. But because he has a good brother-in-law, at least two-thirds of the rights in the bank are usually divided, and the remaining one-third are all face work, but he tolerates them all.

But as the saying goes, if you don't die in the process of bending, you will go crazy in the process of bending. The long-term silted dyke is far from collapse. Perhaps the only thing that is worse is a termite biting off the most important piece of cement.

This termite is a woman and a little good-looking. Her name is Xu Xiaohui. She works as a loan officer of Luping bank. She is 25 years old. It's also the time when a flower is in full bloom. With her white skin and big buttocks, she is very popular with Li Wuliang. At three or five o'clock, she calls for individual education in no one's place, and uses a unique and zero distance method to teach by words and deeds.

Because she was intimately taught by the president, Xu Xiaohui is a little special in the bank. And because she is a credit officer, although she does not dare to make tens of millions of loans like Huang Ruihan, she often dares to charge the merchant's benefit fees for tens of millions of loans.

For banks with huge funds, lending is originally one of the businesses. As long as it is not too excessive, there is usually no problem. Even if there is overdue repayment, it will be over to increase the collateral normally, extend the term of the loan, and charge the merchants who can't repay the loan by the way.

However, since the large-scale collapse of private capital guarantee enterprises in the city at the beginning of the year, the banking system began to strictly investigate credit procedures from top to bottom.

The predecessor of Luping bank is Luping City Credit Union. This kind of financial institution is supervised and managed by the people's Bank of China. However, it is an independent economic entity with independent accounting, independent operation, self financing and democratic management, and is not allowed to set up branches.

To put it simply, Luping bank is an urban collective financial organization in Luping city. The occurrence of large bad debts will directly affect the normal operation and operation of the bank.

Xu Xiaohui may have been more brave after eating too much sweetness. There is an enterprise in Luping city that produces disposable medical products, called Shengyuan group. At the beginning, this enterprise obediently produced a series of disposable products such as disposable infusion tubes, operation sheets, urinary catheters, and so on, but the effect was quite good.

But after making money, the boss's head became hot. He didn't like this kind of steady business. He took out a lot of money and borrowed money from the bank to engage in real estate development. Who knows, the stalls are getting bigger and bigger, and the built communities have become ghost buildings one by one, with more and more foreign debts.

A little makes a lot. From Xu Xiaohui alone, he has lent more than 6 million yuan in 11 times. With an interest rate of more than 7 million yuan, he has not borrowed enough money from the bank, so he has absorbed high interest deposits from the people. It has been several years since he broke the wall to make up for the wall. So far, he has asked for money but not life.

Luping bank is the first to find Shengyuan group and Xu Xiaohui from Shengyuan group.

Huang Ruihan does not lend less, but after all, she has money. Yunting's golden sign is there. At the end of the contract, the merchants dare not pay back even if they put in their belts or borrow usury. Therefore, Huang Ruihan has no direct control.

Huang Ruihan, the leader in charge of credit work, found out that Xu Xiaohui had such a bad influence, and she was a strong person. Where she was willing to tolerate, she had to expel Xu Xiaohui who violated the credit discipline and made reckless loans according to the bank's regulations, and report to the judicial organ to investigate her criminal responsibility.

This time, it can be said that Li Wuliang's heart was poked. Xu Xiaohui threw him into his arms, crying, making trouble and hanging himself. In addition, if he didn't care, he would openly commit adultery and die together. After that, he went to discuss with Huang Ruihan and wanted to mediate this matter tactfully.

The so-called euphemism is that there is a certain proportion of bad debts in the bank, which is the same as the death rate of prisoners in high intensity prison. It is reasonable. What President Li means is to use up this share and lighten the responsibility of Xiaomi.

The so-called mediation means that the bank comes forward to temporarily seal up some factories of Shengyuan group, which have been pledged many times and can't get a dime, and then lighten the responsibility for Xiaomi.

Finally, President Li also wants to ask president Huang to see that he, as a leader, has been humble for such a long time, giving her the right he should have grasped, and let her walk around to the relevant departments in the city, turning the illegal lending to Shengyuan group into the government's subsidized interest free loan to private enterprises.In this way, more than one million yuan of interest will be saved, and President Li's baby, xiaomimi, will be free from any responsibility.

Huang Ruihan is a very straightforward woman. She is also very frank about President Li's request, which is embodied in a sentence: "none of my business!"

As a result, President Li became angry and thought that it's none of your business for me to sleep with my honey, and it's none of my business for your brother-in-law to sleep with you. If you want to be shameful and beat the guy, let's get together and make it clear that Huang Ruihan once illegally lent money to Xintong, but has not recovered it so far.

Lu Ping's post bar is a wonderful one. It's called "if you are good-looking, you don't need to marry well. It's better to rely on your husband than on your brother-in-law". It's named Daoxing in the post. Huang Ruihan, vice president of the post, but Yunying hasn't married. By virtue of a good brother-in-law, he abused his power and made generous contributions to the country. He put a large amount of money of Lu Ping's Bank into Xintong and ate high interest, which caused thousands of depositors to lose their property.

In the post, although chiguoguo didn't point out Huang Ruihan's sleeping brother-in-law, he gave enough space for the audience to eat melons with his marvelous Chinese writing art and solid and ingenious writing skills. It is enough to show that President Li didn't become an online writer, which is a waste of talent.

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