There are time, place, people, photos of loan documents, and pink privacy of senior leaders in the post. This kind of thing can arouse people's indignation and curiosity most. So, the reply overnight is like a tall building rising from the ground, people with ulterior motives ferment again and again, and the reprints of portal websites, forums and communities are flying all over the sky.

Those depositors who had seen the Xintong incident cool down and their hard-earned money fly further and further can be regarded as having found the cause, and another disturbance is imminent.

Lin Yan's original plan was very risky. With this reason, there was no need to worry. He was in a very complicated mood when he looked at these posts in his bedroom at night. Just when he wanted to call Qin Shaowei, Qin Shaowei called first, and the tone was very happy: "uncle, I believe it now."

Lin Yan: "what do you believe?"

Qin Shaowei: "you are a lucky general! You want to arrange Duan Tingting's affair with governor Zuo, and then let the people of the provincial public security department witness it with their own eyes, which leads to a big explosion. Some provincial departments start to check Duan Tingting's assets upside down, and then find out the 120 million yuan of Xintong, but that explosion is likely to blow you up as well!

How nice it is now, a post has triggered a storm of public opinion, which has brought Qian Yunting into the limelight, and the popularity of Xintong has risen again. Then I have a thorough investigation of lupin bank. Let's expose the 120 million yuan that Xintong transferred to Duan Tingting through lupin bank from the current account of lupin bank. It's more reasonable to lead the big man behind her "No mistake?"

Lin Yan sighed: "yes, but Mayor Qian Yunting and Huang Ruihan, I'm afraid they will suffer from the fish disaster this time Alas, they are not bad. Even though they are against ethics, they are compassionate after all. It's a pity. " Some day in the future,

has the final say, "what is it, Huang SHAO HAN, or your confidante?" you can't tell me what you want to do.

Lin Yan said helplessly: "I didn't say to stop, you are unforgiving."

Qin Shaowei said impolitely: "even if you want to stop, it's too late! I have just given instructions to you Xuan, the executive vice mayor, and Feng Luxian, the Secretary of the political and legal commissar, to start immediately and participate in the investigation of the financial chaos of Luping bank. No matter who is involved, they will check to the end.

In addition, because the public opinion is related to the problem of communication, I also called Secretary Bao Cheng of Meilin District, and asked him not to treat the work of communication by delaying it. He must be more vigilant, cooperate with the investigation of Luping bank, and strive to recover the lost funds. "

Lin Yan took a breath of cold air. His brother-in-law was really aggressive. Although Qin Shaowei was very careful when he put forward the plan, he finally agreed to cooperate with him in his dangerous moves. He thought Qin Shaowei would be very forward-looking. Who knows that once he made up his mind, his courage was absolutely incomparable.

"Why don't you talk?"

Lin Yan quickly replied, "don't worry. I'll go to Nanping with Director Zhao Nanyue tomorrow to force Duan Tingting out of the hiding place. The plan will never stop because of any factors."

Qin Shaowei said with satisfaction: "that's good. You have to understand that I'm different from you. So far, I think I'm crazy. If the plan fails because of your kindness, no one can bear the consequences."

"I understand," Lin said cautiously

During the conversation with Qin Shaowei, Lin Yan's mobile phone made another call several times. After hanging up, he saw that it was Bao Cheng's. He quickly went back and said, "Lin Yan, have you heard about Luping bank?"

Lin Yan said: "I'm reading the post, boss. I'm just going to call you to say this. With such a fuss, our credit collapse will be revealed again, and the pressure of the communication working group will be increased again."

Bao Cheng said, "you guessed right! I have just received Secretary Qin's personal telephone instruction that we should not despise the work of the communication working group. If possible, we should cooperate with the city's inspection of Luping bank to recover the lost funds.

I don't want to ask about this because of your wife's special circumstances. But I remember that you promised me that you could get a lot of money back. If it's related to this mess, you can let it go. "

Lin Yan said: "it's really the same thing, but my previous plan was to check backwards from the person who got the money. I didn't expect that Luping bank had an accident first, so let's make a mistake and catch up from this end. Now, my title as director of supervision has a place to use force. Otherwise, it's really hard to directly intervene in the investigation of the bank."

Bao Cheng said: "it seems that you have a clear idea. That's good. I don't know how to check. If you need me to support you, I'll support you. I only see the final result."

Lin Yan said, "thank you for your trust."

After he hung up the phone, Lin Yan didn't dare to sleep and get rid of his personal relationship. This evening, he was instructed by the Secretary of the municipal Party committee and the Secretary of the district Party committee. He was not a muddleheaded person who didn't know whether public or private. He didn't dare to neglect. He went to the headquarters of the working group overnight to summon the competent officials of the Supervision Bureau and several leaders of the communication working group to hold an emergency meeting Maybe because of the depositor stability problem caused by this post, we made an emergency plan.Sure enough, before the meeting was over, we received a wire saying that depositors had been hanging out all night and were going to sit in at the gate of the municipal government tomorrow morning, asking mayor Qian to come forward and give a reply in person, never appeasing his sister-in-law and making decisions for depositors.

Lin Yan's plan is to let everyone pay more attention to the ICT incident, but he doesn't want to really cause a stable incident. After the meeting, he immediately launched an emergency response and asked the one-to-one contractor of the working group to make a phone call overnight to convey Lin Yan's promise, so that they would not be misled by rumors and violate the guarantee signed with the working group. Countless people stayed up all night and finally stopped the demonstration Dead in the bud.

At more than four o'clock, Lin Yancai lay down on the bed of the headquarters. Before he fell asleep, he heard a knock on the door. He got up and opened the door. A beautiful woman with tearful eyes rushed in. When he saw him, she collapsed and cried: "Lin Yan, you must help me!"

Lin Yan looks at Huang Ruihan who is in a panic, and sighs in his heart. His plan is to track down Xintong directly from Duan Tingting, because the money is transferred by Wan Feixue, and it doesn't involve Huang Ruihan at all. Who knows that the plan can't keep up with the change. There is a problem in Luping bank. Although it greatly reduces the risk of his plan, Qian Yunting and Huang Ruihan are involved again coming.

See Lin Yan Zheng Zheng, Huang Ruihan simply rushed into his arms to cry.

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