After the meeting with Mayor you, before Lin Yan reached the elevator, Chen Junli suddenly appeared and took Lin Yan by the arm. However, he said to Zhao Nanyue, "Zhao Bureau, lend me Secretary Lin for a while. There is a document that needs to be sent to Meilin district for him to take back."

Zhao Nanyue waved his hand and said, "we're not the same way. You can borrow it at will."

Lin Yan is pulled to the mayor's office by Chen Junli's affectionate arms all the way. He sends him directly into Qian Yunting's room and exits quickly.

Qian Yunting, sitting in the boss's chair, did not have any negative emotions, such as embarrassment, haggard, gloom, anxiety, anger or fear. Of course, he did not want to hide the negative emotions and try his best to act up, or despise or smile. As before, he was still stable.

Lin Yan politely called: "Mayor Qian, Chen Chu said you want to see me?"

Qian Yunting didn't move his head. He nodded his chin and said, "sit down, Xiao Lin, you seem to have forgotten me. It's five days since the last appointment. I know you have special circumstances. Since you're in the city today, feel my pulse by the way."

Lin Yan was stunned because mayor Qian had been diagnosed by Mr. Lin Yu once, and then he decided that the old man was the one who had the membership card. He never looked for Lin Yan again. It was quite a surprise that he made this accident today.

However, Lin Yan obediently walked over and sat on the wooden stool outside the boss's desk for the cadres who reported their work, holding mayor Qian's wrist.

When Lin Yan felt his pulse, Qian Yunting spoke slowly: "Lin Yan, do you remember our last conversation? I said, I never promise, only promise you several times, let you encounter difficulties to come to me, but you never find.

Now I want to ask you a question. From the beginning, you knew that I would be unlucky, so you didn't want to owe me, so that you wouldn't pay me back? "

Lin Yan looked up at Qian Yunting. Even though the other side was still calm, he still saw a strong sense of frustration from Qian Yunting's eyes. For this question that should not be asked from the mayor, he thought about it seriously and then said: "Mayor Qian, if you ask me frankly, I will not hypocritical perfunctory you. Your question is half wrong That's half right

Qian Yunting said, "Oh?"

Lin Yan sincerely said: "I never thought you would be unlucky, and I even answered the questions you wanted to ask but didn't have the good intention to ask, that is, Secretary Qin never thought so! Because he doesn't want to bear the bad reputation of Party and government incompatibility. What he most hopes is that you two will work together to improve Lu Ping's achievements, and the Party committee and government will be dignified. "

Qian Yunting said, "well."

Lin Yan continued: "it's just half your fault. Half right, you're right. I don't want to owe you when I'm in trouble. "

Qian Yunting looked up at Lin Yan and asked, "why?"

Lin Yan said: "at that time, I didn't have a strong sense of belonging to the government work, and I was too naive. I felt that I could do it if I could. I didn't have to go up to you because of my work."

Qian Yunting took another look at Lin Yan, and his expression was quite wonderful. Lin Yan understood with a smile and said, "of course, I don't want to let Secretary Qin have a bad misunderstanding because of my close contact with you."

Qian Yunting nodded and said, "I guess it's the same. It's understandable. What's my pulse like? "

At this abrupt turning point, Lin Yan also replied as usual: "the pulse condition shows that your damaged renal function has all recovered, there is no problem."

Qian Yunting again God turning: "Han Han found you?"

Lin Yan calmly replied: "yes, she's a little confused."

Qian Yunting said, "I asked you."

Lin Yan nodded: "I've done it. All the records of Huang Xingchang's stock ownership in Xintong no longer exist. This time, she was slandered for lending to Xintong illegally. In fact, it's very easy to explain clearly. But she can't calm down, and she can't find the right hole to make up for, let alone the right person to help her."

Qian Yunting finally pulled back his wrist and said, "tell me about it."

Lin Yan sighs in his heart. He secretly hates that he is still too soft hearted. On the premise of using public opinion to guide the investigation, and then finding Duan Tingting, he still can't bear Huang Ruihan to become cannon fodder.

Besides, Lin Yan and Qin Shaowei all know that Qian Yunting's position as mayor will not be affected except for his bad reputation. In this case, we can give each other a little bit of advice and give each other a favor that can be used in the future.

Lin Yan said: "when president Huang made loans to Xintong, Xintong's business scope was investment guarantee Commission, that is, to act as an intermediary between the bank and the merchants who really need money, and then draw a certain share of the Commission. At that time, it was a reasonable and legal business. As long as there was enough mortgage, Xintong could make loans normally, which did not violate the bank's regulations at all .

Later, Xintong absorbed social funds and turned to high interest rates, which eventually led to the collapse. This situation has nothing to do with president Huang. Whether the depositors' money can be recovered has nothing to do with president Huang. It is easy to explain to the public security organs. "Qian Yunting looked more and more peaceful. He bent up his index finger and middle finger, gently knocked on the table, and then asked, "is there any specific explanation for the so-called" no one? "

"Financial affairs belong to mayor you!"

Qian Yunting finally said: "OK, you go back and tell the old man that I will go to see him tomorrow afternoon. If my problem is solved successfully, I will solve a big problem for you if you don't come to me, and I don't need your help."

There was no way to answer this, neither was modesty nor acceptance, so Lin Yan said with a simple smile that he would bring a message to his grandfather and walked out of the mayor's office.

Chen Junli sent him out and whispered in the corridor, "brother, I've offended you so much before. Don't worry about it. I'll make up for it when I have feelings."

Lin Yan said with a perplexed face: "Chen Chu said which language this is. You always take care of me. I don't remember you offended me."

Chen Junli understood that Lin Yan had accepted his kindness. Happily, he revealed a message to him: "do you know, director Guo has been sent to Meilin district to be the chairman of the National People's Congress."

Lin Yan was surprised and asked, "it's amazing. What did director Guo do to get distributed?"

Chen Junli curled his mouth and said: "director Guo can like Zhao Wenna's pig that doesn't chew pumpkin. He feels milk in the office. He is just seen by Lian Junjie who goes in to deliver materials. He is waiting for the lack of top director, so he yells out. If it wasn't for our boss Qian, it might be worse!"

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