Lin Yan was surprised by this pink gossip. He never thought that director Guo, who looks like a man with seven passions and six desires, was lucky. Even if it is good, you are also a boss run by the government. It's OK to find a better looking and safer one. Even if you touch Zhao Weina's milk by the nest, how can you be hungry?

Besides, Lian Junjie is the director of the government office. He always seems to be very devoted to Director Guo. Why did he stab him in the back this time?

However, in Lin Yan's view, if only because she called her female employees to the office to feel their milk, as long as it was consensual, even if she was leaked by Lian Junjie, Zhao Wenna would not admit that she was forced, and the two government leaders would usually pretend not to know. This kind of pollution of lax private life has not been able to bring down a department level cadre in recent years.

In order to cooperate with Chen Junli's enthusiasm for delivering the news, Lin Yan looks very interested in getting the news and quietly asks, "what about Zhao Wenna? Since it's a traitor, there's no reason to punish only the traitor? "

Chen Junli chuckled and said: "seeing rumors everywhere, the Discipline Inspection Commission is supposed to come forward to investigate. Mayor Qian thinks that in this way, even if he is killed with a stick, the organization department will come forward.

According to insiders, when the Organization Department came forward to inquire about the incident, director Guo of course did not admit it. He only said that he had been framed. Then the investigators went to see Zhao Wenna, and the woman could really do it. She cried and said that Guo had coercion her. If she did not touch it, she would be sent to the countryside to do precisely the poverty alleviation in the countryside. She did not want to go to the countryside to give in.

Lin Yan's suspicions were immediately explained. He said that if the parties concerned did not admit the relationship between men and women, and the upper class did not seriously investigate it, even if there were rumors, director Guo would shrink his head to avoid the limelight. When the public opinion subsided, the matter would be over.

Now it seems that the organization department is really not interested in director Guo. It's just taking this opportunity to deal with him. Zhao Wenna and Lin Yancai can all guess that it must be the investigators from the organization department who gave the bait or grasped the handle.

Otherwise, Zhao Wenna is stupid enough to understand that admitting is tantamount to being labeled as having been slept. Although she did sleep with others, it's very different if this layer of paper is not punctured. If it's not punctured, some men will think that Zhao Wenna is a section level cadre at a young age. If she marries someone who can shine on her family, no matter how shameless, they will think that since she has slept with senior leaders, maybe she can borrow it I'm going to make some profit.

However, even if those men are shameless, they can't afford to lose their face and stand up to the dazzling green hat. It's hard for Zhao Wenna to find a partner in the future. How can she admit that she was coerced by director Guo?

The spirit of Sinology, in the Qingming period and in the perfection period, advocates that it is difficult to be confused, that is, to see through the doctrine of the mean. Zhao Wenna admits that even the doctrine of the mean can not be achieved.

Chen Junli saw a strong irony from Lin Yan's face. He knew that he had a grudge against director Guo and Zhao Wenna, and said with a ghostly smile: "this time, the decision of the organization department is very interesting. Not only director Guo was demoted, but Zhao Wenna also failed to stay. The organization Department has arranged for her to be deputy secretary of the Youth League Committee of Meilin district. Don't you think it's a hindrance to Director Guo "Ha."

This, Lin Yan also widened his eyes, for a long time Fang said with a smile: "this acquaintance minister, is really a wonderful person!"

It's clear that Guo Quanhai was demoted because he didn't agree with Zhao Wenna, and he even sent a pair of mad men and women to the same district during the match. Director Guo's accusation was that Zhao Wenna sat down and hated him because of his love, or he didn't get involved with love at all. He was used to eating big fish and meat, and ate a bowl of wild vegetable paste to spread noodles, but he was cleared up according to the accusation of eating the whole banquet of Manchu and Han people It can be imagined that seeing that bowl of wild vegetable noodles wandering in front of him every day, he reminds him all the time that thanks to his mother, how can he treat Zhao Wenna? Just think about it and feel lively!

Lin Yan felt vaguely that Minister Wu Xiangzhi had something to do with this, but he didn't mention it at all. It's good to keep this friendship in mind.

However, Lin Yan thought that he would have to work in Meilin district with these two goods in the future, and those who bowed their heads and didn't see and looked up would be enough to deal with people. But on second thought, he had changed his guns and became the director of the Discipline Inspection Commission, and Lao Guo's black history was there. Did he dare to show his power again?

As for Zhao Wenna, if she dares to make up her mind with the fat game, Lin Yan's character is not so kind now. The video recorded in CITIC is still there. If she doesn't die, it's better to let her die.

Of course, the misfortune of Guo Quanhai and Zhao Wenna makes Lin Yan feel refreshed, but now he is so happy about it that he forgets the business, and he still looks down on him.

Huang Ruihan is now being bitten by someone who doesn't know. Although Qian Yunting has started to press those endless posts and set keywords to block them through the online supervision department, this kind of lacy news, which involves brother-in-law and sister-in-law, as well as the mayor and the president of the bank, can attract the most Click through rate and reprint rate. In the later stage, President Li Wuliang doesn't need to operate it by himself Now, those people who eat online food are staring at this topic full of gimmicks. They consciously and spontaneously reprint it. They block the keywords and then sell dog meat. Anyway, this mess is enough for brother-in-law and brother-in-law to have a headache for a while.It is this confusion that will allow those who have really swallowed the benefits of Xintong to clean up the evidence. Therefore, to use Duan Tingting as a bait is very likely to deceive the crafty and cautious Zuo. Today is the best time to go to Nanping.

On this point, just at the meeting with Mayor you Xuan, Lin Yan had already bitten an ear with Zhao Nanyue and made sure.

When Zhao Junli walks out of the government building, he hears the horn ring in the parking lot.

When Lin Yan got into the car, Zhao Nanyue joked: "the cloud on Lao Qian's head is too thick. I'm afraid that Bolei will not be able to rob him. Can't I give you an olive branch? You're the one who loves women the most. Don't be soft hearted for Lao Qian's beautiful sister-in-law? "

Zhao Nanyue said that. We can be sure that Qin Shaowei trusted the director of public security and told him some plans.

This tease Lin Yan did not smile, full of sad self mockery: "I have no heart to be soft, just that one, has gone with Xiaowei."

Zhao Nanyue was stunned. He remembered that Lin Yan almost didn't survive after Ling Wei's accident. He didn't dare to joke any more. He quickly changed the topic: "boss Qin said that you have something that can make Duan Tingting speak. Do you need to go back and get it first? Or is it just a traitor, not a showdown this time? "

Author: yesterday, Wuliangshan power failure can not be updated, just call Oh!

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