Lin Yan thinks that Zhao Nanyue is well prepared to take the evidence and let him drive to rent his house first. The location is not good. It's far from his home in the new urban area. It's still the two-way impermeable pattern built in a long time. However, Lin Yan has communicated with the owner and is ready to buy this place. The reason is self-evident. This is his small home with Ling Wei!

Although it's shabby and cramped, it's full of sweet memories. If Lin Yan is wise, he shouldn't buy it at all, because in it, the playback of those pictures of love and affection with Ling Wei will be clearer and more intuitive, which is not conducive for him to forget his pain and pursue new happiness.

However, Lin Yan didn't want to forget it at all, and even put out his new pursuit of love. In his obsession, Ling Wei didn't die. Maybe God has pity on him. One day, Ling Wei will come back!

Lin Yan feels sorrowfully that even if Ling Weizhen is dead, this is the place where the two people become one. When Xiao Wei's soul comes back, it will have a home.

Lin Yan put all the evidence that he got through all kinds of aboveboard or nothing. He felt that no one would notice this rental house that he had abandoned for a long time.

Taking the evidence, Lin Yan and Zhao Nanyue went to implement the plan of fishing for jin'ao.

That day, Lin Yan went to Duan Tingting and left Duan Tingting, who was charming and invincible. It was a devastating blow to Duan Tingting's confidence in her own charm.

After crying and talking with Wu Yutao, the former amiable elder sister has no patience to treat her kindly. She is very impolite to say that she has nothing to look at in the mirror, and whether she has the capital to really turn all living beings upside down.

Even if she was beautiful, she was only fascinated by a king of Wu and a Fan Li. How could King Gou Jian give her as a gift? Lin Yan doesn't sleep with her, which is enough to show that his cultivation is not enough. If he has time to make trouble, he might as well go to Uncle Wu to learn more skills.

Humiliation is sometimes the driving force. Duan Tingting is diligent and studious these days. In order to learn the effect of enchanting all men, she has absolutely achieved shameless, shameless and never give up the "three no" principle. She lies on the bed naked every day and is tossed over by Wu Shan like a fish. Wu Shan is loved by Duan Tingting Moved by his studious and tenacious attitude, he came up with the idea of closing the door.

The attitude of master to teach his disciples is absolutely different from that of technician to teach his staff. Wu Shan drank Duan Tingting's disciple tea very ceremoniously, and then he really taught Duan Tingting's eighteen skills of cutting men, which he had studied all his life.

Duan Tingting is very beautiful and has a great figure. Because she has learned dance since childhood, she is flexible enough. She is really a good embryo to build a demon of disaster country. Although she has had a child, she has been reduced to a new level, but after Wushan's perseverance, it is ultrasonic knife and hot Maggie's afterlife rescue, which makes her tight and slippery again.

In addition, Wu Shan also taught her a secret skill of freely retracting and releasing, which can make men feel relaxed and tight, cold and hot, and enjoy beyond the natural law.

In the past, Duan Tingting boasted that she was incomparable in all her coquettishness. In fact, she was self-taught. At most, she watched from the screen of teacher Cang, one of the AV sisters in the island country. It's just like now Er, no, the strange gestures and seductive moves that I haven't seen before have been refreshed again and again. Even if the contraction frequency of the inner wall of the secret passage to a man's organs can reach the wave like one after another, it's the teacher who reaches in and feels them again and again with his fingers.

According to Wu Shan, a man's most comfortable state should be the moment before the eruption. If he sprays, he will stop fighting. If a woman can make a man at the moment when he wants to spray but not spray to the maximum extent, it will be a small success.

Of course, it's not easy to achieve this effect. It's necessary to test women's overall control of the rhythm of this love. It's also necessary to test women's ability to retract and release freely, so that men can be at the top, and quickly relax to ease him. When his wave is over, it's hard to be loved again!

Duan Tingting, like a firewood girl, has entered the Jinluan palace. On the road of Fengyue, she has gained insight. She forgets to eat and sleep. Wu Shan's ugly face is more and more pleasing to her eyes.

After three days of study, Duan Tingting's skills have reached the effect of turning a chicken into a fox demon. On this day, as usual, she was taught by her master with her hands and mouth, and her whole body was floating. Just after returning to her residence, she took a bath and lay on the couch. She habitually practiced raising her anal contractions, and the telephone rang in the room.

After Duan Tingting came in, she turned off her mobile phone. Only a few people knew the room number. When it rang, most of them asked the waiter whether the meal was delivered to the room or she went to the restaurant to order by herself. Then she casually connected up and said, "give me a carp baked noodles, a cage of shrimp dumplings and a bowl of three fresh mixed soup."

The other side was also interesting. After listening patiently, a strange man's voice rang out: "Ms. Duan Tingting, I'm Zhao Nanyue, director of Luping Public Security Bureau. I have something to cooperate with you. If you cooperate well, I can treat you to the meals you just ordered."

"Ah?" Duan Tingting was so scared that her whole body was kneaded and her soft muscles suddenly hardened. She suddenly sat up and said, "Luping Public Security Bureau? What's the matter with me? I've never been to lupin! "Zhao Nanyue is quite different from Li Guanlin, who is upright and honest. Although they are both jealous of evil and strict in discipline, he likes PI liyangqiu and is also solemn and humorous. He teases Duan Tingting: "I believe Ms. Duan has never been to Luping, but does Ms. Duan dare to say that she hasn't spent Luping's money?"

Duan Tingting is chilly. Of course, she has spent Luping's money. Her personal account receives huge assets from different regions every three or five times. The largest sum is 120 million yuan, which is transferred from Luping bank.

"I don't know what you're talking about, and I don't believe you're the director of public security. I'm a legal citizen protected by law. If you call again, I'll call the police!" Duan Tingting tries her best to control her teeth and doesn't fight. Then she hangs up and pulls out the phone line.

Staring at the landline for two minutes, Duan Tingting realized that the other party could put the phone into the landline, and her location was obviously accurate. She pulled out the phone and had to run away!

Duan Tingting is also very smart. She runs out of the room, and in the yard, she happens to see a beautiful young man in a translucent silk Chinese style work suit. She looks like a young man in ancient times Well, duck.

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