It's not Lin Tianlu's intention to let Lin Yan out of the horse. According to Lin Tianlu's original intention, Lin Yan really worked hard a few days ago. He asked for leave yesterday and said clearly that it was the death of an elder who was very close to his hometown. He didn't want to let him suffer. He handed the matter over to Pang Tianwei, the director of the case room, and took his hand to investigate.

However, Huang District, who was blocked at the gate of the district and was covered with big character papers, was so angry that it was easy to get out of trouble. When he entered the building, he ran to Lin Tianlu to call the roll in person and let Lin Yan take charge of the investigation!

Why Lin Yan? The head of Huang district thinks that Lin Yan can even solve such a big problem as Xintong, so he can rest assured that this case will be handed over to him!

Nima, your bureau of education connived at the director's wife of the Central Education Department to open a tutoring class. She also took the opportunity to abuse her little daughter. After the accident, they all hid in leisure Both husband and wife have been detained and examined by the Public Security Bureau But let me replace you and deal with the humiliation of those parents who are stimulated to lose their sense. This coward must be responsible!

Let Lin Yan to check, find out who is dereliction of duty, connive at unhealthy tendencies, who come out on their own against thunder!

That's what the Yellow district chief thinks.

Secretary Lin Tianlu's request for the head of Huangqu district is either yes or no. after all, it belongs to the internal affairs of the Commission for Discipline Inspection. It's the same as long as you find out who you want to send. With his taciturn but tough personality, it's not difficult to refuse the opinion of the head of Huangqu District, which is obviously impulsive.

However, when Lin Tianlu thought about it, it was not difficult to deal with it. The animal Public Security Bureau had arrested the underage girl and decided to kill or cut the law. The rest was the public indignation at the teachers' illegal handling of tutorial classes. In fact, it was not difficult to find out. The difficulty was that there were several key points involved too much. Pang Tianwei really couldn't get rid of them.

Although Lin Yan entered the business late and had little experience, he was flexible and decisive. He fell down several times and got up again. It has proved that this man has a deep background. Only when he comes forward, can he deal with this matter in the shortest time and calm the public opinion.

In this way, Lin Yan was called back, the Yellow district chief's instructions were implemented, and he left with satisfaction.

When Lin Yan came back to his work unit, he was red with anger when he heard secretary Lin Tianlu talk about the cause and effect of this incident. What kind of animal are these? If a little girl attends a tutorial class at your home, you will be ruined. Don't you have any children yourself? How can I do it!

Lin Yan took the case without saying a word. The case room was originally in Lin Yan's charge. He went back to ask Pang Tianwei to discuss and divide the responsibility for the case. The man who was inferior to the beast abused the girl, and the case was handled by the Public Security Bureau. They didn't need to contact the girl. They just violated the regulations from so many teachers in the school Is it dereliction of duty for the Education Bureau and school leaders to run tutorial classes, or is it the protection of interest cooperation.

Pang Tianwei means to call Zuo Xiaoqing, the director of education, directly to hear how the education bureau is responsible for this matter, and then go down to check whether there is any difference between the two.

But Lin Yan shakes his head and refuses to give up the idea. He thinks it's not good to contact the leaders of the Education Bureau too early. He'd better go around first and have a number in his heart. Pang Tianwei agrees to accompany his new boss as a guide.

The Education Bureau of Meilin district is not far away from the district government, and it's even more wrong with the fourth middle school. After two people arrived, Lin Yan didn't enter two units. After looking at the gate, he said, "go to their family home."

Pang Tianwei asked in surprise: "whose family home?"

Lin Yan said lightly: "of course, it's the family home of the teachers in NO.4 middle school."

Pang Tianwei can't understand it. When Secretary Zheng Chonghai was in charge of the case room, when he came across such cases, he told them to investigate by themselves. However, secretary Lin is very good, and he can do it by himself. You want to kick the head and we'll cooperate. However, when you go to investigate whether the Education Bureau has violated the law and discipline, go to see the family members of other people's families and make a mess?

However, although Lin Yan's eyes were still indifferent, his eyes seemed to be black. Pang Tianwei decided that he would not ask, so he just led the way.

The staff's family building of No.4 Middle School is also on this street, which is completely in the same residential compound with the family building of the Education Bureau. After walking in, Pang Tianwei just said, "all the staff's family buildings on the right are from No.4 Middle School..." But found that his new boss did not seem to hear the same, quickly to a trash can.

Pang Tianwei shut his mouth and chased after him. He said that secretary Lin was full of spirit and even governor Zuo dared to investigate. He thought it would be better to follow him than Secretary fan. But this painting style is a little strange. He was an old hand and didn't even ask. He found the garbage can in the investigation. Can we find the evidence of the complicity between the Education Bureau and the teachers?

Lin Yan didn't come here to pretend that he was good at investigating cases, but he had his own way.

In the old residential area where Lin Yan rented a small house, there was a afternoon nursery class run by the teachers of the primary school opposite him. He thought that the teachers in charge of the class were not stupid, and the leaders of the Education Bureau were not stupid. Since the incident in the morning, there has been a lot of uproar. Who didn't know that they would be investigated. The evidence that should be removed has already begun to be removed. It must be a great grievance to call the leaders of the Education Bureau, The tutorial class in this class must also be the only oversight.Because NO.4 middle school is very close to the family home, the girl can be defiled by the teacher's family. The tutoring class must be opened at the head teacher's home, otherwise it is impossible for the beast to come into contact with it. If the guess is confirmed, the head teacher will not be the only one who chooses the tutoring class in the family home.

To Lin Yan's surprise, the family home of the Education Bureau and the family home of the staff of No.4 Middle School are actually in the same community. If those tutorial classes are really open here, there will be many students going in and out after school. Can't the staff of the Education Bureau see them?

Not surprisingly, Lin Yan's idea has been verified!

walked into the District, and could see that there were some signs of the newly demolished billboards upstairs. Lin Yan saw a garbage bin lying on the ground and dropped half a bubble advertisement version. These fragmentary words, just hurried to pick up, and then look up.

When Pang Tianwei saw the half board, he finally understood Lin Yan's meaning and said, "they're fast enough, so they've taken it down!"

Lin Yan said with a smile: "director Pang, I'm a novice. I have to rely on your guidance. What should we do next?"

Pang Tianwei's face turned red.

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