Pang Tianwei is really embarrassed. It's not that he's perfunctory, but that he's used to the work of the Commission for Discipline Inspection. His way of investigating cases and his mode of thinking have a fixed routine. Unlike the public security, the Commission for Discipline Inspection investigates cases mostly for cadres, and has its own set of qualitative and interview modes. If it is necessary to conduct on-the-spot investigation, it often cooperates with the public security organs to set up a peripheral investigation team.

Lin Yan is a new person in the discipline inspection work, and he has just gone through the case of communication and communication, which is very difficult to achieve. When investigating, he is used to starting from the details, finding the source first and then looking back. It's just the opposite of Pang Tianwei's habit of direct interview from the Education Bureau, but obviously, the effect is better.

Therefore, after hearing Lin Yan's ridicule, Pang Tianwei blushed and said, "secretary Lin, I know I didn't fulfill my duty as a guide for you today. Just criticize me. Don't say that."

Lin Yan then said with a smile: "no, I asked you to teach me how to do the next step, not ridicule. Now you should understand why I asked you to bring me to the family home. I really don't know what to do next. "

Pang Tianwei took a look at the broken billboards full of garbage cans and said angrily, "it seems that the parents of the students have not wronged them. They live in the same yard. People who don't believe in the education bureau can't see the tutorial classes here. Now, can we go to the Education Bureau?"

Lin Yan said: "it's no use just relying on these estimates. Let's go to the Education Bureau. "

At this moment, a pleasant voice rang out: "eh, director Pang, why are you here? Is this secretary Lin? "

Lin Yan turned around, only to feel that in front of a bright, a very beautiful woman smiling Yingying stood not far away, late autumn Xiao Sha was a little warm by her.

Pang Tianwei's voice was soft and he said with a smile: "it's really evil on the ground. Who can say that! Secretary Lin, this is director Zuo Xiaoqing of the Education Bureau. "

Lin Yan has been officially transferred to Meilin district for half a year, but he has more time in Xintong. There are thousands of people in Meilin District, and he doesn't know them all. However, he seems to have heard Wu Jun mention that there are two of Luping's top ten beauties in Meilin district. One is Wu Jun himself, and the other is Zuo Xiaoqing.

It's very cold in October of the lunar calendar, but Zuo Xiaoqing is wearing a green knitted dress with a small white coat. Her features are distinct, as if she is a bit of the blood of the frontier people. Her figure is protruding forward and backward, and her skin color is not white. It's like adding coffee to milk. It's full of honey. Her cheeks are two dimples deep, and she laughs Come on, it looks great.

Zuo Xiaoqing said: "you, director Pang, are always sarcastic. How can I be regarded as a great beauty! No, let secretary Lin laugh. "

Lin Yan said: "the great beauty is worthy of the name."

Zuo Xiaoqing's smile is sweeter, and the two dimples are deeper and deeper. He covers his mouth and says, "thank you, secretary Lin for your praise. Let's go and have a cup of tea in my office."

Pang Tianwei said, "we are going to the Education Bureau to look for you. I saw you."

Lin Yan said: "left bureau also live in this community?"

Zuo Xiaoqing is a woman with a lot of heart and mind. She just saw Lin Yan's and Pang Tianwei's advertisement from a distance, and she felt "clattering" in her heart. This time she made such a big noise, no matter whether she participated or not, she can't be blamed. How can she answer it rashly.

Hearing Lin Yan's seemingly casual question, Zuo Xiaoqing understood that it was not casual and said, "I don't live here, but my mother is a retired teacher in NO.4 middle school. I came here to return to my mother's home."

Lin Yan's meaning was not clear. "Oh," Zuo Xiaoqing said, "well, my daughter is not filial, but I haven't been to this hospital for a long time! My parents have always lived with my brother and sister-in-law in the new urban area. These days, the new urban area is colder than the old one. They just came back to live here today and asked me to help clean up. I didn't have time until I got off work. "

Pang Tianwei felt that Zuo Xiaoqing's explanation was a little over the top, and immediately said: "Zuo Bureau, even if you don't live in this hospital, it's the wrong door with your unit. When you come here, you don't see many tutorial classes here?"

Zuo Xiaoqing's smiling face suddenly turned into a bitter one, but it was still beautiful and moving. He said with a bit of coquetry: "secretary Lin, director Pang, first of all, I have to review. I'm a bit bureaucratic, this Although it's not far from the unit, I'm driving all the time, but I really didn't pay attention to the tutoring class. The consequences of this mistake are too serious. I'll... "

Lin Yan raised his hand to stop Zuo Xiaoqing's "review" and said: "it's better not to say it in this yard. It's going to be off work immediately. Director Zuo should go home to help the elderly clean up. We're going home, too."

Pang Tianwei was surprised again. Didn't he just go to the education bureau? Why did you change your mind after meeting Zhengzhu?

Zuo Xiaoqing also took a quick look at Pang Tianwei. After seeing the surprise in his eyes, he quietly relaxed and said, "secretary Lin, I heard that you are really tired after you have just dealt with the matter of communication, so it won't take up your off-duty time. Tomorrow morning, I will go to your office to make a special review, OK?"

Lin Yan agreed: "good."Zuo Xiaoqing takes Lin Yan and Pang Tianwei to the gate of the residential area, and then sweetly says, "Bai Bai", wriggling her slender waist and walking in. Of course, Lin Yan and Pang Tianwei can't see them. Her beautiful eyes in her deep eyes show a trace of contempt and irony.

Pang Tianwei was confused by Lin Yan's action. After walking away, he asked: "secretary Lin, do we really get off work?"

Lin Yan said: "don't worry, I'm not pretending to be a ghost. The impact of this incident is really bad, and we do have a lot of pressure. But what we can do today is just like this. The people who should be destroyed are already ecstatic. Even if they stay up all night, there will be no miracle. It's better to go home from work and check again tomorrow."

Pang Tianwei said with a smile: "Hey, I really thought you had a brilliant plan. I'm not afraid to say that."

As soon as Lin Yan smiles, they break up and he goes home.

Before I got home, I received a call from Lin Yitang receptionist Xiao Fei, saying that a new member was not feeling well at the moment. I called Lin Yan to show her and asked if he could make it in half an hour?

Lin Yan immediately got home. Of course, he agreed. He went to the funeral yesterday and came back to work today. Seeing that he had plenty of time, he went home to change his clothes and went to Lin Yitang.

Entering the door, Xiaofei came up and said, "members are already waiting in your consulting room. Go up quickly."

Lin Yan pushed open the door of his clinic and saw a pair of familiar dimples and a familiar beautiful face --- Zuo Xiaoqing's face.

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