In the eyes of the Lin family, fei'er, who is pregnant with the flesh and blood of the Lin family, is the great benefactor of the Lin family. How can she leave the Lin family after giving birth to a baby?

Lin Yu said directly: "don't worry, Feier. Although Xiaoyan has been suffering for Xiaowei this time, his grandfather can see that he is also thinking about you very much. Otherwise, he was restless a few days ago and won't be able to eat and drink. He took you back, so don't be afraid. You two will be happy at that time."

He Feng said tearfully: "yes, Fei Er, I know my son is not my mother. When Xiao Yan told me about you in the morning, he said that you are the daughter-in-law he told our family before. His affection for you has been suppressed by himself for the time being. In fact, we can all see it. I'll hurt you for a while and wait for him to turn the corner."

Li Lixin chose to support his daughter's decision.

This is also a very helpless decision, because his daughter is a muscle, Li Lixin also can't pull over, not to mention the rupture with Lin Yan is caused by his wrong judgment, now can have such a result, it is God's secret to Fei Er.

On the issue of who the child is, Li Lixin and Li Feier have a surprisingly consistent concept, that is, an embryo of more than 40 days can not be called a "baby". Only when Feier's flesh and blood condenses * * months later, the one born from her body who can cry and laugh is called a "child". This child is Feier's!

So, everyone reached a consensus, temporarily hiding the truth from Lin Yan, and then confessing after having a baby.

The centenary family of master Lin Yu was scattered overnight in the disaster. He was the only one who was exiled to Weihai alone. At least he had a medical skill. He was taken in by his wife's family and had a son. In Lin Yan's generation, there was only one male grandson. A while ago, Lin Yan vowed that he would not marry for Ling Wei's sake. If the family didn't talk about it, it would be hard for anyone in his heart to break the ancestral hall Ah!

The current situation for the Lin family, Fei Er's stomach that is a phoenix egg ah! How could he not care for her? This is the source of Lin Yan's strange feeling.

When Li Lixin heard Lin Yan say that his daughter-in-law was induced by nerves, he couldn't laugh or cry. He felt that his son-in-law's brain was really open. He coughed twice and said, "Lin Yan, you brought Zuo Tianming down. You should know that his mistress Duan Tingting is in the foreign language school in Nanzhou. Did I buy it for Fei Er?"

Lin Yan didn't understand why he was talking about Fei Er's fetus, but he still nodded.

Li Lixin said: "when fei'er came back to handle the transfer procedures of that industry, I still advised her to stay at Beijing airport when she returned abroad. Do you know what he said?

She said, "I can't be with you in my life. I'd rather be alone until I get old. When she gets older and feels lonely, I'll ask a man for a baby and accompany her for a lifetime."

Lin Yan looks at Li Lixin in shock. Of course, he knows the character of Fei Er. Since she says so, she really plans to waste her life for herself!

Li Lixin said: "so, this time, Feier was abducted by a wrong fate and became a surrogate for a dying woman. At that time, the embryo was only 45 days old when it was transplanted. Feier watched her child grow up in her body one day. For her, the child was given to her by heaven. How could she not really like it and give birth to it?"

Lin Yan has been silly!

Li Lixin patted his hand and said: "so, don't use your thinking to estimate Fei Er's mood. She is not hallucinated or induced, but the child's is really what she wants and loves!"

Lin Yan is full of sorrow. For the sake of Fei Er's true feelings for him, he still thinks that this is destroying Fei Er's right to pursue love. But he also knows that he is not qualified to decide anything for Fei Er, so he can only bow his head.

Li Lixin said: "do you see the attitude of your family? Do you think your old man is a little silly and a little guilty of being so keen on other people's children that Phil is pregnant with

"Ah?" Lin Yan stares at me and shakes his head: "no, no, how can I think so?"

Li Lixin said meaningfully: "there is no unexplained love or hatred in this world. Your family members are very rare and kind-hearted people. They are also people who have experienced a lot of hardships. Sometimes their thoughts are more complicated. Maybe..."

Lin Yan asked in surprise: "how?"

Li Lixin said apologetically: "maybe your family thinks that you just swore that you would never marry again in this life, but you make Feier pregnant by mistake, and your face can't get down. So they made up such a wonderful story to listen to. I'm afraid your mother asked Feier so much.

For fear of being chased by foreign countries to ask for a child, fei'er mistakenly recognizes the old man's conjecture and uses your normal family environment to cover up the origin of the child.

This is certainly the safest way, but it is extremely unfair to you. After all, as an unmarried youth, you are carrying a pregnant woman who has nothing to do with you

Lin Yan, don't worry. If you don't think it's appropriate, I'll explain everything to your family immediately and take fei'er away from you. "This time, Lin Yan had nothing to say. How could he have the heart to tear down fei'er, make the family sad, make fei'er miserable, and make Li Lixin cold hearted?

Lin Yan said: "Uncle Li, although I still don't agree with Fei Er's rash decision at this moment, after all, the responsibility of raising a child is too big. You must have a deep understanding of this. Fei Er is too young and takes everything too idealistic

However, this is her own decision after all. With her personality, she really can't persuade her to come back. In this case, it's wrong.

It's not that Uncle Li doesn't know me. At the beginning, Wu Jun, who had nothing to do with me, because of her classmates' love and kindness, I was able to bear the reputation of being unmarried and dishonest and get married with her. What's more, fei'er and I had Well, in a word, as long as she can give birth safely, my reputation doesn't matter. "

Li Lixin's heart was full of teasing, but he said: "in this case, I will thank you for your tolerance for Fei Er and future grandson."

In this way, when Lin Yan pushed Li Lixin back to the house, he thought he understood everything and acquiesced to everyone's "misunderstanding", while others kept the little secret that only Lin Yan didn't know, and cheered.

This kind of strange Lin Yan thought that "we don't know, we need him to cooperate with Fei Er to act to make the old man happy", and other people in the Lin family thought that "we know, Lin Yan doesn't know, so we need everyone to cooperate with Fei Er to make Lin Yan feel at ease", and kept until Fei Er happily raised the baby to labor.

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