What Lin Yan didn't expect is that the integration of fei'er and his family can be regarded as a seamless connection without obstacles. At first, fei'er was very careful and hid in the top floor of Lin Yi hall.

After Li Lixin removed the water supply line and recovered as before, and had to leave Lu Ping because of business problems, Fei Er was brought back to the forest Peninsula home by her grandfather and parents. The reason is that the clinic is not as safe as home because of its many people and miscellaneous eyes.

Well, Lin Yan admits that this reason is really bad, because just three days after he moved home, he saw his mother holding her proud, big bellied Fei Er, walking in the sun in the neighborhood, and telling everyone who said hello to him that this was her daughter-in-law.


Lin Yan is sure and sure that he does not care about reputation, but mom, are you so black your son really good?

These are nothing, after all, a man spit a nail, agreed to help cover up must say.

However, one weekend, when she came home for the weekend, Lin Yan took part in a work party, but he came back with six or seven points of wine at 10:00 p.m. and felt in his room. He habitually took off all his clothes and took a shower. After cleaning, he didn't bother to put on his clothes. In that way, he touched the bed naked and fell asleep.

Wake up the next day on the silly eyes, open eyes to see a slap face in front of their own eyes, that familiar big eyes long eyelashes blink ah blink, not Li Fei Er is which!

Before Lin Yan knew what it was, when it was, whether it was a dream or a wake-up, fei'er burst out laughing and said, "you are a man. Look at your strange appearance, ha ha ha!"

Follow Fei Er's eyes to look down, Lin Yan instantly Sparta - NIMA is not a thread all over, plus the second younger brother is restless in the morning!

He fell out of bed, fell a dog and chewed the floor. He quickly got up and ran into the bathroom. He put on his bathrobe and came out. He looked up, down, left and right carefully. This is his bedroom. It's not drunk and went into the sleeping room next door? Why does Phil sleep in his bed?

Lin Yan stammered: "Fei Er, you Why are you in my room? "

After Li fei'er finished laughing, she said calmly: "your sister is back, and your mother will let me sleep in this room!"

Lin Yan extremely its corrupt said: "my mother is really mischievous, this arrangement is not to destroy your reputation, I go to her!"

"You stop!" cried Li fei'er

Lin Yan stopped. Fei Er's eyes were full of water mist. She choked: "sorry, brother Yan. Maybe my aunt misunderstood me and thought I was pregnant with your child. So she always treated me as a daughter-in-law. If you clarify now, I can't stay in your family Otherwise, why don't you wait until my father comes back? "

Lin Yan looked at the big tears falling down, where there is temper, quickly went to the bedside to sit down, pulled a paper towel to pass, and said in a low voice: "don't cry, don't cry, bad mood affects embryonic development, it's my thoughtlessness, my mother they misunderstood, let them misunderstand it, Uncle Li has serious business to do, don't affect him, it's a big deal for me Just live outside. "

Li fei'er cried even more: "you live outside, what's the difference with you? Because I forced you out, your family can't guess that I'm a liar

Lin Yan black line asked: "then you say how to do?"

Li fei'er cried and said, "since you don't care that your family misunderstood our relationship, we should live in the same room! I'm pregnant. What else can I do for you? Are you in such a hurry to get rid of it?

Even if your sister doesn't come back, it's very strange that we live in one room. Now that we both live together, you still have to move out. What's more, there is no silver here? What's more, I haven't seen you naked. What can I avoid? "

Lin Yan was upset and distressed by Li fei'er's crying. He said irritably, "OK, just live together. Don't cry!"

Li fei'er slowly stopped crying, but he thought, I can't deal with you!

In fact, Li fei'er's doing this is not to tempt Lin Yan or anything, because she understands that the baby in her belly is Lin Yan's. two people may have such a baby in their lifetime. She doesn't want Lin Yan to miss the baby's growth period in her mother's womb. When he knows the truth, it may be a regret that can't be made up for in his whole life, so she wants to share every step of her baby with Lin Yan Paragraph.

In this way, Lin Yan began to live together with Li fei'er, which was very awkward at the beginning, but fei'er kept a distance with him cleverly, and always took the correct attitude of pregnant women consulting doctors, asking if his fetal movement was normal? Or let him help to listen to fetal heart sound, or it is midnight suddenly exclaimed: "Lin Yan, you quickly feel, he kicked me, is this his pain?"

Lin Yan quickly touched his hand. After feeling the emotional expression of the fetus, he might feel a sense of blood. He would be moved and smile to comfort Fei Er: "the child is so small, and he can't speak in the amniotic fluid. To express happiness is to use his hands and feet. Now kicking you is to tell you that he is very happy."Fei'er puts her hand on Lin Yan's hand, feels the fetal movement with him, and discusses whether it's the legs or the arms. Lin Yan looks at her happy eyes, and often shows off the professionalism of the doctor. After touching carefully, they judge whether it's the small fist or the small foot or the small knee, and they will laugh happily for a long time. It's more and more like the couple are looking forward to the birth of their child .

At the end of the lunar calendar, the provincial discipline inspection system carried out a professional training, requiring County Level Discipline Inspection Commission to send more than Party members to participate. Lin Tianlu also assigned Lin Yan, three days at Wenquan palace in Fengquan county.

Mentioning the hot spring palace, Lin Yan thought of Fang Tianao who had been chatting with him for a long time that night. He couldn't help laughing. The elder brother looked like a magic wand, but he was a low-key local tyrant. He was really a wonderful flower.

The most ridiculous thing is that he was really fooled by Fang Tianao at that time, and doubted the stillbirth of Xiaowei. That master was also funny. Later, he called specifically to say that he had found a higher level "master" to help him infer whether Xiaowei was dead or not, and even whether he had a baby. He pushed several times before he stopped pestering.

Miss him Lin Yan, his wife is gone, where are the children from

Wait, kid?

Lin Yan "clatters" in his head. Fei Er now lives in his house in the name of his daughter-in-law, and she does have a baby in her stomach. If Fang Tianao's baby means this, is there really something mysterious about metaphysics?

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