
When Zeus faced Solomon, he was completely changed. He was gentle, shy and timid. He put his posture very low, just like a younger generation who had been looking forward to it for a long time and finally met his most adored elder. He was full of admiration.

"Dear crown, I'm very, very sorry. It's easy for you to come to the island, but I have a little accident here. I'm afraid you can't have a good time this time. I have to ask you to understand my incompetence and leave here ahead of time."

Solomon said calmly, "why, I haven't caught my mark yet?"

Zeus twisted his fingers, drooped his eyelids, covered up his rebellious eyes, and said in a low voice: "you're right, you haven't caught it yet. No wonder they say that the Oriental is very strange and magical. It's just a prey. It can escape from heavy imprisonment. It's as if it can escape from the sky. Just now, even my armory has been blown up, and its destructive power is almost amazing People are afraid.

You are so noble that you must not take any risk. So, please leave first. When the hidden danger is cleared, I will double the compensation and make you have a good time.

If you prefer Oriental people, I promise you that you will bring all the people who are related to this Oriental prey, including his women and babies in their swaddling clothes, for your amusement! "

Zeus kept drooping his eyelids to hide his dissatisfaction with Solomon, so he didn't find that after he mentioned "baby in swaddling clothes", Solomon's eyes flashed with strong murderous spirit. Lin Yan's son was his grandson!

Solomon can not care about Lin Yan, but absolutely do not allow anyone to hurt angel's own flesh and blood!

Zeus didn't hear Solomon's reply for a long time. He mistakenly thought that he didn't believe the promise. He stressed again: "under the crown of honor, please believe me. After the hidden danger on the island is cleared, I will personally take people to distant China to take this Oriental boy's parents, wife, son and daughter All the people who are related to him come here, you can open up to play

Solomon's heart is full of murders. He is indeed a dark emperor who takes advantage of the deviant. But his trades are all limited. For example, arms and other trades have supply and demand. With such a big world and so many regimes, there will be fights for interests. He can be cold blooded, but just to satisfy some people's abnormal hobbies, he tramples on people's lives For this reason, he is extremely contemptuous.

However, Solomon also knew that many of the prey that could be brought to this island were deceived by their interests and greedy for certain things. For him, everyone had their own choice, and of course they had to pay the corresponding price for their own choice. They were willing to be innocent, but they were willing to suffer for themselves. Therefore, it had nothing to do with him, and he didn't care.

But now, Zeus has touched the scale of Solomon.

Angel is the inverse scale of Zeus, but cute is angel's inverse scale.

Solomon was sure and convinced of this.

Although her daughter has no memory at this stage and lacks the wisdom in line with her age, it does not mean that she will never recover. Once she thinks of the past, the child will never get around.

Zeus, damn it! ***

After making the verdict on Zeus, Solomon said with a calm look: "yes, I will believe your promise, leave first, and wait for your news. Don't let me down."

Zeus was greatly relieved, and finally raised his eyelids. Looking at Solomon, he said shyly, "thank you for your magnanimity. However, I have another request. No, it's not a request. Strictly speaking, you can understand it as a transaction. I hope you can agree to it. "

Solomon said, "tell me about it."

Zeus said: "the prey is very cunning. He not only escaped, but also destroyed all the time. In addition to blowing up my armory, he also destroyed almost all the boats and planes, causing all the guests on the island to stay.

If I mobilize boats or planes from outside, the prey will definitely get in and leave here. Once he escapes, the island can't be kept secret, so we must take advantage of this opportunity to take him down.

Fortunately, I have a secret warehouse and a helicopter hidden in it, which can take you away, but other guests can't leave for the time being. I hope you can keep it secret and leave quietly at night, so as not to cause riots among the guests. "

Listening to Zeus's insincere remarks, Solomon didn't try to crack them down. He sarcastically said, "you are useless. One prey will make a mess of your island. Although I seldom go out, the guests I meet are not ordinary people. It's said that there are two dead. It's like playing with fire. I can promise you to keep quiet and deal with the aftermath yourself."

Zeus was full of vicious madness in his heart, but his face was still sincere and honest. He nodded his head and said, "I know it's not good to deal with the aftermath this time, but I will try my best to eliminate the anger of the guests. As long as you keep quiet, I can give you the Queshi deposit in extreme Northern Iceland, OK?"Solomon's eyes flashed, staring at Zeus and said, "if you can give me such a rare mineral deposit, I'm afraid it's not just to let me leave ahead of time? Do you want me to keep quiet about the existence of your island and any damage it might cause? "

Zeus rubbed his hands and said, "the crown of honor is so understanding. That's what I mean."

Solomon laughed: "I'm a man, not a gossipy woman. What I don't like most is talkative. What's more, you are so sincere. So, deal!"

After happily reaching an agreement, Zeus simply took out the formalities about the island from his briefcase and signed a contract of assignment with Solomon. He told Solomon to wait for his notice at night and left.

Seeing that Zeus' car was far away, George closed the door and went upstairs with Solomon. Seeing Lin Yan sitting on the sofa drinking coffee, he cried, "Hi, Lin, we can leave tonight."

Lin Yan had already controlled his emotions and buried his deep hatred in his blood. He said calmly on his face, "you go, I won't go."

Solomon said, "did you hear Zeus' plan?"

Lin Yan said: "if I destroy him here like this, he will not let me go. If I leave, I will leave a fatal hidden danger."

George looked at Lin Yan pitifully and said: "you are very smart, boy, as you guessed, you are in big trouble! You're leaving, Zeus. He'll take revenge on you with your family. "

Lin Yan said: "you should go. I'll rest here until you go. I'll face the rest alone."

Solomon didn't mean to persuade him at all. He just sneered from his mouth and said, "brave man, if you stay and die, will Zeus stop retaliating? Even if you kill him, his minions will execute his orders and avenge him. What will your family do then? Unless you can kill them all, can you do it by yourself? "

Lin Yan didn't think what Solomon said would be schadenfreude nonsense. At this critical moment of life and death, he must seize all available forces to reverse his tragic situation as a prey. Hearing the hope from Solomon's words, he suddenly turned around and said, "do you have a way?"

Solomon was very satisfied with Lin Yan's reaction. If the young man knew that Zeus would endanger his family, he was still eager to leave with them. He was a bastard who didn't deserve attention. He would rather not fulfill the promise made by the girl and the Chinese special police, but also leave Lin Yan to live and die.

Now, Lin Yan is willing to give up the only chance to escape for his family and decides to stay and fight with Zeus. This is the man who has responsibility. Solomon said, "I won't help you, but I can remind you appropriately."

Lin Yan would never underestimate the man who could truly awe Zeus. He stood in front of Solomon, bowed sincerely and asked, "please give me your advice."

Solomon was very satisfied again. Lin Yan knew the current situation. If the boy relied on his previous relationship with his daughter and directly asked for help, he would be spineless. Or he sneers at his olive branch and goes to death on impulse. That's mindless. He will simply and rudely knock it out and take it away to fulfill the two promises.

But Lin Yan's performance is full of strength, and Zeus' plan has completely touched his bottom line. Even if Lin Yan doesn't do it, Solomon will not let Zeus go. He said, "George, tell Lin Yan the little secret you found."

George was smiling all day. When he heard the order, he pulled Lin Yan to see the pictures on the computer. As he moved the mouse to change the pictures, he explained: "Zeus was cruel. When he set up this island, he had already laid a foreshadowing. Do you know why he wanted to buy us with the valuable mineral resources and shut up? That's because no matter how crazy he is, he will never leave evidence.

The tunnel we just walked through is crisscrossed under the island. There are still many explosives buried in it every other distance! Medicine, once to the critical moment, he will not hesitate to blow up the whole island, to cover up the dirty blood here.

Zeus has top experts who are proficient in blasting. The lines laid by Zeus are very exquisite. They can be destroyed singly or selectively. The central control equipment that is completely detonated is where Zeus lives. If you can feel in and find the controller, you can turn them into ashes and sink them into the sea. Of course, it's not easy. "

Knowing that his family would also be in danger, Lin Yan had made up his mind to burn everything. Only by completely wiping out this evil island could he completely eliminate all the hidden dangers that might endanger his family.

Just now in the surveillance, Lin Yan heard the dialogue between Zeus and viper. At that time, Zeus mentioned that he would blow up the island five days later. At that time, he didn't fully understand the meaning of this sentence. Now he knows that Zeus could blow up the island completely.

Lin Yan's eyes brightened. He grabbed George's arm and said, "as long as I can blow up the island completely, I will do it no matter how hard it is. Please tell me what the controller looks like."

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