George quickly showed something like the handle of an old game machine on the computer and said to Lin Yan, "here, that's it."

Lin Yan asked subconsciously: "the game?"

George said with a look of disgust and a little pity: "Zeus was very poor when he was a child. In order to ask his mother for a handlebar, he paid the price of his legs, so he had a kind of obsession with the handlebar. The controllers that could make him happy or destructive were all made into this shape."

Lin Yan caught hold of the key point in an instant: "doesn't that mean that there will be many such things in that bastard's room?"

George put out his thumb: "right, full mark!"

Lin Yan collapsed: "how can I select?"

George looked at Lin Yan with more compassionate eyes and said, "I'm sorry, honey, I can't give you any useful advice. I've been to Zeus' No blood will flow. "

Lin Yan cursed: "grass!"

George continued to pour cold water: "that is to say, you need to think of a way to cross the dense death rays of spider web, sneak into his control room, find this handle, click, bang!"

Lin Yan stares at George, only to see that after the two forced hands make the shape of explosion, he suddenly makes a cross eye and says in a funny voice: "pop up a clown face like me in your hand! It's not the controller you want at all. Are you busy in vain? "

Nima is so crazy!

Although this funny than George said irritating, but this is absolutely a very likely thing, Zeus is a psychopathic scum, who knows what disaster he suffered when he was a child, just twisted into this kind of appearance, life in his eyes is worthless, moral law is bullshit, really venture into his room, but can't find the explosion controller, isn't it a waste of time It's a waste of life.


Lin yanmeng thought of Zeus' plan. He told the Viper that when the hunting ground was over, he would blow up the island and leave. Since Zeus wanted to blow up the island himself, why did he go to find the controller? Just wait until the last moment five days later, and then dive into Zeus' territory to stop the bastard from leaving. Everyone will die on the island together.

George is still waiting for Lin Yan to tell him how to find the controller. Unexpectedly, he stood up and fell on the sofa, closed his eyes and went to sleep. He was surprised and looked at Solomon. The boss signaled him not to say any more and let Lin Yan sleep for a while.

All afternoon, Lin Yan was fighting against the clock to go to bed and recover his physical strength and energy. This will be the only time to relax and rest in the next five days. With Solomon as the God, he can sleep at ease.

At night, George woke up Lin Yan and took him to the dining room. There were neat, steaming meals on the table. Solomon had already sat on the top of the table. He was not polite. He said hello and sat down to eat.

With appreciative eyes, Solomon looked at Lin Yan, who was eager to eat but also elegant, and said calmly, "it seems that you are sure not to go with us."

Lin Yan nodded and continued to eat.

Solomon then said, "I don't force you to do this, but since I have promised your wife and your friends that even if I can't take you away, I will leave you a way out. Please tell me your plan. I'll arrange it for you according to the situation."

After weighing quickly, Lin Yanfei said cautiously: "during the day, when you go downstairs, I see from the monitoring that Zeus plans to turn the island into a hunting ground for the whole people after you leave. In five days, all people will participate in the hunting, and the people will die. He will blow up the island and leave here.

I must die together with this evil Island, and it is impossible to let Zeus leave here and build another evil Island, which will bring fatal hidden danger to my relatives. At the last moment, even if it is delayed, Zeus will be dragged to death here.

What I want to say is, can you change the terms? I don't need you to arrange the way back here in case In case I fail, Zeus has a pawn to escape the net, or he does not die on the island, please take care of my family

After getting back his daughter, Solomon realized that the most important thing in the world was family love. Lin Yan's emphasis on love was recognized by him, so he solemnly said: "you can give up the chance to escape safely for your family. It's very good for my temper. I can also relax the conditions for you.

Well, I'll arrange a retreat for you. In five days, if you can kill Zeus without death, before the island is sunk, you can still run to the cliff exit George brought you out, where there will be a boat waiting for you. If you don't arrive in time, it means that you don't use my arrangement, and I will use it to take care of your family. "

Lin Yan's eyes turned red. He always thought that the old man with a heart of stone and no evil was not so bad. Otherwise, he could not have been so considerate.

In the past two days, Lin Yan has fully understood Zeus' cruelty and the abnormal defense ability of the island. All the waters near the island are high-energy current. Even if Solomon has great ability, it will be extremely difficult to arrange a boat to wait for him under Zeus' abnormal monitoring conditions. He can't ignore this friendship.It's too frivolous to say a thousand thanks. Moreover, Lin Yan doesn't feel that he has a chance to get on the boat. It's lucky for him to stay alone and successfully drag Zeus and his minions to death on this island. He has no chance to escape. In the end, he has to entrust his family to Solomon.

Lin Yanhong stood up with her eyes, knelt down on her knees without hesitation, knocked three heads heavily and said, "under the crown, this is my apology for not taking good care of Xiaowei."

Solomon nodded slowly and accepted.

Lin Yan is heavy three heads: "this is for my son, thank you for saving his life."

Solomon nodded again and accepted.

Lin Yan kowtowed three more times, and prayed in his eyes: "this is to thank you for your protection and care for my family, crown!"

Solomon said, "that's all. I've had it."

Lin Yan then stood up and continued to sit back to eat. Soon someone will come to take Solomon away. He has to eat as much as he can. For the next five days, he will have nothing serious to eat.

After eating and drinking enough, Lin Yan looks at his dirty bathrobe. George has laughed at him many times for this. He simply asks George to borrow a suit of clothes and change it. He also shamelessly transfers all George's arms to himself.

George admired Lin Yan's determination. He saw the terrible situation on the island with his own eyes. He would never give up if he had a chance to leave. No matter whether there was future trouble or not, it was important to leave first. The young man did not hesitate at all and chose to die together.

So, George not only didn't stop Lin Yan from putting all his weapons into his clothes, but also took off his body armor and handed it to him. He patted Lin Yan and said, "good luck. If you can survive, I'll allow you to be my brother."

Lin Yan's eyes suddenly hot up, although the chance of dying, but after all not dead, right? As long as there is no death, there is hope. As long as there is hope to live, we have to find a way to see Xiaowei. Even if we don't disturb her life, we have to see her with our own eyes.

Solomon is determined at first sight, and his decision is extremely difficult to change. Then, the only way to see the microenterprise is George. This signal of goodwill must be accepted and grasped.

"Brother George, I remember your promise, and I hope you don't go back on it."

George said, "don't worry, I'm just like mianxia. In your Chinese language, it's hard to catch ten horses in a word."

Lin Yan didn't correct George's wrong idiom. Ten horses are more firm than Sima. He shook George's hand heavily, and then he didn't have time to stir up emotion. He continued to brazenly plunder the equipment. Only T-shirts and shorts left for poor George, and then he projected his eyes on Solomon.

Solomon laughed angrily. Over the years, no matter his subordinates or the brains of all walks of life in the world, who is not in fear and awe in front of him, only this boy, not only is not afraid of him, but now he still has his ideas on him. Is this barefoot and not afraid of wearing shoes?

After a long time, Lin Yanduan knew that he couldn't open his mouth like searching George. He was very discerning and said, "crown down, since you are going to leave, there will be no safety problem. Can you give me your belt?"

George is dull. Is NIMA mysterious? Who dares to think about what's under the crown? Do you know the value of this belt? What a vision!

Solomon just wanted to flatly refuse, Lin Yan suddenly grabbed Solomon's mobile phone which had been on the stage, opened the interface, called out the photo, found out the son's picture engraved on the tip of his heart, held it up to Solomon and said, "you have my son's picture in your mobile phone. It's Jiang Fanglue who secretly sent it to you, right? I want your belt. Even if you are a grandfather, how about the full moon gift for your grandson? "

"Hey, you little boy, you've got your nose on your face!"

Solomon also can't believe his eyes. For many years, someone dares to move his things without his permission. That person's hand has long been chopped off and fed to the dog. Lin Yan knows that there are cute pictures in it. Only one possibility is that the boy secretly looks through them when he and George leave.

On the screen, the child is white, tender, round and soft, unlike the Danfeng eyes of this bastard. On the contrary, he has the same big eyes and double eyelids as himself and Angela. Even his straight nose is very similar to his grandfather. He has a toothless smile, and his heart softens when he looks at it.

Although this belt has been around for many years, this son of a bitch takes out his grandson's full moon. His grandfather doesn't give him a gift. He really has to give it to him.

Solomon stared at the picture for a long time, and finally took off the belt and lost it.

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