Lin Yan Ran to the basement of No.8 building. At this time, he could hear the sound of footsteps in the hall on the first floor. He had no time to consider whether the basement was safer than the above. He directly locked the heavy iron door with a foot thick between the basement and the upper floor.

At this moment, Lin Yan put himself in a narrower escape space. Once there is no other escape way in the basement, there is no need to find a way to unlock the door, pour gasoline and ignite it. He can be suffocated.

It's hard for him to decide which one is more open, but he didn't choose which one.

Lin Yan unscrewed a door at random, and unexpectedly found that there was a corridor inside the door. He was pleasantly surprised that it was a basement, not a tunnel. There was only one possibility of having a corridor, that is, it was very likely to be connected with the basement of other buildings, such as building 9 or building 7, which were adjacent to each other. If so, the chance of escape would be great.

While exploring in the carpeted corridor, Lin Yan suddenly felt a dizziness like weightlessness. The passage under his feet seemed to be spinning like a roller coaster. But soon, it stopped in less than a minute, and he regained his calm, as if the feeling he just felt was just an illusion caused by his dizziness.

But Lin Yan is very sure that the rotation just now is not his illusion. The passage under his feet may be suspended in the air, and it can indeed rotate. The most amazing thing is that when the passage rotates, the walls on both sides of the passage and the ceiling above his head will not move.

Is this channel a four-way pipeline, which is placed on an axis and can be controlled by the mechanism to change its position at will? If that's the case, Zeus is a crazy science man!

I have to say that Lin Yan is the truth!

For many years, Zeus used every means to collect money, most of which was spent on this island. Why is there a spider web passage in the hall of courtyard zero? Like the passage where Lin Yan is now, it's a turntable built by digging out the whole air underneath. The passage above is the same as the fan blade of the electric fan, but it's much more than the fan blade. You can change the orientation of the passage at will through the axis.

For example, if you start from the hall and follow channel a to the restaurant, when you come out of the restaurant and step back on the channel, it's not the hall, but a big pool full of poisonous snakes!

All these are high-tech things set up by Zeus in order to thoroughly appreciate the good and evil of human nature. It is through this special channel that he can easily and quickly come and go anywhere at any time. There is no ground building in the fifth courtyard. The turntable channel is designed by him to the basement.

Lin Yan didn't know this way. He walked along the passage to the end and found a glass painted gate. The pattern on the door was similar to the Naihe bridge in Chinese folklore. There was a naked woman walking on the bridge. In the black waves under the bridge, he stretched out countless pairs of ghost claws, grabbed the woman's legs and feet, and wanted to drag her into the water. There were countless ferocious people The terrible ghost gnaws at the woman with jagged tusks. Her legs are only white bones, and the picture is bleak and strange.

The woman had a heavy belly and sagging breasts. She was obviously a middle-aged woman who had given birth. Her flaxen hair and blue eyes were full of complicated light. She was extremely scared and mixed with excited madness. She seemed to have an inexplicable sense of familiarity. But Lin Yan was sure that she had never seen this woman in her past life.

This kind of picture is absolutely impossible to make the viewer feel happy, so Lin Yan stretched out his hand to twist the door handle without thinking. In fact, he could twist it off without thinking about it. Unexpectedly, it was easy to twist it off. The room was dark, and a hoarse, weak and crazy voice sounded, like a ghost crawling out of Hell: "Mom's little lamb, are you here again? ”

even though Lin Yan's hands were covered with scum's blood and his brain nerves had been tempered for a long time, he was frightened by the terrible voice and jumped to the left subconsciously. He was just blocked by the passage light behind him, which just let him see a familiar scene - the pattern on the real three-dimensional door!

---A woman with a bare upper body has a drooping breast, a folded belly, and a ferocious face and legs below her waist No, no legs, two piles of pink minced meat piled under the waist, those faces are eating.

The most frightening thing is that the woman is alive!

The flaxen hair was like a piece of grass, a face was abnormally pale, and her blue eyes were desperate and crazy. Her hands nervously stretched out to Lin Yan. The sound of laughter was like the creaking of two steel mills without lubricating oil. In the dark background, only a bunch of light came from her back, just like the dim light shining on her It's not that Lin Yan has come over, but he must be scared.

Whether it's safe or not, Lin Yan doesn't want to stay any longer. He turns around and wants to run into the passage. Even if he is trapped in the basement at the other end of the passage, it's better than facing this terrible thing.

Who knows, he just touched the door and felt a tremor under his feet again, then the passage disappeared!The door was still open, but it turned into a hard wall, and the passage disappeared out of thin air!

With the disappearance of the passage, it brings darkness.

The more she laughs, the more she looks like a night owl flying over the mass grave at night: "Jie Jie You're not mom's lamb. How can you come in? Oh, I know. You also offended my cruel little lamb. He threw you in to accompany me, right? That's great. Someone's talking to me at last! "

Lin Yan leaned back on the wall and slid down on the floor. He smelled a disgusting smell of carrion. When he saw the extremely frightening picture, he was shocked subconsciously. When he calmed down, he judged that the woman was not a ghost. Maybe she was tortured like this by a guest who was devoid of human nature. He didn't let her die to satisfy her abnormal desire Yes.

With this speculation, Lin Yan sympathized with the woman who was obviously tortured and crazy. He turned on the flashlight and illuminated it. The room was not big, and the woman was not far away from him. It was clear that the scary shape was actually synthetic.

The upper body of a woman is real, but the lower part of her waist and buttocks is made of unknown materials. It is similar to the color of meat stuffing products sold in supermarkets. Those ferocious faces are dried up skeletons, and even those ghost claws are cut off from the dried up real corpses!

The base of the "sculpture" is composed of pieces of white lumps no more than five centimeters long. Lin Yan carefully distinguishes them, and then finds out that they are obviously broken pieces of white bone. He doesn't know if the person who made them has obsessive-compulsive disorder, and even makes every bone the same size.

Lin Yan couldn't help shaking slightly. It's hard to say whether he was frightened or frightened. After just a few days on this island, his endurance was challenged again and again. How can people be vicious to create such a heinous "artwork"? What's more, in the middle, there is a real woman.

Looking at the antiquity of those corpses, Lin Yanhou speculates that even if it is not ten years, it will be eight years. That is to say, this poor woman has been trapped here for so long as a part of the statue.

This room can't see five fingers, not to mention the pain of the body, even the dead environment can make people crazy. It's better to die earlier than to live like this.

Lin Yan thought of the fragmentary woman who was cut by the vulture. The woman begged him to give her a happy death. He slowly stood up, but did not approach the woman. He said by the wall, "madam, if you agree, I can help you end the torture of life rather than death."

With that, Lin Yan took out a sharp scalpel, lit it up with a flashlight and said, "you see, I'm a doctor. I can help you with this knife. I promise it's very fast. You won't feel any pain. Do you need my help?"

The woman's eyes suddenly widened, flashing ecstasy, did not speak, the dark wall without warning appeared a projection, above appeared a 3D animation image.

In the picture, there is a messy and dirty room. In the middle of the room is a rough hand shredder. A woman with flaxen hair, with crazy smile in her eyes, presses a four or five-year-old boy on the machine. Another man grins wildly and twists the wheel. The child's legs have sunk into the blade, and there is a pot of pink meat below MI.

Although it's 3D animation, it's well made and the characters are very lifelike. Although the women in the picture are younger, fuller and more real, and the woman in the "sculpture" in the room looks old, haggard and dirty, Lin Yan is sure all of a sudden that this is the same woman!

The content of the picture makes Lin Yan's hair stand upright, because the animation has dubbing, in which the woman presses the child and calls him "mother's lamb". But just now, the "sculpture" woman mistakenly thinks that Lin Yan is someone else, which also means that the woman is the one who injures the little boy.

But this island is too evil. What if it's a fake image? Lin Yan asked: "lady, is the woman in this you? Who is that child? "

The woman gave out a "Jie Jie" laugh, as if to see the extremely proud thing, said madly: "yes, yes, that's me! That's the lamb I gave birth to. Do you think he's very good? "

Lin Yan can't describe his mood at the moment!

Tiger poison does not eat son, in this world, there will be such a vicious mother, her son's legs into a sharp rotating blade!

If so, then she at this moment, no, before countless dark days of suffering, all are the retribution!

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