This woman has been locked up here for too long. It's so easy for someone to come in, so she opens the mode of talking tuberculosis. She not only admits that she has killed her own flesh and blood, but also tells her life in detail with a gruesome complacency.

To tell the truth, she is also a poor girl. She was sexually assaulted by her adoptive father since she was eight years old. She suffered a lot of humiliation and torture. She killed her adoptive father after the old villain got drunk. Then she found out that she was pregnant. Because of the difficulty of pregnancy, she gave birth to a child. She kept it like a cat and dog. Later, after mixing with her lover, she got addicted to drugs, knocked them on and made her son crazy Half dead.

Her story is confused. She broke her son's leg and was caught in prison. Then her son got out of prison. Her son calmly put her into the meat grinder and smashed her legs.

Her blood and flesh were crushed and agglomerated by her son's mixture of other chemical materials. She was embedded in it and could not move. The bones of her adoptive father and his lover were dug out and smashed into pieces, which were now stacked under her feet.

As for the head claws gnawing on her, according to her "little lamb", he bullied him when he was a child, and now he is all mixed with his evil mother to witness his counter attack and glory.

The reason why this woman didn't die was that her son provided her with the necessary nutrients on time. Not only she didn't die, but also she maintained her original body shape and didn't appear to be malnourished.

At the end, the woman said in a mysterious tone: "little lamb is now very good, he is Zeus, king, the soul of this island! How did you fall into his hands? Soon, you will become another artwork around me, which is lamb's favorite thing to do! Ha ha ha

Lin Yan passively listened to this woman's talk, disgusted beyond expression, this just know, with this woman is Zeus's mother!

It's not only that poor people must be hateful, it's simply 1 + 1 = n, evil + evil = ferocious.

It's pitiful that this woman was trampled by her adoptive father. There's always a chance for her to escape and fight against the police, right?

She would rather not, she had to bear it obediently. When the old villain got drunk and killed him, she inherited the old villain's malice and added it to her own son.

Zeus was lucky to be taken down from the shredder, and could apply for government assistance. He grew up in normal sunshine.

He's still not! *** The place where human nature is exchanged for stimulation.

Lin Yan has completely lost pity and sympathy for this woman. She deserves to stand here and repent her sins day and night to help her die happily? Idle!

The door became a decoration, open the outside is the wall, but Lin Yan is not willing to stay in this inhuman woman's side for a second, he vainly opened the flashlight again and again to watch the wall, who knows suddenly a burst of light, the channel unexpectedly appeared again!

Lin Yan flew out faster than his brain, pulled the door, isolated the disgusting woman, the disgusting image, and the disgusting smell in the door, and ran along the passage without thinking. Even if there was a life and death struggle in the basement, it was better to stay in the purgatory.

The passage is not long, and soon it ends. Lin Yan finds that this is not the empty basement when he came in. He is in a luxurious boudoir!

The reason why it is a boudoir is that the overall style of the room presents the standard Princess powder. The wide landing window is the dawn, the rosy sky, the place where the sea and the sky meet, is inlaid with a golden edge by the sun that has not yet jumped out of the sea. On the bay window is the wind chime with delicate shells, and the window is open, making a pleasant "Ding Dong" sound.

In the middle of the room, there is a huge blue water bed. A curtain is installed on the ceiling to encircle the whole bed. Pink gauze is dancing around the water bed. On the side of the room, there is a huge dressing table, which is full of all kinds of cosmetics. Beside the mirror, there is a delicate yellow gold shelf, on which there are all kinds of diamond, gem, gold and platinum headdresses.

On the other side of the wall are all hangers, on which all kinds of exquisite dresses are hung. Next to them are shoe racks and bag racks, all of which are displayed in a dazzling array.

The most important thing is that there is no monitor or camera in any corner of the room, which is like a peach blossom garden in the Shura arena. Even the air is full of pleasant sweet fragrance because there is a plate of peach on the table.

If this room does not appear on the bloody and dark Island, but in a normal place, it is undoubtedly a rich family's boudoir. However, after experiencing the evil darkroom, the sudden appearance of this kind of environment gives Lin Yan more vigilance than safety and relaxation.

Abnormal is demon!

The comfortable environment didn't let Lin Yan's nerves relax. His first reaction was to leave quickly. As soon as he turned his head, he issued a curse: "lying trough!" Nima is missing from the tunnel that just sent him here!This time, Lin Yanlian didn't dare to explore the boudoir and look for favorable equipment. His first reaction was to rush to the open French window, ready to jump out and leave this extremely strange place.

Before Lin Yan rushed to the window, the only wall without furniture suddenly appeared a door. Outside the door, there was a carpet covered passage just like when Lin Yan came in. From inside came out a stunned beauty of Lin Yan!

Lin Yan is not an ignorant country bumpkin. All the beauties he has experienced are of very high grade. If they can make him amazing, they must be extremely beautiful.

this beautiful woman is quite tall, at least 175, with a blond hair and waist, a snow-white skin and a delicate milk. In the unique deep eye socket of western people, it is a pair of blue eyes with clear eyes, long eyelashes, a straight nose, thin lips with red lipstick, and blooming flowers.

The beautiful woman is wearing a green long sleeve dress with a high chest and slender waist. She is wearing a leather belt with a large skirt, but it is not long. She is two inches above the knee and wears a pair of knee bare leather boots, which is slightly against the sultry temperature of the island, but it does not affect her overall aesthetic feeling at all.

Seeing Lin Yan, the beauty was not surprised at all. She looked silly and lazy, like a noble golden cat. Her soft and sweet voice rang out: "who are you? Why is it in my room? "

Lin Yan keeps a natural guard against any living creature on this island. He is not naive enough to think that a pure white rabbit can run out of the tiger and wolf nest. Even if he is such a charming beauty, he still puts his hand into his pocket, holds the pistol, presses his other hand on the belt, holds the crossbow, and says coldly, "it doesn't matter who I am. Hold my head in both hands and squat over there In the corner. "

The big eyes of the beautiful cat overflowed with charming smile. Instead of following Lin Yan's instructions, she walked slowly to the dresser, put an old-fashioned gamer on the table, grabbed an eyebrow pencil, and said leisurely, "I know who you are. You are the magical Oriental prey, right? It's incredible that you can escape from this island. You can also hunt distinguished guests in turn. You're amazing.

I'd like to remind you that there are at least 300 guards in the yard when you walk out from me. Even if you can really fly away, you will die if you go out. Why don't you stay and talk about a deal with me? "

Lin Yan has been staring at this strange woman, her dress, including the steps from the door to the dresser, and her voice, all without the slightest negligence, suddenly found several places with her hot days wearing boots the same sense of disobedience.

First of all, her walking posture is slightly stiff, and it's very unnatural when she bends her knees. Although her voice is soft and tender, it's a real voice of a woman, but it's like a voice changed by funny software. When you see the black velvet and Pearl adornment on her neck, you can find that it's not only an ornament, but also a cover that is not obvious The second is to change the function of voice.

The most disobedient is the handlebar which is thrown on the table by women.

The woman didn't regard Lin Yan as a threat at all. She carefully drew her eyebrows, which was no different from any woman who cherished her appearance.

Lin Yan stood there motionless, staring at the face in the mirror, especially the blue eyes. He didn't say that he agreed to cooperate or that he didn't agree. He didn't directly ignore her going out of the door and stayed quietly.

She seemed to be quite strange. She dropped her eyebrow pencil and turned around. She said to Lin Yan with a smile, "how about it?"

This question is obviously whether Lin Yan agrees to cooperate or not, but Lin Yan calmly said: "the left side is slightly straight, without the natural curvature of the eyebrow and tail on the right side."

The wrong answer obviously pleased the woman. Her blue eyes sparked with interest. She quickly turned to look in the mirror, and then said with a smile: "Oh, your eyes are so good. It's really a bit crooked. I just can't draw my left eyebrow well. How about you come and help me draw it?"

Lin Yan has already had eight. 90% guesses that this mother is not a real woman at all. He has seen countless times of blue eyes. Even if he put on the charming Eyeliner on his eyelashes and disguised his clear and clear eyes, he could not hide the insanity hidden in the eyeground, and those boots. If you can wear this, you can cover it up.

If Zeus didn't pretend to be him!

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