The old man awoke Lin Yan with a set of needling methods, and a room full of people wept with joy!

It's a pity that everyone seems to be happy a little early. Although Lin Yan wakes up and opens his eyes, his eyes are dim. Looking at his relatives is like looking at the furniture in the room, he has no response.

The first one who noticed something was wrong was still Jiang Fanglue. He had a big mouth and didn't know how to avoid it. He grabbed Mr. Lin's arm and cried out, "grandfather, grandfather, is Lin Yan stupid? Look at his eyes, there is no God at all




All the family members were shocked and stared at Lin Yan. Sure enough, they found something wrong. They all looked back at his grandfather and anxiously wanted to get the answer.

Lin Yu sighed helplessly and said, "what's the hurry! None of the doctors in other countries, or in Kyoto, has a false reputation. If their diagnosis is wrong, it's not a fake. Otherwise, they won't be in a coma for half a month. "

Li Lixin cried: "uncle, but you have woken up Xiaoyan!"

Lin Yu patiently said: "I'm afraid you're too worried. Let Xiao Yan wake up first and calm your heart.

But I'm not a fairy! But he can't think for a while. How can he turn around so quickly? He has to work hard! "

Li fei'er personally experienced the process of being abducted by Solomon. From the beginning, she was not optimistic about her husband's disappearance. Otherwise, she would not have resorted to Solomon decisively.

In the middle of this time, Jiang Fanglue tried his best to report the good news but not the bad, but Feier had a keen idea of what her husband had experienced from the shocking video news on the Internet.

Now I heard her grandfather say that Lin Yan's brain was stimulated. Her heart was like a knife, and her tears were like rain. She wished that she could not turn back the time. If she could turn back, she vowed that she would not let Lin Yan become the head of the district in any case, causing such a catastrophe.

My husband is such an upright and kind-hearted man who hates evil like a grudge. On the island where people eat people, kill people, and kill people, he killed so many villains by himself and won his life. With his pure three views, he killed so many people. Even if he was a villain, he would not be able to cross the barrier for a while!

The fact that master Lin Yu can know the truth comes entirely from stealing Solomon's contact from Jiang Fanglue. Solomon attaches more importance to Lin Yan and explains the inquiry in detail. In the phone call, he is very honest and explains that Lin Yan alone provoked a fight in the Devil Island and killed 3000 people directly or indirectly, which leads to a complete collapse of cognition I hate to wake up.

Lin Yu, who knows Sun Tzu best, of course knows better than Li fei'er how Sun Tzu's consciousness will bear the unbearable burden after he discovers that he has become a Murderer with 3000 lives.

This kind of coma is actually a kind of retreat, a kind of cowardice, a kind of self-protection, a kind of escape.

If we don't untie this knot, our grandson can't really recover.

Especially in the face of his family, the child will feel more and more bloody, dirty, vicious, and full of debts, which will bring blasphemy and involvement to his family. Therefore, he is still persistent in self imprisonment and refuses to wake up rationally.

But Lin Yu is confident that he can open Sun Tzu's heart. This kind of thing is not urgent. If he didn't see that Sun Tzu's daughter-in-law was so anxious that she fell down in the wind, he wouldn't wake up Lin Yan in such a hurry today.

Lin Fengshou and he Feng are the two people who know the least about Lin Yan's real experience during this period of time, so they are the two people who are most anxious and worried. He Feng choked and said, "Dad, what kind of stimulation did Xiao Yan encounter? He looked good all over. Why did he have brain problems?"

Jiang Fanglue was the one who answered Lin's mother. Of course, he knew it best. He said, "Auntie, I know that. After Lin Yan was arrested, he was fighting with those villains day and night. He couldn't eat well and sleep well. After a long period of nervous tension, he would recover for a period of time. In fact Er, actually, he should be resting. Although he opened his eyes, his brain was still sleeping, right, grandfather? "

Lin Yu was very satisfied with Jiang Fanglue's explanation, so he nodded and said, "yes, Xiao Jiang is right. That's it. So don't mess around here. What should you do when you go out. Xiao Yan sleeps well at home. What's the difference between waking up early and waking up late? With me, the sky won't fall down! "

Big guy, people who know the truth and people who don't know the truth have to accept this reality and gradually quit Lin Yan's bedroom. Li Lixin walks last with little cute in his arms.

"Dad Dad... "

All of a sudden, a childish cry came out of her mouth. This is the first time in her life that the child spoke. Maybe it's just an unconscious whisper, but these two words are very clear and accurate.

Lin Yan's dark eyes suddenly burst into tears.

Li Lixin exclaimed in shock: "Xiao Yan wakes up! What a wake-up call! He heard our little cute call Daddy

A group of people quickly gathered around the bed and looked at Lin Yan in tears, expecting him to really wake up.However, in addition to tears, Lin Yan was still expressionless and silly.

Lin Yu said decisively: "OK, Xiao Yan is too weak to be over stimulated. It's not good for him to wake up early. Great joy and great sorrow will make his body unbearable.

You'd better go out first. I'll prescribe a few medicated meals these days to recuperate him. When the body is able to bear it, I'll give him heavy medicine to drag back his strange trouble of getting into the top of the horn. "

All of a sudden, the people completely gave up and quit Lin Yan's room again, leaving the silence to him alone, still lying there as if unconsciously shed tears.

When Jiang Fanglue left, he went out and reported Lin Yan's latest situation to Xiao Zhen, the main leader of the Chinese military and the head of the national security special department.

Xiao Zhen attached great importance to Lin Yan's status. After listening to the report, he said, "please communicate with the local government of Wuping and let them choose another district head. After Lin Yan's recovery, he will not go back to work and will be accepted by our department directly. I will send someone to handle the relevant procedures."

Jiang Fanglue was worried and said: "general, I didn't pour cold water on him. I don't think Lin Yan would want to go out of the mountains and work hard even if he could wake up. Really, that boy is very slippery. After a long life and death, he will be greedy for small days. Would you leave a place for him now, a little early? "

Xiao Zhen said with arrogance: "in looking at people, you are still very young. Lin Yan is more tough than you expected. I'm sure he will accept my solicitation after he recovers. Just do as I say."

“…… Oh... "

Jiang Fanglue rolled back to Wuping. He parachuted down to be the Secretary of the district Party committee, in order to keep an eye on the treasures of Prince Yao and Zuo Zongtang. Now that everything is clear, there is no need to continue to be the local official. Therefore, he not only explained that Lin Yan would not come back, but also relieved his job as the Secretary of the district Party committee.

Qiao Yuanzheng, Secretary of the Wuping municipal Party committee, immediately incarnated as Alexander. After a lot of flying, he finally arranged a new head of the two governments at the grassroots level.

But the replacement of Golden Pigeon and the cooperation of boiling group, which Lin Yan had prepared before, all stagnated. The economic performance of luowu District suddenly fell off precipices. Let alone keep the top three of the province in this year, God bless you if you don't count down!

But this is also an unthinkable problem. Lin Yan, a competent and thorough insider, can't come back. The new district head and the Secretary of the district Party committee have a mess no less than a dynamite bag. He must be cautious, and he doesn't want to be meritorious but has no fault. How can he dare to make a bold breakthrough.

However, there are big problems with cadres from the top to the bottom of the local government, and it is inevitable that they will return to the pre liberation period overnight. Qiao Yuanzheng, a general who was sent to turn the tide, could only reestablish a new order a little bit, and slowly made his achievements.

All this has nothing to do with Lin Yan. During the time when he was still in self closure and did not recover, his personal files and work experience had been transferred out of the province through extremely secret channels and entered into a special sequence. He became a regular soldier who had a position before he took up his post, or a soldier who shouldered a special mysterious mission.

However, it can be said that there is no special place in the field of training before Mi Yan can pass the test of life and death.

Lin Yan, after being carefully fed by his family for ten days, still kept his mouth open and his clothes stretched out. He was in an idiotic state. He just watched his complexion gradually recover and also raised some subcutaneous fat. He didn't look so weak.

But master Lin is completely bored!

Lin family's man, which is so fragile, experiences a little storm to shrink into the shell, dare not face!

It's enough time for Lin Yan to recover. If he continues to escape, he will only shield himself more and more, and then he will be completely useless!

On this day, master Lin Yu decided to take heavy medicine.

"You all go out for a walk. Don't stay at home. I have something to talk to Xiao Yan."

In the face of the old man's orders, the whole family looked at each other. Xiao Yanming was still silly. What did he talk about?

However, there is no doubt about the authority of the old man, we still obediently followed, with a small cart to push cute, out to walk the baby.

The old man went back to his grandson's room, pulled a chair and sat by the bed. Lin Yan opened his eyes again.

This time, the old man didn't give Lin Yan the chance to close himself up again. He lifted up his genuine Qi and cheered: "Lin Yan, you've killed two or three thousand people. When are you going to escape?"

This sentence, used by the old man, has the effect of "lion roaring" in Buddhism. It directly penetrates the layers of barriers and hits the deepest part of Lin Yan's mind. His lax reason, paralyzed emotion and self shielding consciousness are all passively gathered together. His dull eyes suddenly shine with a painful expression.

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