Lin Xun bent down and raised his hand, pointed at the acupoint behind Lin Yan's head. This place is very particular. Although there is no theory that Powell can explain scientifically, it is the essence of internal meridians that has been handed down for thousands of years in China.

This position is the intersection of yin and Yang. It is said that the acupoint pressing technique was created by Sun Simiao, an old immortal who practiced both medicine and Taoism. It can change the movement of the spirit and reverse the spirit. It needs internal strength to penetrate the meridians. It can't stimulate the spirit without Kung Fu. After Kung Fu, people will be hurt or even fooled!

This time, Lin Yu was well prepared. After a finger worked, he picked Lin Yan up from the bed and leaned him on the head of the bed. He sat on the chair, leaning forward and facing Lin Yan's eyes. Although he was old, his eyes were so sharp that Lin Yan could not avoid it. He looked at him passively.

"Grandfather knows why you don't want to be sober. He just thinks that a good boy has become a Murderer with human life when he goes out. He is afraid that we will be disappointed or even afraid of you."

The old man is really old and spicy, and his mouth catches Lin Yan's mind.

Lin Yan's eyes were full of pain and tangle. The blood capillaries in the fundus of his eyes burst up. His eyes were as frightening as a fierce beast.

As soon as Lin Yu saw that Lin Yan had a tendency of self loathing, his sharp vision continued to press him. He grabbed a Green Sandalwood comb from fei'er's dressing table next to the bed, lifted it up and patted it on the table. After the clear sound, Lin Yan's pain in the fundus of his eyes slightly stagnated.

"Wake up!" Lin Yu yelled: "after listening to me, if you want to continue to escape and pretend to be a fool, it's up to you. Our family is not short of your bowl of rice. Even if you are a waste, you can support you!"

Lin Yan seemed to be struggling with something, and his whole body was shaking violently, but fortunately, he didn't go on.

Lin Lin kept saying that he could not relax a little. This time, if he didn't break his grandson off, it would be bad if he would hit him again. So his eyes were cold, and he said coldly: "Lao Tzu has a saying: if you come to the world with Tao, its ghost is not God, its ghost is not God, its God is not hurting people! Do you understand? "

Lin Yan was ill when he was four years old and couldn't go to kindergarten. His grandfather always taught him traditional Chinese culture while he was recuperating. He was required to memorize ancient books such as Laozi, Zhuangzi and Daodejing.

Now the old man suddenly mentioned this sentence. Lin Yan's thoughts entangled in the pain, remorse and self loathing emotion, involuntarily emerged this sentence and its implied meaning.

The original meaning of this sentence is that if people all over the world understand the laws of nature, they will not believe in the heresy of ghosts and ghosts. Since they have seen through the mask of ghosts and ghosts, ghosts and ghosts will certainly not hurt people.

Lin Yu used this sentence here, which means that Lin Yan's self-awareness has fallen into a misunderstanding, just like being hoodwinked by ghosts. If he is a strong and rational man, he should not be imprisoned by unnecessary misunderstandings. Instead, he should break through ghosts with "Tao" and jump out to see problems rationally.

At a deeper level, master Lin is not a firm atheist. His treatment of Sun Tzu is a bit idealistic. He thinks that Sun Tzu's killing is too heavy and his spirits are damaged because of the harassment of resentful spirits. "Lao Tzu" has always been a great classic with the function of exorcism. If he drinks it out loud, he will have the ability to drink away exogenous evil and let Lin Yan recover his purity as soon as possible meaning.

Sure enough, Lin Yan began to recall this passage again and again in his mind, and at the same time, he had no time to blame himself.

Lin Yu breathed a sigh of relief, relaxed his tone, and said: "man is the spirit of all things, so he should keep all the laws in the world, and should not commit the crime of killing in vain. This is certainly good, but people divide good and evil, killing is also right and wrong. What he does is right, killing is not evil, what he does is evil, not killing is evil! Grandfather's painstaking efforts to teach you for many years don't mean that you can't tell right from wrong and abandon yourself like this! "

Lin Yan didn't tremble, but he didn't seem to be reviving. He was digesting his grandfather's words.

"If you are a general and the two armies are facing each other, and each side has its own position, will you kill or not?

If you think that both sides are living lives and do not kill each other with compassion, the other side will surely take advantage of the situation to attack the city and seize the land. When the city is lost, the family and the country will be lost, and the compatriots will become slaves, will you, as a general, create great evils with little kindness? "

Lin Yu worked hard to open Sun Tzu's eyes from different angles, and the effect was remarkable. The red color of Lin Yan's eyes slowly faded, and his eyes gradually became clear.

"When our Dynasty was founded, the two parties fought and won the reunification. In so many battles, were not the Chinese people killed or injured? If too, Zu pedantic, such as you, with the benevolence of women, how can war stop? How can we create today's prosperous times? "

Lin Yan slowly turns his neck and turns from passive to active looking at his grandfather.

Lin Yu sighed, put his hand on Sun Tzu's cheek, helped him wipe off two lines of tears, and said in a relaxed tone: "Xiao Yan, you've always been a smart child. You've killed all the killers. They died because of you. You feel heavy about the killing.

But from a different perspective, the innocent people who are killed by the murderers to avoid being harmed by them are the blessings you have accumulated. You are still you, do you understand? "Lin Yan nodded subconsciously.

Lin Yu chanted slowly: "the Heart Sutra says: it is the empty phase of all dharmas, which is neither born nor perished, nor dirty nor clean, so the air is colorless, and there is no thought, no action, no knowledge, and no wisdom.

What you think in your heart is totally unnecessary, because your unnecessary thoughts and guilt are unnecessary. Do you think you are stupid? Make a prison for yourself.

Xiaoyan, you should know that you are not your own. Your self abandonment is just a pain for you. How can the whole family feel

When Lin Yan heard this, he threw himself into his grandfather's arms and burst into tears: "grandfather, I killed a lot of people! Even if I didn't kill some of them myself, they died because of me. So many, so many, standing all over the square But because of my provocation, those people are all alive Live Tear up... "

Lin Yu only heard it creepy and suddenly said, "shut up! It's over, so don't think about it! Those people who have done evil deeds will be punished. This is the way of heaven's reincarnation. But you, just because they are full of evil, the way of heaven has judged them with your hand! "

Lin Yan's whole body was twitching and sweating. At last, he was burping, but he also cried out all the negative emotions he had suffered for a long time, such as depression, torture, depression, hatred, disgust and so on.

Lin Yu quietly held his grandson, but he didn't stop him. He made Lin Yan cry enough. Until he finally fell asleep again, the old man put Lin Yan back on the bed, wiped his face with tears and tears, and gently left Lin Yan's bedroom.

The old man finally let go of his heart, although his grandson He fell asleep, but he knew in his heart that this time, his grandson was really asleep, which was totally different from the previous self closure.

So, after the strollers came back, grandfather told them not to disturb Lin Yan and let him have a good sleep.

They didn't know what had just happened. They didn't think Lin Yan was sleeping all the time. It would be nice if he could wake up.

However, no one dares to disobey my grandfather's orders. That night, even Phil didn't dare to enter the bedroom, but took little cute to sleep in the guest room.

Lin Yan slept until the next afternoon.

A while ago, Lin Su was on location shooting. When she came back home, her family had not yet had time to convey her grandfather's orders. She had already been swept into her brother's room like a gust of wind, and she threw herself on Lin Yan and began to cry: "brother! brother! You're back at last

When other people come in, they see the pictures of brother and sister crying. It's just like a dream. After staring at them, the crying lineup expands step by step, and the whole family hugs and cries with joy.

The only, no, only two rational, is the family's dinghaishen needle, master Lin Yu, and Lin Xiaoai's children's shoes.

An old and a young stay in the living room, playing with toys happily, calmly watching other people cry.

Lin Yan listened to his grandfather's instruction. Although he still couldn't get through the trouble, he didn't close himself after all. As for the cruel pictures that seemed to be engraved in his mind, he couldn't forget them if he wanted to. It must take a long time to adapt and digest them.

But on the outside, Lin Yan is back to normal. He refuses to describe his experience to anyone. Of course, his family will never poke his scar. The whole family uses moistening things to melt Lin Yan's heart. His mood is more and more sunny.

At work, grandfather Lin decided to let Lin Yan resign and run Lin Yitang at home. Fei'er was highly consistent with his grandfather on this issue. Only father Lin was a bit sorry for his son's seven grade official, but as soon as he came up, he was ruthlessly suppressed by his grandfather and did not dare to murmur any more.

Lin Yan's situation, of course, spread to the place where it should be spread through various unique channels. Solomon heard that Lin Yan had recovered and marveled with Powell. Powell was an academic maniac. He had to go to China immediately to exchange and study with grandfather Lin, forcing Solomon to negotiate with the Chinese authorities and go through the immigration procedures.

And Huaxia high level, to be exact, is general Xiao Zhen. After knowing Lin Yan's recovery, he didn't rush to send someone to inform Lin Yan and take him back to work. He understands that this level of stimulation needs a period of time to recover. Only when he has a thorough understanding, can he undertake the new mission without any burden.

There is no hurry.

Solomon also said this sentence to Powell: "dear old friend, it's urgent to go to China. Unless you go alone in your own capacity, it's much more complicated on my side."

On this day, when Lin Yan was in Lin Yitang, he accepted an unexpected "patient", Yao mo.

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