To tell the truth, Lin Yan didn't want to see anyone or anything about luowu district at this stage, which would make him have an extended association with the Lord of luowu District, and inevitably recall the ugly experience.

No matter how hard Yao was, he was reluctant to let Lin down.

When Yao Mo walks into the consulting room, he looks at Lin Yan, but he is scared!

"Why are you so thin?"

"Your hair..."

In Yao Mo's eyes, Lin Yan has always been a gentle and strong, kind and just man. During this period, there are many rumors about the disappearance of the forest chief, but there are many different opinions.

Finally, when she saw the man who had played the role of savior in her life again, Yao Mo was shocked to find that the man had lost so much weight, and his eyesight was tired and tired, but others might not see it, but for Yao Mo, a woman who had been in hell for a long time, she could see it at a glance.

Lin Yan, on the other hand, was surprised at Yao Mo's long hair, which was half gray. He could not forget seeing Yao Mo for the first time in luowu. The girl was as beautiful as a blooming Begonia in the setting sun. She skillfully sent him a message, which made his patrol in trouble smoothly open the gap. However, it brought her a disaster, and the damage was unbearable.

Later, he helped Yao Mo mend the unspeakable hurt. At that time, although the girl was pale and weak, she still looked like a blooming girl. How long did she become a white haired witch?

Looking at each other for a long time, Yao Mo first recovered his calm and said with a bitter smile, "district chief Lin, don't you invite me to sit down?"

Lin Yan realized that his pity was too obvious. For Yao Mo, pity was actually a kind of contempt, which she was most reluctant to bear. He quickly said with a smile, "look at me, I even forgot the friendship between the landlords. Come in and sit down."

The assistant came in, poured the tea and went out again. Yao Mo quietly finished a cup of tea, and Lin Yan didn't disturb her. After drinking a cup with her, she put down the cup, looked up and said with a strong smile: "district chief Lin......"

"Call me Dr. Lin." Lin Yan interrupted Yao Mo and said, "I've quit my job there."

Yao Mo was surprised and said, "what I heard is true. Do you really stop working in luowu? Great

Lin Yan has a black line. Yao Mo's thinking is really nobody. If it's not for special circumstances, how can a county-level cadre resign and use "great!" How do you describe it?

Yao Mo's expression became very strange. He said hastily, "luowu is a dirty and ugly place. It doesn't deserve you. If you stay there for a long time, people will suffocate!"

Lin Yan was stunned, but Yao Mo suddenly stood up, "Putong" knelt on the ground and said: "Dr. Lin, luowu, I really can't stay any longer. I'm a ghost now, and no unit is willing to accept me. I can only ask you to accept me, even if I'm doing chores and sweeping the floor here, just give me a bite to eat and a bed to live in!"

Lin Yan quickly turned around the coffee table and pulled Yao Mo up. Without asking, he could guess what Yao Mo said. At the beginning, Yao Mo was so badly injured. Although Lin Yan asked for strict confidentiality in the hospital treatment, the doctors in the hospital, on the basis of sympathy, could not help gossiping, and would take it as a anecdote.

The mentality of the people is very mean. They don't care what kind of harm they will cause to the parties. Even if they talk with compassion, they also care about Yao Mo, but they are forced to relive the nightmare like experience again and again. What's more, more people will point out and poke, and judge one sidedly with the most vicious intentions.

No wonder Yao Mo is so haggard, who is in this kind of environment every day, also live uneasily, want to find a trustworthy person to shelter.

Lin Yan didn't refuse the poor woman's humble request. He called his mother, the logistics manager, and said that Yao Mo was an orphan and wanted to stay to work. He Fengshuang agreed quickly. He took Yao Mo to arrange a dormitory for her and asked her to change the bedding for the time being. He slowly trained her to disinfect.

Yao Mo was moved to wipe tears and was taken away by Lin ma.

Because of Yao Mo, Lin Yan was reminded of the right and wrong in luowu District, and his chest was choked. He went out of the clinic and took a walk by the lake, but in his mind, he played back scenes he didn't want to recall. Finally, he gathered a face --- Ge Peng.

Thinking of Ge Peng, Lin Yan, who has been trying his best to avoid recalling his previous situation, suddenly remembers a very important thing and immediately runs home.

Fei'er is playing with little cute. When she sees Lin Yanfeng rushing in, her face is pale and her eyes are gloomy, she is startled and asks, "what's the matter?"

Lin Yan asked anxiously, "when you picked me up, did the person who sent me tell you what I had with me?"

Fei'er didn't want Lin Yan to think about the situation before his recovery. However, looking at him, she had to say, "yes, Jiang Fanglue gave me a small box. Tell me that if you don't ask, I'll never tell you, you Are you sure you want it now? "Lin Yan firmly nodded: "yes, you bring it for me."

Fei'er worried to see Lin Yan, but still went out, went to the grandfather's house, from the lower layer of the traditional Chinese medicine cabinet, took out a small wooden box, took it back and handed it to Lin Yan.

Lin Yan put his hands on the box, as if the light cover was heavy, and he opened it with difficulty. Sure enough, there was a bag made of half of his sleeve in it, which contained half a bag of things.

Worried and curious, fei'er stealthily finds out what's in the box. What's in the dirty water stained cloth bag? A head of fog water just want to ask, but see her husband's eyes red, hands shaking, where dare to ask, from behind hugged Lin Yan, give him warmth and support, and then want to go out, let Lin Yan a person quiet.

Who knows Lin Yan suddenly opened his mouth: "there is a man in it."

"Ha?" Phil's eyes widened.

Lin Yan nodded and said, "yes, this is a man. A bad person, a bad person who led me to be taken away and fall into hell on earth. "

Fei Er instantly understood that this is the ashes!

"Well, since it's the bad guy who did harm to you, why do you take his ashes with you? Give it to me, and I'll throw it into the lake to feed the fish! "

Seeing his wife come to rob him, Lin Yan quickly protected him and said, "don't worry, Feier. Listen to me. If you think he should feed the fish after listening, I'll throw it with you."

Seeing fei'er staring at the ashes with hatred, Lin Yan said with a bitter smile: "this man's name is Ge Peng. He is one of the famous princes in the capital. He used to have a lot of scenery and do all kinds of evil. It's because this guy resells National Armaments and supplies, and micro enterprises participate in the national action team to recover stolen goods that he died abroad."

Fei'er is more and more angry and trembles. It turns out that Xiaowei sister is also the victim of this bastard. What she didn't say is that she must feed the fish!

"This guy fled abroad in a hurry after the disclosure of his reselling of military funds. However, because his assets were banned and he had no money to use, he thought of Zuo Zongtang's treasure in luowu district. He entrusted Yao Jingxu, another young man in the capital, to help him steal the materials. After he sold them, he continued to flee. However, I intercepted him and made it public directly. Yao Jingxu's international mercenary group was unwilling to miss it and took me captive be gone.

However, even though Ge Peng has escaped the law for a while, it's not easy for him to be a lost dog. He was chased by Interpol and exiled to the Devil Island. He was teased by the murderers there as pigs and dogs until he met me. "

Looking at fei'er's big eyes, he was worried. Lin Yan didn't say so much about the pictures. He didn't want his wife to imagine them too much, so he said vaguely: "in the crisis of life and death, I led the captive prey out of the cage at night.

Those people are timid, only Ge Peng, although scared to death, still joined hands with me. When we were blocked by the pursuers and the dogs, he finally rushed out bravely and bravely to lead the pursuers away and saved my life. "

Fei'er's face turned pale, and she held Lin Yan's hand tightly. Although her husband said vaguely, she still understood the crisis of life and death. Hearing this, she said involuntarily: "Amitabha, thanks to ge Peng, thanks to ge Peng!"

Lin Yan held his wife in his arms and said, "yes, if it wasn't for him, I would die. But he didn't insult Yanhuang's blood and redeemed his sins with his life. His last wish was not to stay on the demon island and begged me to take him home if possible, so I brought him back."

Fei'er hugged Lin Yan's neck and said with tears: "husband, husband, I'm wrong. No matter Ge Peng is a good person or a bad person, he saved you. That's our benefactor! Since I have promised to take him home, I can't break my promise. I'll go to the capital with you tomorrow and send Ge Peng back to his family. "

Lin Yan said with emotion: "yes, we can't break our promise. We will send him home tomorrow."

With that, Lin Yan patted the box and said, "Ge Peng, do you hear me? If my daughter-in-law thinks that you only deserve to feed fish, you will be miserable! However, even if it's feeding fish, it's also feeding our Chinese fish. Your virtue is not a loss to you! "

Fei Er glared, waved her fist and said: "yes, Ge Peng, if you hadn't saved my husband, I would have let you feed the fish! Fortunately, you don't have a bad breath, hum

Lin Yan was amused to laugh, holding his wife and son for a while, the couple decided to go to Beijing these days. After the trip was decided, Phil went out with her baby.

Lin Yan stood up for a long time and went to his grandfather's house to find a Qing Dynasty white porcelain jar. He took out the bag of ashes and carefully put it into the jar.

After putting away the urn, Lin Yan unexpectedly finds that there is an obsidian crucifixion pendant under the box. He is stunned, and the scene rushes into his mind clearly

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