"In the modern film industry chain, it is reasonable for the producer's accounting ratio to be more than 50%, but the current producer in our country is in a relatively weak position, and the proportion received by the producer is generally lower than 45%. In the future, all the risks will be borne by the producers, while the distributors and theaters will make a fortune. This is an unhealthy and abnormal phenomenon. As a result, many production companies want to make movies but dare not make them. , for fear of losing everything.”

Speaking of the current situation of the domestic film industry, Ouyang Yuntian's face was full of helplessness and sadness: "This has led to imported blockbusters firmly occupying half of the domestic film market. If it weren't for the WTO, the country has always adopted the policy of restricting imported films. The market may have been completely taken over by imported blockbusters..."

Listening to Ouyang Yuntian's narration, Ding Ning's mood gradually became heavy. No wonder the country is determined to vigorously promote the traditional culture of China. The cultural invasion of Western countries has already reached such a serious level.

If left unattended and allowed to go on like this for a long time, the new generation of Chinese people may be gradually eroded under the subtle influence of Western movies, and eventually become a race that loses traditional culture.

China, after joining the World Trade Organization, opened its doors to connect with the world. Over the years, it has achieved substantial economic development and progress, but opportunities and challenges often coexist, and the international situation facing China has become increasingly severe and complex. .

The cultural and economic invasions of Western powers also poured into the country like a flood of beasts. Although the country has made a series of judicial countermeasures, Western medicine, movies, luxury goods, automobiles, electronic products, Western-style restaurants, coffee, red wine and even Christmas The holidays of foreigners, such as Valentine's Day and Valentine's Day, have entered the country unexpectedly, and the saddest thing is that they have also been wildly sought after by many Chinese.

Looking at Chinese culture, it is very different from Western values ​​and outlook on life. For example, in Hollywood blockbusters, more individual heroism is emphasized. Although it makes people excited, it has a strong conflict with Chinese cultural traditions. and opposite.

The most obvious change in China is the concept of sex. At the end of the twentieth century, the Chinese people were so simple and simple. A couple was too embarrassed to hold hands while walking on the street, for fear of being seen by acquaintances as a joke.

But only twenty years have passed, let alone couples now, it is normal for unmarried couples to hug and kiss on the street, even if they are not couples, there is nothing unusual about hugging on the street.

Not to mention the lace scandals that Lao Wang next door stole someone's wife today, Lao Zhang upstairs was cuckolded tomorrow, and Lao Li's daughter-in-law had a one-night stand with someone the day after tomorrow.

Some elderly people shook their heads and sighed sadly: the world is declining, people's hearts are not old, morals are corrupt, and morality is degrading.

But what's more, young people have long been used to these things, and even take them for granted, and they still laugh at those old people for hypocrisy, men and women love each other, do whatever they want, stay together if they get along, break up if they don't get along, what's the fuss about it, look at others Foreigners are so chic, just close your eyes.

Isn't this bad social atmosphere and sad phenomenon the product of being subtly influenced by the dross of Western culture?

Thinking carefully, Ding Ning felt a strong sense of mission that he had never felt before, and at the same time, Ding Ning grew a strong fighting spirit, and his eyes became firm.

If it is said that he was only filming to protect Song Ziyi and increase his reputation, then at this moment, he really wants to do something for the country, so as to change this passive situation.

Even if his power alone is limited, if you don't do it, I won't do it, someone will do it, not to mention that there are tens of thousands of fans behind him who support him and love him, his confidante and like-minded friends, and With the strong backing of the country.

"Expansion, I want Tiangong Entertainment to become the world's largest entertainment media and film production company. Isn't the producer risky? It doesn't matter, then release and theater together, and make Tiangong Entertainment a set of script creation, An entertainment carrier integrating production, editing, publicity, distribution, and screening.


Ding Ning tapped the table without any doubt, and made a decision resoundingly.


Ouyang Yuntian thought that after his statement, Ding Ning had already retreated, but unexpectedly, it had the opposite effect, and instead made him more determined to become bigger and stronger. brain circuits.

Ding Ning narrowed his eyes slightly, and said in a leisurely manner: "President Ouyang, Bai Qing strongly recommended you in front of me, saying that you are a person with ideas, courage and ability. I believe in his vision and your ability. But now, it seems that you don't have the ability and courage to match his recommendation."

"I... no, it's just that your ideas, boss, are too idealistic..."

Ouyang Yuntian's face turned red, and he argued anxiously.

But Ding Ning interrupted him with his hand, and said impatiently: "I don't want to hear any reasons or excuses. Some things, no matter how difficult they are, have to be done. I don't ask about the process, but about the result. Give me the answer now. Can you do it? Whether you can or not, I need an affirmative answer, now, please answer."

Ouyang Yuntian's face was cloudy and uncertain, and he had greeted all eighteen generations of Ding Ning's ancestors in his heart, which simply forced him to make a choice.

If the answer is yes, he must do what Ding Ning said, but is that possible? He didn't have any hope at all; but if the answer was no, Ding Ning would probably let him go out immediately, and even the 5% dry shares would be taken back.

No matter how he answered, it was a dilemma for him, which made him extremely entangled.

"If you feel that you can't do it with your ability, I won't blame you. I will arrange another capable person to take over your position, but don't worry, your shares are still yours, whether you choose to stay at home Enjoy dividends every year, or choose to be the head of a department in the company, because you have worked for the company for many years, I will agree to you, after all, I still have to give Bai Qing this bit of face."

Ding Ning is like an experienced old hunter, and he said earnestly and kindly: "If you think you have the strength to take this job, then if you want money, people, and relationships, I will be responsible for clearing the relationship for you." , so that you don't have any worries, if you still can't do what I ask, then you let me down too much."

Ouyang Yuntian raised his head abruptly, with disbelief and a hint of inexplicable excitement in his eyes: "Want money for money? Ask for someone to give? Want to help you clear up the relationship? Are you serious?"

"Speak out!"

Ding Ning stretched out his hand with a smile.

There was a flash of struggle on Ouyang Yuntian's face, but he quickly became resolute. He took a deep breath to calm the turbulent emotions in his heart, and held Ding Ning's hand heavily, and said in a deep voice with firm eyes: "It's hard to be a four-horse." Chase!"

He, Ouyang Yuntian, as the CEO of Tiangong Entertainment, is also a prominent figure in the industry. If he is asked to retire to the second line to enjoy dividends every year, or to be a small supervisor in a certain department, he does not have that face, but it is not enough to impress him. After all, he knew that it was almost impossible for the company to reach the level that Ding Ning said.

But when Ding Ning promised to ask money for money, someone to give, and relationship to help clear up the relationship, he was tempted. If Ding Ning couldn't achieve what Ding Ning wanted, then he might as well buy a piece of tofu and kill him head-on.

who is he? He is Ouyang Yuntian, and in terms of ability, he is also one of the best in the circle, otherwise he would not have developed Tiangong Entertainment, a company that is just a ticket company, into a top ten brokerage company in the country in just a few years.

In fact, he is an ambitious person, he wants to go higher and further, and once suggested to Bai Qing to expand the scale and set foot in more fields.

It's a pity that Bai Qing had too many restraints on him, too many worries, too many considerations, and his ambition was not here, so he rejected his proposal, which made his enthusiasm gradually fade away, and he lived a modest life.

But now, Ding Ning's words once again ignited his long-extinguished passion. How many times can life be won? Since the new boss has this ambition and ability, why doesn't he seize this opportunity to realize his ideals and aspirations? Failure is a big deal, and it's better than spending a lifetime doing nothing.

Ding Ning smiled, he believed in Bai Qing's vision of seeing people, and he also believed that Ouyang Yuntian was by no means content with mediocrity, he believed that as long as he was given a platform as a springboard, he would surely burst into sparks beyond everyone's imagination.

"Now, my first task for you is to find a way to incorporate Cheng Wenhai, the screenwriter of "The Legend of Sword and Heroes", and Pan Yigang, the director, into our Tiangong Entertainment."

Ding Ning's words were not surprising, and Ouyang Yuntian was dumbfounded by the first task, and repeatedly complained: "How is it impossible, these two are notoriously rebellious, even if the old chairman of Schindler and Pan Yigang has an irresistible relationship, and in the end he didn't take them under his command, how could we do it?"

"No, what the old chairman of Schindler can't do doesn't mean we can't do it, not to mention that it's not the same at one time or another."

Ding Ning said confidently: "They are all old, and their youthful vigor and sharpness have been smoothed by the cruel reality. Otherwise, why do you think they would agree to Schindler to make a TV series?"

Ouyang Yuntian's eyes lit up, and he said thoughtfully: "You mean, they are ready to compromise with reality now?"

"It cannot be said that they have compromised with reality. They are proud people, but they have to bow down for five buckets of rice."

Ding Ning took out his mobile phone, looked at the text message, and said with a light smile: "I was also wondering before, why would they agree to shoot a TV series that they said had no artistic value because of their temper and strength of character, so I let people After investigating their recent situation, I realized what was going on."

"what happened?"

Undoubtedly, this question aroused the curiosity of everyone present, even the two outsiders Xiaoyao and Ruanrou asked gossipingly.

"Director Pan has a daughter who is going to study abroad this year, but because of his love and pursuit of film art, the films he has made over the years have not been well received. Although he has won many international awards, he has not Bringing him any material help made him so shy that he couldn't even pay for his daughter's study abroad fees. His lover has silently supported him for so many years, but this time he couldn't bear it anymore and gave him an ultimatum. They divorced if they couldn’t earn money to study abroad before their daughter went abroad.”

Ding Ning said with a smile on the corner of his mouth: "Teacher Cheng is in the same situation as him. He is a literati with loyalty and treats money like dung. He was scolded by his family and said that the money he took home could not even support himself. His father was sick and hospitalized, and it was her lover who begged her grandpa to sue her grandma to borrow money for the hospital expenses, so this time, both of them were forced to do nothing, so they had no choice but to lower their prices to make this TV series."

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