Medical Sovereign

One thousand five hundred and five dangerous

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♂? WwW.630xiaoshuo.,,

"Yes, master!"

Hezu had never seen Ding Ning so angry before, knowing that the young master was really angry this time, he didn't dare to be negligent in releasing his huge consciousness, and began to search in all directions.

"There is no one within a ten-mile radius."

After searching a lot, He Zu reported the truth.

"That's twenty miles or thirty miles, until you find someone."

After Ding Ning was stunned for a moment, he gritted his teeth and said.

He Zu's unexpected answer made him come to his senses immediately. The person who could quietly steal the wolf pet's corpse must be a master of extraordinary skill. In order to vent his anger, the wolf guards tore up and devoured the two people for at least ten minutes. , ten minutes is enough for a master to escape within ten miles.

He Zu nodded, and hesitantly said after two minutes: "There is no one in the wilderness. I searched for a radius of fifty kilometers, and there is only a village more than a dozen miles to the southeast. Didn't see any signs of human activity."


Ding Ning was really dumbfounded this time. Ten minutes can be said to be long or short. There are many people who can escape 50 kilometers in such a short time, but he doesn't think the person who stole the wolf pet's body has such cultivation base and speed.

Otherwise, he didn't need to steal the corpse in a sneaky manner, he could just grab the corpse in a fair manner.

"Go to the village and have a look. If there is that person, he must have hid in the village."

Ding Ning quickly made a decision and rushed to the southeast village.

This is a small mountain village built halfway up the mountain, and the whole village is pitch-black. If it weren't for the occasional barking of a domestic dog, which proved that there were people living here, he would have thought it was an abandoned village.

He took out his mobile phone and searched for the location. He judged that this place should be located at the intersection of Yanshan Mountains and Taihang Mountains, a place called Jiagou Town, but this small mountain village was not marked on the map.

The village is not big, and judging by the number of houses, there are no more than forty or fifty households in total. Ding Ning quickly walked around, but found nothing unusual.


If the dogs in the village kept barking wildly after being alarmed, but no one got up and lit the lamp to see if it was normal for a thief to enter, then there was nothing abnormal at all.

This abnormal anomaly made Ding Ning's heart tense. He jumped over the wall and entered a house without a sound. After staring at the big yellow dog that was barking at him, he put his ear on the window and listened quietly.

Listening to the corner is a very shameless thing, and Ding Ning is also very helpless. Who made him so traumatized that he couldn't release his consciousness? He was worried that everyone in the village would be killed by that murderous woman, so he had no choice but to listen to the corner.

"Old Wang, the dog barks so fiercely, is there a thief in the house? Why don't you go out and have a look."

The low trembling voice of a middle-aged woman came faintly through the window, which made Ding Ning feel relieved. Fortunately, that ferocious woman did not harm innocent villagers, and there are still living people here.

Just as he was about to turn around and leave after reassuring, the old Wang shouted loudly: "Shut up, you wish I could die sooner, don't you? Forgot Zhang Daganzi and Erdan, how did they disappear?"

Ding Ning's heart moved, he stopped, pricked up his ears and continued to listen, the middle-aged woman seemed to shudder, and said in horror: "Sister-in-law Suzhen said that Zhang Dagan seems to have heard the movement in the middle of the night and never came back. Lao Wang, do you think there are mandrills in this mountain? I heard that mandrills like to catch strong men to suck their energy."

"Shh, old lady, don't be suspicious and superstitious all day long. My ancestors have lived in Jiajiaotun for generations. If there is a mandrill, how can I not know? Zhang Daganzi and Er Dan's family have already reported the crime, and the police comrades are investigating, wait. They'll know what's going on when they find someone, that's all, they're sleepy, go to sleep, don't scare yourself here, everything that was fine will be scared out of trouble."

Lao Wang said in a low voice angrily.

"Old Wang, are you asleep? I'm afraid I won't be able to sleep. During this period of time, more than a dozen people have disappeared one after another in the village. The third aunt and sister-in-law Yumei have been saying all day long that the village is full of mandrills. He also said that Shufang, the newly married daughter-in-law of the Zhuzi family, went to the latrine in the middle of the night and saw a monster with disheveled hair and white hair wandering around her door. She was so scared that she pissed her pants. He went to the city to find a worker, and even if he was beaten to death, he didn’t want to come back.”

Lao Wang's daughter-in-law was silent for a while, tossed and turned for a long time and couldn't fall asleep, the more she thought about it, the more frightened she became, and she pulled her man to speak boldly.

"Third aunt and Yumei sister-in-law, can you believe the words of these two eighth wives? Shufang is a new daughter-in-law. Erzhu went to work in the city just a few days after she got married. Are you a woman? Going to the city to find Er Zhu for comfort, I have nothing to do with the mandrill."

Lao Wang chuckled lewdly and said in an ambiguous tone.

"Don't be shy, tell me, do you have thoughts about Shufang? Don't think I don't know. When Er Zhu got married, he didn't even blink his eyes when he saw the bride, and his saliva almost flowed out."

I have to say that once a woman becomes jealous, she will ignore it when the sky falls. Just now, the little bird was begging for comfort, but now she has turned into a shrew, twisting Lao Wang's ear and yelling, "It hurts!" The old Wang begged for mercy anxiously, swearing that he never had any bad intentions for his new wife.

Ding Ning secretly laughed when he heard it, knowing that he would not get any useful information if he continued to listen, so he turned around and quietly left Lao Wang's house. The big yellow dog was always lying on the ground with its tail between its legs. Wagging his tail, he resumed his previous arrogance.

woof woof!

Ding Ning frowned tightly, and when he was thinking about the information he got from Lao Wang and his wife, a dog barked suddenly from the house in the southwest corner of the village.

Ordinary people might just think it was a normal barking sound, but Ding Ning was able to communicate with wild animals. Although the barking sound was just an instinctive warning of livestock and did not contain any linguistic meaning, he could still hear endless sounds from it. Fear and horror.

Some outsider went to that family, Ding Ning was shocked, and ran to the southwest corner of the village without hesitation.


I don't know if it was frightened like the big yellow dog before, or if it was killed, the dog barked suddenly.

Ding Ning looked at the two families in the southwest corner with some confusion. He didn't know which family's dog was barking before. He wanted to call Hezu out again and use his spiritual sense to investigate, but he thought that Hezu was a transformation god. Realm masters, just break things like this, let's check it out by ourselves, there are only two families on the left and right.

He intentionally leaked some breath to see if it could cause the dog to bark again, but after waiting for a long time, there was no response. After sniffing carefully, Ding Ning smelled a very faint smell of blood from the yard of a family on the left.

Immediately, he entered it stealthily, and at a glance, he saw a dog corpse with its neck broken alive lying in the yard, which made him both surprised and happy.

What surprised me was that I didn't know if the owner of the house had been killed, but I was happy because judging from the way the dog died with its neck broken, the person who broke into the house was very likely to be the murderer who tortured Huang Zhenghang and others.

Ding Ning quietly entered the room through the wall, not because he was worried that he would not be the murderer's opponent, but because he was worried that if he broke in directly, the murderer would jump over the wall and hurt the owner of the house.

You can't see your fingers in the room. Even though Ding Ning's vision in the dark is extraordinary, it still needs a very short adaptation process.


A sudden gust of bad wind came from the back of his head, Ding Ning turned sideways without hesitation, and kicked sideways with his intuition, feeling soft and slippery on his feet, and kicked the attacker out fiercely.


The sneak attacker groaned, flew straight out and slammed into the wall with a loud bang, before Ding Ning could breathe a sigh of relief, the man bounced back like a rubber ball, and slapped him hard on the head with a sharp palm .

Although Ding Ning did not panic, he dodged the palm like a ghost, his hands turned into afterimages and slapped the person continuously, but unexpectedly the person was as slippery as a loach, although every palm was firm They actually slapped him, but each palm was dispelled by a strange trembling force.

Ding Ning was amazed, what kind of defense method this is, it is so miraculous, and most importantly, it gave him a feeling of déjà vu, as if he had seen this method of unloading force before.

Although the man's body skills are wonderful, his cultivation level doesn't seem to be high. Although Ding Ning didn't use his strength to keep himself alive, he felt overwhelmed by these few palms. Blood overflowed from the corner of his mouth. With a loud shout, countless clones instantly turned into more than a hundred The Taoist figure charged at him head-on and face-to-face.

Ding Ning was shocked, his eyes burst into light, and he shouted in surprise, "Second Master."

More than a hundred afterimages stopped abruptly, and they merged into one to reveal a fat figure, who asked in surprise, "Little Dingding?"

"Second Master, it's me, why are you here? How are you? Are you all right?"

At this moment, Ding Ning's gaze had adapted, and seeing the blood overflowing from the corner of the God of Wealth's mouth, he felt guilty and puzzled. Could it be that his suspicion was wrong, Huang Zhenghang and others were not murdered by women, but by the Second Master?

No, it's impossible, the second master is not such a cruel person, what's more, judging from the small traces left by the corpse's heart, it should indeed be a woman who made the move, it can't be the second master.

It's just that he really couldn't figure out why the second master appeared here, was still hiding here, and attacked him without saying a word.

The God of Wealth does not have the ability to see things in the dark, so he turned on the light with a snap, and when he saw that it was Ding Ning, he was surprised and delighted and said, "Little Ding Ding, it's true."

"Second Master, tell me quickly, why are you here? Did the dog at the door be killed?"

Ding Ning suddenly felt a strong uneasiness in his heart, and asked hastily.

"Didn't the dog kill it?"

God of Wealth asked in astonishment.

Ding Ning's complexion changed, he yelled badly, hugged the God of Wealth with a bang like a shell being fired, directly punched a big hole in the wall and rushed out.


The house was built on the hillside, and outside the wall was a 45-degree slope leading directly down the mountain. As soon as Ding Ning rushed out of the wall with his second master in his arms, he felt a violent explosion in his ears, and a terrifying wave of air hit him from behind. Come on, he was blown up abruptly and rolled directly to the foot of the mountain.

The God of Wealth in his arms groaned, mouthfuls of blood overflowed, his eyes rolled over and he passed out. Fortunately, Ding Ning reacted quickly and escaped immediately without being in the center of the explosion. Otherwise, even if he was safe and sound, the God of Wealth It will also be bombed without leaving any bones.

Ding Ning's face was livid, regardless of his shabby clothes, he reached out and took out the healing pills, and stuffed those precious earth-level pills into the second master's mouth as if they didn't want money.

The God of Wealth's pale face quickly turned rosy, and he also woke up from the coma. Feeling the huge medicinal properties in his body, he ignored the questions in his stomach, and immediately sat cross-legged to guide the huge medicinal properties to flow through the limbs and bones to repair the injuries in his body. .

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