Medical Sovereign

One thousand five hundred and six puzzles

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♂? WwW.630xiaoshuo.,,

Ding Ning heaved a sigh of relief when he saw that his life was not in danger. Cold flames flickered in his eyes, and he stared fixedly at the burning ruins halfway up the mountain, feeling terrified in his heart.

He wasn't afraid of death, and he couldn't die, but the second master couldn't. As long as he reacted a little slower just now, the second master would have been smashed to pieces now, how could he not have lingering fears.

What made him feel even more frightening was that this time it was clearly a premeditated plot. Who on earth could figure out the relationship between him and the Second Master so clearly? Is it a coincidence that both of them were counted in without the knowledge of the two parties involved? Or premeditated?

If it's a coincidence, that's fine. If it's premeditated, the people behind it are terrible.

The villagers in the village were all alarmed at this moment, and they no longer cared about being afraid. They went out one after another and yelled to organize people to fight the fire. The peaceful small mountain village suddenly became noisy.

"Master, it's my fault. I didn't realize those damn little mice were hiding in the ground."

Hezu dispatched again to investigate the sound transmission channel of regret after a while.

"It's not surprising, after all, consciousness is not omnipotent."

After Ding Ning comforted him through sound transmission, he rejected He Zu's suggestion to take down those people, and asked him not to act rashly after asking the location of the entrance of the cave, just keep an eye on those people and prevent them from escaping.

In the death of the wolf rider, the second master was almost smashed to pieces, and he was plotted against him. He had to go and get it back in person, otherwise, it would be difficult to relieve the hatred in his heart.

The power of the explosion was basically blocked by Ding Ning. The God of Wealth was only affected, and his injuries were not serious. After taking Ding Ning's healing medicine, not only did he heal quickly, but his cultivation base improved greatly, and he was directly promoted to the peak of the Heavenly Martial Realm. The possibility of breaking through the real martial arts realm.

This made the God of Wealth smile, and he was not at all afraid of being almost smashed to pieces before. On the contrary, he kept saying that if he survived a catastrophe, there must be a future blessing, which made Ding Ning dumbfounded.

Under the interrogation of the God of Wealth, Ding Ning frankly admitted that he was already at the peak of the Divine Martial Realm, and almost dropped the jaw of the God of Wealth, looking at him like he was looking at an alien, and admiring him with envy and hatred.

Shaking his head and shaking his head, he kept moaning and sighing, it's true that the back waves of the Yangtze River pushed the front waves, and the front waves died on the beach, he was really old.

Ding Ning rolled his eyes speechlessly,

This is still a fact that has been hidden and has not been told to him about the Flawless Eucharist. If he is told that his physical strength is a whole level higher than his cultivation base, I don't know how shocked he will be.

"By the way, Second Master, why are you here? You didn't even know you were buried with explosives."

With great difficulty, Ding Ning interrupted his nagging, and asked impatiently.

"Not yet."

The God of Wealth was obviously out of balance, and said with a beard and a stare.

"for me?"

Ding Ning was confused, not knowing what he meant.

"Originally, we have been secretly investigating a mysterious evil organization abroad. As a result, we didn't expect to be on the dark flower list. Tsk tsk, boy, your cultivation base is rising fast. This trouble-making ability is not small, and it is ranked third in the dark flower list. It's time to catch up... Cough cough, for the sake of the boy, we have no choice but to expose our behavior, to eradicate those killer organizations who dare to pick up tricks, and to deter those money-obsessed and blind-minded guys."

God of Wealth pouted and said.

Ding Ning suddenly realized that it was the mysterious force that secretly helped him eradicate the killer organization before. He had never figured out who it was. He never thought that it was the father and the others. The strong love made his nose a little sour. Emotionally grasping the God of Wealth's hand, he asked, "Second Master, where is Dad now? Tell him, I want to see him, I have enough strength to protect everyone's safety, and I am not afraid of any enemies."

"Come on, the cultivation base of the Divine Martial Realm is indeed quite good, but it is still far from being able to deal with our enemies and protect everyone."

The God of Wealth is not very powerful, but his tone is not small, and he doesn't give Ding Ning any face at all.

"Enemy? How strong can it be? Is it stronger than the Four Sacred Gates?"

Ding Ning said unconvinced.

"I know all about the Four Sacred Gates, not bad, not bad, like a Jianghu man."

The God of Wealth laughed and said, although it seemed to be a compliment, subconsciously he still treated him like a child.

Ding Ning, like a child not recognized by adults, sneered angrily: "What are the Four Sacred Sects? To be honest, I offended three of the Four Sacred Sects. Fusang's Willow Sword God came out to kill me. It's still on fire."

"Hiss! What are you talking about? Did the Four Sacred Gates offend San? That old Japanese pirate Liu Shengjian came out to kill him?"

The God of Wealth stared so hard that his eyes almost popped out, he took a deep breath, grabbed Ding Ning's wrist firmly and asked in disbelief.

Ding Ning was proud instead of ashamed, and said triumphantly: "Yes, the Holy Doctor Sect and the Holy Sword Villa have already issued an order to kill me, and the Holy Maiden Clan has repeatedly made things difficult for me, but I have settled it for the time being. Liu Sheng Sword God, I didn't offend that old thing, it's all father's fault."

"What do you mean? Dad's identity is very secretive, no one should be able to find out. Besides, we have nothing to do with Liu Sheng Sword God."

The God of Wealth is a little confused, his legs are a little weak, Nima, this kid has offended so many big shots, and he still looks indifferent, he thinks he didn't die fast enough, doesn't he?

Although he had just returned to China for a few days, he also heard that the Holy Doctor Sect and the Holy Sword Villa jointly issued an order to kill a disciple of the Holy Sword Remnant Clan, but he didn't think about Ding Ning at all, and gloated He said that the guy from the Holy Sword Survivor was just a poor unlucky guy, how could he have thought that that poor unlucky guy was his precious apprentice.

"Swordsmanship, I accidentally used Paoding Jieniu's technique, and was recognized by the head of the Holy Doctor Sect as a member of the Holy Sword Family. No matter how I explained it, they didn't believe it, so I killed their father and robbed him. Like their daughter-in-law, they insist on killing me."

Ding Ning said with a full face of grievance: "The same goes for Liu Sheng Sword God. I have never seen him before, but because he has a feud with the Sacred Sword Remnant, he wants to use me to gain power."

The corners of the God of Wealth's eyes twitched, the smile on his face was so guilty, he felt so frightened that he couldn't say anything. Speaking of it this way, it seemed that it was really the fault of himself and others, Ding Ning, this child was definitely an innocent disaster.

In fact, he doesn't know whether Pao Ding's method of dispelling cattle is inherited from Ding Ning's family. He only knows that the skills he practiced with his master, Xiao Wu and others were all cheated by Boss Ding, especially with the biological simulation of Qiaojie. After the skin, Boss Ding was even crazier. It seemed that the Four Sacred Gates had sneaked in and brought back a lot of cultivation techniques.

Therefore, when Ding Ning said this, he immediately thought that Pao Ding's method of dispelling the cow was probably stolen from him, and it might really be the saber technique of the legacy of the holy sword.

"Little Ding Ding, you've been wronged, don't be afraid, bear with it, before long, we won't be afraid of anyone, whoever dares to bully, we'll just destroy them all, my bah, isn't it the Four Sages, even my apprentice Dare to bully, really courting death."

The God of Wealth vowed to comfort him.

A strange look flashed in Ding Ning's eyes. He didn't know where the second master got the confidence to say such big words. He rolled his eyes and pretended to be surprised and said, "Really? Second master."

"Nonsense, when did the second master say big things?"

The God of Wealth said displeased.

Ding Ning twitched his lips in secret, my brother grew up listening to bragging, wouldn't you blush when you said that?

Maybe he also felt that his words were not convincing. The God of Wealth gave a dry cough, and said without blushing, "Of course, it's not me, it's Dad. Dad doesn't know what's going on now. His strength is like taking a stimulant." Jumping up, I was blocked by a master at the peak of the Shenwu Realm some time ago and wanted to kill him, guess what happened?"

"What's the matter?"

Although Ding Ning knew that he must be fine, his heart couldn't help but he couldn't help but he asked nervously.

"One cut in two, a powerhouse at the peak of the Divine Martial Realm, he was chopped off with a light blow by the old man."

The God of Wealth had a proud and proud smile on his face: "I don't know much about sword skills. Later, I heard the old master's sour comment that Daddy's sword skills have touched the realm of gods. I don't understand. What does it mean, in short, it means very awesome."

"Ah, how is this possible? It's been a long time since I said that my father is a martial artist at the Heavenly Martial Realm last time."

Ding Ning opened his mouth wide in astonishment, and asked in disbelief.

In his impression, Dad's strength is still at the late stage or peak level of the Tianwu Realm. How long has it been since he was able to kill even the top of the Shenwu Realm? Could it be that the man at the peak of the Divine Martial Realm is a false tooth?

"Don't ask me, I don't know, that perverted father has no realm at all."

The God of Wealth's face became extremely weird, and he became mad from embarrassment and said, "I'm under a lot of pressure with a group of perverts all day long, okay? Last time I went back to Shenzhou, I managed to get some natural materials and treasures to break through to Tianwu In the later stage, I thought I could catch up with them, but I didn't find out after I went back that the old master and Uncle Wu had both broken through to the real martial arts realm. I was really mad at me. The most annoying thing is that even sister Qiao has become a true spirit master gone."

Ding Ning was really stunned, and asked in disbelief: "You say that Dad has no realm? What do you mean?"

"When you see him in the future, ask yourself. I can't tell. Anyway, he is a big pervert. Even his dantian has been abolished. He is even more powerful than someone who has a dantian. Especially this time he has an epiphany and beheaded him. After killing the strong man in the Divine Martial Realm, he ran away without caring about anything, and said that he wanted to comprehend some sword intent, and when he came back from comprehension, it was time for revenge."

The God of Wealth said with a helpless face: "It's good for him to go. The old master is idle all day long. Duan Xiaowu and Sister Qiao are in love with each other all day long, and leave everything to me. Don't let me get busy. He just finished wiping his ass abroad, and hurried back to deal with domestic affairs."

"By the way, Second Master hasn't said why he appeared here?"

Ding Ning suddenly remembered the business and asked quickly.

Knowing that his father was wandering around to appreciate sword skills, and he couldn't get in touch for the time being, he gave up the idea of ​​a family reunion during the Chinese New Year. As long as he knew that everything was fine with him and the masters, he could rest assured.

"Didn't I just return to Yanjing, and I just happened to see someone attacking a vehicle of the ICAC with a gun. I was curious for a while and wanted to follow up, but I didn't expect..."

Following the God of Wealth's narration, Ding Ning was stunned to understand what it means to have a coincidence without a book.

It turns out that the God of Wealth has established several large group companies abroad, and Dad and the others have been relying on him to make money, and he recently invested in a promising large project, but the amount of funds required is a bit large, so he plans to return to China to deal with it Lose part of domestic assets to raise funds for investment.

Unexpectedly, when he just returned to Yanjing, he happened to encounter Huang Zhenghang and others attacking the ICAC's vehicle, which aroused his strong curiosity.

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