Medical Sovereign

1517th Cowardly Zhao Tiansheng

Night, quiet.

Yanjing has developed rapidly over the years, and the traffic is extending in all directions. The street lights on the roadside are always on all night, bringing a ray of light to the long dark night.


The roar of the engine broke the rare silence of Yanjing City.

A white Tiguan galloped like a runaway wild horse on the road with little traffic, ignoring whether the light was red or not.

Behind him, three Land Rover with obviously modified engines, like tarsal maggots, lingered in hot pursuit.

In the back row of the Tiguan car, Jiang Zhong had his limbs tied up, his face was pale without a trace of blood, his nose and tears were all over his face, the desperate speed made his stomach churn, and he wanted to vomit but had no time to vomit, so he The dizzy world was turned upside down.

His heart was beating wildly, and he could not see a hopeful future, which made his life dark.

Probably because people who are about to die speak well, but Jiang Zhong resisted the desire to vomit, and tried to use his bound hands to grab the handrail to maintain his balance. After taking a deep breath, he turned to the serious face who was concentrating on driving A young fat man weakly shouted: "They are going to kill me, put me in the car, so you still have a chance to survive."

"Shut up, I said I can do it, I will do it, I will be able to persist until the reinforcements arrive."

Looking carefully, the young fat man's appearance is three points similar to the God of Wealth, but in terms of figure, he is absolutely 90% similar. At this moment, although his face is pale, his expression is ferocious and distorted, and his body is trembling slightly, even his big The shouts were hysterical, but his hands were still steady and scary.

"It's useless, we can't escape, those people, I know too well, their power is too big and too terrifying, even if this is Yanjing, they can mobilize countless people to chase and intercept us, a car accident An accident can make us die without a place to bury us.”

Jiang Zhong seemed to have accepted his fate, with a bitter expression on his face, and said in a calm tone, as if he was just stating a fact.

"I, Zhao Tiansheng, can't accept my fate, and I will never accept my fate. I am timid, cowardly, without perseverance and perseverance. I have never succeeded in doing anything. Since I was a child, no one can think highly of me except my parents. Do you know what they call me? Hahaha, they call me Zhao Tianfei,

Waste of waste. "

The little fat man was already pale, but he laughed maniacally, and kept talking like venting, so as to dispel the fear in his heart and increase his courage to collapse: "My parents are dead, and I was killed by others." They were killed, but I have no ability to avenge them."

Jiang Zhong listened quietly, he was kind, and wanted the young man to let him go, maybe he could win a way out, but since he insisted, he would not say anything more, after all, he was not a good person, anyway They are all dead, and it seems good to have more people buried with them.

"No one knows how humble I live, and no one knows how I kneel on the side of the road begging like a dog in order to survive. Everyone looks down on me, everyone says I'm a waste, and I am indeed a waste , I can’t do anything, and I’m so scared that I’m trembling when I’m scolded loudly. I have no money, no car, no house, no girlfriend. I live like a stray dog ​​that no one cares about and loves. Like a walking corpse without a soul, he tried to kill the murderer of my parents countless times with a dagger in his mouth, but every time he came to him, he turned around and ran away in fright."

With tears in his eyes, Zhao Tiansheng said with a half-crying and half-smiling voice: "Until, when he came back, he said he was my uncle, my real uncle, who knows, where did my f---ing child with no father and no mother come from?" A dear uncle came out. He knelt in front of my father's grave for a day and a night, and I stood there for a day and a night. I thought, since he is my uncle, will I be settled for the rest of my life? Now that someone can take care of me, I don't have to be looked down upon everywhere anymore, and I don't have to live so hard anymore."

Jiang Zhong was fascinated by what he heard. He didn't expect that this ruthless little fat man would have such a miserable past. The uncle he was talking about should be the one who saved him. Unfortunately, he never See what he looks like.

Zhao Tiansheng's eyes flashed: "Where did I expect that this damned uncle is more ruthless than anyone else? When he knelt in front of my father's grave, he looked like a dutiful son, but he looked at me with disgust and disgust. He was about to leave, how could I be willing, so I stopped him, knelt on the ground and begged him to take me away, I have no relatives in this world except him, he is my own uncle, how can he ignore me?"

"And then, he took you away?"

Jiang Zhong asked curiously, as if he had forgotten that they were still being hunted down, and was obsessed with his story.

"Shit, he's a bloody bastard, a bloody devil."

Zhao Tiansheng gritted his teeth and said that he couldn't hold back the deep-seated resentment and hatred: "He has money, a lot of money, but he doesn't give me any money. He didn't leave. He was in my shabby house. Became an uncle, forcing me to wash clothes, cook, and do housework every day, treating me like a slave, and if I didn’t go well, I was beaten up, and the worst time was that my leg was broken, but this The devil is still forcing me to get up and cook, because the takeaway is not good."

Jiang Zhong smiled. This was the first time he laughed after the accident. He thought it was quite funny. Although he didn't know what happened later to make Zhao Tiansheng obedient to his uncle, he knew that the mysterious uncle was just Use this almost paranoid method to force him to change.

Zhao Tiansheng was using words to overcome the fear in his heart, but his hands were always steady, with a look of nostalgia on his face: "Until one day, I couldn't bear it anymore, and decided to fight this bastard, and the big deal ended with me, so in the middle of the night I Ambush him, but unfortunately the assassination failed in the end. He is too powerful, I can't beat him at all. He stepped on my face, looked at me with disdain and contempt, and said that I was a coward with no eggs. If you have the courage, why don’t you kill the enemy who killed my parents.”

"how do you say?"

Jiang Zhong said with great interest.

"I didn't say anything, and went to cook obediently."

Zhao Tiansheng said in frustration.

"You're a coward. Your uncle won't kill you, so you have the courage to assassinate him."

Jiang Zhong said cheerfully.

"That's right, my uncle said the same thing about me. I'm not convinced, I don't believe it anymore. My uncle is so powerful that I dare to assassinate him. Why don't he dare to assassinate the enemy who killed my parents."

Zhao Tiansheng's eyes were shining little by little, and Jiang Zhong could see that that kind of light was called courage and pride.

"So I took the dagger and sneaked to the door of my enemy's house again. To be honest, I was very scared at the time. I really wanted to throw down the dagger and turn around and run back, but when I thought of my uncle's contemptuous eyes, I I was very angry, why did he look down on me? So, I rushed over with a dagger and stabbed my enemy. Although his scalp was bleeding from his bodyguards, I was still very happy. I lay on the ground and hugged me. I let them punch and kick my head, but kept laughing, that enemy rushed to the hospital to get bandaged, and ordered the bodyguards to tie me up, and then slowly play with me to death after he finished bandaging me."

"He didn't report it?"

Although Jiang Zhong made a mistake, he used to be an official after all, and he still has the sense of law that he should have. He was a little bit surprised when he heard this. After all, he could be thrown into a prison for committing murder with a knife in the street.

"He was born in an underground force. He has done many bad things in order to make money. How many people have been ruined. How dare he report the crime?"

Zhao Tiansheng said with a sneer.

"Such people should be killed."

Jiang Zhong said indignantly.

"Should I be killed? Hehe, if it weren't for the protection of people like you, how could people like them dare to be so arrogant and domineering?"

Zhao Tiansheng said bluntly.

Jiang Zhongze blushed, shut his mouth and remained silent, yes, if it weren't for the protection of an official like him, how could these black and evil elements dare to make such a publicity?

Even if you do something bad, you still have to take some influence into consideration and come sneakily, lest you be caught by the police as evidence.

How could he be as arrogant as Zhao Tiansheng's enemy, and he was arrested and planned to kill him slowly under the watchful eyes of everyone. If he said that no one was covering him, even he himself would not believe it.

"I thought I was going to die, but in the end, my uncle swaggered in like he was at his own house, and rescued me. That guy had forty or fifty bodyguards under his command, and they were all killed by my uncle. Get down, what a joy."

Zhao Tiansheng's face was filled with excitement and admiration: "It was the first time that my uncle gave me a good face, but he didn't say a good word. He called me stupid, and I quarreled with him when I was not convinced, but he said that I was When you know your strength is not as good as the opponent's, but you rush forward like a stupefied youth, what is it if you are not stupid?"

Jiang Zhong smiled, he was really stupid, if it was him, there would be at least a hundred ways to kill that enemy quietly without implicating himself.

"I think about it carefully, it seems that this is really the case, it is really stupid, but it has already happened, so what can I do?"

Zhao Tiansheng's voice was very depressed, but his expression was not depressed at all. Instead, there was a look of aftertaste on his face: "After my uncle bandaged my wound, he cooked a bowl of noodles for me for the first time. To be honest, The craftsmanship is a little better than mine, but the strength is limited, but I don’t know why, but I feel that the bowl of noodles is particularly fragrant.”

"Then what?"

Jiang Zhong looked far away, looking at this silly boy who can cheer for just a bowl of noodles, he was full of emotions, silly boy, you are so lacking in being recognized, especially your uncle has unconsciously become The idol you admire will naturally be flattered by his approval, and you will feel that the bowl of noodles is particularly delicious.

"Later, my uncle treated me a lot better. Although he was still sarcastic, he seldom scolded me. Not long after, my enemy found out that his son was having an affair with his mistress, and killed his mistress in a rage. He wanted to teach his son a lesson, but his son suddenly went mad and stabbed him to death with a dagger. When the police investigated his case, they found evidence of his dealings with some officials. In the end, those people behind him were also arrested. Bring to justice."

Zhao Tiansheng said with some regret: "It's probably because it's not time to report. It's a pity that I couldn't take revenge with my own hands."

Jiang Zhong was secretly startled, Zhao Tiansheng was so stupid that he couldn't see it, but with his experience, how could he not see it, it was definitely the work of his mysterious uncle.

The scandal caused the enemy's father and son to fight each other, which not only ruined his reputation, but also uprooted all the forces behind him.

All kinds of revenge should be avenged, and all kinds of anger should be dissipated, so that Zhao Tiansheng would not have to commit crimes for revenge. Even he felt a little ashamed of this kind of scheming and means.

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