Medical Sovereign

1518th, mantis arm block car

"He promised me that as long as I can complete this task, he will give me a completely different life. This is his test for me. I must pass this test. Let alone three cars, even It's thirty cars, and I will never give up until the last moment."

Zhao Tiansheng mustered up his courage completely, his eyes flickered with madness and determination, and shouted hysterically at the pursuers who were getting closer and closer behind him: "Come on, I'm not afraid of you."

The lights in front of the car were shining, and Jiang Zhong said with a wry smile: "Stop the car, we can't run away, everything should be over."

Only then did Zhao Tiansheng squint his eyes and look forward. He saw eight cars parked side by side on the street in front of him, blocking the entire street tightly, and his face instantly turned pale.

"Fight, I will fight with you, my uncle said, the brave wins when we meet on a narrow road, I have nothing, but I still have one life, let's see if you are ruthless or I am ruthless."

Just when Jiang Zhong thought that Zhao Tiansheng would stop the car and catch him without a fight, he didn't know whether it was because of fear or fear, his chubby face turned red, the veins on his forehead bulged, his eyes gleamed with a resolute coldness, and he gritted his teeth roared.


Not retreating but advancing, Zhao Tiansheng burst out with endless courage and strength at this moment, stepped on the accelerator heavily, and Tiguan galloped forward crazily like an arrow leaving the string with indomitable tragedy and tragedy.

"Uncle, I did not disappoint you. I, Zhao Tiansheng, am not a coward, nor am I a coward without bird eggs."

At this last moment, Zhao Tiansheng dialed the phone number of God of Wealth and shouted with extreme pride and pride.

"Natural, don't..."

The heart-piercing cry of the God of Wealth came from the phone.

A relieved smile appeared on the corner of Zhao Tiansheng's mouth, and he murmured in a low voice: "Uncle, I actually know that you love me. It's good to have you. Farewell!"

finished speaking,

Before the God of Wealth could speak, he hung up the phone resolutely, opened the car window suddenly, threw the phone out and smashed it into pieces.

Jiang Zhongze's mood was unprecedentedly calm and serene. He watched Zhao Tiansheng quietly close his eyes, step on the gas pedal to the bottom, and resolutely rushed to the place ahead where the lights were shining like moths flying into a flame.

"Fuck, are they crazy?"

"MD, flash, they are going to risk their lives."

"Fuck, they're crazy, I'm not crazy yet, hurry up, drive quickly."


The eight cars lined up in front were not calm anymore, Nima, they just received an order to intercept them, and they were willing to fight desperately, they yelled in horror when they saw this.

The three vehicles that had been following behind were also dumbfounded. They didn't chase after them, and they didn't chase after them.

"Come on, bastard, if you want me to die, at least you have to pull a few backs."

Zhao Tiansheng roared loudly, like the most valiant warrior on the battlefield, riding the dust, defying death.

The people in the eight cars were scared to death. The speed of the Tiguan was too fast, at least two hundred yards or more, and they were parked side by side on the road to block the road. The distance between the cars was so small that there was no time to back up and escape. Be smart. The one who had already simply jumped out of the car immediately, and the one who was crying for his father and mother fled with his head in his arms.

It’s not that the others don’t want to jump out of the car, but the problem is that their legs are so frightened that they can’t move. They can only cover their heads and close their eyes in despair, silently praying that the fuel tank will not leak and a violent explosion will occur. , may be lucky enough to survive.


The ground was trembling, and the piercing roar of the engine sounded like the horn of war.

Fifty meters... forty meters... thirty meters... twenty meters... ten meters...

It's getting closer, it's getting closer, and it's about to collide completely in the next moment. Most people closed their eyes in horror, but Jiang Zhong smiled at the corner of his mouth, facing death with relief.

"The mission is over, we should retreat."

Among the three Land Rover vehicles, a middle-aged man with a stern expression on the second Land Rover vehicle said lightly into the headset.

"Don't you leave after reading the final result? What if Jiang Zhong is killed?"

The young man wearing glasses on the first Land Rover said hesitantly.

"At this speed, no one can survive."

The stern man said firmly.

"Alright then, let's retreat!"

The man with glasses shrugged, turned on the turn signal, and was about to start turning around.



Boom boom boom!

There was a loud noise, but it didn't seem to be as loud as the expected distance impact sound. Instead, it was a little strange, and the roar of the engine was still going on.

"God, what is that? Am I f---ing blind, can anyone tell me? Is that a human?"

The crew-haired man in the third car yelled in horror.

"Hammer, what the hell is it called?"

The stern man who was turning around scolded displeasedly, but the next moment, the man with glasses screamed in decibels: "What the hell, who is that? How is it possible?"

Only then did the stern man realize that something seemed wrong. He turned his head to look, but his eyes widened in shock, his pupils shrank into awns sharply, his jaw dropped with a bang, and he stepped on the accelerator unconsciously, hitting the ground with a bang. It hit the butt of the man in glasses' car, and smashed the rear bumper into a big piece.

But no one paid attention to this accidental car accident, and they all stared dumbfounded at the scene where the car should have been destroyed.

A not-so-burly man in black supported the front of the Tiguan with both hands. The two front wheels were off the ground, and they were still spinning crazily under the action of the engine. On the solid asphalt road, however, The two roads are seven or eight meters long but 30 centimeters deep. Because of the inertia of the vehicles, there are traces of deep friction, and he is less than 30 centimeters away from the eight vehicles blocking the road.

Zhao Tiansheng was stunned. He stared blankly at the figure like a demon outside the car window. He forgot to let go of the gas pedal and stepped on it firmly. He was already ready to die, but he didn't Thinking of being stopped by such an awesome person at the last moment of his life.

Jiang Zhong is even more Spartan. He has heard that some special departments of the country have masters beyond the limit of human imagination, but he has never believed it. But at this moment, he has to admit that he is short-sighted It turns out that there really are such strange people in this world who can conquer the sky with manpower.

As for the people in the eight cars, looking at the black back, they were trembling all over, their faces were full of dullness and disbelief, and their minds were blank. Such a person with incredible power is really not what they want to provoke of.


Zhao Tiansheng came to his senses, swallowed with difficulty, stuffed back the eyeballs that almost fell out, rubbed his eyes vigorously, and said dizzily, "I'm not dreaming, am I?"

"Probably not."

Jiang Zhong was limp all over, and replied completely out of instinct.

"Then tell me, is this here to help us, or to kill us?"

Zhao Tiansheng's courage to sacrifice his life for righteousness has dissipated invisible at this moment, and there is only infinite fear and fear left in his heart, and he asked timidly and tremblingly.

Jiang Zhong smiled wryly: "Who knows, maybe they came to help us, or maybe they came to kill us."

"Aren't you talking nonsense? Forget it, let's ask."

Zhao Tiansheng opened the window of the car with trepidation, and raised his voice cautiously and asked, "Hey, who are you and why are you stopping me?"

"Quickly stop your stuff, I'm very tired, okay?"

With blood overflowing from the corner of You's mouth, he gritted his teeth and said.

His face turned green with rage. In order to save them, he, a ghost leopard who is not good at strength, had to rush out and block the speeding car abruptly, causing him a little internal injury.

But this guy is good, and he keeps pressing on the gas pedal so hard that he doesn't dare to let go, especially the smell of the engine burning oil is really bad, which makes him very uncomfortable.

"Oh oh oh!"

Although he didn't know whether You were an enemy or a friend, but out of admiration and respect for the strong, no matter whether he was an enemy or a friend, Zhao Tiansheng decided to cooperate with this awesome man immediately, hurriedly took back his foot on the accelerator, and pulled his foot very professionally. Put on the handbrake.


You waited until the front wheels stopped turning completely, then let go of his hand suddenly, panting heavily like a prostration, quietly took out two pills and swallowed them, the internal injuries healed in a blink of an eye, and he recovered as before.

"He is injured, should we kill him now, otherwise Jiang Zhong will not die, we have no way to explain to the young master."

In the Land Rover, the man with glasses had a cold gleam in his eyes, and said in the headset.

"Kill, no matter who it is, it must be killed."

The stern man forcibly restrained the fear in his heart, and said in a calm tone.

"Then who's coming?"

Pingtou swallowed secretly, he was scared out of his wits now, and he didn't want to get close to that dangerous man in black at all.

"No one will use it, I will."

At this moment, a completely unfamiliar voice suddenly sounded, and the three of them lost their souls. They looked out of the car in horror, and saw three men in black clothes standing outside the car window, who were exactly the same as the man who "armed the car" before. The man was looking at them jokingly.

"Go, kill out."

The stern man's heart trembled, he didn't care about murdering people, it was more important to run for his life first, he stepped on the accelerator and galloped away.

Unfortunately, the next moment he found a man in black appeared in front of them strangely. He lifted the front of the car vigorously, and his car flew into the air like a cloud and fog. After rolling a few times in the air, it stabilized again. The one fell to the ground, and he was dizzy and dizzy.

The car door was violently torn open, a slender and white hand stretched in, grabbed his neck and pulled it out like a chicken.

When he looked up drowsily, he realized that the man with the crew cut and the glasses had been caught by two other men in black at some point, and they were dragging their legs towards the Tiguan car like a dead dog.

As for the owners of the eight cars that blocked the road, they were all brutally lifted up by the man in black and formed a circle. There were quite a few people in the car, including the one who ran away before, and they all stayed in the circle surrounded by the car tremblingly. Here, he crouched obediently on the ground with his head in his arms.

"They all squatted there, covered their heads with their hands, and didn't move. I will tear anyone who dares to move."

The man in black threw the stern man into the crowd, and the man who hit him turned his back on his back, but after he yelled angrily, no one dared to move. What's more, the fierce man who can carry the vehicle can really tear them alive.

The stern man squatted on the ground with his head in his arms, and gave the crew-haired and glasses men a wink. They weren't completely desperate yet. These men in black didn't know whether they didn't take it seriously, or they didn't think of body searches at all. Now, this gave them a glimmer of hope to complete the task.

They didn't intend, nor did they dare to dream of escaping from birth. They just wanted to fight hard to kill Jiang Zhong and complete the task. Even if they died, their family members could live on and be taken care of.

Otherwise, if they fail to complete the task, not only they will die, but even their family members may not be able to survive. They are very clear about the cruelty and indifference of the young master.

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