Medical Sovereign

One thousand five hundred and ninety-nine blood ancestors

Think about it, if you can manipulate the two major ant groups by controlling them, then this desert of ten thousand ants is not at your mercy.

The man-eating ants couldn't be kept as pets before because they were not spiritually intelligent, but the man-eating ants with the golden stripes are obviously spiritual, so it should be no problem to keep them as spiritual pets.

"The red ants are all here, why don't they move?"

Angel asked a little puzzled.

"Silly girl, didn't you see that the leader of the red ant was communicating with the leader of the black ant?"

Ding Ning pointed to the two ants with gold patterns who were whispering to each other and explained: "No matter what kind of creature it is, it has a strong sense of territory. The place we are in should be the territory of man-eating ants, but now man-eating ants are not The opponents of these alien beasts, the red ants who offered cross-border support, must have requirements, and now the two ants are negotiating, and they will definitely not be able to fight until they reach an agreement."

"How come you know everything, so amazing!" [UU Reading 00kxs]

Angel said with a full face of admiration.

Ding Ning's clear and flawless sea blue eyes and perfect figure made Ding Ning want to move for a while, but knowing that this girl can't even walk now, she can't stand any conquest anymore, so she can only forcefully suppress her inner impulse and swallow quietly. Drooling, he said with a sneer: "It's not that I'm good, it's just that I have more knowledge. In the future, if you walk around and look more, it will be easy to understand."


Angel nodded approvingly, leaned into his arms with a happy face, and asked curiously: "How come these ants are similar to people, and they can still negotiate. It's amazing."

"It's not surprising. This Langya Secret Realm is not simple. It should be an ancient secret realm. These creatures are probably also ancient relics. They have multiplied here until now, and their evolutionary paths are completely different from those on Earth."

Ding Ning put his arms around Angel's slender waist, rested his chin on her fragrant shoulders, squinted his eyes and patiently explained: "Man-eating ants appear in the desert, but it can be said that they have lived in the desert for a long time. In the desert, it is a bit unreasonable, especially anteaters, which mainly live in humid forests and swamps, and cannot survive in the desert at all, but there are anteaters here, which is enough to show that the biological evolution here The road is completely different from the earth, and it is not surprising that some intelligent creatures are born."

Angel nodded suddenly. In the past, if she heard that this was an ancient secret realm, she would not believe it even if she was killed. But now, with Yiyi's incomplete memory, she is not surprised. There is nothing strange about it.

What Ding Ning didn't tell her was that he suspected that this was a broken piece of land from the Great Desolate Continent, but he didn't say it because there was not enough evidence to prove it, and this kind of statement was too unbelievable, no one would believe it, that's all. In his heart, he became more and more sure of this guess.

Because he has studied the body structure of man-eating ants. Although the appearance is similar to that of ants on the earth, the internal structure is completely different. Compared with the ants on the earth, the cell tissue structure is extremely ancient and simple.

After all, the ant population on the earth has experienced a complex and changeable living environment. In order to adapt to the environment, they have followed a sophisticated and complex evolutionary path. However, the ants here have obviously not undergone much change in their living environment, so the evolutionary process has also changed. It is much simpler, both cells and organs and tissues retain some characteristics of ancient organisms.

It is precisely because of this that Ding Ning was able to easily discover the incomplete circuit of energy conversion from the body of the man-eating ant, which made him imagine that perhaps the real original species of ancient organisms contained the key to unlocking the mysteries of the world.

It is the gift of heaven and earth, the mystery of nature, and the secret of all things.

It is the key to the origin of life.

Five elements, yin and yang, destruction, wind, thunder, rain, electricity, fog...

All kinds of basic elements of the world spun rapidly in his mind, forming mysterious and unpredictable logical lines, which made him suddenly enlightened and gave birth to a kind of enlightenment.

It's no wonder that he has met the qualifications for breaking through all the conditions, but he is still stuck at the peak of Shenwu, unable to break through to Shengwu Tianguan, because he lacks the perception of the source of life, the cognition of all things in the world, and the understanding of the source of power .


As if something was broken in his brain, all the gates of will were suddenly pushed open, and the starry sky world displayed in front of Ding Ning also underwent drastic changes.

At this moment, most of the bright stars became dim in his eyes, turning into a dead desert.

The entire star field is dark, full of decay, antiquity, and decay, like a dead star field that has been buried for thousands of years, making people feel sad.

The few remaining stars that still exude faint starlight are also lifeless like dying old people, and may run out of energy at any time and be completely extinguished.

Ding Ning's nasal cavity was sour, and his heart felt a dull pain. He knew that everything he saw before was an illusion, and what he saw before him was the true face of this starry sky.

However, after he opened the door of will, he was always deceived by the illusion, and he always thought that this was an inexhaustible energy base for him to use, but he did not expect that this starry sky had become so dilapidated .

Especially when he saw the magnificent purple star, but at this moment, it was dimmed and desolate, and he couldn't help but burst into tears.

It stands to reason that it is just a star field, even if it is all dead and silent, it will not make him lose his composure, but for some reason, this starry sky brings him an indescribable sense of intimacy and an indescribable sense of blood connection.

It seemed that this was his home, his relatives, and his ancestral land, which made him feel so heartbroken that he couldn't help himself.


Just when he couldn't control his emotions and burst into tears, a sigh made his hair stand on end, and he looked up in horror.

I saw those stars that were not yet dead, a burst of starlight gathered to form a towering figure, although that figure did not exude any coercion, but it seemed that it was born with a heroic posture that looked down on the world, and people couldn't help but want to worship heart of.

Although the figure was blurred and his face could not be seen clearly, Ding Ning could clearly feel the intimacy with him, the fear in his heart was swept away, and he asked in a deep voice: "Senior, who are you?" ? Is there any relationship between us?"

"I can be regarded as your ancestor."

The figure had a clear voice, and it sounded like he was not very old, but Ding Ning was terrified by his answer, and asked in shock, "Are you the owner of the Star Seed?"

"Star seeds?"

The figure seemed to be a bit unfamiliar with this title, and he realized it after muttering a sentence, and said with a chuckle: "This title is also interesting, and it is not wrong to say that it is a star seed. It is my blood seed. How many years have you been?" The only descendant who has awakened my blood."

" are... Immortal Heavenly Venerate?"

Ding Ning determined his true origin and identity from his implication, his eyes widened suddenly, and he couldn't even speak fluently. This is the Immortal God, the Immortal God who lives the same life as the heaven and the earth.

"Immortal Heavenly Venerable? Oh, you can say the same, but the human race is generally used to addressing the Holy Venerable."

The figure admitted frankly.


Although Ding Ning had already guessed, but after hearing his confession, he was still shocked and stuttered for a long time, unable to speak.

"The star source in this starry sky has been exhausted. I can't keep it for long. To make a long story short, I believe you also have many puzzles. I will try my best to help you."

As time passed, that figure gradually became unreal. Ding Ning had too many doubts in his heart, knowing that time was running out, he quickly listened carefully.

Following the slight approach of that figure, many doubts in Ding Ning's mind were easily solved, and a clear train of thought gradually formed in his mind.

It turned out that this figure named Su Zhe also came from Earth, but it was not from the Earth of the Three Realms where Ding Ning was, but from a star field called Tianhai.

Su Zhe only spoke a few words about his past, focusing on what happened after he became the Holy Queen and left the Sky Sea Realm for the Central Star City.

The central star city is the center of the chaotic universe. Of course, it is only the center of this chaotic universe. This is the secret that Su Zhe only knew after he broke through the holy lord in the central star city and became the leader of the ten thousand clans in the star city.

According to him, there are thousands of races in the central star city, and all races have a common enemy, which is the starry sky behemoth.

Star beasts are destructive star beasts born in the chaotic universe without sanity. They wander in the starry sky, like to devour the star cores of stars to obtain energy, and destroy one civilization after another. The strong in the universe hate them. , but there is nothing to do.

If the giant star beasts are allowed to continue raging, this universe will eventually be destroyed, and no living beings can survive.

Therefore, all the races in the universe, which have been fighting endlessly, united, and the superpowers used their supernatural powers to move 720 stars of life to form the central star. The last home of all races.

Before Su Zhe arrived at the Central Star City, the battle between the Wanzu and the starry sky behemoths was always at a disadvantage. Although countless starry sky behemoths had been repelled, the superpowers fell like rain and suffered heavy losses.

Su Zhe has his own adventures, and there is a magical star map in the sea of ​​consciousness. This star map can help people absorb the power of the stars to strengthen themselves, but it is not like the starry sky behemoth that directly swallows the star core and turns the living planet into a dead star. .

The most amazing thing about the star map is that it can demonstrate the laws of the stars, allowing people to set up a super weekly star formation. This kind of weekly star formation is not the kind of divine formation that Ding Ning has learned. , but a terrifying formation capable of strangling starry sky behemoths.

It's just that the consumption and lethality of launching this super Zhoutian Star Dou formation are equally terrifying, which led to the fact that although all the starry sky behemoths in this universe were strangled in the end, many super powerhouses of various races were also injured due to excessive consumption. If they lost their origin, they would either become crippled or die from the exhaustion of their lifespan, which would greatly reduce the overall strength of many races in the Central Star City.

Without external worries, there must be internal troubles.

Without the common enemy of the starry sky behemoth, the foundation of unity among the ten thousand races has been lost, and contradictions and conflicts have gradually arisen, especially those races that have lost their superpowers in the battle against the starry sky behemoth, and have begun to be excluded and criticized. Suppress.

If it weren't for Su Zhe, the leader of the Ten Thousand Clans Alliance who has made great achievements, he has always protected them and prevented them from taking action blatantly. These ethnic groups who have made great achievements but lost their pillars would have been wiped out by those groups with evil intentions.

But since those ethnic groups have a different heart, how can they be willing to stop at this restaurant? Soon, they spread rumors everywhere, saying that Su Zhe used the Zhou Tian Xingdou formation to eradicate those super powerful people, otherwise, why did he set up the formation in the first place? People are either dead or injured, but nothing happened to him.

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