Medical Sovereign

One thousand six hundred starry sky visualization technique

When Ding Ning heard this, he couldn't help but sigh inwardly. It turns out that the ugliness of human nature does not only exist in the human race, but is common to all races.

Su Zhe continued to talk in a calm tone, without showing any indignation, and he must have thought about it even if he was angry at the time.

Fueled by those ulterior motives, the rumors of the Central Star City spread everywhere, not only did not calm down, but intensified, making it hard for the human race represented by Su Zhe to argue.

The funniest thing is that those ethnic groups protected by Su Zhe foolishly believed these rumors, hated Su Zhe to the bone, and united with most races to attack the human race, forcing them to hand over Su Zhe to thank the world, otherwise, The human race will be bloodbathed.

If it's just that, it's fine. What makes Su Zhe most disheartened is that in the face of the blame of most races, even the human race has disagreements and split into three parties.

One side adopts a neutral attitude of watching the situation from the sidelines, and waits and sees the development of the situation; the other side firmly supports Su Zhe, and this faction is mostly Su Zhe's old brothers, and there are some people who admire him after he went to war in the South and North and are willing to actively follow him; The last faction stands on the moral high ground and accuses Su Zhe, thinking that the entire human race should not be implicated for him alone, and clamors for him to take the initiative to apologize, and it is best to self-inflicted suicide to calm the anger of all races.

Although Su Zhe is the leader of all races and the real number one of all races, it is absolutely impossible for him to be an opponent of so many races if he really wants to fight.

If he was alone, he would be able to escape even if he was defeated, but he still has a lover and a large number of brothers who swear to follow him to the death. If he escapes, few of these relatives and friends may survive.

Therefore, the former leader of the Ten Thousand Races Alliance, the unrivaled hero who saved all races, was willing to be controlled by others for the safety of his family and friends, and was permanently imprisoned in the Star Prison by those bastards for the crime of killing the Ten Thousand Races elite.

He originally thought that by pleading guilty and accepting this trumped-up charge, he would be able to keep the safety of the people around him, but he never thought that those people would be so greedy and force him to hand over the star chart at the expense of the safety of the people around him.

The star map has been integrated with him for a long time and cannot be separated. If it can be separated, he is willing to hand over the star map to protect the safety of those around him.

But those ethnic groups didn't believe any of his explanations, and thought he was unwilling to hand over the star map, so they started to attack the people around him, but after all, those people were meritorious ministers, and they didn't dare to do it too blatantly. He could only do something secretly, so the old brothers who followed Su Zhe in the Southern and Northern Wars had accidents one after another, and died inexplicably.

Su Zhe is a very protective and affectionate character. He is willing to bind himself to Star Prison to protect the safety of those around him. After learning that these people attacked his brother, he ran away on the spot.

Although Star Prison is a death place that is impossible to escape in the eyes of others, to Su Zhe who has a star map, it is not an unsolvable jedi.

Everyone underestimated Su Zhe, and also underestimated his brothers and women. After Su Zhe went berserk and broke out of Star Prison, his women and brothers gathered together to welcome him in a tacit understanding.

Compared with the population of tens of thousands of people, Su Zhe and others only have a mere hundreds of thousands.

But when Su Zhe and others, with the determination to die, fought to the death without retreating to comfort their dead brother underground heroic spirits, the fighting power that erupted made everyone's souls tremble.

In that battle, the sky was ripped apart, the sun and the moon were dimmed, corpses were strewn across the fields, and blood flowed like rivers.

The entire Star City was stained red with blood, and the sounds of fighting and crying continued all day long. Under the bravery of Su Zhe and others, the Wanzu paid a heavy price a hundred times or even a thousand times.

Su Zhe watched the brothers and women around him die one after another,

His heart hurts like a knife, and he hates Wanzu even more.

The brothers and women died so tragically and tragically. Even if they died, they would drag their broken bodies and blew themselves up, dragging a large group of people to be buried with them, and almost all of them were dead bodies.

Su Zhe watched the last woman he loved die beside him, completely insane, and resorted to his own power at all costs to call the star map and activate the Super Weekly Star Dou formation.

The energy of the 720 living stars in the central star city was poured into the star map in an instant, and the star map emitted unprecedented terrifying power, sending all races into the underworld.

At the moment before Su Zhe was about to die, his immortal body was gone, but his mind was clearer than ever. He clearly saw that the star map, under the power of 720 stars, formed a road leading to another vast universe. star road.

Feeling the powerful chaotic aura emanating from the other side of the star road, he suddenly realized that the so-called center of the universe in their hearts was actually just an insignificant corner in the vast universe.

Ding Ning was fascinated by what he heard, and seeing Su Zhe suddenly stopped talking, he couldn't help asking: "Then what happened afterwards? Did you go to that bigger and more powerful universe? There, you quickly recovered your physical body, Even go one step further and become a powerhouse beyond the Holy One."

"No, I didn't go!"

Although Su Zhe's face is blurred, Ding Ning can feel his loneliness and desolation: "The outside world is beautiful, but if I don't have a brother who can share my joys and sorrows, and a lover who can help me, no matter how strong I become What's the use?"

Ding Ning is silent. Although he thinks that Su Zhe is a bit stupid intellectually, but emotionally he feels that his choice is not wrong, at least, it suits his taste.

If it was him who changed places, I am afraid he would not be willing to leave this universe that raised him, not to mention that his lover and brother are still buried here.

"If I want to restore my physical body, it's only a matter of time, but I have no love in my life, and living is just a painful torture for me."

Su Zhe said with a sad tone: "According to my memory of my hometown, I spent tens of thousands of years collecting the undissipated remnants of my brothers and lovers, created the Three Realms, shaped the Six Realms of Reincarnation, and let my brothers and love People and children are reincarnated as human beings."

"What? You created the Three Realms?"

Ding Ning's eyes widened suddenly, and he shouted in disbelief.

"Yes, I am the so-called Creation Father God in your mouth."

Su Zhe said in a calm tone.

Ding Ning was completely dumbfounded. He thought of a very serious problem. If Su Zhe was the creator god of the three worlds, then he was the father of the Nine Heavens Profound Girl, but he had Su Zhe's blood, so he and the Nine Heavens Profound Girl would count as They are not siblings? This is so much fun, it's messed up.

Su Zhe seemed to see through his thoughts, and there was a faint smile in his tone: "Don't worry, you are unique, and you have no blood relationship with Xi."

"Why? Isn't she your daughter?"

Ding Ning asked confusedly.

"She is also my daughter, but she inherits the blood of my wife Ning Qingcheng, and you are the only one who inherits my blood, so, in a sense, you are my son, and Xi, at most, is my son." It's just your appointed daughter-in-law."

Speaking of this, Su Zhe said with a little guilt: "I'm sorry, forgive me for making my own decisions without your consent. I hope you can take care of my women and brothers instead of me, and live another life for me to make up for my loss. A debt to them."

"Take care of your brother and woman?"

Ding Ning was dumbfounded, and faintly resisted, as if he had put a cuckold on this bloodline ancestor, which made him at a loss what to do.

Su Zhe didn't pay attention to his small thoughts, and said melancholy: "But they are no longer them after all, my original source has been exhausted, and it will soon disappear, so everything is up to you."

"They're not them anymore? What do you mean?"

Ding Ning said in a daze, vaguely guessing, but not sure.

"They won't remember who they are, and they won't remember who I am. They just live in the present. Otherwise, why do you think they will gather around you?"

Su Zhe's emotions come and go quickly, perhaps because he has long looked down on life and death, and he smiled lightly in relief.

Ding Ning was shocked, and his eyes widened in disbelief: "You mean Lu Zhan and the others? Or the Yaozu? Or Lingyun, Xi, who are leading them?"

"What do you think? I had a lot of confidante in the past."

Su Zhe smiled smugly, unwilling to say more, changed the subject and said: "I don't have much time, and it will be gone soon. I finally waited for you today, and my last wish is fulfilled. I will send you off before I leave." You have a gift."

" you have to dissipate?"

Ding Ning suddenly felt a deep sense of reluctance. Although the relationship between the two was only a short time, the feeling of blood connection still made him suddenly feel reluctance. As for the gift he said, he didn't care about it. "Fate arises and dies, fate is determined by the sky, I have lived enough long ago, I want to dissipate completely, but the star map..."

Su Zhe smiled wryly: "The star map has bound me, and I may not be allowed to dissipate it. Let's do everything according to fate. If you don't die, in another universe in the future, maybe there will be a reunion day."

"That's good, that's good, it's better to die than live, live bravely, although your brothers and lovers are gone, but in another universe, you may be able to make brothers and friends who are devoted to each other again, maybe I can also find a few more beautiful women who are as beautiful as flowers and jade as wives..."

Ding Ning's heart suddenly relaxed, and he comforted him with incoherent nonsense.

Su Zhe didn't know whether to laugh or cry, he shook his head lightly and said, "Don't talk about this, I don't have time, let's accept your gift."

Before Ding Ning could react, there was a bang in his mind, and he felt his whole body transformed into a vast starry sky, continuously devouring the dead stars in the space of will, and merging into the 720 acupuncture points on his body.

"There are a total of 720 stars in this starry sky, that is, the 720 living stars in the Central Star City. Although their star sources have been exhausted, their star cores have not been completely destroyed. Now I will put these The stars are given to you, if you can rejuvenate all these stars in the future, then you will transcend this universe and follow my footsteps, and I will wait for you there."

Su Zhe's voice seemed to pass through the long river of time, and it sounded in his ears like a dream.

Ding Ning tried hard to say something, but his mouth was uncontrollable and he couldn't make any sound. His whole body was in pain as if being torn apart, which was even more painful than when he was training.

There is no way, who made his 720 acupoints open up long ago, but he still doesn't know how to control them, and now he is forced into 720 stars that are not completely dead, that kind of soul The severe pain that was about to burst made his forehead twitch, his eyes bulged, and his face swelled into blood red.

"Calm and concentrate, starry sky visualization technique."

Su Zhe seemed to have expected it. With a light drink, a picture appeared in Ding Ning's mind.

It was a terrifying monster that covered the sky and covered the sun. It swallowed the sun and the moon, traveled through the void, and radiated a faint star glow all over its body. It couldn't be seen clearly.

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