Medical Sovereign

1615th remote control tail stab

Of course, it would be wasteful for Ding Ning to turn wood into furniture.

You should know that besides these, Jianglong wood is not only the top refining material; it is also the best carrier for characterizing symbols; most importantly, its bark can be used as the material for making scrolls after processing.

Jianglong wood is also called Liudao wood, which coincides with the principle of the six paths of reincarnation between heaven and earth. It is a wonder of heaven and earth with dao rhyme and divine pattern. It has the strongest carrying capacity for the magic circle, and it is also the top material as the carrier of the magic circle.

He has thoroughly researched the teleportation scrolls traded to him by the saintesses. To be honest, the teleportation array that cannot cross borders is not difficult for him at all. The only difficulty is the material for making the scrolls.

The scrolls that can carry the space teleportation circle have very high requirements on the carrying capacity. Although the beast skin of the demon king level can also be used as the material of the scroll, but making a teleportation scroll will almost waste more than half of the beast skin. Ding Ning was in severe pain.

Ding Ning was also reluctant to use the bark of Jianglong wood to make scrolls. They are rare and precious things. How could he be willing to use them alone to make scrolls?

Therefore, he had long thought of a solution. When tanning the monster skin, he added some bark powder to greatly enhance the bearing capacity of the material, saving dozens of times compared to simply using animal skin or bark to make scrolls.

To be honest, if he hadn't found this Dragon Subduing Tree here today, he would have planned to go to Mount Tai after the Warriors Conference was over, and secretly scraped some bark off the only Dragon Subduing Tree with a clear location.

The Jianglong tree in Mount Tai is about 17 meters high, and the trunk diameter is more than one meter. Because there are no annual rings, it is impossible to determine the age of the tree, but according to local people's verification, it is definitely an ancient tree that has lived more than a thousand years.

And the Dragon Subduing Tree in front of me is at least hundreds of meters high by visual estimation, and the diameter of the trunk is not less than twenty or thirty meters. It is really incalculable how many years it has lived.

According to calculations based on the trunk diameter of more than one meter, which is a thousand-year-old tree, this towering ancient Jianglong tree may be at least tens of thousands of years old, or even hundreds of thousands of years old.

If this Dragon Subduing Tree is already old, its value may drop a lot, but its luxuriant branches and leaves are extremely vigorous, and it is obviously in its prime of life. No matter what it is used for, the effect is far beyond that of a thousand-year-old tree. Tree.

Therefore, Ding Ning is completely immersed in the beautiful longing at this moment, drooling, imagining how to maximize the use of this ancient dragon subduing tree that has lived for thousands of years, thus ignoring the three-pattern tree behind him. The flying ant was flashing its golden tail thorns in an extremely sinister manner, stabbing at the back of his head silently like a cold poisonous snake.

"Master, be careful.


Jin Jin, who was leading the way, turned around inadvertently, and when he saw this scene, he screamed suddenly.

Since it was in a hurry, instead of mental sound transmission, it made a chirping sound. Ding Ning didn't understand what it said at all, but out of an instinct for danger, he instinctively tilted his head.


Seeing that the back of the head could not be pierced, the three-bar flying ants immediately shot out their poisonous stings, and pierced Ding Ning's shoulder fiercely.

Ding Ning only felt a pain in his shoulder, and a strong sense of numbness, and he knew he had been tricked. This made him curse himself for being blind to money. The vigilance is really stupid.

Annoyed, he lowered his body and dived forward, avoiding the second thorn of three bars in a dangerous way, and went straight to Jianglongshu without looking back.

He knows that the toxins of these ants are very strange, and they are very different from the toxins on the earth. It is not so easy to prepare medicine to detoxify. What's more, the three stripes are watching, and they will never leave any time for themselves. Antidote.

Therefore, he immediately chose to run to the Jianglong Tree. You must know that the Jianglong Tree is a holy medicine for detoxification. Even if the poison of the three stripes cannot be completely detoxified, it is still easy to delay the poison.

At this time, what he misses most is the mermaid Yiyi. If the mermaid Yiyi is here, even if the poison cannot be cured, it is still possible to suppress the speed at which the toxin spreads.

The three stripes seemed to be aware of his thoughts, and immediately chirped anxiously, as if calling for his companions to intercept him.

Feeling the anxiety in its cry, Ding Ning was determined, the more this guy was afraid that he would approach Jianglongshu, the more it meant that Jianglongshu could detoxify this poison.

Whoosh whoosh!

From the tree hole at the root of the Jianglong tree, three golden lights flashed suddenly, and three three-striped flying ants rushed out aggressively. Ben he came up, middle and down three ways.

No one in the world!

With a flash of footsteps, Ding Ning's body turned into afterimages, and without any delay, he almost jumped through the gap between the three tail needles, and without hesitation, he turned his palm into a claw, and ruthlessly scratched a large piece of Jianglong Tree bark, hands covered with milky sap.

With a strange twist of his body, he twisted his upper body into a twisted shape with a difficult movement beyond the limits of human beings, pulled out the poisonous thorn on his shoulder, and wiped the juice from his palm on the wound.

A refreshing feeling came, and the effect was immediate, and a clear stream appeared on the numb shoulders, and he quickly regained consciousness, detoxification, it turned out to be that simple.

Ding Ning has never been so grateful to the old donkey at this moment. If he hadn't taught him to be independent in the world, it would not have been easy for him to escape the attack of these three tail thorns when his body was paralyzed and his brain was unresponsive after being poisoned.

All this is a long story, but it all happened in an instant. When the four general ants saw that he knew how to use the juice of Jianglongmu to detoxify, they were furious and turned into four golden lights like tarsal maggots. He rushed towards Ding Ning.


Ding Ning was still afraid of them when he was poisoned. Now that the poison has been cured, how could he be polite to them? Knowing why I changed places with that hateful human being.


Ding Ning grinned, and before the three general ants beside him could react, he grabbed one of them, raised his hand, and slashed at it with nails sharper than magic weapons.

A drop of blood gushed out, and Ding Ning forced to sign the master-servant contract without stopping. He opened his palm, grabbed a general ant who had just reacted, and forced to sign the contract with a swipe of his finger.

In the blink of an eye, two of the four general ants rebelled, and the remaining two were startled, angry, and confused. They couldn't figure out how a comrade in the trench just now turned into an enemy in an instant.

Ding Ning breathed a sigh of relief, and took the gold back to the pet space. His figure flashed again, and he grabbed a general ant who was fighting, and continued to sign the master-servant contract.

The only remaining general ant suddenly panicked, shook his hands, turned around and fled into the tree hole.

Ding Ning likes to beat the dog in the water the most, and he can't let it escape. In a blink of an eye, his figure has already blocked its path like a ghost.

Before he could inquire about the situation in the tree hole, a buzzing sound suddenly sounded, and a big yellow ant with four golden stripes jumped out of the tree hole.

But I didn't expect that four three-striped bars encircled and suppressed one four-striped bar and fell into a disadvantage in an instant. If they hadn't had a master-servant contract that forced them to support them, they might have fled long ago.

It's no wonder that after the evolution of four golden stripes, it is called a war ant. After adding this golden stripe, its combat effectiveness is completely different from that of three stripes. It is not a level of competition at all.

The speed of the four bars is as fast as thunder, and it is as light as a dragon. It seems to have the demeanor of everyone in every move, as if it is not an ant, but a martial arts master. The four three bars are like kindergarten children They were vulnerable like children, and they were covered in bruises in a blink of an eye. If they hadn't figured out why they betrayed the group and were merciful, they would have died by now.

"Stand back, I'll come!"

Ding Ning knew that the four bars could fully understand his own words, and shouted in a deep voice.

The four three-striped bars seemed to be pardoned, dragging their bruised body and retreated in a panic, the four-striped bars didn't chase after them, they hovered in mid-air, staring at Ding Ning as if facing a formidable enemy, as if they could see This human being is not easy to mess with.

Ding Ning looked at the four bars with great interest and said with spiritual power: "I know you can understand me, how about we talk?"

"Despicable human beings, there is nothing to talk about between us."

The four stripes seem to be very hostile to humans, and said with resentment.

Ding Ning rolled his eyes speechlessly: "Don't you want to watch the ethnic group disappear?"

"Enough, what else do you humans do besides threatening us with this? I'll talk about it if you have the ability to win."

The four bars yelled frantically, and the tail sting suddenly broke away from the body and shot towards Ding Ning.

The speed was as fast as lightning, and ordinary people would not be able to see the trajectory of the tail sting at all, but Ding Ning was waiting for someone. When he opened his eyes, the speed of the tail sting was as slow as a snail in his eyes. If you want to enter the sword with your bare hands, grab the tail thorn.

The four stripes showed a humanized sneer, and with a whoosh, the second and third tail stings shot out at twice the speed of the first tail sting.

Ding Ning was shocked and had to dodge sideways. After passing the first tail thorn, his hands were filled with a layer of pure spiritual power, and he grabbed the two tail thorns from left to right.

Just when he was about to grab the two tail thorns, he suddenly felt a bad wind blowing from the back of his head. The strong sense of danger made him flee away without hesitation, leaving only an afterimage on the spot.

Whoosh whoosh!

The three tail thorns stabbed Ding Ning's body almost regardless of the front and back, and before the four bars were proud, he found that it was just an afterimage.

This unexpected scene caused the four bars to fly away from the spot almost instinctively, making Ding Ning's sneak attack come to nothing.

Before Ding Ning was surprised, three tail thorns suddenly appeared in front of his eyes as if passing through space, and shot at him fiercely.

Ding Ning's figure flashed, disappeared in the same place again, and appeared behind the four bars in a blink of an eye, but the four bars, as expected, turned around and flew away again, making his plan come to nothing again.

And those three tail thorns drew a roundabout arc in the air, and shot towards Ding Ning again like tarsal maggots.

"Damn it, Yujianshu!"

Ding Ning yelled in shock, his figure flickered again, and his whole body disappeared out of thin air in an instant, which made the four bars who were fully on guard stunned.

The three tail thorns lost their target, drawing graceful arcs in the air, like three sharp swords patrolling the territory.

Ding Ning was invisible in the air, with a look of shock on his face, damn, these four bars can be used to remotely stab the tail, this is already in the category of sword control, and it's too unreal.

However, the more this happened, the more excited Ding Ning was. This is his future younger brother. Of course, the stronger the younger brother, the happier he will be.

Suddenly lost the target, the four bars also became tense, and the three tail thorns hovered around it continuously to prevent it from being attacked by Ding Ning.

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