Medical Sovereign

One thousand six hundred and sixteen calculations

"Hi! I'm here."

Ding Ning suddenly appeared a few meters behind it, and waved his hand as if greeting an old friend.


Almost out of an instinctive reaction, the three tail thorns went straight to Ding Ning in the shape of a finished character.

"The eye of the void, the pupil of the void!"

Ding Ning let out a low cry, and suddenly appeared beside the four bars, reaching out to grab it in his hands.


Just when Ding Ning thought that the overall situation was settled, he suddenly felt a sharp pain in his palm. The pain made him shiver all over, and he couldn't help but let go of his hand with a gasp.

If it was just the pain in the palm of his hand, he could still bear it, but the fourth tail thorn of the four stripes was extremely weird, and it actually directly attacked the soul, causing his brain to have a splitting headache as if he had been stabbed by a needle.

It turned out that another extremely sharp tail thorn protruded from the end of the four stripes, piercing his palm directly, and the bright red blood gushed out along the wound.

The four bars were too late to defend against a successful sneak attack, and they flapped their wings to escape from Ding Ning's palm, but after smelling the fragrance of his blood, they immediately lost all reason, turned around desperately and flew back to his palm, lying greedily on the wound sucking his blood.

Ding Ning was overjoyed, Nima, I didn't expect this guy to be a glutton, resisting the faint tingling pain in his brain, scratched his body with four stripes with his fingers, squeezed out blood and forcibly signed the master-servant contract.

As soon as the contract was signed, the pain in the brain disappeared, which made Ding Ning heave a long sigh of relief.

It's just that he was extremely puzzled, didn't this yellow ant only have three tail thorns? How could there be an extra one suddenly? Although it is non-toxic, it can directly attack the soul.

If four stripes are so difficult to deal with, how terrifying are ants with five or six stripes or even seven or eight or nine stripes?

Fortunately, he was named Jin Si... Uh, no, it should be called Jin Wu now. After devouring a lot of Ding Ning's blood like a vampire, this guy has evolved a fifth golden pattern, and his breath is stronger than before. The skyrocketing price more than doubled, making Ding Ning feel the pressure.

Jin Wu told him that the fourth tail thorn was not an entity, but a tail thorn condensed with the power of the soul, which is why it attacked the soul. Not all ant groups can control this kind of ability.

Only when the yellow ants have evolved the fourth bar can they master it, which makes Ding Ning feel a little relieved, otherwise, he really has to consider whether to continue exploring the restricted area.

But Jin Wu also told him a bad news. It is not the patent of the yellow ant clan to control the tail thorns with mental power. Many ant clans have tail thorns. have this ability.

This made Ding Ning thoughtful. It seems that the evolution of the monster race here is very different from that in the Kunpeng world.

The monsters in the Kunpeng Realm mainly rely on their blood to awaken and focus more on the tyrannical power of the physical body; while the monsters in the Langya Secret Realm seem to focus more on the cultivation of spiritual power.

Remembering that he had been defeated by ordinary man-eating ants before, Ding Ning faintly felt that something was wrong. After all, although his cultivation base was suppressed here, his physical strength was the absolute peak of holy martial arts. In other words, even if it is four stripes and five stripes, it is impossible to break through one's physical defense.

But in fact, not only ordinary man-eating ants, but even sand scorpions easily broke through their own defenses, which is very abnormal.

Ding Ning grabbed Jin Wu and the other four three-striped bars, exerted his absolute sense of touch, and carefully inspected every inch of the cells in their bodies, but he couldn't find anything strange.

Jin Wu has the highest spiritual intelligence. When Ding Ning was puzzled by the question, he gave him the answer in the spiritual connection: "All ethnic groups living in the desert have a common characteristic, which is armor-piercing."

Ding Ning was shocked, his eyes widened in disbelief, and he asked urgently, "Sunder Armor? Is it Sunder Armor that ignores defense?"

Jin Wu couldn't give a precise answer to this, and he didn't know the concept of ignoring defense, but in its memory, as long as it was a life of flesh and blood, as long as it was hit by their attacks, it would inevitably be injured.

Ding Ning's eyes were frighteningly bright, and since Bai Xun'er refined the eyeballs of the God of Plague, he had a pupil technique that he coveted, a piercing ray that ignored defense.

After genetically modifying Xun'er, his absolute sense of touch even activated the petrification technique, but this piercing technique couldn't be activated anyway, which made him quite disappointed, because this thing is so easy to use, ignoring defense, it is simply The great killer weapon for gods to block and kill gods and Buddhas.

But now, Jin Wu's answer gave him a glimmer of hope for activating the armor-piercing ability. Even though the armor-piercing ability might not ignore defense, it would definitely not be inferior to the piercing ability.

Therefore, Ding Ning did not hesitate to start with the black gold and modify their genes one after another to see if they could awaken the armor-piercing ability.

Hard work pays off, even after he changed the genes of the four three stripes, he still failed to activate the armor-piercing ability, which made him very frustrated. After the gene, unexpectedly he actually awakened the armor-piercing ability.

Ding Ning waved his fist excitedly. Although the armor-piercing ability is not the ultimate armor-piercing ability that ignores defense, he is extremely satisfied to be able to break through the armor-piercing effect that is three levels higher than his own.

In other words, even if he encounters the Immortal Emperor who is three realms higher than him, he can break through the defense and cause damage to him after using the armor-piercing ability.

Of course, the premise is that he has the ability to approach and hit the opponent. Not to mention the Immortal Emperor, even a strong person in the Transformation God Realm can easily kill him in seconds, leaving him with no chance to make a move.

You must know that from the beginning of the Holy Martial Realm, you basically rely on manipulating the vitality of the world to fight. Who would foolishly fight with you in close quarters, so this armor-piercing ability seems extremely tasteless.

But this still can't stop Ding Ning's excitement. After all, this armor-piercing ability is still very sharp to sneak attack when people are not prepared. Thousands of years, never thought of hurting a single hair of him.

It's like playing an online game to kill a boss whose level is too high. You can't even break the defense, and you are all MISS.

But with the armor-piercing ability, it's different. Give the boss a cold blow, even if you can't kill him, you can make him lose blood, isn't it?

What's more, with this armor-piercing ability, Ding Ning has the confidence to PK with the powerhouse of the god realm. With luck, he might be able to seriously injure or even kill the opponent, let alone the battle with the powerhouse of the same level. It's time to fight, as long as you can hit me close, the opponent will have to peel off even if he doesn't die.

The words "invincible in melee combat" spontaneously came to mind, and he was so happy that he couldn't close his mouth from ear to ear. Even the back molars were exposed, and he kept giggling there.

"Master, can you let the queen ant survive?"

Jin Wu's timid request interrupted Ding Ning's silly fun.

Ding Ning was in a good mood and teased, "What? Is she a little lover?"

Jin Wu revealed a touch of human shyness: "It's my spouse."

Ding Ning opened his mouth in astonishment, and suddenly remembered that he seemed to have overlooked one thing, and his expression became weird.

In his memory, there is only one male ant in the ant colony on the earth. This male ant and the fertile female ant (that is, the queen) are only responsible for giving birth. Both the male ant and the queen ant have wings before mating. Yes, the male ants will die shortly after mating, and the queen's wings will fall off, and she will begin to build a nest and lay eggs.

When there are no male ants in the colony, the queen ant often has another ability, that is, it can lay eggs regardless of whether it is fertilized or not. Unfertilized eggs will develop into male ants, and fertilized eggs will develop into female ants. Guarantee the continuation of the race.

However, the ant colony here seems to have embarked on a completely different evolutionary path from the ant colony on the earth. Jin Wu is obviously the male ant responsible for the planting machine. Not only did he not die, but his wings did not fall off. his cognition.

Especially thinking that the old ant king had died a long time ago, Jin Wu is obviously the male ant that was born after the yellow ant colony was driven out of the desert, and the queen was not fertilized and laid eggs. Thinking about it, they are clearly a mother-child relationship, but now It happens to be a spouse.

It was precisely because of this thought that Ding Ning's expression became quite weird, and he secretly complained in his heart that your circle is really messed up.

"Don't worry, as long as your little lover cooperates, I won't hurt it."

Even if Jin Wu didn't say anything, he wouldn't be able to kill the queen ant, he was still waiting for the queen to brew him an ant milk continuously.

Jin Wu happily flew around, sending out special biological waves between ants, as if communicating with the queen.

Ding Ning was not in a hurry to enter the tree hole. Based on the queen's previous performances, he believed that this intelligent and time-conscious queen would make a wise choice.

Not long after, Jin Wu told Ding Ning that the Queen Ant invited him into the tree hole, and after he nodded in agreement, Jin Wu flew in first.

Ding Ning was bold, and followed in without hesitation. The moment he stepped into the tree hole, his brain suddenly became muddled, and his eyes became dull.

"Despicable human race, what have you done to my people?"

A high-pitched voice full of anger suddenly sounded in Ding Ning's mind.

Ding Ning stared blankly at the ant queen with eight golden patterns shining on its body in a tree hole with a radius of more than ten meters. With empty eyes, he said, "I signed a master-servant contract with them."

"Now, I order you to sign a master-servant contract with me, and I will be your master and servant."

The ant queen looked down on the humble subjects like a high queen, her compound eyes stared at Ding Ning, a flash of human greed flashed across her face, the blood of this human being could actually have the effect of making the ant clan evolve, how could she not be tempted by it.

"Yes, Your Majesty the Ant Queen, please give me a drop of blood so that I can sign the master-servant contract!"

Ding Ning's eyes were blank, he bent down and said respectfully.

The queen hesitated, but she couldn't resist the temptation of evolution, so she quickly made a decision, opened her mouth and bit her wrist, and a drop of blood was suspended in front of Ding Ning's eyes.

Ding Ning reached out to pick up the drop of blood, cut his own wrist, mixed his own blood with that of the queen ant, muttered something, and began to sign the master-servant contract.

The ant queen's compound eyes kept flashing with obscure light, and suddenly felt that something was wrong, she yelled angrily, "How dare you!"

He opened his mouth and spit out a beam of light and shot at Ding Ning, wanting to break the contract, but it was too late, two mysterious blood-colored runes suddenly appeared in the air and flew into the bodies of the two, the contract was established, and a spirit was established between the two. connect.

Ding Ning's empty eyes instantly regained their spirits, and he snorted coldly with a pale face: "You're looking for death!"


The ant queen let out a shrill scream, hugged her head in a humane way and kept rolling on the ground in pain, and the light sting disappeared suddenly with her scream.

Ding Ning wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, his face showed lingering fear, he never thought that this ant queen turned out to be a big boss with eight golden stripes.

If he hadn't pretended to be hypnotized by her and tricked her into signing a master-servant contract, he really wouldn't be able to subdue this terrifying eight-striped ant queen.

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