Medical Sovereign

1773rd: The Origin of Zeus

"What? You said that your blood race is actually an angel? Old Mi, hahaha, I didn't expect you to be... quite humorous... Hahaha... Congratulations... you successfully made me laugh... haha... hey Yo hey, I dare say this is definitely the funniest joke of the century..."

Ding Ning, who had brought Milles back to the Qingyun security garrison unknowingly, opened his mouth so wide that he could stuff a duck egg, his eyes almost didn't fall off, and then he couldn't help laughing out loud, even tears up.

Just kidding, who doesn't know that angels are a symbol of purity and light, and vampires are the endorsement of evil and darkness. How could two diametrically opposite races be the same species?

But Millers, who was recovering quickly from his injuries, didn't seem to be joking at all. His expression...was unprecedentedly serious and serious.

Ding Ning couldn't laugh suddenly, and the smile gradually faded away. The shock in his heart couldn't be more shocking. He looked at him seriously and said, "Are you serious?"

Millers nodded with great certainty: "This is the biggest secret passed down from generation to generation by the blood race, and it is also the Holy See...or the truth that the gods behind the Holy See have been trying to cover up."

Ding Ning suddenly realized that perhaps what he was about to hear would be the biggest secret in the genealogy of the western gods, and his expression became serious accordingly.

Because he felt that Millers didn't dare to lie to him, even if he lied to him, it was impossible to take such absurd things that no one would believe as a lie, so he believed it.

Following Millers' eloquence, Ding Ning's expression became more and more dignified, and turbulent waves arose in his heart.

It turns out that the gods headed by Zeus, the emperor of heaven, are not actually the local residents of the earth. They come from Krimms, a planet of higher life in outer space, which has a powerful force and advanced technological civilization far surpassing that of humans on earth.

Zeus was a small nobleman on Krimms, he was better than the top and the bottom was more than the bottom, and his life was passable, but Zeus himself was handsome, and he was also a romantic and lustful person. At a ball, he hooked up with a romantic and passionate lady.

Before the dance was over, the two couldn't wait to hug and kiss and leave. They wanted to find a place to have an affair, but unexpectedly, they were spotted by a rival that the woman's husband had always been at odds with.

Now it was a catastrophe, because the lady's husband was a marquis, and Zeus, a little viscount, could not compare in terms of status or strength.

In fact, life among nobles has always been chaotic. It is not the first time that lady has cheated, and the Marquis knows it well. Usually, everyone plays their own way and no one cares.

If it was normal, even if he knew it, he would not take it seriously, but in order to hit him, that opponent hypocritically pretended to leak the truth at the ball and told the scandal, which made Lord Marquis lose face and became a The laughing stock of everyone present.

Some unspoken rules are well known to everyone, and no one will break them, but once the unspoken rules are put on the table, it will be a scandal.

The marquis who was cuckolded by Zeus was completely humiliated, and he said in public with a livid face that he would definitely tear his adulterer into pieces and shatter his bones into ashes.

It is not for nothing that Zeus has been fooling around for so many years. He also has a few friends who share the same taste. Just when he was about to taste the taste of the coquettish lady, a friend who stayed at the ball to witness everything contacted him and told him that disaster was imminent. Run away quickly.

Zeus was in a daze at the time, he was still in the mood to play with women, he left the resentful Marquise, picked up his trousers and ran back home, and began to inquire about the details with a few friends who had a good relationship.

Knowing that Lord Marquis had uttered cruel words in public, Zeus numb his paws at that time, knowing that this time he really caused a catastrophe, if he didn't leave, he would definitely die, and maybe the whole family would be affected.

The Angel family is the most famous mercenary race on Krimms. They are loyal, upright, brave and fearless, and are favored by all customers who need to hire mercenary services.

Zeus was terrified, and thought of angel mercenaries, so he hired a squad of hundreds of angels as guards overnight with a high salary, and took the whole family to escape from Krimms on a space battleship, hoping to escape from the wind on other living planets. Let's talk about it.

The Marquis suffocated his anger at night, and had a big fight with his wife when he got home, planning to find trouble with Zeus early the next morning.

Unexpectedly, before dawn, the dispatched subordinates reported that the Zeus family had fled overnight. The Marquis immediately became furious, and immediately sent an armed fleet to pursue and kill them.

The hard-pressed Zeus was hunted down with nowhere to go. If the angel mercenaries were not brave and good at fighting, always dealing with the pursuers, he would have been killed long ago.

It has to be said that Zeus is also a decisive person. Seeing that he could not get rid of the pursuers, he ventured away from the safe channel and entered an unexplored dangerous area in spite of everyone's opposition.

As a result, although the pursuers were thrown off, they also lost their way in the unknown star field, and were unfortunately drawn into a black hole.

Fortunately, the survivors finally persisted through the black hole by relying on the hard material of the space battleship, and came to a strange planet Earth.

It's just that the space battleship has been damaged and cannot continue to sail, and the casualties are extremely heavy. There are more than 300 people in the whole family, plus 100 members of the angel team, a total of more than 400 people, less than half of them survived.

Although it is very sad, the living must continue. Those who survived the catastrophe went through various dangers, forced to land, and finally came to the earth accidentally.

When Zeus found out that this is an ancient and primitive planet, and the local humans are still in the primitive society of drinking blood, he was immediately overjoyed.

After all, Krems Star is a planet of advanced life, and its technological civilization is extremely developed. Even though Zeus is just a small nobleman of Krems Star, he has also mastered some common technologies on the market. On this barbaric planet, it is enough to make people He reigned supreme.

Therefore, Zeus quickly found a foothold to settle down and set up a business, entrenched on Mount Olympus and proclaimed himself a god, and began to send people to educate the local aborigines, teaching them farming, fishing and hunting.

As the best-known mercenaries on Krimms, the Angel Squad always puts their reputation first. The first rule of their mercenary code is that they will always be loyal to their employers when the employment relationship is not over.

Therefore, even though many angels died while crossing the black hole, the surviving angels did not have any complaints, and only hoped that the space battleship could be repaired as soon as possible, and one day they could return home.

In fact, among the surviving servants of the Zeus family, there are many people who know how to repair warships. It is not difficult to repair the warships. However, Zeus had already given birth to the idea of ​​occupying the mountain and becoming king at that time, and he had no intention of going back at all.

And the angel mercenaries have always been known for their tyrannical force, which also gave Zeus some other thoughts. He wanted to use them to expand the territory and make his family the supreme existence on this barren planet. How could he let them go? leave.

Therefore, Zeus began to perfunctory them, saying that it is too difficult to repair space battleships on a planet where no technological civilization has been established. He can only wait for the development of technological civilization here, and then find a way to repair the warships. Find your way back.

The angel family is good at fighting, but they don't know anything about machinery. Hearing what Zeus said makes sense, they can only hold back their temper and start a new life on earth.

Anyway, they have a long lifespan, and sometimes it takes tens or hundreds of years for an interstellar mission, even if they stay here for a few hundred years, they can afford to wait.

Next, Zeus started his plan. While pretending to be a god, he taught the local indigenous people to learn farming, fishing and hunting, so as to harvest their beliefs and prepare for the next step to conquer the entire earth; Bloody suppression in the name of the gods.

In fact, Zeus's own strength is quite good, but as a nobleman, even if he is only a viscount, he is also a nobleman. As an elegant and noble nobleman, how can he fight and kill like those vulgar people?

Therefore, Zeus approached the six leaders of the Angel Squad and proposed to continue hiring them to serve him.

There is no distinction between good and evil in the creed of angel mercenaries, and everything depends on the requirements of their employers. Therefore, when Zeus asked to continue paying them during their stay, they readily agreed without hesitation and became mercenaries. The sharpest knife in the hands of Zeus.

In this way, the angel became the guardian angel of the holy mountain, and opened up the territory for Zeus all day long, while Zeus lived a luxurious and luxurious life on the holy mountain.

It has to be said that the Zeus family is also wonderful. Although it is only a small noble family on Krimms, they are very keen on the noble life of the upper class.

There are only a hundred or eighty people in the family, but there is a reception every night. The men are well-dressed and the women are beautifully dressed. They hold red wine together and talk about architecture, dance, poetry, painting... full of Fan of literature and art.

That is to say, in such a depraved FǔBài environment, Zeus committed the old problem of lust again, but at that time the earth was still in primitive society, and the indigenous women did not conform to his aesthetic views at all, so he set his sights on his most beautiful On the body of his older sister Hera, after a drinking party, Hera fell asleep with drunkenness.

It's just that Hera is not easy to mess with, and she is extremely jealous. She couldn't control Zeus's drinking and drinking before, but now that Zeus has slept her, he must marry her.

Zeus thought that there were no attractive women on this barren planet, and there was no saying on Krimms that close relatives could not marry, so he simply married her and made her the Queen of Heaven.

He himself is the emperor of heaven and his wife is the queen of heaven, so his two brothers quit. Why are you two famous gods, and we are your brothers, but we are like a background board, without even a title .

The family and everything are prosperous, in order to appease the grievances of the brothers and sisters, Zeus waved his hand and appointed the elder brother Poseidon as the king of the sea, who is in charge of the ocean; the second brother Hades is the king of the underworld, who is in charge of hell.

Now Poseidon and Hades are satisfied, but his seven aunts and eight aunts are all dissatisfied. Why do your brothers have titles, and our seven aunts and eight aunts don't?

But they are not in a hurry, anyway, Zeus is a lecherous guy, as long as he takes the initiative to throw himself into his arms and give him some sweets, can he not get any benefits?

So, the next Zeus lived a life of joy and pain, and the pain was because Hera was too jealous, so he cared about him to death.

He was happy because he racked his brains to avoid Hera's sight, and finally got his long-coveted cousin Metis, and sealed her as a goddess of wisdom after the incident.

Everyone saw that this trick was useful, hey, let’s all come, regardless of their seniority, anyway, as long as it is a woman, they will all be dressed up and swinging around in front of Zeus all day long, flirting and coquettish.

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