Medical Sovereign

1774th Angel Reincarnation

Well, Zeus's eyes are straight now, thinking that these seven aunts and eight aunts usually look like that, but he didn't expect that they all look beautiful when they are dressed up.

As the saying goes, after serving in the army for three years, a sow is better than Diaochan.

Although Zeus didn't serve as a soldier, he was already lustful and guarded Hera a woman all day long. No matter how beautiful she was, she sometimes got tired of it. Although these seven aunts and eight aunts were not as beautiful as their wives, Hera, they were better than new and exciting.

I thought to myself that I am the king of this world anyway, if I can't live a life as I please, I'm still a god.

So, this guy completely let go of himself, behind Hera's back, he successively took his aunt Themis, cousin Eurynome, second sister Demeter, aunt Mnemosyne, and cousin Leto into his bag. .

Of course, he didn't let these women down, he just gave them a god name, what a big deal, and it doesn't cost money anyway.

So Goddess of Justice, Goddess of the Night, Goddess of the Sea, Goddess of Memory... a lot of goddess titles came into being.

By the time Hera knew it was too late, several of these women were pregnant, and she couldn't get mad if she wanted to. They were all relatives of her own family.

After getting Hera's forgiveness, Zeus lived a happy life of polygamy, wine pool, meat forest, extravagance and extreme desire.

Of course, a happy life is always short-lived, and Zeus will get a little bored once the freshness wears off.

In particular, many of these women are pregnant with his children, which makes him feel very distressed. Children are the most annoying. How can a large group of women wander around comfortably around him alone.

But this can only be thought about, he dare not say it out, who let him try to be happy for a while, but regret it for the rest of his life, and he has to serve them all day long pretending to be a filial son and virtuous grandson.

That's it, these women are not satisfied, they are there all day long to argue and fight openly and secretly over trivial matters, which makes him feel very annoying, so he decides to go out and hide for a few days to relax and relax.

After coming to the earth, he patronizes making children, but he hasn't inspected his territory seriously. This emperor of heaven is indeed too dereliction of duty.

So, he found out with his conscience and decided to visit the angels who escorted him for his happy life. As a leader, he should let his subordinates know that the leader is thinking about them all the time.

The angels finally saw Zeus, tears of excitement were about to fall, they said they would continue to hire us, what the hell are they talking about but not practicing, what about the commission?

During this period of time, we are suffering. The poor are living on instant noodles all day long, and the hungry are sticking their heads to their backs. Let alone the war, they even walk with their legs fluttering. Going on strike and going to demonstrations, if wages are still in arrears, we will... just go to petition.

But there is no place to go to petition, Zeus is the boss in this land, the angels are so wronged, they stared at Zeus with tears in their eyes, Zeus’s little resentful eyes made the hair growl in his heart, and he quickly smiled on behalf of Shenshan’s hard work in The angels on the front line extended their cordial condolences.

The content of condolences is generally to ask if their work is going well? Have you encountered any difficulties in life? If you have difficulties, you should mention them in time, and if you don’t have difficulties, you should mention them even if you create difficulties! (Otherwise, it will be difficult to explain to the big and small wives when I go back!)

This sympathy was good, the angels finally found a place to confide, and poured out their grievances in one go.

Although the words were thick and messy, Zeus understood. To sum it up, there is actually one meaning. It’s not easy for us to work part-time. You can’t delay our wages and give us money.

Zeus was already in Sparta at that time, and he stared at them dumbfounded. He was so moved that he couldn't speak for a long time, and his face turned red.

I thought,

What a wonderful staff, what they eat is grass and what they squeeze out is milk. They are really hard-working scalpers.

But, are they stupid? The food, drink and lazards on the holy mountain are all sent by the angels. They are almost starving to death, don’t they know how to hold back a little bit? It's good to pay wages in advance.

At that time, Zeus really didn't pay attention to money and other things outside his body. The whole world belonged to him, and he had no place to spend money. Therefore, he was both moved and despised by the sincerity of the angels. What a combination of fools and idiots.

Isn't it just money, what a big deal, as long as you can hold these powerful guys in your hands, they will give you whatever they want.

So our Lord Tiandi waved his hand boldly, and took the hungry angels to the restaurant, but after eating and drinking, he was so embarrassed that he didn't bring any money.

Now Zeus was dumbfounded, the majestic emperor invited the staff to dinner and had no money to pay the bill, although with his strength he patted his ass and left, but this is not easy to say, what does it look like when it spreads.

Besides, the angels are all honest people, they can't do the thing of eating the overlord's meal, and they all look at him eagerly waiting for him to pay.

Zeus felt uncomfortable. He thought that if he couldn't do it, he would discuss it with the owner of the restaurant and owe it first, and then he would double the delivery when he came back.

But he was so naive, he sneaked over to the boss to explain what he meant, and the boss blew up on the spot.

What's the matter, a group of "migrant workers" went to Lao Tzu's restaurant to eat with their arms open, and they had already eaten up the food prepared by the restaurant that day. I thought it was a big deal when I saw that you were dressed in decent clothes, no You dare to be negligent, and you even paid a lot of money to temporarily buy food from nearby restaurants, and now you actually told me to sign the bill.

Damn who do you think you are? Who can sign the bill is not a prince or nobleman, do you have such a face like a liar?

The boss was so angry that his liver hurt, he yelled with a livid face, "Come here, someone wants to eat the overlord's meal."

Hulala, a group of tall and thick young men jumped out from the back hall immediately, the one carrying a kitchen knife, the one holding a rolling pin, all staring at them murderously, waiting for the boss to give an order, and they would fight.

At this moment, a luxuriously decorated chariot stopped at the entrance of the restaurant. The chariot was engraved with the mark of the Phoenician royal family. Stepping down a charming big beauty.

Zeus looked straight at the time, but he didn't expect that he hadn't come to the mortal world for a while, and the natives had already evolved beauties that fit his aesthetic point of view.

When the boss saw the beautiful woman, he hurriedly asked the waiter to put the guy away, greeted her with a flattering smile on his face, nodded and bowed, and respectfully called the woman a princess.

From their conversation, Zeus knew the beauty’s name. Her name was Europa, and she was Her Royal Highness Princess of Phoenicia. She had just returned from a tour and was hungry when passing by this restaurant. She remembered that there was a famous dish in this restaurant, so Came here to taste it.

Europa blinked his clear and innocent eyes, and asked what happened before, and the boss told the whole story in outrage.

Being ashamed in front of a beautiful woman, Zeus had never been so embarrassing, his face flushed with embarrassment, and he stammered an explanation, saying that he didn't have money, but he just forgot to bring it.

Perhaps it was because of his flirtatious appearance that Princess Europa found it very interesting, so she waved her hand generously, saying that she would pay for the meal.

Zeus was deeply fascinated by her, and in order to save face in front of the beautiful woman, he pretended to be from the sacred mountain.

In the end, in exchange for everyone's contemptuous eyes, md, people from Shenshan will eat [UU Reading 00kxs] Overlord Meal? Pretending isn't like that.

Even Europa didn't believe him, and there was a trace of disgust in his eyes, which hurt Zeus very much, so he could only lead the angels away dejectedly.

To Europa, this was just a trivial matter, and he quickly put it behind him.

But for Zeus, this was his first love, um, it was his first love, today's first love.

But I have to say that Zeus is really obsessed with Europa, but his family has a fierce wife, and he is a god, how can he fall in love with a mortal?

So, Zeus approached Europa in the form of a steed bull, then took her away, crossed the ocean to another continent, and told her that he was the master of Crete, and if Europa was willing to marry him, he could marry her forever. protect her.

In desperation, Europa stretched out a hand towards him, expressing that he agreed to his request. Zeus finally realized his wish. Later, he disappeared just like when he came.

Europa gradually woke up from the coma, looked around in panic, and called her father's name. At this time, she remembered what happened before.

She complained very sadly: "I am a despicable daughter, how can I call my father's name? I committed suicide accidentally, and I must forget everything!"

She looked around carefully and asked repeatedly in her heart: Where did I come from and where am I going? Am I really awake, is this scandal real? No, I must be innocent, she may just be a dream haunting me.

Europa, who was tragically abandoned by fate, hated her deeply. She thought of death, but she couldn't find the courage to seek death.

Just when she was full of hesitation, Venus, the god of love, appeared and told her the true identity of Zeus.

Only then did Europa realize that he had not lied that day in the restaurant, whether he really came from the mountain of God, or Zeus, the god of gods, so she acquiesced in her own destiny.

And the continent where she and Zeus combined was named Europa by Zeus, and it was gradually called Europe in modern times.

Ding Ning had heard of this legend before, but he didn't expect it to be true, but he didn't have a good impression of Zeus, a "like-minded" person.

Damn, it's really despicable, to throw the little girl to the other side of the ocean, where she is unfamiliar, to force her to submit, it is simply inferior to a beast, there is no bottom line at all.

Now, of course, the focus is not on Zeus' character and affairs, but on what ultimately happens between the gods and the angels that turns the pure and bright angels into vampires.

"Angels have the ability to reproduce themselves."

Ding Ning was taken aback by what Milles said next, his face became extremely strange, and he asked tentatively, "Could it be that you are hermaphrodite?"

"No, I mean angels, not our blood race."

Millers seemed to have gotten used to his status as a vampire long ago. Seeing Ding Ning looking at him with a strange expression, he quickly explained: "The angels are actually not hermaphrodites. How should I put it? In a more scientific way of saying it, angels are a A very special kind of existence, they are pure energy body life."

"Energy body life?"

Ding Ning repeated a sentence in doubt. Although the literal meaning is not difficult to understand, he really couldn't understand what kind of life form a pure energy body is.

However, he remembered that the four-winged angel that descended on Katharina seemed to be a pure energy body. It also claimed to be the most beloved sister of the God of Light in the previous life. After death, it entered the reincarnation pool and was reincarnated as an angel.

Reincarnation pool? A flash of inspiration suddenly flashed in Ding Ning's mind, and a pensive look flashed across his face, as he had some vague guesses about the break between the angels and the western gods.

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