Medical Sovereign

1775th Kunlun Market

"I don't really understand the specific principle, but I got such a memory from the inheritance records of the ancient blood pool. The angel family is a special life form composed of pure energy bodies. They are immortal and can last forever. The presence."

Millers looked solemn and explained seriously: "But this kind of immortality is relative, not absolute. Angels are born with an angelic heart as the power source of life energy. When an angel After living for a certain period of time or suffering serious injuries, the resistance of the energy body will be weakened, and it will gradually be eroded by external energy and become dirty. , while the angel will split a new angel heart from the old angel heart, releasing pure energy to purify the polluted body, the angels call this process reincarnation."

"That is to say, as long as the angel's heart exists, that angel will never die, right?"

Ding Ning asked thoughtfully.

"You could say that, but not quite."

Millers organized his language and continued: "How should I put it, in fact, although the reincarnated angel continues its life, in my opinion, it is more like multiplying offspring than reliving a lifetime."

"Because they have no memory of previous lives."

Ding Ning said with certainty, right in his words.

Millers looked at him in surprise and nodded, "That's right, so the newborn angels don't have the memories of their reincarnation, and they won't inherit the strength of the previous life. Everything has to start from scratch. Angels don't think they are dead. , but in my opinion, the reincarnated angel is not the original angel, but a brand new living body."

Ding Ning nodded thoughtfully, which reminded him of the soul. It seems that the purification of the reincarnation will also purify the soul, so there will be no memory and strength before the reincarnation. This strange reincarnation process is more like a kind of old and new In an alternate way of inheritance, when a new body is born, the old life body will die with it.

Thinking about it, he felt that angels were actually quite pitiful. They were destined to be orphans without father and mother since birth, unlike humans who could still feel the warmth of family affection.

Millers fell into the memory, and continued after a moment of silence: "Angels are the most vulnerable when they are reincarnated. Even ordinary people can hurt them. Therefore, when angels are reincarnated, they will be guarded by other angels."

Ding Ning had roughly guessed what happened later, and interjected: "Did Zeus discover the secret of the angel's reincarnation later on, so he gave birth to greed for the angel's heart, which led to the break between the angel and the god, and the ending is that the angel turned into an angel. Vampires, gods go to heaven."

Millers looked at him in surprise: "How do you know?"

"Isn't it easy to guess? Although Zeus claims to be a god, he may be an omnipotent god in the eyes of ordinary people, but in fact we all know that the so-called gods are actually creatures with a higher level of life evolution. , so in essence, Zeus is just a human being who is stronger than ordinary warriors."

Ding Ning talked confidently: "As long as you are a human being, there will be a day of birth, old age, sickness and death. Although a powerful warrior will have a long lifespan as his cultivation level increases, no matter how long it is, there will be a day when it will come to an end." One day, unless Zeus can continue to break through to a higher level all his life, there will be a day when his lifespan will be exhausted, so it is not surprising that he will covet the angel's reincarnation method."

Millers gave Ding Ning a thumbs up in admiration: "Yes, the general process is like this, but Zeus' coveting the angel reincarnation method is only one of the reasons."

"Is there another reason?"

Ding Ning asked curiously.


One of the angel mercenaries was very old

When the big angel couldn't be reincarnated, I have to say that besides being greedy and lustful, Zeus himself is still very charismatic. The angel mercenaries have always had a good impression of him. Star Lims, they take care of each other on this strange planet, so they trust him very much, and they don't have any guard against him. "

Millers sighed: "So when the angel was reincarnated, the angel mercenaries just couldn't get away when they were destroying some so-called blasphemers, so they asked Zeus for help and asked him to take care of the angel. The reincarnated angel."

"In the end, wolves were lured into the house, which made Zeus covet him."

Ding Ning guessed.

Unexpectedly, Millers shook his head: "At that time, no one knew whether Zeus had a coveted heart, maybe there was, maybe not, at least the angel's reincarnation went smoothly at that time, without any accidents, even later, the angel The mercenaries are not sure if Zeus had any covetous intentions at that time."

"The later facts proved Zeus's idea of ​​reincarnation, why are the angels still not sure?"

Ding Ning felt strange, these angels are really stupid and naive.

"Speaking of this, it has something to do with Shenzhou."

Millers changed his voice, and what he said surprised Ding Ning: "Is it related to Shenzhou?"

"That's right, after Zeus got Europa, he loved her for a while, but after she got pregnant, he fell into his old ways again, using the excuse of patrolling the territory to continue his sex hunting journey."

Millers' words happened to hit Ding Ning's sensitive spot, and made him feel ashamed in his heart. He was pregnant alone, and he was too busy to touch the ground. How is it different from a scum like Zeus for spending time with her?

Of course, there is still a difference, he is really busy, and Zeus is looking for excuses to be busy.

"Zeus accidentally discovered Europe, which made him very interested. He thought that he might find other unknown continents to expand his territory, so he took the angel mercenaries across the ocean to explore the whole world. .”

There was a look of sincere awe in Milles' eyes: "The angel mercenaries are very conceited, and have always regarded Zeus as a dude with little strength. Who would have thought that Zeus is hiding so deeply, so many angels are tied together, They may not be his opponents, you know, there were several ten-winged angels among the angel mercenaries at that time."

"Since Zeus can become the king of the gods, he will not be mediocre. The angels probably also have preconceived ideas. They think that he is forced by a marquis of Krems star like a bereaved dog, so they think he is not good enough."

Ding Ning took it for granted that perhaps the angels had no concept of Zeus's strength, but on Earth, the mighty strength of the king of the gods was as well-known as his promiscuity.

"Yes, so although the angels have always respected him, they didn't have much awe until they discovered a new continent, which is Asia where China is located, and met the gods of China. He's been hiding it."

Millers agreed.

Ding Ning was shocked when he heard the words, and said excitedly, "Gods of China?"

"Well, yes, the gods of China, according to the inheritance memory of the ancient blood pool, the gods encountered are the appearance of Chinese people. Of course, now we all know that people in many Asian countries look similar to Chinese people, but the inheritance In my memory, I am sure those people are the gods of China, because they all speak the Chinese language."

Millers affirmed solemnly.

Ding Ning originally only listened to the story, and did not seriously consider when Zeus came to Earth, whether it was in ancient times or not.

Was it hundreds of years ago?

After all, the history of Western civilization is not as long as that of China, and the earliest civilization can be roughly traced back to the ancient Greek civilization.

The source of ancient Greek culture comes from the civilization of Krems star brought by Zeus. The development of a civilization is definitely not something that can be developed in just ten or eight years. This also proves from the side when Zeus came to the earth. It has been a very, very long time, conservatively estimated, it was also a period of time thousands of years ago or even earlier.

This point can be confirmed from Millers’ description that when Zeus came to the earth, the West was still in the barbaric era of drinking blood. Si didn't know exactly when Zeus came to the earth.

Shenzhou is one of the ancient civilizations. Although there are only about 5,000 years of history recorded in historical materials, it is impossible to verify how long prehistoric civilizations have existed. So now I heard Millers say that Zeus met gods in Shenzhou. Immediately realized that perhaps these gods were strong people who existed in ancient times or even earlier.

"and after."

Ding Ning became inexplicably excited, wondering who Zeus met, whether it was the Emperors Yan and Huang or Yao, Shun and Yu Tang.

"Zeus has always looked down on the natives on the earth. After discovering the Asian continent, he thought that Asia was included in his territory, but he didn't want to be shot down by a young man with a bow and arrow when flying over the Kunlun Mountains."

Millers seemed to be immersed in that inheritance memory, with a look of awe in his eyes.

"He was shot down from the sky with a bow and arrow?"

Ding Ning suddenly opened his mouth wide and asked in disbelief.

That's Zeus, although I don't know his specific strength, but he was able to become the king of the gods, and later he led a group of wives, lovers and children to fly to the fairy world and create the Western Paradise, and fight against the fairy court, you can know this The servant's strength must not be underestimated, anyway, he is absolutely impossible to be his opponent now.

But it is such a strong guy who was shot down from the sky with a bow and arrow. This is something that can only be done by a lot of awesome people.

"Have you heard of Kunlun Ruins?"

Millers suddenly changed the subject and asked.

"I've heard that Kunlun Mountain is called Kunlun Xu. In the myths and legends of China, it is the origin of myths and stories."

Ding Ning nodded and replied.

"I'm not talking about Kunlun Xu, but Kunlun Ruins, the ruins of ruins."

Ding Ning was slightly taken aback by Millers' question, and asked strangely, "Is there any difference?"

"Of course there is a difference. The Kunlun Xu you mentioned is another name for Kunlun Mountain, while the Kunlun Ruins I mentioned refer to the ruins deep in Kunlun Mountain."

What Millers said was earth-shattering. Ding Ninglei was stunned. He asked with a dull face, "Are there any ruins in the depths of Kunlun Mountain? How did you know?"

"Since I got the inheritance memory, I have paid special attention to Kunlun Mountain for hundreds of years, and even entered Kunlun Mountain many times to explore the secrets stipulated in it, but unfortunately I have never been able to enter it. But later, a European An explorer claimed that he had accidentally entered the depths of Kunlun Mountains, where he saw many ancient buildings that could not be explained by science. Those buildings were very old, and many of them were even suspended in the sky, but without exception, It seems that they were all destroyed by a terrible force and turned into ruins. He wanted to get closer to have a look, but was forcibly sent out of Kunlun by a strange force. He wanted to go back and take a closer look, but he couldn't find it. It’s time to get in, and since then, the name Kunlun Ruins has gradually spread.”

Millers patiently explained.

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