Medical Sovereign

Two thousand and fifty-four physical skills

Ye Linglong hid in her room and didn't even come out to eat breakfast. She probably didn't know how to face Ding Ning.

Fortunately, she often stayed in the room for several days without showing up when she was studying formations or talismans, so no one had any suspicion.

Although she could hide it from others, it was difficult to hide it from Ye Duxing, who spent time with her day and night. As soon as she finished breakfast, she took Ding Ning out for interrogation on the pretext of taking a walk.

As long as Ding Ning was at home, he would definitely go for a walk with the pregnant woman who was walking alone at night. Proper exercise would help give birth, but no one thought there was anything wrong.

Facing Ye Duxing's interrogation, Ding Ning admitted frankly that this was Ye Duxing's hope anyway, to keep her master who depended on her forever in this way.

However, given that Ye Linglong was thin-skinned and unwilling to make the matter public even if it meant concealing the truth, the two of them reached a consensus to respect Ye Linglong's opinion and Lonely would pretend to know nothing.

"Husband, do you think my mother-in-law will like me?"

The Chinese New Year is in two days, and all the girls know that Ding Ning has decided to bring his mother over to celebrate the Chinese New Year together this year. Ye Duxing touched his already swollen belly and asked with some concern.

"Silly girl, you are pregnant with my child. Mom may be very happy."

Ding Ning held her waist and walked with her on the beach, pinching her nose lovingly and comforting her.

"What if you don't like it."

Although Ye Duxing relaxed a little, he still said without confidence.

"My Ling Xing is beautiful, gentle and considerate. She is definitely a beauty that everyone loves and loves. I can find such a daughter-in-law. I don't know how happy my mother is. How could she not like her? ?”

Ding Ning knew that this was a reaction due to pregnancy syndrome and she liked to think wildly, so he took her hand and promised her.

"I heard from Sister Qianyou that my mother-in-law is very beautiful. She was once the most beautiful woman in Yanjing. She must have very high standards."

Ye Duxing rested his head on Ding Ning's shoulder, stood side by side with him on the beach, and said with some longing and some worry.

"That's true. Mom is indeed beautiful, but I'm not bad at walking alone. Don't worry, I'm a very nice person. Don't worry about it."

Ding Ning said somewhat dumbfounded.

"I watched TV shows where it was difficult for mother-in-law and daughter-in-law to get along harmoniously. People were a little worried."

Ye Duxing also felt that he was a little too pretentious and said embarrassedly.

"I said, why are you so unsure of yourself all of a sudden? It turns out that you were poisoned by the TV series."

Ding Ning laughed dumbly.

"By the way, you will be filming a TV series after the Chinese New Year. Can I watch you filming then?"

Ye Duxing suddenly remembered this and asked with some anticipation.

"Of course, no problem. Let me go shopping with you today. It's time to buy some clothes, toys and other things for our baby."

Ding Ning felt a deep sense of guilt in her heart. During this period of time, she had been so busy and spent so little time with her.

Although Paradise Island is beautiful, seeing too much of the best scenery will cause aesthetic fatigue. What’s more, pregnant women are easily emotional. If I can’t always be by her side, it will easily make her depressed.


Ye Duxing suddenly raised his head and said in surprise.

"Of course it's true. Come on, let's go shopping now. My husband is not short of money."

Ding Ning's nose was sore and she almost shed tears. She felt guilty and wanted to die. She waved her hand pretending to be a rich man and turned her head away to hide her wet eyes.

He knew that it was not uncommon to go shopping alone, and there was no shortage of baby clothes and toys. After all, his sisters had already prepared everything and filled two rooms. All she cared about was that he could accompany her.

For other couples, shopping may be just an ordinary day, but for Du Xing, it is nothing more than a luxury. After all, he is too busy.

"Great, then I'll go change my clothes and you wait for me."

Ye Duxing didn't notice his apology, said happily, and trotted towards the castle impatiently.

Ding Ning looked frightened and kept telling her to slow down. Only then did Ye Duxing realize that she was a pregnant woman, turned around and made a naughty face at him, and then slowed down and walked towards the castle.

"Jingle Bell!"

The phone rang hurriedly, Ye Duxing paused, slowly turned his head to look at him, suppressed the disappointment in his heart, and said with an understanding smile: "If you have something to do, just wait for another day, there is no rush anyway." For a while.”

Ding Ning smiled slightly: "Go and change quickly. Even if it's a big deal today, it's not as important as walking alone with me."

Ye Duxing bit her lip lightly, looked at him deeply, turned around and walked towards the castle.

"Brother Lu? How's it going?"

Ding Ning answered the phone and asked.

"Boss, that sniper is very hard-boned and refuses to speak no matter what, but that KING is a weakling. He gave up after just three tortures."

Lu Zhan said in a calm tone, with obvious disdain for KING. Even if they were enemies, they admired the hard-nosed people in their hearts.

"Tell me about it."

Ding Ning said calmly, lighting a cigarette and holding it in his mouth.

"KING is the leader of the Alliance of Freemen. He is said to be the leader, but in fact he does not have any leadership rights. He just gathers some elites from all walks of life under his command in the name of freedom, and uses their psychology of seeking their own stimulation to pick up killers. Or a mercenary mission..."

Following Lu Zhan's report, Ding Ning quickly understood what the Freemen's Alliance was about.

This KING is a Chinese of American origin. He immigrated to the United States during his grandfather's generation and has no roots in China. He is a pure fake foreign devil.

This guy has not been doing his job since he was a child. He hangs out with people from all walks of life all day long. He relies on his wide acquaintances in the local area and makes a living by buying and selling some information. Although he has enough food and clothing, he can't make a big fortune at all.

This is by no means a long-term solution for KING, who wants to impress others and spends all his time thinking about plans to make a fortune.

Finally, the opportunity came. By chance, he met a well-known intelligence broker in the industry, and he embarked on a different life.

The industry he is engaged in is the original prototype of an intelligence broker, but the intelligence he sells is all earth-shattering news. A piece of valuable news can easily sell millions or even tens of millions of rice gold. It is not like his little one at all. Small business transactions can be compared.

So, KING was moved and sincerely expressed his desire to join the intelligence broker.

He was lucky. The intelligence broker had made enough money, and he was planning to train a successor to retire. He saw that he was well-spoken and clever, and he was a good candidate for the intelligence broker job.

The most important thing is that he has a Chinese face, which is a good cover for opening up the intelligence market in China. So, after testing him, the broker officially took him under his wing.

KING is smart and has a foundation in this field. In addition, he saw the hope of making a lot of money, so he threw himself into it with 120,000 yuan. He quickly got started smoothly and did a very good job, which made the old information dealer Very satisfied, he gradually began to transfer power to him.

It was only then that KING understood that behind every intelligence broker there was a huge intelligence system as support, which he either cultivated himself or obtained intelligence sources through cooperation.

The most terrible thing is that intelligence brokers are not that easy to do. They only care about money and have no emotions at all. As long as you give money, even the color of underpants the target's wife is wearing today can be sold as information. This is a very offending job. You are always walking on the line of life and death, and your life will be in danger at every turn.

He liked money, but he cherished his life even more. After escaping from death several times, he couldn't help but retreat.

But this industry is easy to get into and difficult to get out of, not to mention that the old intelligence broker has handed over all his connections to him. If he quits at this time, it will only be a dead end.

As a result, KING began to think of ways to enhance its own strength to protect itself and prepare to exit the industry.

Using the information in his hands, he came into contact with the underground black market, and purchased genetic potions to enhance his strength from the black market at a high price...

"Wait, gene potion? You said there are gene potions sold on the black market?"

When Ding Ning heard this, Da quickly interrupted Lu Zhan and asked.

"It's always been there, but the properties of this gene potion are very unstable. Some people's strength increases dramatically after taking it, and some people will explode and die after taking it. Except for those who have a last resort and choose to risk their lives, it is generally very Few people care about it. This KING was deceived and stupidly paid a high price to buy it. However, this guy has good luck. Although the process was a bit painful, not only did he survive in the end, but his strength increased greatly and he directly became a grandmaster. Super master of physical arts.”

Lu Zhan explained patiently.

Ding Ning was confused again: "Physical skills? What is it?"

"Um, the boss doesn't know about physical skills?"

Lu Zhan asked in astonishment. He thought his boss knew everything, but he didn't expect that he had never even heard of Taijutsu.

"Should I know?"

Ding Ning said a little depressed.

"I think the boss knows. This is common sense. Our country is divided into two orthodox training systems: Guowu and Ancient Wu. But in Western countries, their main training system is called Taishu, which focuses on the development of physical strength. With the help of It is common for people to use drugs to stimulate their strength.”

Lu Zhan explained patiently.

During this period of time, he gained a lot of knowledge by fighting in war-torn areas. At this moment, he spoke eloquently: "The genetic potions sold on the black market are all unstable. I heard that many ancient big families in the West have them." Gene potion with extremely stable performance, although it does not increase the strength much, it is more stable because of its stability. As long as you take it for a long time, your physique will gradually improve, your strength will continue to increase, and you will eventually become a powerful physical arts master. "

"That's it, keep talking."

Ding Ning frowned, thinking to himself whether these genetic potions came from the Goddess organization or other scientific research institutions.

Although when it comes to gene potions, he will subconsciously think of the Gods organization, but in fact he knows very well that gene potions are not the patent of the Gods organization, many countries and even some powerful families are secretly In researching gene potions, the Divine Organization is clearly ahead of everyone else.

The funds needed for scientific research are a bottomless pit. Even the God-born organization cannot bear such consumption, let alone other organizations or individuals. Therefore, it is also appropriate to use some finished genetic potions with stable medicinal properties to raise funds for the next step of research. Very normal thing.

Of course, although Ding Ning didn't say much, it didn't mean that he didn't have any suspicions about those big families with stable sources of genetic potions.

After all, he has now initially clarified the composition structure of the Goddess organization. In order to raise research funds, the Gods organization adopts a shareholder fundraising method similar to the company's operating model to raise funds.

The company's shareholders paid a huge amount of scientific research funds, and the reward they got was stable gene potions. Maybe those big families with stable sources of gene potions are one of the shareholders of the Goddess organization?

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