Medical Sovereign

The taste of the year 2055

As Lu Zhan continued to talk, Ding Ning quickly figured out the whole process.

KING unexpectedly achieved a breakthrough by taking the gene potion and became a master-level warrior. Well, by international standards, he was an S-level warrior.

With its power skyrocketing, KING began to gradually make plans to get rid of the control of the intelligence broker, secretly killed him, took away all his money, left the United States, and moved to Europe to develop.

His real name is Harry Kut. After coming to Europe, he took advantage of modern people's inner repression and the need to vent, and successfully formed the Freemen's Alliance, calling himself KING.

KING is translated into Chinese as King, which shows his ambition and aspirations.

However, the Freemen's Alliance is not a bright organization that brings together like-minded people with common ideals as KING promotes, but is actually a money-making organization between killers and mercenaries.

After all, he has been an intelligence broker for a while, and KING is very greedy for those killers who can get high rewards for just killing an individual. For him, this is a shortcut to making a lot of money.

As a result, he quickly established a line with several local killer intermediaries, took on various tasks, and used the repressed animality in the bones of those members of the Freedom Alliance to kill people and do tasks, thereby making a fortune.

You must know that the members of the Free Alliance are either heirs of big families, elites in a certain industry, or special talents with special skills. Basically, they are all wealthy people who only seek excitement when doing tasks. A way to gain self-satisfaction or vent pent-up negative emotions.

This resulted in that most of these members were working for free and did not care about money at all, and the rewards for the missions all fell into KING's pocket.

But KING, who has always been shrewd, was clearly being used as a weapon this time. With so many killer organizations and mercenaries, who wouldn't want to get Ding Ning's high-dollar secret offer?

But with the experience of the killer organization being wiped out, Ding Ning lives in China, a country known as a forbidden land for mercenaries. No matter how greedy they are, they can only look back and sigh. No one dares to risk being wiped out and travel across the ocean to pick up this attractive girl. Dark flowers.

Therefore, no one dared to act rashly even if Ding Ning's reward for the hidden flower on the hidden flower list increased again and again. Even the death plate had no movement after the loss of a Hell King post.

It is worth mentioning that Ding Ning's reward has been increased from 500 million to 700 million, directly catching up with the second-ranked grandmother Lin Manxue.

But even so, no organization dares to take this hidden advantage easily.

You must know that the news of the warrior conference has spread throughout the underground world. The three thousand wolf riders and the mysterious master who can instantly kill the peak of holy martial arts are enough to make most killer organizations disappear silently, making them afraid even if they are jealous. act rashly.

It was under such circumstances that KING was deceived into accepting this task. It was not without reason that he dared to accept this task.

The first is that he does not believe the rumors about Ding Ning at the warrior conference; the second is that he has confidence in depleted uranium bombs; the third is the special nature of the Free Alliance, the identity of each member is kept secret, and there is no fixed residence. , every time there was a mission, he would arrange a temporary rendezvous point and call him. Therefore, he believed that even if the assassination failed, Ding Ning would not be able to find anyone if he wanted to take revenge.

Unfortunately, he never calculated that not only would the mission fail, but he would also become a prisoner. This made him hate the alliance member who encouraged him to take the mission, and he happily revealed his identity and identity. name.

Kurichhara, the second heir of the European Flanigan family and a member of the Free Alliance.

Hearing this, Ding Ning became curious: "Kuchihara? Is it his personal idea, or is it the intention of the Flanigan family?"

"It's not clear, and KING doesn't know either. He just said that Kuchihara found him and was willing to provide him with depleted uranium bombs and tricked him into accepting the task of assassinating the boss. KING was tempted by the high reward and took on the task. "

Lu Zhan replied, it seemed that KING really didn't know, he was just shot.

Ding Ning frowned, then relaxed: "Okay, I understand."

"Boss, what should I do with him?"

Although Lu Zhan was asking for instructions, his tone was murderous.

"Leave it to Nono, so that the police can give an explanation to the general public. By the way, leave that Dianguang behind. This person is a talent and I will be of great use."

Ding Ning gave the instructions casually, then remembered something and gave another warning.

"Yes, by the way, boss, what should I do with Lei? Should he also be handed over to the police?"

Lu Zhan hesitated and said.

"Do you have any ideas?"

Ding Ning originally planned to destroy Lei's Corems family, but now it seems that Lei doesn't know anything and is just dragged by KING to perform tasks normally, so his treatment can be light or serious.

"Lei is the first heir of the Koremus family, and he is a nobleman, so he is very valuable."

Lu Zhan chuckled mischievously.

"Then you can deal with it, but you must sell it at a good price."

Ding Ning immediately understood what he meant and said with a smile.

Western nobles have a tradition of ransoming captives. Everyone has their own value. As the first heir, Lei is still very valuable.

"Don't worry, boss. We plan to take this guy to the Middle East for training for a while, and then notify his family to redeem him."

Lu Zhan said his plan with a smile.

"Okay, let's do whatever you want, just don't kill people. This routine can be copied in the future."

Ding Ning saw that Ye Duxing had changed his clothes and was looking at him from a distance in front of the castle. He joked with a smile and hung up the phone.

Little did he know that his joke-like words would create a bandit army that would make Western nobles talk about it in the future.

The whole day, Ding Ning didn't even turn on her cell phone. She went shopping, eating, watching movies, and going to the amusement park with Ye Alone...

The two of them did everything a couple can do when they are in love, making Ye Alone smile all day long and not feeling tired at all even with his big belly.

The more she behaved like this, the more guilty Ding Ning felt in her heart. She felt that she owed her too much, and secretly decided that no matter how busy she was in the future, she would still find time to spend more time with her.

It was already early in the morning when we returned to Paradise Island. Although Ling Xing was a warrior and in a good mood, she was a pregnant woman after all. She fell asleep after watching the midnight show, so Ding Ning carried her back.

"Just go and play with me alone. Why are you turning off your phone?"

Ye Linglong, who had been waiting for them, carefully tucked the sleeping Du Xing into bed and walked out of the room quietly before complaining to Ding Ning.

"What's wrong? Miss me?"

Ding Ning gave a bad laugh, stretched out his arms and hugged her slender waist. He was so frightened that Ye Duxing ran away all the way, and said angrily: "Tomorrow is the New Year's Eve. You are the head of the family, how do you arrange it for everyone?" I can't make up my mind, so I'm just waiting for you to speak. Also, the branch of Castle in the Sky is opening today. Luoxue can't contact you. The phone calls are all coming to me, and I can't contact you either. What can I do? I'll ask you later. Coax her well. Besides, Qian Dai came to see you. Oh, and Ye Huan asked me to tell you that the company is on holiday. Xiangyun went home for the New Year, but he left with the teleportation array base. He will come back at one o'clock on New Year's Eve. "

Ye Linglong was nagging like a housekeeper. Ding Ning slapped her forehead in annoyance and went to accompany Du Xing alone, forgetting about the opening of the branch.

Luoxue is such a well-behaved girl that it's heartbreaking. He wasn't at home when the main store opened. This time when the branch opened, he didn't show up at home. Luoxue didn't know how sad she should be.

Why! Being unable to do anything well is the trouble that many women have.

"Uh, by the way, Nuonuo also came to see you and asked me to tell you that the identity of the woman who was killed in the Zixing Pavilion Club has been verified."

Ye Linglong suddenly slapped her forehead and said distressedly: "I've almost become your mouthpiece."

Ding Ning reached out and pulled her over, kissed her forehead gently, and said with a smile: "You are my housekeeper, not a sounding board."

Ye Linglong glanced at Ye Duxing's room with a guilty conscience, pushed him away with a blushing face and spat softly: "Smell, who is your housekeeper? Okay, let's go quickly, it's time for me to rest."

Ding Ning also knows the principle of not worrying about the scarcity but the inequality. Ye Linglong was considerate and asked him to accompany other women. He immediately held her pretty face in his hands and said emotionally: "Linglong, it's nice to meet you. "

"Stop talking sweet words and get out of here."

Ye Linglong didn't want to do this. She rolled her eyes angrily, broke away from his hand, and pushed him out.

"Then I'm leaving. I'll come with you as soon as I have time."

Ding Ning said reluctantly.

"Who cares!"

Ye Linglong looked at his back and muttered quietly, but her gentle eyes betrayed her duplicity.

The longer the feelings are suppressed, the more intense they ferment. The half-hearted push last night has completely opened her heart. She knows that she may never be able to get rid of her entanglement with this man in this life.

Just thinking that he was her apprentice's husband made her face feel hot, and she felt that she was an immoral woman for having a secret affair with her apprentice's son-in-law.

But what can be done? This little man had already unknowingly broken into her heart, and still refused to leave. She sighed faintly, turned around and went back to the room. She lay on the bed, tossing and turning, but couldn't fall asleep, so she simply stopped sleeping. Get up and continue studying Fu Dao.

Ding Ning was shocked when he returned to the main castle. All the girls were gathered together. Some were playing mahjong, some were cracking melon seeds, eating fresh fruits and vegetables, and chatting while watching TV.

To his surprise, Yagyu Qandai and Sakura were also there. When Sakura saw him, her lips pursed, looking very embarrassed, but she was too embarrassed to say hello first.

"Brother, you are back."

Luoxue's eyes were sharp. When she saw Ding Ning coming in, she immediately cheered and greeted him. Like a gentle little wife, she helped him take off his coat and hung it up. She didn't look unhappy at all. On the contrary, Guan Shilin pouted and said, A depressed look.

This made Ding Ning secretly smile bitterly. When he came back from the black market, he promised this little girl to go shopping, eat and watch movies with her. However, he broke his promise. It was strange that Guan Shilin was happy.


Xiao Kong Xuan let out a sweet cry, and quickly ran over with her short legs and threw herself into Ding Ning's arms for him to hug.

Ding Ning hugged him with a smile and said apologetically to Luoxue: "Luoxue, I'm sorry, I couldn't attend the branch opening today."

"What's the matter? You're so busy and don't usually have time to spend time with your sister who is traveling alone. Now that you finally have time, you really should spend more time with her."

Luoxue said very considerately, which moved Ding Ning. What a wonderful wife.

"Husband, you just come back. Let's discuss how to arrange it. It's the Chinese New Year and there can't be no festive atmosphere at all."

Xiaoyao said while playing mahjong.

"Yeah, tomorrow is the New Year's Eve. How to arrange it? We have to make a charter today, otherwise it won't feel like the New Year."

Ding Qianlie sat on the sofa, crossed his legs, watched TV and ate grapes and said casually.

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