Medical Sovereign

Two thousand two hundred and ninety-one Wu family

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A loud slap echoed throughout the restaurant.

Everyone's eyes widened in shock as they watched the arrogant Brother Miao fly backwards without any resistance, hit the wall hard, and fell to the ground like a dead dog.


Brother Miao raised his head with difficulty and looked at Pan Xianglong in horror. He wanted to say something, but when he opened his mouth, blood spurted out as if for free. He rolled his eyes and tilted his head, wondering whether he was alive or dead.

"Second senior brother."

Brother Miao's four junior brothers were shocked and rushed to help him up like swarms of swarms, shouting in panic, but no one dared to go to Pan Xianglong to fight for his life.

They were panicked and scared. The second senior brother was a strong man in the early stage of Earth Martial Arts. Although he had just broken through to the early stage of Earth Martial Arts, he was still in the Earth Martial Realm.

The second senior brother who was in the early stage of the Earth Martial Realm was slapped to death by Pan Xianglong. They were only at the peak of the Xuanwu Realm. How could they dare to challenge Pan Xianglong.

Pan Xianglong secretly breathed a sigh of relief. Although he seemed to be always calm and composed, in fact his legs were as soft as noodles and he wanted to collapse on the ground.

The terrifying momentum of Brother Miao's punch just now made him feel like he was falling into the ice valley. He felt that he was dead. He even had doubts about his sister's friend, wondering whether he was sent by his enemies to kill him.

But now, he is completely relieved. This friend of his sister is not only powerful, but also incredibly powerful. In his eyes, a master like Brother Miao is not even as good as a fly that can be easily swatted to death.

This made him suddenly feel a mountain of admiration and reverence for his sister, this mysterious friend, with a fiery look in his eyes.

If I could have half the strength of my sister's friend... no, just one-tenth, wouldn't it mean that I would never have to be bullied again?

However, although the other party was a friend of his sister, he had no idea whether he was a boyfriend or girlfriend or just an ordinary friend, nor did he know whether he was willing to teach him martial arts.

No, I will call my sister later and ask her about her relationship with him. It would be great if they were boyfriend and girlfriend, then he would be my brother-in-law. If my brother-in-law wants to learn martial arts, my brother-in-law would be too embarrassed not to teach him, right?

Pan Xianglong was thinking a lot at this moment, and he looked like a goose in a daze, but no one dared to look down upon him. Instead, they felt that he was unfazed and possessed the demeanor of a master at this moment.

Especially his little girlfriend, her eyes were sparkling, filled with unabashed admiration and admiration, and her little heart was beating like a deer.

"Sir, we are the ones who offended you today. We will definitely visit you to express our apology some other day."

The second senior brother fell, and the third senior brother had to bite the bullet and bowed to Pan Xianglong. He said something meaningful, and then waved his hand: "Let's go."

The other three people hurriedly picked up the second senior brother, Wu Ling, and Hu Laoba, who looked gloomy, and followed the third senior brother to leave quickly.

"No need...should I let you go?"

Pan Xianglong's somewhat childish voice suddenly sounded.

He was just a college student at school. He didn't understand the meaning of the third senior brother's words. He thought they really wanted to come and apologize. He was about to say no, just don't offend the river in the future, but he didn't know that Ding Ning suddenly sent a message asking him to follow the instructions. He did what he said, and he obeyed the words of his sister, a mysterious friend, and immediately changed his words without hesitation.

The third senior brother and the others paused in their steps, their expressions suddenly turned extremely ugly, and they stood there without daring to take another step.

After all, the third senior brother is an old man. He turned around and stared at Pan Xianglong, and said in a threatening tone: "Your Excellency, please keep a line in your work so that we can meet each other easily in the future. Today we have admitted defeat, what else do you want?"

"Leave a thin line? If I weren't a bit

Everyone knows what the outcome will be based on their strength. Have you ever thought about leaving a thread behind when doing things? "

Pan Xianglong clenched his fists angrily and sneered.

Because Ding Ning had already told him the meaning of the words left by these three senior brothers, which made him angry and angry.

Unexpectedly, at this time, these three senior brothers are still thinking of revenge.

The third senior brother immediately came to an end. Although he didn't know what happened, they all knew Wu Ling's temperament best. This time, it was obvious that Wu Ling failed to trample someone but was trampled by others. If Pan Xianglong had not shown great strength, The end will definitely not be good. There is no such thing as mercy and mercy in Wuling's dictionary.

"Then what do you want? Don't forget, we are the Wu family."

Although the third senior brother was in the wrong, the Wu family stood behind him, which made him immediately confident and threatened again.


The figure flashed, followed by a loud slap in the face. The third senior brother felt as if he had been hit by a running train. He flew out involuntarily, his cheekbones were broken, and his whole face was deformed. After walking for several meters, he fell heavily to the ground with a thud. He slid on the ground for several meters before his eyes rolled white and he fainted.

The scene was completely silent, and the onlookers looked at Pan Xianglong with awe in their eyes.

The three senior brothers sent by the Wu family were all extremely silent, not even daring to breathe, for fear of offending Pan Xianglong and following in the footsteps of the second and third senior brothers.

Especially the fourth senior brother, he secretly complained in his heart that as soon as the three senior brothers fainted, it was his turn to come forward to negotiate with Pan Xianglong in terms of seniority.

It was extremely difficult not to anger Pan Xianglong, but also to leave a beautiful scene and save the face of the Wu family. He was so depressed that he really wanted to shout: I really can't do it.

"I know how much force I used. If you want to pretend to be dead, then go ahead and die."

Pan Xianglong's next words almost made the fourth senior brother cry with joy, and then he was filled with overwhelming anger. Damn it, the third senior brother is really not a thing, and he even pretended to be dead. Isn't this putting me on the stove to roast him?

The third senior brother, who was pretending to be dead and trying to get away with it, was all excited and jumped up. He pretended to shake his head and his eyes were confused for a while. His acting skills were absolutely superb.

However, no matter how good his acting skills were, it was useless. Everyone could see that he was really pretending to be dead and looked at him with contempt, which made his old face turn red and his expression was stern.

"I know you are very unconvinced and are still thinking about revenge. Don't say I won't give you a chance. Now, you call and call all the people you think are the strongest backers. I will wait here for half an hour."

Pan Xianglong was pounding in his heart, but he still followed Ding Ning's instructions and said it word for word. Although he seemed slightly lacking in momentum due to his guilty conscience, his domineering meaning lifted everyone's spirits.


The third senior brother's eyes lit up, and he gasped in pain as the injury on his face affected him.

"Stop talking nonsense and call someone."

Pan Xianglong said impatiently, turned around and took his little girlfriend's hand, sat back on the dining table, and continued to eat crayfish as if no one was watching.

Seeing that he didn't seem to be faking it, the third senior brother was immediately ecstatic. He winked at several junior brothers and immediately took out his mobile phone and walked to the corner to start calling people.

"This is openly challenging the Wu family. Hey, he is young and energetic and has no idea how terrifying the Wu family is."

An old man watching the excitement shook his head and sighed, looking at Pan Xianglong with eyes full of regret.

"I don't think so. Since he dares to say such things, he must have the confidence."

Someone next to him had a different view and retorted loudly.


, that’s because you don’t understand how powerful the Wu family is. Although this Pan Xianglong has some abilities, it is simply impossible to compete with the Wu family. "

The old man said disdainfully.

"Hey, it sounds like you are from the Wu family. Anyway, I think Pan Xianglong is talented enough, and I support him from the bottom of my heart."

Some people spoke out to support Pan Xianglong.

"The Wu family has a profound foundation. The Pan family, haha, although it is considered good in Shu, it is only good. It cannot be compared with the Wu family."

"Yes, even if Pan Xianglong knows some kung fu, in front of the Wu family, he is nothing more than a mantis using his arms as a chariot."

"Young people don't know how high the sky is, what's the use of being passionate and impulsive. If he offends the Wu family, even if he can go back alive today, the Pan family will definitely be ruined, and there is no way he can withstand the Wu family's thunderous wrath."

"If Pan Xianglong escapes now and hides outside for ten or eight years, it will be more like coming back for revenge when his strength improves. Now he is called the Banwu family... ugh, he is really too impulsive."

"I think Pan Xianglong should have been mentally prepared. He knew that he had caused a huge disaster for the Pan family. Once he escaped, the Pan family would definitely face the disaster of annihilation. But what if he died today to apologize? Maybe we can calm down the Wu family’s anger and show some mercy to the Pan family.”

"I mean, that's it. Put it this way, Pan Xianglong can be regarded as a character. Alas, it's a pity."

"That's too naive. The Wu family has always been arrogant and domineering. Even if Pan Xianglong died to apologize, they would never let the Pan family go."

The surrounding diners were talking softly, guessing Pan Xianglong's intentions. They all believed that Pan Xianglong had no chance of winning, so they quickly agreed that Pan Xianglong was using this method to wait for someone with the right to speak in the Wu family to kowtow and apologize, and even Apologize to death.

These comments fell into the ears of Ding Ning, who had returned to the dining table as if nothing happened. He couldn't help but shook his head and smiled bitterly. It seemed that the Wu family was really a cancer.

In this case, it is better to eradicate it completely, but how to eradicate it requires careful planning. After all, this is China, and for the sake of domestic stability and unity, he does not want to go on a killing spree.

He immediately took out his cell phone, edited a text message and sent it out. If you know yourself and the enemy, you will never be defeated. Although the Wu family was not taken seriously by him at all, since the other party was able to thrive in the capital of Shu, for a young master to dare to be so rampant and arrogant, it was inevitable. With their support, it is better to find out their details before making plans.

Qisha's text message was answered quickly, but the reply was very long. It was obviously sent to him after careful consideration.

Ding Ning couldn't help but be surprised when he saw the content of the text message. No wonder the Wu family dared to be so rampant. It turned out that there was such a background.

According to Qisha's text message, the Wu family is an ancient martial arts family. The current head of the family, Wu Shi'an, is just an ordinary person with no cultivation qualifications, but he is quite talented in business. In just a few decades, he has built a business empire for the Wu family. It can be regarded as a leading enterprise in the entire Shu capital.

If you just look at the surface information, the Wu family seems to be nothing remarkable.

But Wu Shi'an's elder brother is named Wu Shichong, who is now the chief instructor of the Yulin Guard; and his younger brother Wu Shixun occupies half of the underground forces in the Shu capital, and is called the Third Master by the people on the road. Bai, dominate the capital of Shu.

In fact, not only Qisha, but even the entire Guoshifu knew that the Wu family was arrogant and domineering in Shu, and they were extremely displeased with it.

But the Wu family is not just a simple martial arts family. Not only are they an ancient martial arts family, but they also have a great background, which makes the Imperial Household just out of sight and out of mind, pretending not to know anything.

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