Medical Sovereign

Two thousand two hundred and ninety-two Wei Shao

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According to the summary of Qisha, there are three main reasons why the Wu family has been able to dominate the Shu capital for decades.

First: Wu Shi'an, the contemporary head of the Wu family, is a very good person. The Wu family often cooperates with the police to solve some difficult cases. In addition, the Wu family spends a huge sum of money for charity every year, which leaves a good impression on the officials.

Second: Although Wu Shixun was an underground leader in the capital of Shu, he was extremely cautious in doing things. Even if the police had suspicions, they could never find conclusive evidence to convict him.

Third: After all, Wu Shichong is the chief instructor of the Yulin Guards. If he doesn't look at the monk's face and the Buddha's face, he will always give him three points of thin face.

Therefore, as long as the Wu family does not commit heinous crimes of murder, arson, drug smuggling, and treason, causing outrage and public opinion, the officials will usually turn a blind eye and not bother to pursue them.

Ding Ning frowned and sent a text message back to Qisha: Can the Human Network be superior to the French Open?

Qisha took a long time to reply: If the water is clear, there will be no fish. There is not only black and white in this world, but also gray areas that are indistinguishable from black to white. This is a phenomenon that cannot be avoided in any country or dynasty, and China is no exception.

Ding Ning thought for a long time before replying with a sonorous tone: Justice may be late, but it will never be absent.

"Me and everyone will wait and see!"

When he saw the last text message Qisha replied, the corners of Ding Ning's mouth turned up slightly. Guoshifu did not disappoint him after all, otherwise, he would have nothing to do with Guoshifu from now on.

Yanshan, Guoshifu.

Xiahou Weiyang looked at the text message on Qisha's phone and couldn't help but shake her head and smile bitterly: "This kid really can't tolerate sand in his eyes."

"It's not difficult to attack the Wu family. I'm only worried about Wu Shichong..."

Qisha said worriedly, but was interrupted by Xiahou Weiyang reaching out, with a meaningful look in his eyes: "Believe him, what's more, he and Wu Shichong will have a fight sooner or later, it's just a matter of time."

"Ah? When did he have a problem with Wu Shichong?"

Qisha was shocked when he heard this and asked in astonishment.

"It's not a festival, it's a responsibility. This era is the best of times and the worst of times. Someone has to stand up and shoulder it all. The greater the ability, the greater the responsibility. Ding Ning already has this condition. , so he has become the default candidate.”

Xiahou Weiyang said with something in mind, but secretly sighed in his heart, the Wu family is not afraid of Wu Shichong, but the ancestor of the Wu family in the arsenal.

Qisha was confused when he heard this, but he vaguely noticed that something big was about to happen. This made him extremely expectant and excited, and he murmured in his heart: "Junior brother, we are all watching you, what? Soar into the sky, don’t let us down.”

"By the way, how is that girl Kang'er?"

Xiahou Weiyang suddenly changed the subject and asked.

Qisha had a look of helplessness on his face and said with a bitter smile: "She has committed suicide several times. If Jing'er and Pojun hadn't kept a close eye on her, she would have died long ago. If something happened, I don't know what to do. How to explain to the master."

"Hey! She is also a poor person. I hope she can forget the past soon and start over. You take turns watching her and keep an eye on her. Lao Qi and Lao Nin are in retreat, so don't let anything happen to her. "

Xiahou Weiyang also had a headache. He was unambiguous in battle, and charging into battle was also his strong point. He was fearless even in a life-and-death duel, but there was nothing he could do about a person like Ye Xiao who had no love in his life.

Qisha's eyes flashed, looking like he was hesitating to speak.

"If you have something to say, just say it. Why are you still hesitating with your uncle?"

Xiahou Weiyang's eyes widened and he pretended to be angry.


Qisha laughed dryly and said with a face full of gossip: "Uncle, I think Po Jun seems to be very concerned about Kang'er.

. "

"Kang'er is your master's daughter. Isn't it normal for him to be concerned?"

Xiahou Weiyang said in confusion. Throughout his military life, even when he got married, he obeyed his parents' orders and the words of his matchmaker.

How could he understand the love between children, and he was very insensitive to emotions, so how could he understand the meaning of Qisha's words.

"But I feel that it is not an ordinary concern, but an extraordinary concern, just like the one I have for Jing'er."

Qisha scratched his head and explained in a dumbfounded manner.

"What do you mean to Jing'er... Oh, I understand. Are you saying that Po Jun has fallen in love with Kang'er? That shouldn't be the case. They didn't know each other before. How come Po Jun suddenly fell in love with her in just a few days? Where is it?"

Xiahou Weiyang muttered with confusion on his face.

Qisha secretly rolled his eyes and said with a beaming expression: "Uncle, you have never been in love, so you don't know what love at first sight is..."


A finger hit Qi Sha on the forehead, and he grinned in pain.

"Hmph, how come my uncle has never been in love? Isn't it just love at first sight? Although my uncle had never met your aunt before getting married, on their wedding night, when he lifted her red hijab, his heartbeat suddenly jumped. Speeding up, my heart is filled with joy..."

Xiahou Weiyang was blowing his beard and talking with glaring eyes. As he spoke, his voice became smaller and smaller, and his eyes were slightly red. Thinking of the past in the world of mortals, he couldn't help but feel sad. He closed his mouth and waved his hand, letting Qisha leave on his own. go.

Qisha felt guilty, knowing that he had inadvertently touched his master's sadness again. He bowed slightly, turned around and left without saying a word, leaving space to this lonely old man.

In fact, not only him, but also the elders in the Imperial Palace knew that although Xiahou Weiyang was the aunt who obeyed the orders of her parents to marry a matchmaker, on the night of the wedding ceremony, when the two met for the first time, they fell in love at first sight. Enthusiastic.

It's a pity that on the wedding night, Xia Hou Weiyang resolutely left home and joined the revolutionary army. He was a man who could die on the battlefield at any time and had no future at all. He couldn't bear to drag down the one he fell in love with at first sight. woman, so he never touched her from beginning to end, and even gave her a letter of divorce.

But that woman hid the divorce letter, forced a smile on her face, and fulfilled her filial piety in front of his parents as his daughter-in-law. She had been a widower for him all her life. She had waited for him for more than twenty years, but she never came back. He didn't wait for him, and finally died in the tragic disaster that wiped out the family.

If there is someone who Xiahou Weiyang owes the most in his life, there is no doubt that it is the wife who only has the name of husband and wife but no real life as husband and wife. This is the biggest pain in his heart, and it is also a hurdle that he will never be able to overcome in this life.

Qisha walked out of Xiahou Weiyang's room and clenched his fists quietly. When he thought of the tragic and respectable woman of the third master's aunt, his heart couldn't help but ache, and he wished he could tear the executioners into pieces and break them into pieces. The hatred in my heart.

For so many years, the Imperial Palace has been conducting overt and covert investigations, but it has never been able to find out who committed the murder that year, and even if it wanted to take revenge, it was impossible to take revenge.

Only Xia Hou, who was lucky enough to hide in the cellar and escaped death, knew some clues. However, Xia Hou hated his uncle so much that there was no possibility of communication. It was extremely difficult to get clues from him.

Perhaps, I should find time to talk to Ding Ning and see if I can open a gap in him so that Xiahou can let him go so that he can find his enemies to avenge his uncle's family and honor their spirits in heaven. After all, this is not just his uncle's His hatred is also the blood feud of the entire Guoshifu.

Hoo ho ho!

Feeling the roaring wind in the uncle's yard, Qisha thought to himself, with a look of determination in his eyes.

He knew that his uncle had started practicing the halberd technique again. Every time he was in a bad mood, he would use this method to distract himself and relieve the guilt and suffering in his heart.


The door of the restaurant was kicked to pieces, and three people barged in aggressively.

The boss who was hiding behind the cashier was crying. This time, the restaurant door finally completed its mission and was completely scrapped.

"Elder brother, you are here."

When the third senior brother saw the person coming, he shouted in surprise, and several other junior brothers also showed joy on their faces and came over happily.

"A bunch of trash! The teacher's face has been completely shamed by you."

There were two men and one woman. A young man in his thirties glanced at the third senior brother and the others and scolded them coldly.

The third senior brother and others looked aggrieved and lowered their heads in shame. They did not dare to refute at all, because the person who reprimanded them was the senior brother, the number one genius that the sect would never encounter in a hundred years.

"Wu Ling, Wu Ling, how are you?"

The woman among the visitors was in her twenties, very pretty, with a ponytail, wearing a training suit, with a short sword on her waist. She looked heroic, but when she saw Wu Ling's miserable appearance After that, he immediately rushed forward and shouted anxiously.

"Sister, you must avenge me."

Wu Ling was shaken by the woman and woke up leisurely. He felt severe pain all over his body, his mouth deflated, and he cried out in grievance.

"Who hurt my brother?"

The woman, wearing a frosty mask, suddenly stood up, looked around coldly, and asked angrily.

"It's him. His name is Pan Xianglong. He is the son of Pan Weiguo, chairman of Pan's Pharmaceuticals."

Wu Ling had a smug smile on his face, pointed at Pan Xianglong with malicious eyes and shouted.


Pan Xianglong glanced at Wu Ling disdainfully, then the disposable chopsticks in his hand suddenly came out of his hand and shot toward Wu Ling's mouth like lightning.

"Hmph, be brave."

"court death!"

The woman and the senior brother shouted angrily at the same time, and they both took action to intercept the chopsticks.

The senior brother was obviously faster than Wu Ling's sister. He grabbed the chopsticks first, but...

With a whoosh, the chopsticks directly penetrated his palm, bringing up a stream of blood and flying forward without stopping at all. The senior brother's face changed drastically in shock, and he yelled: "Junior sister, be careful."

The woman immediately noticed something was wrong, and the dagger at her waist suddenly unsheathed, with a flash of cold light, she slashed at the chopsticks.


The sound of gold and iron clashing sounded, and the sword with cold light broke in his hand. The chopsticks were only slightly deviated in direction, but still shot toward Wuling like a boring bullet.


Wu Ling was so frightened that the soul of the dead emerged, he held his head and cried.

"Humph, you dare to be so arrogant in front of me."

As soon as the figure flashed, a young man who came with the senior brother and Sister Wu Ling suddenly took action, blocking in front of Wu Ling like a ghost, and said proudly.

Slowly, he stretched out his two fingers and clamped them, and the chopsticks were firmly clamped between his fingers.

Pan Xianglong's pupils shrank, and he stared at the young man with a arrogant look on his face with fear. He felt a little secretly in his heart. This young man was a master. He didn't know if his sister's friend was his opponent.

"Thank you, Mr. Wei, for coming to the rescue."

Sister Wu Ling looked at the young man lovingly, with a shy look on her face.

The elder brother's face was a little ugly. He had always had a crush on Wu Ling's sister Wu Hongying, and he was looking forward to one day bringing her into his house and becoming the son-in-law of the Wu family. That would mean having both wealth and wealth.

Unexpectedly, this man surnamed Wei would be in the spotlight as soon as he arrived. Not only was he younger and more handsome, but he also had an extraordinary family background and unfathomable cultivation. Wu Hongying obviously had a different affection for him, which made him feel threatened. .

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