Medical Sovereign

Two thousand two hundred and ninety eight kowtow

"Pan Xiangyun? Hahaha, okay, great. I didn't expect you to be at home. I also said that I would send someone to Ninghai to capture you. This is just the right time and it saves you trouble."

Wu Shixun was stunned, looking at Pan Xiangyun who was as beautiful as a fairy, a lustful look flashed in his eyes, and he laughed wildly.

"Third Master, I didn't expect this girl from the Pan family to be so upright. When the Third Master has had enough fun, he will also give it to the brothers to play with."

Wu Tong's eyes widened, he licked his lips and said with a smile.

"No problem. When the third master has enough fun, he will give it to the brothers to play with. When he gets tired of playing, he will throw her into the field to pick up the guests. Tsk tsk, the daughter of the chairman of Pan's Pharmaceuticals is still a little star. , it will definitely become a red card in the field, get her here."

Wu Shixun promised generously, but his intention was extremely sinister. He used this method to warn the world that the only consequences for anyone who dared to provoke the Wu family would be that the men would be killed and the women would be made into prostitutes.

"Okay, Third Master."

The two thugs behind him immediately responded and rushed towards the stairs like wolves and tigers, with lustful eyes flashing. Although they could not kiss Fangze until the third master had touched her, by catching her It's good to take advantage of the opportunity and eat tofu.

The other thugs had expressions of annoyance and envy on their faces. If they had known better, they would have stood closer, otherwise, they would be the ones going to catch Pan Xiangyun and take advantage of him.

"Xiangyun, run quickly, run quickly..."

Song Shu'e suddenly rushed out, hugging the legs of the two thugs tightly, and shouted at the top of her lungs like an old hen protecting her calf.

"Go away, you damn old bitch!"

The two thugs were so focused on eating tofu that they couldn't keep themselves off guard when Song Shu'e hugged their legs. They stumbled and almost tripped. They cursed in anger and with a fierce light in their eyes, they pulled out a leg and stepped on Song Shu'e's arm. .

They were warriors, and Song Shu'e was just an ordinary person. If this foot stepped firmly, the bones and tendons would be broken.

"You are seeking death."

Pan Xiangyun's eyes were red, and with a clear scream that contained overwhelming anger, his figure flashed and disappeared from the spot.


One... no, two shrill screams accompanied by the crack of broken bones, the two thugs flew out of thin air for several meters, hit the wall heavily, rolled and fell to the ground,

Holding the broken leg, he let out an inhuman wailing sound.

Song Shu'e, who had a dull look on her face, was already held in Pan Xiangyun's arms: "Mom, don't be afraid, it's okay, it's okay."

The scene fell into deathly silence. Wu Shixun's pupils shrank violently and turned into glows. He never expected that Pan Xiangyun was also an ancient warrior. Although his strength was unknown, he could kill two of his Earth Martial Realm subordinates with one move. At least He also possesses the strength of Tianwu Realm.

Pan Weiguo's mouth is so long that he can swallow a big duck egg. It was incredible to him that his son suddenly turned into a martial arts master, but his daughter turned out to be a hidden martial arts master. Oh my God, what happened to this world?

But when he thought of the situation he was facing now, his ecstatic heart suddenly sank. As a successful businessman, he also had a certain amount of energy in the capital of Shu, and he knew the Wu family far better than outsiders.

Although my daughter unexpectedly became a warrior, at her age, how advanced can she be?

The third master of the Wu family is said to have become a master at the Grand Master level more than ten years ago. How could his daughter be his opponent? But no matter what, the daughter is a warrior, at least it is a hope not.

Therefore, Pan Weiguo made a decision in an instant, and while rushing towards Wu Shixun like a moth to a flame, he shouted: "Xiangyun, take your mother and leave quickly, I will stop them."

"Dad, don't be impulsive. It'll be okay as long as I'm here." Pan Xiangyun hugged his mother and appeared beside Pan Weiguo in a flash. He grabbed his arm and pulled him behind him.

"Bah bang bang! Okay, very good. You two siblings are actually very powerful warriors at such a young age. You hide them very well. It seems that you must have obtained some high-level skills, haha, It’s really an unexpected idea. If you hand over the skills you practice, maybe I will let you Pan family go.”

After Wu Shixun was shocked, he was filled with surprise. He clapped his hands and said hypocritically, with undisguised greed in his eyes.

The Pan family siblings were able to cultivate strength at least at the Tianwu realm at a young age. It would make sense to say that one person is a monster, but with both siblings being such monsters, the chance of this is almost slim.

Therefore, he immediately concluded that the skills practiced by the Pan family siblings must be of a high level, very likely to surpass the skills practiced by the Wu family. If they could obtain such skills, why would the Wu family not be able to dominate the martial arts world?

"Kung Fu? Yes, it depends on whether you have the strength to take it away."

Pan Xiangyun smiled contemptuously.

"Really? I want to see how you have the confidence to be so confident. Wu Tong, I will pester her, and you will be responsible for leading people to arrest Pan Weiguo and his wife."

It has to be said that Wu Shixun was cunning and cunning. Even though he was confident that Pan Xiangyun was not his opponent, for the sake of safety, he still made two arrangements to let Wu Tong capture Pan Weiguo and his wife, while he went straight to Pan Xiangyun, preparing to entangle her.

"Yes, Third Master."

Wu Tong responded, waved his hand, and rushed towards Pan Weiguo and his wife with his men.

"A lot of people bully a small number of people, right? Come out and take them all for me."

Unexpectedly, Pan Xiangyun stood there without moving and said calmly.

"Yes, young mistress."

A thunderous sound of acceptance suddenly came from the empty living room, and figures emerged quietly like ghosts, exuding a heart-stopping and terrifying aura, and there were more than twenty people in the crowd.

Wu Shixun's face changed drastically, his steps stopped suddenly, and he looked at this scene in horror. It was not big or small, how could it be possible to hide so many people, and also hide it from his eyes and perception.

What does this mean? It shows that the strength of these people is definitely far beyond what he can do, which makes him not afraid, how can he not be afraid.

He is a strong man at the pinnacle of the True Martial Realm. Those who exceed his strength are at least strong in the Divine Martial Realm. More than 20 strong men in the Divine Martial Realm are enough to bloodbath the entire Wu family.

What is the background of this Pan family? There are so many men with terrifying strength.

Thanks to his arrogant appearance before, the Wu family is just a ridiculous joke compared to others.

Wu Sanye, who had always been lawless and kingly, was scared for the first time in his life. His legs were shaking like chaff, and big drops of sweat appeared on his forehead. There was only one thought in his mind, escape, he must escape immediately, and tell the master of the house not to do it again. If you don't show any resistance and kneel down to apologize to Pan Xianglong, maybe the Wu family will have a glimmer of hope.

Of course, the Wu family will definitely not give up like this. They will give in temporarily and just wait for the ancestor to come out. Once the ancestor leaves the arsenal, this account must be settled properly.

Unfortunately, the ideal is very full, and the reality is very skinny.

Just when Wu Shixun burst back without hesitation, even his loyal subordinates did not bother to say hello and wanted to escape, a figure suddenly blocked his way.

Wu Shixun twisted his waist in an action that violated the law of inertia. He almost stopped in front of the figure, touched the ground with his toes, and suddenly shot towards the window of the living room.

The door was blocked, so he could only wrap his body with spiritual power, smash the security window and run away.

"You want to escape even in front of me. What a wishful thinking." The figure sneered and said lightly. Before the words could be spoken, the figure had disappeared from the place and appeared in front of the window, waving his hand gently as if waiting for a chance.

Wu Shixun, who was running away quickly, felt a terrifying force coming from him. He lost his balance instantly and fell to the ground with a thud like a dog eating shit, with blood all over his face.

He raised his head with difficulty, but opened his mouth and spit out two blood-stained front teeth. With a look of deep despair on his face, he lay on the ground like a dead dog, without the courage to even move.

The gap was really too big. One slap broke the bones of his limbs and three ribs. Now he didn't even have the strength to stand up.

"Young mistress, what should I do with these trash?"

You Wu, who stopped Wu Shixun, was the leader of this group of ghost leopard warriors. Seeing that Kung Fu's men had quickly taken down all the Wu family members, he respectfully asked Pan Xiangyun.

"Let's spare their lives first and let Wu Shixun and my parents kneel down and apologize."

Although Pan Xiangyun had a cold temperament, Wu Shixun had dared to force his father to kneel down and beg for mercy. This completely angered her, and she said coldly with a frosty mask.

"Yes, young mistress."

Youwu respectfully accepted the order, walked up to Wu Shixun, picked him up by the neck like a chicken, and shouted: "Kneel down."

Wu Shixun's face was livid. He was the third master of the Wu family. He had never knelt down before. He shouted at the top of his lungs: "A scholar cannot be killed and cannot be humiliated. Don't even think about asking me to kneel down."

"That's not up to you."

Youwu sneered and tossed it casually. Wu Shixun felt that he had no control over his knees and landed on the ground, facing the complacent Pan Weiguo and his wife with dull faces.


Wu Shixun had a bulging vein on his forehead, and he wanted to show his integrity that he would rather die than surrender, when he felt a force coming silently, hitting his vocal cords, causing him to lose his voice and become mute in an instant.

"It's okay if you don't speak. Then kowtow to show your sincerity."

Youwu said with a bad smile and waved his hand. The ghost warrior had already taken out the camera and started filming.

Wu Shixun's eyes were about to burst, and he tried desperately to struggle, but his body refused to obey him at all. An invisible force pressed his head down, and kowtowing was like pouring garlic.

Pan Weiguo and his wife looked at Wu Shixun who was like a kowtowing insect in front of them, their expressions were in a trance, as if they were in a dream.

This was the third master of the Wu family, the famous underground leader in the capital of Shu, who actually knelt in front of them and kowtowed to them to apologize.

Boom, boom, boom!

Wu Shixun felt humiliated like never before, but in front of Youwu, he had no room for resistance. He could only keep his face red and kowtow.

It was so hard that it even made my forehead bleed. This is absolutely full of sincerity.

After all, Pan Weiguo and his wife were relatively simple people. Seeing Wu Shixun's miserable look, they quickly waved their hands and said hesitantly: "That's almost enough."

You Wu paid no attention to them, but looked at Pan Xiangyun. He only followed the orders of his young mistress.

"Okay, it's annoying to look at."

Pan Xiangyun said lightly.

Only then did Youwu control Wu Shixun to stop kowtowing. With a wave of his hand, two ghost warriors stepped forward and dragged Wu Shixun out, who was like a dead dog.

"Yun'er, what on earth is going on?"

It was only at this moment that Pan Weiguo, who had regained consciousness, looked at his daughter.

"By the way, I just heard them calling you Mistress? What's going on?"

A woman's focus is always different from a man's, Song Shu'e asked, staring at her daughter.

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