Medical Sovereign

Two thousand two hundred and ninety-nine difficult decisions

Pan Xiangyun's face suddenly turned red. Although she had already prepared to confess to her parents and deliberately did not let Youwu change her story, when it came time to face it, she still felt nervous for no reason. After all, she was Not even a mistress.

Of course, she would definitely not tell her parents the truth now. She could only pick up the unimportant things and fool them first.

"They are my boyfriend's men."

Pan Xiangyun said coyly.

"You have a boyfriend? What's his name? Where is he from? What does he look like? What does his family do? What do his parents do..."

Well, no matter what kind of mother-in-law she is, after learning that her daughter has a boyfriend, she will automatically start the household registration mode, and Song Shu'e is no exception. She completely forgot that she was still struggling on the verge of death before.

Pan Xiangyun didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and said coquettishly: "Mom, it's a long story. I'll tell you in detail later. All you need to know is that my boyfriend is very powerful. The Wu family doesn't take him seriously at all."

Pan Weiguo's expression changed. Although he was grateful to his daughter's boyfriend for saving his family, he did not want his daughter to gain power and marry into a wealthy family.

But now, the daughter's boyfriend is not even looked down upon by the Wu family, so it can be seen that he must be a child of the top wealthy family in China.

"Yun'er, you have grown up and have the right to pursue your own happiness, but Dad still wants to say something. Although it is good to marry into a rich family, can you really get happiness?"

Pan Weiguo sighed and said seriously.

"A wealthy family?"

Pan Xiangyun was slightly startled, but then realized that his father had complicated thoughts. He pursed his lips and said with a smile: "Dad, what are you talking about? He doesn't come from any wealthy family."

"Not a wealthy family? Then these..."

Before Pan Weiguo finished speaking, he looked at You Wu and others, and the meaning was self-evident.

"My boyfriend is a very powerful warrior, and these warriors are all his... um, followers."

Pan Xiangyun's eyes sparkled with admiration and admiration, and he said proudly.

Youwu and the others are not followers, but Ding Ning's spiritual pets. But she can't tell her parents the truth, so she can only use followers instead. She can't tell her parents that they are actually not humans, but monsters, right?

"A very powerful warrior? A martial arts family like the Wu family?"

Although Pan Weiguo had heard about warriors,

But he didn't know it clearly. When he heard this, he murmured to himself, but there was a look of worry on his eyebrows. Although he was not a wealthy family, if he was from a martial arts family like the Wu family, it would be even scarier than a wealthy family.

"What kind of martial arts family? He is just a little doctor, well, a graduate who has just graduated from medical school for less than a year."

Pan Xiangyun knew that his parents were extremely sensitive to rich families and martial arts families when they were overjoyed and sad, so he could only use Ding Ning's ordinary identity to comfort his parents and dispel their concerns.

"It's great to study medicine, but how can a medical student still be able to do martial arts?"

Song Shu'e had always hoped that her daughter would marry someone with a stable job and a certain social status like a doctor or lawyer. She said happily after hearing this, but she felt something was wrong and couldn't help but ask doubtfully.

"He is a Chinese medicine practitioner passed down from his ancestors, and his cultivation methods are passed down from his ancestors. However, he has very good training qualifications, and he has practiced to a very powerful level without knowing it."

Pan Xiangyun explained patiently that he felt that dealing with his parents' questioning was more tiring than holding a solo concert.

In the Yulin Food Street, as the news spread, there was already a sea of ​​people in front of the Spicy Temptation Crayfish Restaurant, and there were still people arriving in an endless stream, making it feel like the whole place was deserted.

Everyone who knows the Wu family wants to see with their own eyes whether this confrontation will end with the head of the Wu family kowtow and admit his mistake, or whether it will end with the Pan family boy being torn into pieces.

Of course, even though Pan Xianglong has shown great strength, not many people think highly of him. Most people think that he is trying to block the enemy's attack and does not overestimate his own capabilities.

The Wu family is a martial arts family that has dominated the capital of Shu for hundreds of years. It also occupies half of the underground world. It is much more terrifying than ordinary wealthy families. How can a small martial artist be able to compete with it.

"Give way, please give way."

A middle-aged man and woman looked panicked, shouted politely in the crowd, and pushed hard towards the lobster house.

"Squeeze a hammer."

"No matter how hard you squeeze, I also want to let you go. You have to be able to move."

"You think you are members of the Wu family, and you will give in if you say so."

"Ouch, you stepped on my foot."

There were dissatisfied scoldings from the crowd, causing a commotion.

The middle-aged man pulled the frightened middle-aged woman and apologized again and again: "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, my daughter is in there, I have to go in, please help me."

"It's great that your daughter is in there. My third uncle's son-in-law's classmate's neighbor is still in there, and he didn't see me squeeze in."

Someone joked sarcastically.

The man's face turned red and he didn't know what to say. The middle-aged woman covered her mouth with red eyes and cried: "Human life is at stake. Please be kind and let us in."

The people around were stunned, what's going on? Isn't it just for fun? No matter how arrogant and domineering the Wu family is, they can't cover the sky with one hand and kill everyone.

Seeing that everyone was stunned, but no one was willing to give way, the middle-aged man sighed and said with a bitter look on his face: "My daughter is playing friends with that Pan Xianglong."


Everyone's expressions changed, their eyes looking at the couple were full of pity and sympathy, and they all retreated silently.

It turns out that they are the parents of Pan Xianglong's little girlfriend. No wonder they are so panicked and say that life is at stake.

Indeed, even if Pan Xianglong apologizes with death today, he may not be able to quell the Wu family's anger. His little girlfriend is still the trigger of the conflict between the two parties. The Wu family will definitely be affected by the Wu family's anger. It doesn't matter if human life is at stake. Pass.

With sympathy for the weak, the onlookers took a step back silently to make way for them.

"Thank you, thank you everyone."

The couple thanked each other and walked quickly to the lobster restaurant, frowning deeply, secretly praying that the Wu family would not vent their anger on their family.

"Dad, Mom, why are you here?"

As soon as the couple entered the lobster restaurant, all eyes fell on them. Pan Xianglong's little girlfriend Jiang Jing stood up and shouted in surprise.

Pan Xianglong's heart skipped a beat, and he hurriedly stood up and greeted awkwardly: "Hello, uncle and aunt."

"No, no, no, no, we can't bear this, uncle and aunt."

Jiang's father had a cold face and did not give Pan Xianglong any good looks. He stared at Jiang Jing with hatred and shouted: "Why don't you come here quickly and come home with us?"

Jiang Jing bit her lower lip tightly and took a deep look at Pan Xianglong, with a tangled look in her eyes, but she did not immediately walk over and follow them home as Jiang's father thought.

At her age, she is the age where she worships heroes. The magic and care Pan Xianglong showed for her have deeply touched her heart.

She knew better than anyone else why her parents were here, but she didn't think that just following her parents home obediently would mean she could completely stay out of it.

In fact, she understands better than her parents that she has no way out now. She can live as long as Pan Xianglong lives; she will die if Pan Xianglong dies, and she will die miserably, even affecting her family.

Therefore, after just a brief thought, Jiang Jing's smart eyes were filled with determination, and she made the wisest decision in her life, with a decisive tone in her voice: "Dad, Mom, I will not leave. Xianglong will go back with you."

Ding Ning's eyes flashed and a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth. Pan Xianglong is quite discerning. This girl is good.

" are going to piss us off."

Father Jiang was trembling with anger and pointed at his daughter, his eyes full of anger and disappointment.

"Jing'er, don't be stupid. You will not end well if you follow a man like this who doesn't know where the sky is from the sky and only knows how to cause trouble. Be obedient, come here quickly and go home with mom."

Mother Jiang glared resentfully at Pan Xianglong, whose face was full of emotion, and said seductively to Jiang Jing.

"Dad, Mom, I'm sorry, I won't go back with you."

Although Jiang Jing looks gentle and quiet on the outside, she is quite stubborn and very opinionated.

Although she felt very sorry for her parents, she could only make up her mind and refuse. In this case, if the worst happened, the Wu family would not cause trouble to her parents again.

" evildoer, let me ask you one last time, will you come back with us?"

Father Jiang's face was livid, he stared at Jiang Jing, and asked angrily.

"Jing'er, don't be willful. I'm begging you, please come here quickly and go home with your parents."

Mother Jiang burst into tears as she looked at Jiang Jing and begged.

Jiang Jing bit her lower lip tightly, her vision blurred with tears, her nose twitched, she bowed deeply at ninety degrees, and said with sobs, "I'm sorry, parents, please forgive my daughter for being unfilial. Just leave as soon as possible." Never gave birth to a daughter like me."


Listening to her daughter's heartless words, Mother Jiang couldn't help but burst into tears, crying to the sky and to the ground: "Oh my God, what on earth have I done to give birth to such an unfilial daughter..." "

"Stop crying, isn't it embarrassing enough? Let's go. From today on, she will have nothing to do with my Jiang family."

Father Jiang's face was so gloomy that he could shed tears. He reached out and grabbed his wife's wrist, and dragged her crying out without looking back.

No one noticed that there was a hint of guilt and pain deep in his eyes.

Although his daughter's behavior is chilling, he is a smart man. He can't see his daughter's good intentions. She doesn't want to bring trouble to the family.

But although he understood in his heart, he would not point it out, and he was unable to do anything for his daughter. He could only let her fend for herself, and how could he feel better in his heart.

It sounds cruel to say it, but he has an elder and a younger child, and Jiang Jing is not the only child in the family. As the backbone of the family, he must take the overall situation into consideration and consider the safety of the whole family.

Giving up on Jiang Jing was an extremely difficult choice for him as a father, and it was also a decision of last resort. However, he was unable to change anything. He could only silently pray for his daughter in his heart, praying that she would be auspicious and survive the disaster. If you don't die, you can escape this death.


But many things in this world are counterproductive. When Jiang's father dragged his wife and was about to walk out of the restaurant door, the crowd suddenly and spontaneously made way for a passage. A group of sturdy men surrounded Wu Shi'an like stars holding the moon in their hands and walked toward Wu Shi'an from the passage. Come, he secretly complained in his heart, he could only hold his crying wife to delay his departure, and stood aside to get out of the way.

Wu Shi'an glanced at Jiang's father and Jiang's mother with a slightly surprised look. He couldn't figure out their identities, but they were just insignificant people. He was destined not to pay much attention to them and passed them by surrounded by bodyguards.

"Master, catch those two couples. They are Pan Xianglong's father-in-law and mother-in-law."

No one expected that the senior brother, who had always behaved very honestly, suddenly pointed at Father Jiang and Mother Jiang and shouted loudly.

This voice shocked everyone, and made Jiang's father's face turn pale for an instant, with a hint of bitterness at the corner of his mouth. After all, was it still impossible to escape?

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