Medical Sovereign

Two thousand three hundred and twenty-two statements

As a well-known business tycoon in the Shudu business circle, no one here knows what being an exclusive agent means, which means a steady stream of wealth.

You know, medicines are not luxuries that may only be purchased once in a lifetime, but are standing medicines that people cannot live without in daily life.

To put it bluntly, it is an indispensable consumable for every household, and Mi Dou Oral Liquid, the latest medicine with astonishing effects, will inevitably cause a buying frenzy once it is launched in Shudu.

It can be said that whoever can get the exclusive agency rights of Mi Dou Oral Liquid will reach the sky in one step, develop and grow at the fastest speed, and become the well-deserved leading company among Shudu pharmaceutical companies, and even aspire to the throne of the national pharmaceutical giant. hope.

Under such circumstances, how could the pharmaceutical industry tycoons present not be excited? Even those who were not engaged in the pharmaceutical industry were turning their eyes rapidly, wondering whether they should immediately spend a lot of money to acquire a company of sufficient importance. Pharmaceutical companies, come and participate in this competition for agency rights.

As the saying goes, some people are happy and some are worried. Those CEOs of pharmaceutical companies with sufficient funds, sufficient qualifications, and scale are all red-eyed and gearing up, vowing to fight for thousands of people to cross the single-plank bridge and get the exclusive agency rights. No one wants to miss out on the pharmaceutical companies under their command. A God-given opportunity to set sail.

And those CEOs of pharmaceutical companies who thought they were lacking in strength and hopeless were all dejected and depressed, secretly wondering why they set up exclusive agents? If they are ordinary agents, they still hope to get a piece of the pie, but as exclusive agents, they are definitely out of luck.

Pan Weiguo is also among this group of people. Fortunately, he is self-aware that Pan Group is only a second-rate company and does not have the confidence to compete for the general agency rights of Mi Dou Oral Liquid, let alone the exclusive agency.

Without expectations, there is naturally no so-called disappointment, so his mentality is quite peaceful, and he is even secretly glad that he is an exclusive agent. If he were an ordinary agent, I am afraid that he would not be able to help but participate in the competition, knowing that the chances are slim. , in the end it will definitely be all in vain, but it will be asking for trouble.

Wu Shimin held the red wine glass and looked at the group of pharmaceutical company CEOs blushing with excitement. He took a sip of the red wine with a playful look in his eyes.

Subconsciously glanced at Pan Weiguo, who had a calm face, and sighed secretly. He didn't know what kind of bad luck the Pan family had, to be so valued and favored by a fairy-like figure like the eldest lady.

After swearing to surrender to Ding Qianyou, he already regarded himself as a servant of the Ding family, so he naturally changed his name to calling her the eldest lady. Not only was he not ashamed of this, but he was proud of it.

After all, Yang Jingcheng is a god. He still calls her eldest lady in a proper manner. But he can actually call her eldest lady like a god. Doesn't it mean that he and the gods are equals? How can he not be flattered? , deeply honored.

Therefore, after Ding Qianlie bluntly told him that he would fully support him to become the head of the Wu family, but the Wu family would secretly become a vassal of the Pan family, he did not have much resistance.

After all, in his opinion, he already has a master, and having one more master is not a big deal. What's more, he is still a secret vassal of the Pan family. On the surface, he is still the head of the Wu family, which will not undermine him in the slightest. face.

What's more, Ding Qianlie also promised that as long as he works wholeheartedly and wholeheartedly, he will never treat him badly and will give him a great opportunity when the time comes.

As for what the opportunity was, Ding Qianlie didn't say, and he didn't dare to ask, but since a person like the eldest lady had promised, she would never break her promise, and he was full of expectations for this.

"Mr. Ding, I don't know what conditions are needed to get the exclusive agency right?"

A smug CEO of a pharmaceutical company looked at Ding Qianlie on the stage and asked loudly.

Other CEOs of important pharmaceutical companies who were determined to win the agency rights all pricked up their ears, waiting for Ding Qianlie's answer.

"It seems that Mr. Liu didn't listen carefully to what I said before."

Ding Qianlie said with a smile, which seemed a bit sarcastic, but the meaning of ridicule was stronger and not offensive.

Not only was the CEO of the pharmaceutical company not annoyed, but he was very proud that Ding Qianlie accurately called out his last name. He subconsciously puffed up his chest and laughed apologetically: "I was too excited, so I was negligent."

"I said before that the partners Shengtang is looking for are pharmaceutical companies with good reputation, integrity, qualifications and strength. Of course, Mr. Liu cannot be blamed for this. I just blame me for being too general. Now I will be specific. Publish the standards.”

Ding Qianlie talked eloquently with a smile on his face: "First of all, it is good reputation. This is self-evident. I think everyone will understand what it means even if I don't say it. The second is honesty, which seems to be the same as the first condition. But this is not the case. Good reputation does not necessarily mean that you will be honest. After all, reputation is the evaluation given by outsiders through cooperation or contact. It may be watery, but honesty is different. This is the conscience of the company and what the company wants. To become bigger and stronger, we need to be able to take care of the fundamentals of our lives. As for having the qualifications, let alone that. We are all in the pharmaceutical industry and have its own exclusivity. I can't hand over the pharmaceuticals to a real estate agent, right? "

"Ha ha!"

Everyone at the scene burst into laughter at her witty jokes, and many people glanced meaningfully at the non-drug dealer bosses.

At the very least, this condition shuts out these financially strong non-pharmaceutical companies, reducing competitiveness considerably.

Those non-pharmaceutical dealers who have ideas can only smile and shake their heads. There is no way. Shengtang is recruiting pharmaceutical agents, and it is impossible to hand over agency rights to non-pharmaceutical industries. There is nothing wrong with Ding Qianlie's words.

"The last one is to have strength. Tell me, what does it mean to have strength?"

Ding Qianlie said with a smile, asking like a kindergarten teacher teasing children.

"financial resources."

Mr. Liu, a wealthy man, was the first to answer.

"I think it's not just financial resources, but also sufficient business resources and sales network."

Another pharmaceutical tycoon added.

"Financial resources, resources, sales network, and connections, including the ability to coordinate relationships with the government and all walks of life."

A drug guru summed it up.

"Yes, the strength of a company is not only reflected in its financial resources, but also includes business resources, contacts, sales network, relationship coordination capabilities from all walks of life, and..."

Ding Qianlie's eyes flashed and he completed what they missed: "The management philosophy of the company itself and the development plan for the company's future prospects."

Everyone looked thoughtful when they heard this. Yes, they were born in China, a humanistic society. They only focused on funds, resources, connections and coordination skills, but ignored their own corporate management concepts and development plans for future prospects. .

If resources and connections are equivalent to the hardware of a company, then its own management philosophy and future prospects are the supporting software of the company. This is the real strength.

This made them deeply admired and at the same time sincerely convinced of Ding Qianlie. No wonder she was known as the goddess of business. Her sharp insights on economic development were far beyond what mainland entrepreneurs like them could compare with.

In fact, they all felt that even if they could not get the exclusive agency rights this time, it would not be in vain. Ding Qianlie gave them a vivid business management lesson in this way, and it was worth it.

"But to put it bluntly, the strength of a company must ultimately be judged by data. After all, the essence of business behavior is to generate profits through production and transactions. To put it bluntly, we are all businessmen, and businessmen pursue profit. Naturally, what’s the point of running a company if you don’t make money? Therefore, the true success of a company must be measured by wealth.”

Ding Qianlie changed his voice and brought the topic back: "And what I said before was based on whether the funds are strong. Without enough funds, everything else is false."

Everyone smiled when they heard this. Although Ding Qianlie's words were very straightforward and even a bit vulgar, they took it seriously.

Businessmen just want to make money. No matter how standardized the business management is, no matter how bright the future prospects are planned, if you can't make money, everything will be in vain.

Of course, this does not mean that what Ding Qianlie said before is all nonsense. On the contrary, they are all good words. They are the understanding and experience of a strong business woman on enterprise management and economic development. She wants to truly make the enterprise a success. To become bigger and stronger, those comprehensive factors are indispensable conditions, which benefit them deeply.

Ding Qianlie waited until they had digested it, and then he really put forward the final conditions: "It is not difficult to obtain the exclusive agency rights of Mi Dou Oral Liquid, but it is not easy to say that it is simple. It has great influence on He Shengtang." Pharmaceutical companies that intend to cooperate first register with my temporary assistant Yang Xiaodong, and then I will select the companies I like to conduct on-site inspections, and then select the final exclusive agents one by one from the selected pharmaceutical companies that meet the conditions I mentioned before. business."

Everyone was feeling nervous, excited or excited, their eyes were twinkling, and they were eager to try. They all wanted to sign up immediately. Although the competition was very competitive, the companies that dared to compete for the exclusive agency rights were absolutely confident.

"Don't get excited so early. Before you sign up, I have two conditions to declare in advance."

Ding Qianlie's words once again silenced the whole place. Everyone looked at her eagerly, waiting for the conditions she said.

"First, the developer of Midou Oral Liquid has publicly promised that he developed this drug that can replace all antibiotics to benefit the people of China. Therefore, no matter which pharmaceutical company finally obtains the exclusive agency rights, it must Follow this principle and follow the unified selling price of Shengtang Group, and never raise drug prices without permission, so that every ordinary person can use affordable drugs with peace of mind. "

Ding Qianlie looked around slowly and spoke in a sonorous tone.

Everyone was silent after hearing this. Some people appreciated it, some were disdainful, some admired it, some sneered, and some people's eyes flickered, wondering what they were thinking.

"The second condition is based on the first condition. It can even be said that it exists to ensure that the first condition exists. That is, in order to prevent the agent from breaching the contract after signing the agency contract and carrying out the transaction without authorization. Shengtang Pharmaceutical raises drug prices to make huge profits. Therefore, after the entire board of directors of Shengtang Pharmaceutical Group passes the resolution, the pharmaceutical company that finally obtains the exclusive agent in Shu will need to pay a deposit of 50 billion. Once Shengtang discovers that the agent has breached the contract and privately raised the price of the drug. If the company seeks huge profits from the price, it has the right to immediately withdraw its exclusive agency rights, and the 50 billion deposit will also be forfeited as liquidated damages."

Ding Qianlie's serious voice echoed leisurely in the hotel: "So, now I advise companies that are interested in agency rights to think carefully and wait until they have considered it clearly before making a decision, so as not to regret it later and make a breach of contract. They don’t look good on each other’s faces.”

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