Medical Sovereign

Two thousand three hundred and twenty-three guilty conscience

There was an uproar at the scene.

Some pharmaceutical company CEOs who had been confident that they were bound to win suddenly shrank like eggplants beaten by frost.

Fifty billion in deposit? This is simply a sky-high margin.

Although all of the pharmaceutical company CEOs present were wealthy and well-known figures in Shu, there were really not many who could come up with a deposit of 50 billion in one fell swoop.

Even though there are several large and powerful pharmaceutical companies that can afford this sky-high deposit, they can't help but retreat.

You know, this 50 billion is just a deposit, and there will be a huge amount of funds needed to distribute the goods in the future. In other words, without a capital turnover of 70 to 80 billion, it is simply impossible to use this exclusive agent.

Now, they finally realized why Ding Qianlie had emphasized strong pharmaceutical companies before. The 50 billion deposit alone was enough to shut out most pharmaceutical companies.

Of course, some people are happy and some are worried. Those pharmaceutical companies that are barely able to win the exclusive agency are in a tangle, weighing the pros and cons and whether it is worth investing all the money to compete for this exclusive agency.

Is Midou Oral Liquid profitable? There is no doubt that it will definitely make money.

But there is a big difference between making money and profit. Making more and making less is definitely not the same concept.

If Shengtang does not have unified pricing across the country and allows them to raise sales prices, they will naturally compete for this agency right without hesitation, because this is a golden chicken that can lay eggs, and no matter how big the investment is, it is worth it.

However, the prosperous Tang Dynasty demanded unified sales prices across the country, and also formulated extremely severe punitive measures. They were extremely confused whether it was worth the investment.

Winning the exclusive agency rights will definitely make money. Even with the restriction of a national unified selling price, in the long run, you will definitely make a lot of money.

But the problem is that in this way, their profit margins are suppressed to the lowest level. According to preliminary estimates, under optimistic circumstances, it will take at least three years to recover the cost of investment. If the sales are not as hot as expected, even It takes more than five years to recover the capital.

For businessmen, liquidity is always the most important thing. In jargon, it means having live money in hand. Even if any unexpected situation occurs, it will not be in a hurry, causing the capital chain to break and the enterprise to fall into despair.

Therefore, for these barely qualified pharmaceutical companies, if they take out a deposit of 50 billion, their emergency reserve funds will be exhausted almost immediately. If they encounter some unexpected emergencies, it is very likely to lead to Their corporate capital chain was broken and they went bankrupt. They really didn't dare to make this huge gamble with the future and destiny of their company.

"We, the Wu Group, will sign up now."

Wu Shimin knew that it was time for him to play, so he strode forward and said in a calm voice, with determination to win.

Everyone's eyes were focused on Wu Shimin, and they secretly sighed that the Wu family really had a deep foundation, and they were able to come up with such a large amount of funds at the cusp of such a storm.

The few who know the truth are shaking their heads and smiling bitterly. It seems that the Wu family is going to sink everything and complete their achievements in one battle.

"Mr. Yang, please register. Our Haishi Group sincerely invites Mr. Ding to inspect."

Not to be outdone, Hai Mingzhu glared at Wu Shimin, walked swayingly to Yang Xiaodong, who had pulled out a table to do the registration work, said lightly, and nodded to Ding Qianlie as a sign of courtesy.

Hai's Group? Is she from the Hai family? Not from the Wu family?

Little did he know that at this moment, Ding Ning's eyes almost fell down, staring at Hai Mingzhu with dumbfounded eyes, and his brain was roaring.

He always thought that Hai Mingzhu wanted to get close to him and was an assassin sent by the Wu family to assassinate him.

That's why he was so rude to her and accepted the other party's "sugar-coating" without any psychological burden.

But now, he finally realized that things didn't seem to be what he imagined. He seemed to have made a huge mistake. The woman who took the initiative to come to his door and was ruined by him was not from the Wu family at all, but from the Hai family. It seemed that in Hai The status of the family is not low.

This numbed his paws and made him feel guilty. If he hadn't been his true self at the time, he couldn't help but want to run away now.

If Hai Mingzhu is a killer sent by the Wu family, he will naturally not feel any psychological pressure. If you want to kill me, I will just sleep with you and not kill you. It is already merciful enough.

But she was not from the Wu family. Even if he deceived himself and tried to connect her with the Wu family, it was impossible. After all, the news that the Hai family and the Wu family were at odds was not a secret at all. How could a Hai family woman do it? Work for the Wu family.

Ding Ning felt guilty as a thief. Even though he knew that Hai Mingzhu would not recognize him, he still felt guilty. His eyes were wandering and he did not dare to look at her, as if he would be recognized by her if he looked at her one more time.

"What's wrong with you? Are you feeling uncomfortable?"

Pan Xiangyun sensitively noticed that Ding Ning's expression was unnatural, and asked a little strangely.

He is a demigod-level expert, so how could he be feeling unwell?

"Uh, it's nothing, I'm just a little thirsty. I'm going to drink two glasses of red wine."

Ding Ning laughed awkwardly, found a very far-fetched reason, ran to the buffet pastry area, poured a glass of red wine and sipped it to calm down his agitated mood.

How is this going to end? If it wasn't Hai Mingzhu's first time, he might not be so entangled, but the problem is that she is indeed innocent, which makes him feel extremely guilty.

Even if it is impossible for Hai Mingzhu to recognize him, as a top-notch scumbag with ideals, culture, morality, principles, and a sense of responsibility, he cannot just wipe his mouth after eating him dry for no reason. Do you admit it?

He couldn't do such a thing, it went against his principles and bottom line as a human being, but he was also confused about how to deal with this big trouble.

Yes, he is lustful, and Hai Mingzhu is also an out-and-out beauty, but after all, the two of them have no basis for any relationship. He doesn't mind having fun with her, but it is still very difficult for him to marry her home.

Especially since he has a lot of women now, and his father has already expressed strong dissatisfaction with his philandering. Although those considerate women don't say it with their mouths, they don't want him to attract bees or butterflies anymore. .

Otherwise, he would have brought Yuan Shanshan and Liu Yingying back to Paradise Island openly, and he would not have to secretly meet with them all day long as if they were having an affair.

"Hey! One misstep will lead to eternal hatred."

Ding Ning muttered in a low voice with a bitter look on his face. Who would have thought that by some strange combination of circumstances, he would sleep with a woman from the Hai family.

Although he was not familiar with the Hai family, at least they gave him rare medicinal materials as a meeting gift. To a certain extent, he owed the Hai family a favor.

It's better now, the favor has not been repaid, and this is another debt of love. Even though he has always been free and easy, he is still entangled at this moment.

"Hey, don't tell me, this girl's figure is really incredible. Why didn't I notice it last night?"

Ding Ning secretly glanced at Hai glance...and another...and suddenly realized that this girl was not only beautiful, but also had breasts, an ass, and an extremely hot figure.

Thinking of treating her as a killer of the Wu family last night and treating her so rudely without mercy at all, Ding Ning felt even more apologetic, thinking about how he could make it up to her so that he could feel at ease.

"Huang's Pharmaceuticals invites Mr. Ding for an on-site inspection."

Huang Zhiwei's sudden voice instantly shocked the entire audience.

Although the Huang family can be regarded as a big family in the capital of Shu, it can barely reach the first-tier family. The funds are not strong. Even if it is sold out, it may be difficult to collect 50 billion. I really don’t know. Where did Huang Zhiwei get such courage?

Huang Zhiwei was worried, but his face remained calm. He looked calm and composed, but actually he was panicking inside.

When he reported to the family's top management, he was emotional and rational. After explaining the pros and cons, he used the temptation of the Huang family to become the top family in Shudu after obtaining the exclusive agency rights. Finally, he successfully persuaded the family's top management to mortgage the family's property. For all fixed asset loans, come and get exclusive agency rights.

He was ambitious and impassioned when communicating with the family's senior management, but now that he got what he wanted, he was scared. He felt that he must have been possessed. How could he do such an impulsive and mindless thing? It seemed that just now he seemed As if out of control.

If things go well, he will become a great hero of the family. But if things don't go well, he will have to bear the family's thunder and anger, and the consequences are definitely not something he can bear.

But things have developed to this point, and even if he wanted to go back on his word, it was too late. Instead, he would leave a cowardly impression on the family of being hesitant, changing orders every day, and showing no responsibility.

The path he chose has to be completed even if he is kneeling, Huang Zhiwei thought sadly, completely unaware that a handsome young man not far away from him was holding a red wine glass and sipping wine. The corners of his mouth were slightly raised, revealing a hint of... A sinister smile.

Using mental power to influence an ordinary person's thinking is an extremely easy task for Ding Ning.

He had a clear view of Huang Zhiwei's arrogant and domineering appearance before. With his always protective temperament, even if Huang Zhiwei finally resigned and apologized to Pan Weiguo and his wife for some reason, he had no intention of letting him go.

What's more, this guy dared to reveal a lustful look in his eyes when his sister appeared on the scene, which made Ding Ning even more determined to punish him.

Doesn't this guy just think that he is a member of the Huang family, aloof and domineering, looking down on outsiders like Pan Weiguo and his wife?

Then let him lose the support of the Huang family, deprive him of everything he is proud of, and see what arrogance he still has.

Treating others with their own treatment will make revenge more satisfying.

Otherwise, with Ding Ning's current strength and power, he could easily wipe out the Wu family. Why would there be such a need to plan step by step and deliberately plot against the Wu family.

Ninghai, in a luxurious private room in an entertainment city.

A young man with an arrogant face was hugging each other, playing with seven or eight heavily made-up ladies up and down, having a great time.

What makes these ladies feel strange is that this extraordinary young man is wearing a robe that looks like ancient costumes, and he also has long hair in a bun.

However, nowadays, there are no more wealthy people who have special hobbies, and there are also many people who have a soft spot for role-playing. Maybe they like to play it like this.

As long as you tip them enough, they don't care how the guests dress up.

But what made them feel even weirder was that beside this young man dressed in ancient costumes, he was always followed by two expressionless people who looked like bodyguards.

Why do you think he is a bodyguard?

Because, if they were not bodyguards, these two pale-faced men were extremely respectful to the young man in ancient costumes. They followed his orders without hesitation and always guarded his safety.

We can say that they are bodyguards, but their age is really worrying. Both of them are stooped, with gray hair, and they are dying as if they are dying. Their thin little bodies make people suspicious of a strong wind. A scrape will blow them away.

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