Medical Sovereign

Two thousand three hundred and thirty-five The Age of Mythology

His eyes rolled. Although he was not sure whether Ding Ning could kill him, he was suspicious by nature and extremely afraid of death. Even if there was a one-in-a-thousand chance, he would not take the risk.

He immediately said with a shy face and a smile: "Actually, we don't have to fight to the death. It's quite boring. How about we have a good talk."

"I have nothing to talk about with you."

Ding Ning refused without hesitation, but the speed of carving the annihilation talisman was not chaotic at all.

The devil's face became angry, and he could feel the aura of destruction emitting from the Qi soldiers that frightened him. He could only suppress the anger in his heart, nodded and bowed and said: "How come there is nothing to talk about? Don't you want to know about things in the mythical age?" Yes, I can tell you."

Ding Ning continued to carve runes without raising his head, and said calmly: "I suddenly don't want to know now. Compared to getting rid of this big enemy like you, the Age of Mythology seems to have nothing to do with me."

"Ah! How could it be? The Age of Mythology is a taboo topic that has been buried in history. Aren't you curious at all?"

Demon Xing trembled all over and almost didn't cry, so he hurriedly said seductively.

Ding Ning secretly laughed in his heart. After all, this demonic nature was just born. Although it is not low in intelligence, it obviously has low emotional intelligence. Just scare it and force it to confess.

My heart was itching like a cat scratching, but my face remained calm and she said noncommittally, "I'm not interested. Since it's a taboo topic, it's better not to know."

"You can't say that. Because it is a taboo topic, it is always good to know more about it, so as not to be confused and tricked into death in the future without knowing what is going on."

The devil was about to burst into tears. He glanced at the qi weapon with an increasingly destructive aura in fear, and looked at Ding Ning's sincere words with eager eyes.

"Being tricked to death? Haha, you are really good at alarmism."

Ding Ning's heart moved, but his face showed disbelief and said with disdain.

"I promise I'm not being alarmist. The Age of Mythology is indeed a taboo topic. Although it has long been lost in the smoke of history, there is still God's will. With the beginning of the Battle of the Gods, earth-shaking changes will occur in the human world. Some The truth buried deep in the dust of history will gradually emerge."

Mo Xing said seriously with a serious face, but his rolling eyeballs were squinting at the Qi soldiers in Ding Ning's hands from time to time. It didn't look serious at all.

Although Ding Ning was greatly moved,

But he understood that if he could not truly conquer this cunning devil, he would never ask the truth from his mouth. He continued to engrave the words indifferently, and said disdainfully: "Hey, you seem to be so knowledgeable about the past and the present, but you are just a wisp of birth." It’s just a demon with a short-term intelligence, how can it be possible to know these biggest secrets in the world?”

"I...I dare to swear to God that nothing I said is false."

Feeling the destructive aura on the Qi soldiers becoming more and more terrifying, Demon Xing hurriedly raised three fingers and swore.

"If you trust the devil, a sow can climb a tree."

Ding Ning still looked dismissive. This demon actually wanted to take away his body before. How could he let it go so easily?

What's more, this ghost thing exists in his own consciousness space. Who knows what kind of threat it will pose to him in the future. Raising tigers to cause trouble is not his style.

But before dealing with the demonic nature, he had to figure out what the Age of Mythology was, and where the demonic nature learned these secrets. He did not believe that the Demon Emperor and the Demon Emperor would know these taboo secrets.

Moreover, perhaps through the study of mythological times

Understand that the black hand that can control all this behind the scenes has revealed some clues.

"I...let me tell you this, this ancient temple actually comes from the age of mythology, just like...just like the human soul. Although this ancient temple has been destroyed long ago, the remaining soul of the temple is still there. It still exists in this way.”

Mo Xing glanced at the Qi Soldier in Ding Ning's hand in fear, gritted his teeth, and decided to tell some interesting information to arouse Ding Ning's interest.

Congratulations to him, he succeeded. These words shocked Ding Ning. He raised his head in shock. He didn't care that more than half of the annihilation runes engraved on it were destroyed. He said in shock: "You said this ancient temple is a myth." A product of the times or a remnant of an ancient temple? How is this possible?”

The devil noticed that the terrifying aura on the Qi soldiers had dissipated, and his heart suddenly felt relieved, but it also knew that since Ding Ning could portray the first time, he could portray the second, third, and countless times. If he didn't answer his questions obediently, , to win his favor, I am afraid that sooner or later, I will not be able to avoid the fate of destruction.

"This is the information I got from refining this ancient temple."

The devil explained very seriously: "According to the information in it, this ancient temple was once the place where Buddha became enlightened..."

"Wait a minute, Buddha, is he Sakyamuni? Didn't Sakyamuni live in ancient Tianzhu during the Zhou Dynasty in China in 977 BC? How can it be related to the mythical era?"

Ding Ning interrupted him and asked with a puzzled look on his face.

"No, it's not Sakyamuni, but it can also be said to be Sakyamuni. How should I put it? In the vast universe, Buddhism is an extremely powerful sect of monks. It even has a special kingdom of heaven. They pay attention to reincarnation. , Buddhism in the human world is just a Taoism established by one of their disciples who happens to be reincarnated in the three realms."

The demonic explanation was unclear, but Ding Ning understood what he said instantly, showing a shocked and thoughtful expression.

Buddhism is an extremely powerful sect of monks in the chaotic universe. They practice Buddhism, pursue immortality, and pay attention to reincarnation. However, Sakyamuni is just a disciple of Buddhism. He happened to be reincarnated in the three realms, so he took the name Sakyamuni. Establish Buddhism and become a Buddha.

In the human world, Sakyamuni is an out-and-out Buddha. However, because the devil has only received the incomplete memories of the ancient temple, it is not clear what identity Sakyamuni has in Buddhism. Therefore, he is said to be a Buddha. Kamuni is not Sakyamuni either.

Because Sakyamuni was reincarnated, no one knows what his name was in his previous life and what his identity was in Buddhism. Either he was a big shot in Buddhism, or he was just an unknown person in Buddhism. Just a disciple who has entered the stream.

"So what period is the Age of Mythology? The Zhou Dynasty?"

Ding Ning's heart was filled with countless questions and he couldn't wait to ask.

"No, the age of myth should be a period after the ancient times and before the ancient times."

The devil shook his head and replied.

Ding Ning opened his mouth in astonishment: "Isn't it the ancient times after the ancient times? Why is there still an age of mythology? Why have I never heard of it?"

Mo Xing rolled his eyes: "Idiot, if you say it's a taboo, then of course there are unspeakable taboos, so naturally there won't be any records."

Ding Ning's face darkened, he formed a force of energy with his backhand, and began to carve runes without saying a word.

The devil wanted to give himself a slap. Why did he get carried away with his stupid mouth? He hurriedly grabbed Ding Ning's wrist, nodded and bowed and said with a smile: "I am an idiot, I am an idiot. Brother, please don't follow me." Calculate.”

Ding Ning snorted coldly, seeing it admitting its mistake.

His attitude was quite correct and he did not continue to pester. He said impatiently: "Go on."

"Yes, yes, I will continue."

Seeing that Ding Ning did not continue to carve runes, Demon Xing breathed a sigh of relief and did not dare to show off. He poured out all the information he had obtained while refining the ancient temple like beans.

According to the information obtained by the devil, there was a forgotten blank period between the ancient times and the ancient times. This period was called the ancient period at the time.

At the end of the ancient times, there was a war between gods and demons. The prehistoric continent was fragmented. The three realms had not yet been repaired and formed. The boundary walls had lost their function and were directly connected to the chaotic universe. The strong men in the universe coveted the original and rich resources on the broken main continent. They crossed the void and continued to fight. Invasion and plunder led to frequent wars and devastation of life.

As the saying goes, heroes emerge from troubled times, and a group of powerful warriors emerged. They rebuilt the heaven and gathered warriors from the three realms to unite to resist foreign invaders.

Perhaps it was because the consciousness of the Three Realms was at a critical moment of self-evolution, without the barriers of the Three Realms and the shackles of heaven and earth, or perhaps because they were at war with strong men from outside the realm for many years. Although the warriors in Heaven suffered heavy casualties, all of them survived. He is an elite from hundreds of battles, his strength has grown by leaps and bounds, and he is terrifyingly powerful.

It was the most miserable period for the human race in the three realms, and it was also the era when the strongest human beings were at their most glorious. It is said that the strongest Lords of Heaven were so powerful that even the strongest ones from higher planes could not take advantage of them. .

Therefore, the ancient era is also called the golden age or the age of myth.

Sakyamuni was born in that era. As a person of reincarnation, he lost the memory of his previous life and participated in the battle to protect the three realms as a warrior of the three realms.

The ancient temple was a magic weapon he obtained after killing an invading Buddhist disciple. After refining the ancient temple, Sakyamuni finally awakened the memory of his previous life.

This made him very painful. Buddhism was one of the major forces that invaded the Three Realms, and the Three Realms were his place of reincarnation and his hometown. However, the Shimen invaded his hometown, which he could not accept.

In the end, he chose to escape from the difficult choice between being a teacher and defending his hometown against the invasion. He took the ancient temple away from the battlefield and established a dojo on a fragmented continent in the prehistoric continent. However, there were very few humans living in that world. Not having enough to eat, there were even fewer believers. In the end, he chose to surrender and be reincarnated again.

After he was reincarnated again, it was already in the ancient times, and the age of mythology had long ended. After awakening his past life memories, he found that there was no record of the age of mythology. It was as if everyone's memories had been wiped out by a mysterious force. As if gone.

This made him very curious, wondering what happened back then. He struggled to pursue the secrets about the mythical era, but unexpectedly touched a taboo and was directly obliterated by a terrifying force.

If the ancient temples that accompanied his reincarnation hadn't helped him offset most of the power by smashing his body into pieces, I'm afraid he wouldn't even have a chance to enter reincarnation.

After he was reincarnated again, he became the famous Sakyamuni. He loved peace in his heart, wanted to quell the conflicts in the world, made a grand wish to save all sentient beings, and founded Buddhism.

And the ancient temple with only the remnant soul left became the dojo where Sakyamuni attained enlightenment. However, because the ancient temple was broken into pieces and its memory was incomplete, it was impossible to remember what Sakyamuni encountered in the end and where he went. How did it appear in the Kunpeng world.

Regarding this point, Ding Ning had a vague guess. Su Zhe created this will space, and most of this ancient temple was also created by him. There must be some deep meaning in it.

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