Medical Sovereign

Two Thousand Three Hundred and Thirty Six Space 8 Doors

"What do you mean if you don't know the secrets of the Mythical Age, you will be tricked?"

After hearing what Mo Xing said, Ding Ning became more and more confused and could not help but continue to ask.

"Sakyamuni has reincarnated several times, and once died because he violated a taboo. Therefore, he believed that since there is an unknown and terrifying existence that has been trying to erase all traces of the mythical era, there must be a shocking inside story. And for unknown reasons, he used the excuse of preaching to travel all over the world, searching for the relics of the mythical era, hoping to get answers from the remaining clues in those relics. "

The devil showed a rare expression of respect. It seemed that Gautama Buddha's spirit of exploring the truth at the risk of being bombarded by taboos at any time made him admire him.

"Did he find it?"

Ding Ning asked eagerly.

Since he suspected that the ancient temple and the emergence of demonic nature were all foreshadowed by Su Zhe, the truth about the erasure of the mythical era must have some unexplainable relationship with him.

"have no idea."

The demonic eyes flickered, but the answer made Ding Ning so angry that he wanted to kill this guy immediately. He gritted his teeth and said, "What did you say? I don't know?"

The devil's body was agitated, and he said with a bitter face: "It's not that I don't say it, but that I really don't know. Although this ancient temple is a magic weapon refined by Sakyamuni, it is only a magic weapon after all, and it still has no entity. It’s a soul treasure, and it sleeps most of the time, relying solely on the power of faith. Even if it occasionally wakes up, its memory is incomplete, and I didn’t get much useful information from its memory at all.”

Seeing Ding Ning's face gloomy, his eyes unkind, and the Qi soldiers condensing in his hands, Demon Xing was frightened, and hurriedly added: "Although it is a incomplete memory, I still got some useful information."

"You love to talk but don't talk."

Ding Ning continued to carve runes on the Qi soldiers with a cold face.

He could see that this demonic nature was insidious and cunning, speaking vaguely and avoiding the important. There must be many things that he had not told him. If he did not put enough pressure on it, it would never tell them all honestly.

The demon watched with fear as Ding Ning continued to carve the runes that made her heart palpitate without raising her head. She scratched her neck and began to bargain: "I can tell you everything I know, but you must Make an oath to heaven that you will not kill me again after I tell all the secrets, otherwise, since you will die sooner or later, you might as well kill me now."

Ding Ning frowned slightly,

Feeling in a dilemma, leaving this demon behind is tantamount to raising a tiger, and the best way to deal with it is to kill it once and for all.

But he vaguely felt that what the devil wanted to tell him was extremely important, and if he missed this information, he would definitely regret it for the rest of his life.

"Okay, but if your news doesn't satisfy me, don't blame me for being ruthless."

Without thinking for too long, Ding Ning made a decision. He figured out that as long as he had the demonic nemesis of the Talisman of Annihilation in his hand, what would happen if he allowed it to become more powerful?

Mo Xing felt happy and hurriedly promised: "Don't worry, as long as you are willing to let me go this time, I guarantee that the information mentioned will be useful to you."

"I hope so, I will make an oath to heaven now."

Ding Ning didn't do any ink, and immediately made an oath of heaven, letting the devil breathe a long sigh of relief, no longer hiding anything, and revealed everything it knew.

It turns out that although Gautama Buddha did not find the hidden historical truth in the process of exploring the mythical ruins, he unexpectedly discovered a big secret of the Three Realms.

The Three Realms and the chaotic universe are actually not completely isolated. There are passages in and out, and there are many passages, including eight space gates.

It's just that the creator of the Three Realms hid the passage in order to protect the creatures in the Three Realms. Only the creatures in the Three Realms can find the directions of the eight hidden space doors and collect the eight space keys, so that they can freely enter and exit the Three Realms.

After knowing this secret, Sakyamuni immediately began to search for the eight directions and space keys, hoping to enter the chaotic universe, return to Buddhism, and explore the truth behind the disappearance of the mythical age.

But he finally found out whether he had opened the door to space and returned to the chaotic universe. The ancient temple had no memory of this, so there was no way to know the demonic nature.

But these are not the main point. The main point is that even if Sakyamuni was reborn, after several lives and endless years, he still could not collect the eight doors of space and the key to space.

Therefore, in the early days of ancient times, after Sakyamuni was reborn and awakened the memory of his previous life, he told this secret to a very close friend of his, hoping to use his power to find the Eight Gates of Space and the Key to Space together.

Of course, he didn't stupidly tell his friend everything. The Age of Mythology involves taboo topics. If he told the truth, he would not be asking for help, but would be harming him.

Therefore, Sakyamuni just told him that if he could find the eight doors of space and collect the eight space keys, he could leave the three realms and enter the chaotic universe.

The person who can be considered as a friend of Sakyamuni is naturally not a mediocre person. His friend is also a famous figure in the history of China.

Demon Xing had just been born not long ago. Although he had some memories of the Demon Emperor and the Demon Emperor, he was not familiar with the history of China, so when he mentioned that character's name, his tone was as calm as ever.

But when Ding Ning heard that person's name, he felt his scalp explode, his hairs stood on end, and a rush of blood rushed to the sky. He was so shocked that he was dumbfounded.

Because the name of Sakyamuni's friend was Fuxi.

The devil glanced at Ding Ning in confusion. He didn't know Fuxi's name and couldn't figure out why he had this expression.

But Ding Ning didn't tell him, and he didn't have the courage to ask. Although he didn't know who Fuxi was, he still admired this scholar who was able to create the Fuxi Bagua map and lock the specific directions of the eight gates.

As the devil spoke, Ding Ning felt a roar in his brain, and he felt like time and space were out of order.

According to legend, Fuxi is Nuwa's brother, and the two are brother and sister or even husband and wife. However, he once went back to the ancient times, and although he and Nuwa were stingy, they could be considered to have some intersection.

It stands to reason that Nuwa cannot be a person from ancient times. She should come from a higher plane, possibly even from the source world. But why does her brother Fuxi appear in the human world in ancient times? ?

"Nuwa? Who is Nuwa?"

After Ding Ning asked, Mo Xing said with a confused face.

"Does Fuxi have a sister, or... um, a wife?"

Ding Ning organized his words and asked.

"This... probably doesn't exist. Anyway, it doesn't exist in the memory of the ancient temple."

Demon Xing knew nothing about this. After searching the memory of the ancient temple, he shook his head and denied it uncertainly.

Ding Ning frowned and pondered. He thought he would uncover unknown historical mysteries from the devil's mouth, but he didn't expect that the more he knew, the more confused he became.

"No, I'm sure not."

Seeing Ding Ning's ugly face, Mo Xing was afraid that he would be dissatisfied, so he immediately carefully recalled the memory of the ancient temple, his eyes lit up and he said affirmatively.


Ding Ning's thoughts were interrupted and she looked at him in confusion, not knowing what he was talking about.

"I don't know if Fuxi had a wife, but the ancient temple can confirm that he was an only son and had no brothers or sisters."

Demonic said with great certainty.

Ding Ning raised his eyebrows, and he was suddenly enlightened. After all, the fact that Fuxi and Nuwa were brother and sister and even married came from myths and legends. There was no scientific basis or any historical records. Perhaps it was for later generations to add interest. Because of sex, they relied on their wild imagination to bring the two together and fabricate their relationship as brother and sister or even husband and wife. If this was the case, then all this would make sense.

"and after."

Putting aside this question, Ding Ning asked with interest.

"Fuxi is the leader of a large tribe, and he is extremely talented. He is a scholar of heaven and man. He is knowledgeable about astronomy and geography. He is proficient in formations, divination, farming, fishing and hunting, Feng Shui, Kanyu, organs, puppets and other miscellaneous subjects. He can be said to be knowledgeable about the past and the present. , can be called a generation of wizards. In order to find the eight gates of space, he devoted himself to studying the principles of the Five Elements for decades, and created the Fuxi Bagua Diagram. Using this diagram, he deduced the pattern of heaven and earth, and finally calculated the corresponding directions of the eight gates of space. "

Even though Mo Xing didn't know who Fu Xi was, he still admired him from the bottom of his heart for his erudition and talent, and there was much praise in his tone.

Seeing Ding Ning watching him eagerly waiting for the next step, he did not dare to show off and continued: "The directions of the eight gates of space have been determined, but the space key is not so easy to find, so Sakyamuni and Fuxi obtained it from their respective believers and Select outstanding talents from among the people and find the key to space.”

"What happened next?"

Ding Ning asked eagerly.

"After all, it is a matter of secrets. In ancient times, there were many capable people. Countless powerful people want to escape from the cage of the Three Realms and venture into the wider chaotic universe. Once they learn the secret of the eight gates of space, they will definitely do it at all costs. Therefore, in order to prevent the news from leaking, the followers of Sakyamuni and Fuxi's followers, who were looking for the key to space, established a secret organization called Qimen Dunjia Sect. Their only mission was to find space……"

Before Mo Xing could finish speaking, he was interrupted by Ding Ning's shocked, off-key voice: "What did you say the name of their organization is?"

"Qimen Dunjia Sect, what's wrong?"

Mo Xing looked at him in confusion, not knowing what he said wrong.

Ding Ning's chest rose and fell sharply, and his heart could not calm down for a long time. Qimen Dunjia Sect actually had such a background.

The Five Elements are the basis, and the Eight Gates of Strangeness don’t correspond to the eight gates of space?

It seems that the records of the Saint Nu Clan are not accurate. They also say that the Qimen Dunjia Sect originated from the Xia and Shang Dynasties. In fact, it has existed in ancient times. It is not an exaggeration to say that it is the oldest sect in the human world. , even the divine organization may not have as long a history as it.

But this is no wonder. After all, the Qimen Dunjia Sect has been scattered all over the world secretly searching for the key to space since its establishment. It has no intention of establishing a sect or becoming famous, so it is not known to anyone.

It may be that during the Xia and Shang dynasties, when both Sakyamuni and Fuxi were missing, the Qimen Dunjia Sect was formally established as a sect and came into everyone's sight, and the Holy Sect recorded it.

Ding Ning also suddenly understood why the Qimen Dunjia Sect was so keen on dynastic hegemony in the secular world, because the only mission they shouldered was to find the key to space.

The Space Key is obviously not that easy to find. After they found nothing, they realized that it was impossible for their sect alone to collect all eight Space Keys.

So after learning from the pain, they changed their search methods, secretly manipulating the secular dynasty, and using the power of the dynasty to mobilize more people to find the key to space for them.

Although Ding Ning was not sure what their purpose in participating in the dynasty change was, he felt that his guess was most likely the truth.

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