Medical Sovereign

Two Thousand Three Hundred and Sixty Four Extreme Realm

The red lotus karma fire is a kind of evil fire that specifically targets the soul. It is also a punishment fire used in the bloody purgatory to punish those who have committed serious sins.

The more sinful the enemy is, the more terrifying the power of Red Lotus Karma Fire; on the other hand, if the opponent is a good person who has accumulated good deeds and has a clear conscience, Red Lotus Karma Fire will have almost no effect on him.

Because Red Lotus Karma Fire involves extremely complex and profound things such as karma, yin virtue, and even the order of heaven and earth, the specific principles of the law cannot be understood by An An's current state.

But instead of being disappointed, Ding Ning was overjoyed. He had always wanted to be a good person and did not want to kill indiscriminately or even wrongfully innocent people.

This red lotus karma fire actually has the ability to judge the sins of living beings on its own, which is an unexpected surprise for him.

After loving each other, Ding Ning hugged his two wives and lay on the deserted ground, looking up at the gray dark red sky. Long Yi's slender thigh rested on Ding Ning's belly, and he sighed faintly: "Already It’s been ten years, and I don’t know what’s going on with the outside world.”

Although after reuniting with Ding Ning, they no longer have to worry about food, but relying on drinking Ding Ning's blood to maintain their lives day after day, year after year, makes her feel like a vampire, so even though she knows that Ding Ning has no answer , but still couldn't help but sigh.

She just sighed and didn't expect Ding Ning to answer, but she didn't expect to get an unexpected answer: "The ten years here may only be a snap of a finger in the outside world."

An An's eyelashes flickered and he said thoughtfully: "My husband is saying that the flow of time here is different from that in the outside world."

Ding Ning glanced at her appreciatively and said affirmatively: "Yes, I'm sure that the flow of time here is completely different from that in the outside world."

"Why are you so sure?"

Long Yi asked curiously.

Ding Ning lovingly hugged her into his arms, with a confident smile on his lips: "Didn't I tell you? I am going to participate in the battle of destiny in the three realms. Although this is a small independent world, it is It is born dependent on the Three Realms, it still belongs to the scope of the Three Realms, and must be controlled by the laws of heaven in the Three Realms."

An Xin and Long Yi suddenly opened their eyes wide, remembering that in May Ding Ning would be sent to the Demon Prison to participate in the Battle of Luck, they suddenly said in surprise: "You mean we have been here for ten years, and there have been two consecutive months outside." Not enough time?”

Ding Ning smiled and nodded, acquiescing to their statement. If it weren't for the prison order and being trapped in this barren place for ten years, he would have suffered a mental breakdown.

not to mention,

He recalled the illusion that Lao Donkey had created for him. In ten years, his own woman would most likely fall in love with another man and fall into the arms of another man. It would be strange if he could still stay here carelessly and be happy. It’s over.

It's just that he figured it out. At that time, the old donkey had been controlled by the devil, and he was so stupid that he deliberately created that illusion to seize the most fearful thing in his heart and plant the inner demon.

What left him speechless the most was that he was fooled into being fooled, and he successfully planted a demon in his heart. This also caused him to have an awkward relationship with his own women, making him suspicious and sensitive, and almost being possessed by divinity. control.

Fortunately, he has seen through all this and firmly believes that even if it takes a hundred years, let alone ten years, the women who love him deeply will never fall in love with him and fall into the arms of other men, even if they think he is dead. Dissipate, otherwise, it will definitely become the biggest obstacle to your own spiritual practice in the future.

"That's great. If that were the case, my father wouldn't be sad."

An Anxi said happily.

Her only concern in the outside world is her father Hades. Although she doesn't say it, she doesn't know how sad she will be when she thinks of her father, who has always loved her the most, after she has been missing for so long.

Just bursts of pain.

"It's a pity that with this unique time difference, my strength has not improved in the past ten years. Otherwise, I will be able to avenge my parents when I get out."

After Long Yi was overjoyed, he felt endless regret and said in a sigh.

If it were in the outside world, with her awakened dragon bloodline and strength comparable to the peerless demigods, ten years would be enough for her to break through and become a god, and have the capital to compete with the Dragon Temple.

But in this world full of chaotic laws, without Ding Ning's blood, even survival would be a problem, let alone cultivation.

"Don't be sorry. Your revenge is your husband's revenge. My husband will avenge this revenge for you."

Ding Ning stroked Long Yi's hair and solemnly promised.

"Husband, thank you."

Long Yi was moved beyond measure, staring lovingly at his resolute face, his beautiful eyes watery.

The Dragon Temple was such a behemoth, but Ding Ning was willing to fight side by side with her against such a terrifying force, which made her feel sweet in her heart.

"Telling me thank you really deserves a spanking."

Ding Ning's eyes widened and he pretended to be displeased. His big hands became dishonest again. Long Yi and An An's faces turned pale in shock and they begged for mercy again and again.

The fighting power of this animal is getting stronger and stronger. Originally, the two women could handle it together, but now, it is really overwhelmed. Every time he tortures him, he cannot recover without resting for several hours. They are really scared. ah.

"Husband, how strong is your strength now?"

After Ding Ning finally let them go angrily, An Xian asked curiously, with the intention of diverting his attention. Otherwise, he wouldn't know when he would suddenly get angry.

Not only was this animal perverted in that kind of thing, but his cultivation speed was also abnormal. When they first met again, An An could barely see through his strength.

But seven years have passed, and even she can no longer evaluate his strength. She can only vaguely feel that he is constantly getting stronger, stronger, and stronger again, as if there is no end, which makes her feel curious.

Because she was sure that Ding Ning had not broken through and stayed in the realm of peerless demigods. But when he first came here, he was already a peerless demigod. How could he continue to improve?

"Yes, husband, after I awakened my bloodline, I could still vaguely feel that your strength was probably at the level of a peerless demigod, but now I can't see through you. Is there an unknown realm above the peerless demigod?"

Long Yi has always been puzzled by this issue. She really doesn't know what is going on with Ding Ning. She is extremely powerful, but she is not in a trance. This makes her unable to figure it out.

Speaking of this issue, Ding Ning's face also became strange, and he said in a stern voice: "Although I know the division of demigod realms, I have no specific understanding, but now I know clearly that I am a peak demigod." god."

"Peak demigod? How is that possible?"

Long Yi and An Anxi said in shock in unison, disbelief clearly written on their faces.

Especially Long Yi, his alluring little mouth opened into an O shape, and then he rolled his eyes and said speechlessly: "Smelly husband, you are just teasing us. Ten years ago you were a peerless demigod. Now he says that you are the pinnacle demigod, I believe you."

An Anxi nodded repeatedly. Although she could only display demigod-level strength in the human world, she was a serious god-level powerhouse. She still had some eyesight. Ding Ning definitely had the ability to be a peerless demigod. With strength, how could he not advance but retreat and become a peak demigod?

Ding Ning touched his nose awkwardly, feeling as if he couldn't argue, but he still said with a wry smile: "Whether you believe it or not, this is the fact. Ten years ago

, I don’t understand how to classify the strength of demigods, and I thought I was a peerless demigod. But in fact, when I came to see you seven years ago, I had just broken through to the top level of demigods. The feeling was very mysterious and I couldn’t explain it. I don’t know, but I suddenly knew it, as if there was a voice in the dark telling me this fact. "

An An and Long Yi looked at each other and saw the horror in each other's eyes.

After swallowing his saliva excitedly, Long Yi looked at him excitedly and said: "No one can explain clearly the classification of demigods. I had the same feeling when I broke through to the top and peak demigods. It seemed that someone was somewhere somewhere. Tell me, I have reached a certain level of demigod."

"Me too. When I was in the demigod realm, once I broke through a certain demigod realm, I suddenly understood what level I was at."

An Anxi echoed the words one after another.

Ding Ning glanced at them in surprise. He thought he was the only one who had this mysterious feeling. It turned out that he was not special, but that all demigods had this feeling.

"Honey, are you kidding me? Are you serious? Ten years ago you were just an ordinary demigod?"

Long Yi was still immersed in the unbelievable shock and looked at Ding Ning seriously and asked.

Ding Ning knew that this girl was shocked, but he didn't want to deceive her. He touched his nose and replied seriously: "I am your husband, how could I joke about such a thing? Ten years ago, I was indeed an ordinary demigod. I broke through to the top demigod two years ago, and reached the peak demigod three years ago. Now, I feel that my strength is at the peak of the peak demigod, and I am only one step away from breaking through to the peerless demigod.”

"How is this possible? How could this happen? Ordinary demigods can fight peerless people. I have never heard of such a thing throughout the ages. This is so unreasonable."

Long Yi muttered to himself with absent-minded eyes.

An An'an frowned, her beautiful eyes sparkling, and she thought hard. It seemed that she had vaguely heard of this situation, but she couldn't remember it clearly because it was too old.

Ding Ning curled his lips and said speechlessly: "What expressions are you looking at? Isn't it a good thing that my husband is so powerful?"

"It's a good thing, of course it's a good thing, but this fact is too shocking. I need time to digest it."

Long Yi said dumbfounded. She was really not jealous, but was too shocked for the moment and couldn't believe it.

"I remembered, this is the extreme realm, the legendary extreme realm..."

An Qian suddenly slapped his thigh and shouted excitedly, startling the two of them.

Long Yi asked eagerly: "Extreme Realm? What is Extreme Realm?"

Ding Ning also looked at her with interest. He also wanted to know what was going on with him. An ordinary demigod could fight against peerless beings. He looked very awesome, but it made him slightly uneasy, fearing that there was something fishy in it.

An An'an's towering chest rose and fell sharply, and his pretty face was flushed with excitement. He said in a dry voice: "The eighteenth floor of the Blood Purgatory is imprisoned in a sinful big devil. He is also from your country. I have been here since I was a child. I just like to listen to him tell stories, as if I have heard him talk about it before..."

"Wait a minute, isn't the Bloody Purgatory a Western hell? Why are Easterners imprisoned?"

Ding Ning only frowned and interrupted her to ask.

"This is not unusual. If Easterners commit too serious sins in the West during their lifetime, they will be imprisoned in the Blood Purgatory after death to be punished to atone for their sins. As for what the principle is, it is too profound for me to know."

An Anxi explained patiently.

Ding Ning looked astonished and thought thoughtfully, the Eastern underworld, the Western purgatory, the Eastern fairy court, and the Western paradise. Could it be that the way of heaven is also divided into two factions?

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