Medical Sovereign

Two thousand three hundred and sixty-five Escape

It's just that this question is too mysterious and involves the secrets of heaven and earth, which he can't figure out now.

He shook his head and did not think about the questions that were destined to have no answers at the moment. Instead, he cocked his ears and continued to listen to An An's talk about what the extreme state was.

"Although my father said that this Easterner was a sinful man and not a good person, and asked me not to have contact with him, his knowledge is really profound. It is not an exaggeration to say that he is knowledgeable about the past and the present, and he knows astronomy and geography. I have loved listening to him since I was a child. He tells stories, so he often sneaks in to listen to his stories when his father is not paying attention. "

A trace of memory appeared on An An's face: "He told me about the extreme realm, but he said that it was only a special situation that was theoretically possible, and the possibility of realizing it was basically zero."

Speaking of this, An An looked at Ding Ning with a complicated look, which made him confused and didn't know what this look meant.

"Ji, as the name suggests, literally means to do something to the extreme, and Ji realm refers to a legendary state where a warrior's foundation is so solid that there is no flaw, and he has reached the extreme in every aspect."

An Jian looked deeply at the thoughtful Ding Ning, his face more serious than ever before: "Tall buildings rise from the ground. Whether the foundation is solid or not is destined to determine a warrior's future achievements. When a person has consolidated the foundation of martial arts to a flawless When it reaches this level, it will enter this realm that only exists in theory, and its combat power is beyond the sky. It is not surprising that an ordinary demigod will fight against a peerless demigod. "

" is this possible? My husband's qualifications are indeed very evil, but he is so young and has already reached the demigod realm. How can his foundation be so solid and flawless?"

Although Long Yi understood the meaning of the extreme realm, he still disagreed. After all, Ding Ning was too young. Even if he added the ten years in this chaotic world, he was only thirty-three years old.

In such a short period of time, Ding Ning was able to cultivate to the demigod level, which was enough to shock the world. How could he have extra time to polish the foundation in detail?

You must know that laying the foundation is the most time-consuming. It is a serious hard work, continuous hard work, and constant grinding. In just a few decades, it is impossible to polish the foundation without any flaws.

In order to lay a solid foundation back then, she had to press hard and spend more than forty years to polish the foundation to an extremely solid level. Then she accumulated a lot of experience and became the number one god child. However, she did not dare to say that her The foundation of martial arts is solid without any flaws, it's just much more solid than the average person.

"This is also something I can't figure out. In order to lay the foundation, my father suppressed my realm for a thousand years. I dare not say that the foundation of martial arts is perfect. The most important thing is..."

An Anxi stared pointedly into Ding Ning's eyes,

He said word for word: "The most difficult prerequisite for entering the extreme realm is to condense nine martial spirits."

"Nine martial spirits? How is this possible?"

Long Yi lost his voice in shock and suddenly turned his head to look at Ding Ning, his eyes flashing with scrutiny.

The Divine Realm is so big, and the temple is full of geniuses. At most, there are only two martial souls that can be condensed, and just like that, they have become a being that everyone needs to look up to.

It was almost impossible to condense nine martial souls, but An An's eyes were staring straight at Ding Ning, which made her realize that maybe this perverted man of hers was hiding some shocking secrets.

Ding Ning gave a bitter smile, touched his nose and explained: "It's not that I want to hide it from you, it's just that the Nine Martial Spirits are too shocking, and you may not believe me if I tell you, so I didn't mention it."

He thought of this when he just listened to An An's explanation of what the extreme realm was. It wasn't that he wanted to hide An An's and Long Yi, but it was just too unbelievable to condense nine martial spirits. It was also one of his biggest secrets, including

My sister and other women only knew that he had condensed the Five Elements Martial Spirit, but they did not know that he had actually condensed the Nine Martial Spirits.

Long Yi's eyes widened in shock, and he stared at him as if he didn't recognize Ding Ning. His mouth opened so wide that he could swallow a duck egg alive. There was a roar in his brain, and one thought echoed repeatedly, God, he Did he actually condense nine martial spirits? How can this be? How can it be?

An Qian was also shocked, his mind went blank, he stared at Ding Ning and kept slurping his mouth, but was speechless for a long time.

Although she had vague suspicions before and even questioned Ding Ning with a sense of scrutiny, she was still a little unbelievable after he admitted it personally.

You must know that the extreme realm only exists in a theoretically feasible realm. It is even more illusory and unreal than the so-called legends.

When this unreal state, which is basically impossible to occur, actually appeared in front of her, and he was the man she had entrusted to her for life, her reason was instantly overwhelmed by various complex emotions such as excitement, excitement, pride, pride, envy, worship, etc. Overwhelmed by emotions.

So just when Ding Ning was filled with guilt and tried to explain to them not to be angry, two excited screams that were enough to pierce the eardrums suddenly came to his ears: "Ah! Husband, you are so handsome."

Two soft red lips were printed on both sides of his cheeks in no particular order. When he was still confused and didn't understand what was going on, Qian An took the initiative to ride on him with charming eyes, using an unprecedented force. The charming voice said: "My wonderful husband, hurry up and have me, I will give birth to a monkey for you."

"I want it too, I want it too, I want to give birth to a lot of monkeys for you, all of them have condensed the nine great martial arts spirits."

Long Yi also rushed forward emotionally, his eyes sparkling with excitement, and he took the initiative to kiss his lips, blocking the words he wanted to say in an instant.

Tasting Long Yi's fragrant tongue, Ding Ning thought happily. If he had known that nine martial arts spirits could make them so excited and excited, and they would actively throw themselves into his arms, he would have spoken out a long time ago and showed off. How could he hold it in until now? ah.

The two women were so excited that they took turns tirelessly and demanded wildly. They wished they could be pregnant with his child immediately and give birth to a large number of monkeys that could condense nine martial arts spirits.

This battle lasted for three days and three nights. Even with Ding Ning's strong physique, he was so tired that his waist ached and his back hurt. He was panting heavily and couldn't even get up.

The two women were dripping with sweat and were as limp as mud. They lay on the ground without even wanting to move a finger. They looked up at the sky but kept giggling. They seemed to be looking forward to the bright future of giving birth to a large number of children with Nine Martial Spirits. It was fascinating to watch. Ding Ning couldn't laugh or cry.

After the two women learned that the flow of time here was different from that in the outside world, and that they were able to teleport away when the fate battle began, their mood became lighter.

In the days that followed, the three of them walked around like a tourist, but they headed straight to the east.

My mentality is different, my perspective on the world has gradually changed, and good news is coming one after another.

As a god-level powerhouse, An'an is very experienced in comprehending the Laws. After putting down his psychological baggage, he actually began to comprehend the Laws of Chaos.

Although the understanding of the law is more important than personal understanding, Ding Ning's valuable experience still played a huge role, allowing her to find the "order" trajectory of order in chaos in less than a year. , successfully comprehended the Law of Chaos.

Long Yi asked himself that his talent was not inferior to others, and when he saw An An, he realized the Law of Chaos. He no longer needed to suck Ding Ning's blood to survive. When his stubborn temper started to rise, he also began to realize the Law of Chaos.

However, she was only in the realm of demigods, had little contact with the laws, and had no experience at all. It was extremely difficult to comprehend, and she couldn't even figure out a clue in the first three months.

Ding Ning and An Anxi were not in a hurry. Anyway, they were already prepared to teleport out in the Battle of Luck. While walking slowly eastward, they provided their experience in comprehending the law to help Long Yi comprehend the law.

With their help, Long Yi gradually got a clue. Although he still needed to drink Ding Ning's blood to maintain his life, the frequency of drinking blood had obviously begun to decrease.

During this period, Ding Ning unexpectedly broke through to the level of a peerless demigod, and his strength was so strong that it was impossible to predict. Even if An Anxi realized the chaotic magical power with all his strength, he was dismissed with a casual wave of his hand, causing the two women to scold him for being a pervert.

According to An An's analysis, Ding Ning's strength is now enough to compete with, and even defeat, a true peak god-level powerhouse.

When Ding Ning heard this, he just laughed it off without comment. What he didn't tell An Xian was that this was just his basic combat power.

Once he enters the second personality or enters the demonic state for the third time, the peak of trance can only be killed instantly in his hands.

Yes, after he fully comprehended the Law of Chaos, his only gain over the years was that he had skillfully controlled three times of being possessed. With three times of being possessed and a second personality, he was confident that he could fight against the strong ones in the early stages of the Transformation of God Realm. If you don't fall behind, even if you can't kill the opponent, the opponent can't do anything to him.

This made him, who had always been worried about the start of the war on the God List and was forcibly pulled into the void battlefield without the slightest confidence, finally relieved.

Time flies by like a flash, and nine years have passed in the blink of an eye. It has been twenty years since they came to this world.

This made Ding Ning a little confused because he was sure that the time flow rate was different. Even if the time flow rate difference between here and the outside world is one month or ten years, it is already time for the Battle of Fate to begin. Why hasn't it been teleported yet?

Could it be that my guess is wrong and the time flow rate here is actually the same as that in the outside world? Because of the Law of Chaos, even the Prison Order and the Void Battlefield cannot teleport him out?

This made him feel uneasy and he became less optimistic, but he was still afraid that An An and Long Yi were worried and never spoke out.

On this day, Long Yi finally understood the Law of Chaos after nine years. When her aura melted into heaven and earth, and Ding Ning and An An went up to congratulate her with smiles, a sudden change occurred.

The entire world was shaking violently, as if the end was coming. The sky was like a torn curtain split in two, and a terrifying space storm swept across the entire world.

Ding Ning only had time to grab the hands of the two women when he felt the world spinning, his vision went dark and he completely lost consciousness.

When he woke up again, he was shocked to find that he was lying at the bottom of the Soul-Desolating Cliff, while An An and Long Yi, in ragged clothes, were lying unconscious on his side, one on the left and the other on the right.

No matter the position or posture, they were exactly the same as when they first fell off the cliff. It was as if time had returned to the moment they fell off the cliff, and everything that happened in the chaotic space was just a dream.


Looking up at the strange red wind blowing in the sky from time to time, Ding Ning exclaimed, there was no law of chaos in the air, and a look of confusion appeared on his face. Was twenty years just a dream?

No, that's not right.

Ding Ning felt his powerful strength and comprehended the laws of chaos, and was sure that everything was not a dream, but had really happened.

"Wife, wife, wake up quickly, we are out..."

Although Ding Ning couldn't figure out what was going on, he knew that they were back safely. Even time seemed to have passed by just a moment. He excitedly started calling Long Yi and An Anxi, and he didn't forget to take advantage of the opportunity.

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