Medical Sovereign

Two thousand three hundred and ninety-seven Provisional Combat Command

"I don't agree. I don't recommend taking such extreme measures until we find out exactly what is causing the problem."

Another military boss with thick eyebrows and big eyes objected clearly. He stared at the man with a Chinese character and said sonorously: "In particular, Academician Ding is probably waiting for us to rescue him under Duanhun Cliff. He is one of us. The hero of the country, we must not care about his life or death?”

The Dragon King sighed secretly, feeling extremely disappointed.

This thick-browed boss is named Li Xingguo. He is on the same level as Zhang Weidong, the boss with a Chinese character, but he is the leader of a different faction. What he cares about is not necessarily Ding Ning's life or death, but deliberately playing against Zhang Weidong to show that To compete for power and gain based on his status.

"I do not deny Academician Ding's contribution to the country, but when the imperial capital's population of more than 20 million is under fatal threat, anyone can be sacrificed. What's more, Academician Ding has fallen off the cliff for so long and is still in In the center of the unknown source of disaster, I don't think he is still alive in this situation. I agree with General Zhang and launch missiles immediately to nip the disaster in the bud."

A military tycoon with a sword-shaped face said righteously. He was from the faction of Zhang Weidong, a big man with a Chinese character, so he naturally wanted to strongly support his boss.

"Until we figure out the source of this disaster, I don't recommend taking too drastic measures. Although Academician Ding is unlikely to survive, we can't give up even if there's only one chance in ten million."

Lin Zhonghai, the new commander of the Yanjing Military Region, said with a serious face. He had no intention of getting involved in the fight between the two factions at the military headquarters, but he just spoke what was in his heart.

But at this juncture, his words are likely to be thought that he is leaning towards Li Xingguo's faction and siding with Li Xingguo's faction. This makes him feel helpless, but there is nothing he can do about it.

Not to mention that he knows better than the military giants present how important that little guy Ding Ning is in the minds of the big guys in Congress. Just because he is the son of Long Ya and is a good friend of his own son Lin Hu, he You can't help but speak from his standpoint.

Sure enough, as soon as he said this, a look of proud surprise flashed across Li Xingguo's face, while Zhang Weidong glanced at the silent Dragon King subconsciously, with a thoughtful look flashing in his eyes.

You must know that the Yanjing Military Region is the capital military region. In the power struggle of the military headquarters, no one wants to control it, and the position of Commander Lin Zhonghai is very critical.

Of course, unlike what Li Xingguo thought, he did not think that Lin Zhonghai, a notorious commander who did not take sides, would really support Li Xingguo. It was just that on this incident, the two people just coincided with each other.

If there is someone who can influence Lin Zhonghai and take sides, it is only the Dragon King.

He was one of the Dragon King's former confidants. Two days ago, under the leadership of Xiao Dingshan, they mobilized a large number of people to pick up the Dragon King at the airport, which illustrates the problem.

But although he understood what was going on, those in the military who had been waiting and watching and not taking sides might not be able to figure out the twists and turns. They would only think that Lin Zhonghai had chosen Li Xingguo to take sides, which was not a good thing for him. .

"What Commander Lin said makes sense, but the problem now is that behind us is the capital Yanjing, and the safety of life and property of more than 20 million people. It is very important to understand the source of the disaster, but if it is because of our indecision, And if the lives of the country and people are threatened, who can shoulder this responsibility?”

Another white-haired military giant asked.

This person's name is Hu Liang. He is very senior and is about to retire from the second line. There is no room for advancement. He does not participate in any power struggles. He just wants to abdicate safely and enjoy his old age. He has never taken a side.

He belongs to the neutral faction or the Harmony faction, and is known as the old fox in the military. He can often act as a lubricant to balance the battles between the two factions and avoid intensification of conflicts. Therefore, neither faction is willing to offend him and always maintain Surface respect.

Seeing that the old fox had spoken, he seemed to be leaning toward Zhang Weidong. They all subconsciously looked at Lin Zhonghai to see how he would answer, but Li Xingguo's face turned a little ugly, while Zhang Weidong's eyes flashed with a hint of joking.

How could Lin Zhonghai not understand his mentality of not seeking merit but seeking no faults? This was because he wanted to shirk the blame. He sneered secretly in his heart, but his face remained calm and he said in a neither humble nor arrogant manner: "There are so many chiefs here, how can we get a turn?" I am the one who makes the decision. I am just expressing my personal views and making my suggestions. No matter what decision the chief makes in the end, I will resolutely obey the arrangements of my superiors.”

After saying that, Lin Zhonghai looked at his nose, nose, mouth, mouth, and heart like an old monk in trance without saying a word, with the attitude of a soldier who takes obedience to orders as his duty.

Li Xingguo secretly applauded, he was really proficient in Tai Chi with this move, he kicked the problem back again, and he was not fooled by the old fox at all.

The old fox secretly cursed the little fox in his heart. This guy was so cunning and cunning that even the old fox felt ashamed. He felt that the title of fox should be given to Lin Zhonghai.

The corners of Dragon King's lips curled up slightly, and he was extremely satisfied with Lin Zhonghai's response. He knew that it was not that this boy was not responsible, but that the situation was unclear. He was stalling here just to buy more time for Ding Ning.

Although the boy might have had his hair cut off a long time ago, if they could buy a little more time, a miracle might happen. This was the only thing they could do for him within their ability.

After all, this incident is too big. Both the domestic people and international public opinion are paying close attention to the development of the situation, waiting for the Chinese official to give a final conclusion.

Under such circumstances, no matter how much the top leaders of the country attach great importance to Ding Ning, it is inevitable to use strategic weapons to completely destroy the source of the disaster, maintain social harmony and stability, appease people's hearts, and quell the hidden dangers caused by this storm.

He knew very well that regardless of the various military giants fighting openly and secretly in this temporary command post, no one could actually make decisions. He only had the right to make suggestions but not to make decisions.

Because the military's No. 1 boss is attending an emergency meeting in the Capitol, I believe the latest order will be issued when the meeting is over.

Zhang Weidong was a little irritated and knocked on the temporary conference table hard to show his authority. Li Xingguo snorted dissatisfiedly and ignored his majestic gaze. He took out a pack of cigarettes and spread them around. Even the Dragon King, Lin Zhonghai and Those neutral factions all gave birth to one, but turned a blind eye to the people of Zhang Weidong's faction, making the two factions clearly distinct, and sharp conflicts have gradually surfaced.

The Dragon King did not refuse the smoke he scattered, and his eyes flickered slightly. Although he did not like Li Xingguo very much, the enemy of his enemy was his friend. In order to compensate for the mistakes Long Hao had committed, he did not mind joining forces with Li Xingguo and using his hands. The right to clear Long Ya's name.

There is no other way, this is also a helpless move. Although he still retains his military rank, he does not have any position or power. It is extremely difficult to uncover old cases from more than 20 years ago.

Li Xingguo didn't know that he had become the object of the Dragon King's use. Seeing that he did not refuse his cigarette and nodded to him in good faith, he was immediately elated and took the initiative to chat with him.

Although he knew very well that the return of the Dragon King was likely to be the biggest stumbling block on his way to promotion, he did understand the truth that there were no eternal enemies in this world, only eternal interests.

At least, the Dragon King should not become his opponent in a short period of time. The most important thing is that if he cannot win the competition with Zhang Weidong, he is not qualified to become an opponent with the Dragon King at all. Once Zhang Weidong is allowed to take over, he will definitely use thunder. The methods were used to bring him to death.

Therefore, after secretly weighing the pros and cons, Li Xingguo immediately made a major decision. We will talk about the future later. The top priority is to join forces with the Dragon King to bring down Zhang Weidong first.

You know, even though the Dragon King now only has a military rank but no military position, and seems to be of no use value, don't forget how powerful the power hidden behind him is.

The return of the Dragon King has caused such a huge commotion. As a man with extraordinary skills in the military, how could he not receive the news?

Just kidding, Xiao Dingshan, the former number one military boss, was a loyal supporter of the Dragon King. Although he has abdicated for several years, his influence in the military cannot be eliminated in a short time.

Coupled with Lin Zhonghai, a hot upstart in the military, and the Dragon King's loyal former subordinates, which one does not hold great power now? If it can be integrated, this will definitely be a huge help that cannot be ignored.

If he can win over the Dragon King to support him, he is confident that he can carry out an all-round attack on Zhang Weidong in the shortest time. Not to mention pulling him down, at least the power in his hands will be greatly reduced, and he will no longer be able to attack Zhang Weidong. pose no threat to yourself.

Zhang Weidong glanced at Li Xingguo with a cold look, and saw that he and the Dragon King were chatting happily, as if they were sorry to meet each other so late, and felt agitated in his heart.

What he was most worried about was that the Dragon King and Li Xingguo got together, but now, it seemed that the situation he least wanted to see had appeared, which gave him a strong sense of crisis.

As the saying goes, if you don't do anything bad in your life, you won't be afraid of ghosts knocking on your door in the middle of the night.

Feeling guilty, he jumped over the wall and took action hastily, taking advantage of the impulsiveness of the former Dragon Soul members to force Ryuga to continue his exile overseas. Although the plan seemed to be successful, Ryaya did not return, which made him secretly relieved.

But it also left a huge hidden danger, causing him to turn from darkness to light, surface, and become the target of public criticism. Everyone involved knew that he was one of the participants in what happened back then.

The Dragon King and others just didn't have any evidence, so they didn't attack him for a long time. This allowed him to sit here calmly.

With his current status, if those at the top had not spoken out, absolutely no one would have dared to open a case to investigate him without any evidence, so he was still very safe.

But this kind of safety is only temporary. If Joseph cannot be found and silenced once and for all as soon as possible, it will only be a matter of time before he is exposed.

Fortunately, the unknown force behind him still attached great importance to him, and immediately sent a master to take charge of the silence. Unfortunately, the master kept staring at the Dragon King, but could not find any trace of Joseph.

This made him secretly confused. Could it be that Joseph was not captured by the Dragon King and others, but was already dead?

In other words, Joseph is now in the hands of Longya, and he is concerned about the future and life and death of those former Dragon Soul members. Longya took Joseph away and waited for an opportunity to testify against him in the future?

It would be great if it was the former. As long as Joseph dies, there will no longer be any evidence of what happened back then. As long as he refuses to admit it, no one can incriminate him.

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