Medical Sovereign

Two thousand three hundred and ninety-eight Chairman Chang’s beating

It’s not surprising that Zhang Weidong thought so. After all, all the surveillance in Area C of the 51st District had been shut down by Qiao Jieer in advance, and all the spies around were cleared by the Ghost Leopard Warriors, including the informants of the forces behind Zhang Weidong.

In addition, Joseph was taken into the water space by Ding Ning, so no one knew what happened in the arena.

What happened in Area 51 was regarded as a great shame and humiliation by the United States, and things like the kidnapping of Ding Ning were even more unspeakable.

The White House garden of the most powerful country in the world was bombed. In the end, American officials had to choose to compromise and beg Ding Ning and others to leave like a plague. It is not honorable to tell such a thing.

Therefore, the American officials could only break their teeth and swallow it, and also ordered to block all news. As a result, the forces behind Zhang Weidong did not know that Ding Ning was involved in the whole thing, and he had a father-son relationship with Long Ya.

Of course, due to Joseph's live broadcast, Ding Lie's other identity Shura was exposed, causing an uproar in the entire underground world. The number one dark flower on the dark flower list, which had long been gradually forgotten, became a hot cake again, and countless servants offered huge rewards for it. Soldiers and killers began to hunt Shura crazily.

After all, Shura was able to remain at the top of the Dark Flower List for so long without anyone taking the Dark Flower away, not because he was truly invincible, but because his identity was too mysterious and the bounty hunters could not find his trace.

But things are different now. Thanks to Joseph's live broadcast and the secret fanning of the flames, the bounty of the Dark Flower List has been increased again, reaching an astonishing 1.5 billion gold.

This price is enough to make all bounty hunters crazy. The vigorous hunt for Shura has swept the entire underground world. I believe that even if Longya has other ideas, he is too busy to take care of himself now.

Of course, the bounty on the Dark Flower List has been increased again, and it is natural that Zhang Weidong has a share of the credit. He is a hard sell and has collected 200 million meters of gold to increase the bounty, just to make Long Ya die overseas. That is the real way to avoid future troubles. .

As for who offered the reward for the 300 million-meter-gold hidden flower, Zhang Weidong didn't know, but it could be seen that he was not the only person in the world who wanted Long Ya to die.

In the flash of lightning, countless thoughts flashed through Zhang Weidong's mind, and he was secretly hesitating, how to deal with those former Dragon Soul members?

In fact, he didn't pay attention to those former Dragon Soul members at all. He used them to force Xiao Baiyu to voluntarily hand over the command of Dragon Soul, and also forced Long Ya to go overseas. He was already very satisfied.

Of course, he was also worried that once those former Dragon Soul members were put to death, Ryuga would desperately return to the country to showdown with him and expose his crimes.

But he is also worried,

What if those Dragon Soul members were released and Ryuga broke his promise and suddenly came back?

This gave him a secret headache, and he didn't know how to deal with those former Dragon Soul members. After all, those former Dragon Soul members were secretly imprisoned by him, and he never reported them to the police. He kept them in his hands for a long time without processing them. Once someone discovers it, even he won't be able to explain it.

"That's all. When things here are finished, I'd better ask Mr. Fox for instructions."

It was difficult for Zhang Weidong to make a decision, so he simply didn't think too much and turned back to ask Mr. Fox, the liaison person for the forces behind it, for his opinion.

Although Mr. Fox is only the contact person of the mysterious force, his wisdom, vision, structure and methods make him astonishing. He can climb to his current position so quickly, and it is indispensable for Mr. Fox's guidance.

Jingle Bell!

The red intercom phone in the command post rang rapidly, making everyone with their own thoughts tremble. They knew that the superiors must have made a decision, and the answer would soon be revealed as to how to deal with the matter at hand.

It stands to reason that although the Dragon King does not have any military position, he has been designated as the leader of the temporary combat headquarters. He should answer this call.

But Zhang Weidong took the call first, stood up straight subconsciously, and said respectfully: "President Chang, I am Weidong. Now I will report to you the situation at the scene."

With an unhappy look on his face, Li Xingguo whispered to defend the Dragon King, saying that Zhang Weidong was too arrogant and didn't take him seriously at all. Why should he answer this call? It should be the team leader, Dragon King, who should take over.

The Dragon King didn't know that he was taking the opportunity to give Zhang Weidong eye drops, hoping to arouse his hatred of the same enemy so that he could join forces with him to deal with Zhang Weidong.

He immediately smiled noncommittally. There was no need for Li Xingguo to provoke him. He and Zhang Weidong were not at odds with each other. However, he could not break up with Zhang Weidong for the time being before he had sufficient evidence.

Chairman Chang on the other end of the phone was slightly stunned, as if he didn't expect Zhang Weidong to answer the call. Although he was the deputy team leader of the temporary combat headquarters, according to regulations, the team leader, Dragon King, should answer the call and report.

As soon as his mind changed, he immediately guessed that Zhang Weidong was very happy with his success, but the matter was important, and he didn't want to argue with him at this time, so he said in a deep voice: "Just tell me."

Zhang Weidong was overjoyed. The noise coming from the other end of the phone told him that Speaker Chang must have turned on the speakerphone, and the congressmen nearby could definitely hear it. This was a good opportunity for him to show his face.

Immediately he straightened up and reported in a sonorous voice: "Our temporary combat headquarters is closely monitoring everything that happens at Duanhun Cliff. It's just because the suction force is too strong that unmanned reconnaissance planes can't get close, so we can only conduct high-altitude reconnaissance." , it is impossible to find out what is causing trouble under the cliff. The expert team is also conducting inference and analysis based on the on-site situation, and has not yet reached any conclusion. As for the strength of the suction, there has been no sign of decreasing so far, but the speed of swallowing But it has slowed down somewhat, and it is estimated that it will take about... about three hours for the devouring range to reach our warning line..."

While Zhang Weidong was reporting, he gestured to the expert group. After getting the hint from the expert group, he answered affirmatively.

Speaker Chang did not speak. There was a silence on the microphone. He must have covered the microphone to communicate with the major speakers. After a while, he asked: "Is there any sign of the swallowing disappearing?"


Zhang Weidong hesitated, not knowing how to answer. If the answer is yes, then if the devouring power never disappears, he will have to bear the responsibility. But if he says no, if the devouring power suddenly disappears, he will also have to bear the responsibility. Take responsibility.

Thinking of this, he immediately replied: "Speaker Chang, please wait a moment. I'll ask the expert group for their opinion. Maybe they can give an answer."

"Let Team Leader Song of the expert team answer the phone."

Chairman Chang had no time to wait for Zhang Weidong to convey the message, and he gave the order without any doubt.

"Yes, Team Leader Song, please come and take a call from Chairman Chang."

Zhang Weidong said politely to Team Leader Song, and said the last few words while covering the microphone.

Team Leader Song is a professor at Yan University, an authority in geology, ecological environment, and natural sciences, and he has the arrogance of a scholar in his heart.

At the moment, he was busy analyzing the data of environmental changes through the most advanced detection equipment. How could he be in the mood to answer some bullshit phone call? But when he heard that it was Chairman Chang's call, he didn't dare to neglect it and reluctantly came over to take it. The caller said: "President Chang, this is Song Wenxiang."

"Team Leader Song, according to the analysis of your expert team, is it possible that the strange devouring force will stop on its own?"

Speaker Chang's voice was much gentler. After all, these experts and professors are academic authorities and valuable talents of the country. Even he must maintain a certain degree of respect.

"Stop on your own?"

Team Leader Song was stunned for a moment, then frowned, thinking about this possibility.

Chairman Chang was not in a hurry and waited quietly for his answer. Zhang Weidong had already reported before that it would take three hours for the devouring force to reach the warning line. There was still plenty of time, so he didn't care about this little time.

After all, even Congress does not have a unified view on whether to use unconventional weapons.

Whether it is because of Ding Ning or because of the damage to the ecological environment, they all hope to solve the problem without using unconventional weapons as much as possible unless they have to.

"I'm not sure about this, but seeing as the devouring power is currently slowing down, I personally think it's not impossible to stop on its own, but it's only possible. No one can be sure of the final result."

Team Leader Song knew that his opinions were likely to influence the decisions of his superiors, so he chose his words very carefully.

"If, I mean if, once this devouring force spreads to the town, will it suddenly drain people of their life force?"

Chairman Chang didn't feel too disappointed with his ambiguous answer. After all, it was just for reference, and he was not expected to give a definite answer, so he changed his tone and asked a key question.

To this question, Team Leader Song can give a definite answer: "No, according to the test data on the strength of this devouring power, it would take at least three to five minutes to drain an adult's life force, that is, It is said that as long as you can escape from the engulfing force within three minutes, you can still save your life."

Chairman Chang was slightly relieved when he heard this answer: "That's good. It seems that things have not reached the worst point yet. Thank you, Leader Song. On behalf of the country and the government, I would like to thank all the comrades of the expert team for your hard work."

"Speaker Chang is too polite. This is what we should do."

Team leader Song quickly expressed his gratitude modestly, and then handed the microphone to Zhang Weidong who was waiting aside.


As soon as Zhang Weidong answered the phone and said hello, he heard Chairman Chang's tepid voice: "Let Team Leader Long listen to the phone."

Zhang Weidong's smile instantly froze on his face. He couldn't tell that Chairman Chang specifically mentioned the three words "Team Leader" to express his dissatisfaction with him for arbitrarily overstepping and suppressing the authority of the Dragon King. His face was extremely embarrassed, and he buried his head in anger. The smoking Dragon King shouted: "Team Leader Long, answer the phone."

Li Xingguo looked at Zhang Weidong's deflated look, opened his mouth and laughed silently, feeling so happy in his heart that he felt as comfortable as eating a big bucket of ice cream in the dog days of summer.

Zhang Weidong's face was so gloomy that he could shed tears. After Dragon King took the call calmly, he pulled up a chair and sat down on the side of the conference table with a sullen face, lit a cigarette and started smoking silently.

However, before, he sat at the head of the conference table as soon as he arrived, and he was suspected of taking the lead and not paying attention to the team leader, Dragon King. However, Dragon King's attitude was always calm and calm, and he had no intention of stealing the limelight from him. This made everyone although He didn't say it, but he secretly despised the Dragon King.

But at this moment, Zhang Weidong took the initiative to sit on one side of the conference table in this calm way, gave up the first place he occupied, and changed his name to Dragon King as Team Leader Dragon.

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