Medicinal Immortal

Chapter 1236: Ask if you don't understand

"It's me, it's me." Seeing the people in the line shouting for the next one, they hurriedly walked forward.

In the temple, Qi Baihe looked at the man who walked in, and saw that he seemed to have injuries on his legs and feet. He was walking and turning, holding a thick branch in his hand to support it. As he approached, he faintly returned. I can smell a foul smell from him.

"Master, I, I came to see the doctor."

The man was talking a little nervously, perhaps seeing the three little buddhist masters in it all look very good, and thinking of the stench emanating from his wounds was a little unnatural.

Tangning on the side looked at Qi Bohe with a lot of time and watched his expression. When he saw that his expression was not visible, she was half disgusted, and a trace of satisfaction flashed across her eyes.

As a doctor, you can't dislike the patient. No matter what kind of patient, the doctor must treat him equally and have a peaceful mind. Only in this way can he be called medical ethics and benevolence.

"Is there any injury on the leg?" Qi Baihe asked, seeing that he was not in any condition, but with a turn on his leg, he took a chair and asked him to put the injured leg on it.

"I'll tear it down, I'll tear it down."

Seeing that the monk in white clothes was about to remove the cloth strip from the wound on his leg, he hurriedly started using it himself. After all, because of the deterioration of the wound, the cloth strip was oozing with pus and had a foul smell.

Qi Bohe didn't argue with him either. When he saw the ulcerated wound on his leg after taking apart the cloth strip, he slightly frowned, "How did this injury happen?"

"I was stabbed by the fangs of a wild boar when I went hunting, but I didn't get better after taking the medicine. The wound is getting more and more serious." The man said, looking at the wound on his leg, he was worried: "Master, Can my injury be cured?"

Seeing that the wound was ulcerated and pus, the area around the wound was red and swollen with black and purple. Because of the wound, even the feet became red, swollen and purple. This situation was not like a common trauma. He couldn't help looking at Tangning. Question: "Master, how should this injury be treated?"

Seeing this, the man couldn't help but also looked at the young monk in Tsing Yi. Some unexpected monks were still the master of this young monk.

"How do you think it should be treated?" Tangning asked, without telling him how to treat it immediately.

He thought for a moment, and said, "Wash the wound and apply the medicine?"

"His injury is more serious. Simply cleaning the wound will not completely clean his wound. You should clean up the wound first, and then use a fire-roasted knife to scrape all the ulcerated flesh on his wound to squeeze out the wound. Pus and blood, until no pus and blood is seen, sprinkle anti-inflammatory drugs on the wound, and then apply powder for myogenic repair."

Tangning was sitting there and talking, she didn't plan to do anything at all, just told him how to deal with the injury and let him learn by himself.

Hearing what he said, Qi Baihe was startled. He didn't expect to clean up the wound and there are so many doorways. He immediately responded and proceeded to deal with it.

Song Tianyou helped to fetch clear water, found a clean cloth strip, and then watched from the side. Master said that even if he doesn't study medicine, he still needs to learn this simple wound dressing, so let him watch, listen, and learn more.

Tangning watched Qi Bohe do as she said, but when she saw him squeeze out the pus and blood, clean the wound and prepare to apply medicine, she immediately shouted, "Wait a minute!"

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