Medicinal Immortal

Chapter 1237: Really curable

Qi Baihe, who was about to take the medicine, was taken aback, looked at his master, and asked, "Master, what's the matter?" He did what he said. Is there anything wrong?

"You plan to take medicine like this?"

Tangning raised her eyebrows, looked at his hands, and saw that he hadn’t realized the problem, she said directly, “When you touch the wound and treat the wound, you must ensure that the wound is not infected by bacteria, except In addition to cleaning the wound, your own hands are also the key."

She stepped forward and looked at his hand and said: "If your hands are not cleaned, applying medicine to the wound will cause secondary infections. If the wound is infected with bacteria, even if you are given medicine, the wound will not It will get better, and it will continue to get worse."

"You have to remember this. At any time, you should not be sloppy. In addition to the patient's wound, you must always pay attention to your own hands. If it is a hot day, you must also be careful not to let sweat drip onto the patient's wound. , And try not to talk when dealing with the wound, so as not to spray saliva on the patient’s wound."

Hearing these words, Qi Baihe nodded sternly: "Yes, disciple remember it." He washed his hands again and made sure that they are clean and free of bacteria before starting to apply medicine.

The man sat there, thinking only what the two monks said, why didn't he understand? What bacteria are infected? In such a dazed time, I saw that the injury on his leg had been bandaged.

"Come here again for a dressing change tomorrow." Qi Baihe said, asking him to come back tomorrow.

"Thank you several masters, thank you." For some reason, he felt that the wound on his leg didn't seem to hurt that much.

"Next one." Song Tianyou shouted, and saw the next person coming in, and his master had already stepped aside and sat down.

Two days after the free clinic, the number of people who came did not decrease, but more and more. The patients were all seen by Qi Baihe, and it was too busy all day.

In the evening, another patient came to the temple. He just looked at the patient in front of him, but Qi Bohe didn't know how to treat him.

"Master, can I treat this?" the old man asked, because he heard that several Buddhist disciples in the free clinic were very good at medicine, so he also came to ask.

Qi Bohe looked at his master and said, "Master, how should I diagnose and treat this disease?"

"How do you think it should be treated?" Tangning still asked his opinion.

Qi Bohe hesitated and said, "The swelling on this person's face cannot be cured."

"You can't heal with your current medical skills, but you can see how I can heal." Tangning said, and said to the old man: "It's getting late now. Come here tomorrow morning!"

"This, this can really be cured?" The old man was also a little surprised. He just came to try his luck and asked if it could be cured. After all, how many years has this lump on his face grown? I have never heard of a cure.

"Yes, you are a benign tumor. If it is malignant, it will be dead long ago, but it can't be helped by its constant size. It will be crushed to the nerves in a year or two, and it will be useless." Tangning nodded and told him Come back early in the morning.

The old man left hesitantly. While walking outside, he couldn't help but look back at the monks inside, muttering in his heart: What's the nerve? How can you say that you don’t understand?

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