Medicinal Immortal

Chapter 1264: Go with sword

"Okay, you just need to dress them with medicine." Tangning said, turning around to look at the dozens of people who rushed to attack Situ and the others.

Seeing them with shaved heads, ragged clothes, bare feet, and thin as dry wood, they were as fierce as wolves, bloodthirsty and cruel, and they would bite at people as if they had lost their minds.

"Tap their acupuncture points." Tangning said.

Hearing these words, Situ and the others switched from offensive to defensive. When avoiding the attacks of those people, they lit their acupuncture points with the method of Master Tang, so that they could not move to stand in place.

When Qi Baihe saw this scene, his eyes flashed slightly. Acupoint? Master hasn't taught him yet.

"Teacher, these people were all locked up in iron cages before, but they were relatively quiet. I didn't see any abnormalities. I didn't expect this time to be like crazy." Ye Feibai looked at these dozen people, both men and women. They were relatively young, but they looked like they were in a demon.

"Those demon cultivators caught them here but didn't kill them. They must have done something with them, otherwise they won't be devilish."

Tangning said, stepping forward to look at one of them, and then checking that person's arm. He saw a black line pattern appearing on his arm. Then he pulled down the man's shirt and saw that the black line pattern straightened up. Traces spreading to the heart.

"Teacher, is this devilish energy?" Situ Wei was surprised, checked the others, and said, "Others have it too."

"Is there any trace of formation in the cave?" Tangning asked, looking at a few of them.

Situ looked at each other and said, "When we entered, there was no formation. However, looking at the decorations in there, there may have been formations before, but we can't see what formation it is."

Tang Ning nodded, "These people should have been used by those demon cultivators to cultivate adult demons, but fortunately they were not. If they were refined into demon energy, they would automatically hide in their bodies and become manipulative tools for killing."

"Senior, can all of them still be saved?" the people of Zongmen asked.

Tang Ning glanced at them, her eyes moved slightly, and said, "You take them back to your sect! Your sect people should be able to save them."

Hearing that, dozens of sect disciples glanced at each other and nodded: "Okay, then we will take them back. For this trip, thank you seniors. I haven't asked seniors how to call them? After we go back, we can also ask the teacher. Sect Masters report."

"No, I'm just an idler." Tangning waved his hand, indicating that they don't need to ask more.

Seeing this, more than a dozen people did not ask any more questions, but saluted them again, and then they took them away and left with swords.

Watching their Yujian lead those people away, Niu Dali asked unclearly: "Teacher, didn't you just exorcise the two sects? Why didn't you get them out? Who will take it back?"

Tangning turned his head and knocked on his head, and said, "If you say you are stupid, you still don't believe it. With so many people, and the devilish energy is firmly in their bodies, can it be cleared in a short while? What's more, you think I am The Buddha's light and sacred power are so easy to collect!"

"Hehehe." Niu vigorously smiled, scratching his head, and said in a naive way: "That's also true!"

Tang Ning looked at the sky and said to them, "The formation here has been broken, please clean up and go out!"

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