Medicinal Immortal

Chapter 1265: Heart-digging as medicine


Situ and the others cleaned up the battlefield, and then they left here with Tangning. They fled due to the demon repair, and the formation also broke. A few people went into the air and appeared in Daluo Mountain in the blink of an eye. The sky above.

"Let's go to the village to rest! I think the wounds of the two of them have to be taken care of." Ye Feibai said, looking at Qi Bohe and Song Tianyou, especially Qi Bohe, who walked and turned.

"Okay." Tangning nodded, and the group headed to the village.

In the village at the foot of the mountain, the villagers were simple and hospitable, so a group of people stayed in the village. Because of trouble to the people in the village, Niu Dali and others also helped to enter the mountain to collect some firewood, and some game meat came back to add vegetables.

After resting in the village for two days, Situ and the others set off first and returned to the city to submit the task, receive the commission for the task, and then agreed to meet Tangning in the next town.

After Situ and the others left, the three Tangning masters and apprentices also set off for the town. Because they had no main purpose, they stopped and stopped to admire the scenery, which was very leisurely.

That evening, Tangning and the three were resting by a stream. She was sitting by the stream, soaking her feet, Qi Bohe was making a fire and processing game, and Song Tianyou was catching fish in the stream.

"Master, look, I've caught another one!" The little child said very happily, and came up with a fish weighing more than a jin. As he was talking, the fish struggled, plopped and dived into the water again. Ran away.

"Ah, I ran!" The little guy exclaimed, and hurriedly looked for it again.

Tang Ning couldn't help but chuckle when she saw it. She squinted and kicked the water to play. How could she look like an old man?

"Monster! Where to escape!"

A scream came from the forest above the hillside, which was not very clear, but it was enough for a few people by the stream to hear.

Song Tianyou looked at the sound curiously, Qi Baihe didn't seem to care about it. He still sat by the fire and pierced a dozen kilograms of wild boar on the fire.

Tangning squinted, didn't look back, and didn't pay any attention. She just kicked and played with the water. Hearing the shouts and fighting sounds that came from time to time, maybe she had enough water to play with, so she took back her feet to dry the drops of water and put on her shoes and socks. After listening to the sound of fighting over there, it seemed that there was no movement of fighting.

"Let go of me! Let me go!" shouted a little girl in a pink dress, struggling, but she was bound by a silver rope and couldn't break free.

"Hmph! Monster, falling into the hands of the deity, how can you allow you to escape!"

A middle-aged man with a golden crown on his head snorted coldly, stared at the little girl, and said, "When the deity takes your demon heart as medicine, it will count as your merit!" When the voice fell, his fingers became claws. , Struck the heart of the little girl who was **** in front.

"Ah... don't! Help!"

The little girl screamed, seeing the middle-aged man digging towards her heart with claw-like hands. She was scared to tears. However, with the tears she fell, a burst of peach blossoms melted away with the tears. Permeated in the air.

"Who will save you this monster!" The middle-aged man's emotionless voice came, and his five fingers grabbed the little demon's heart.

"call out!"

A fierce air current hit, and the powerful air blade and coercion forced the middle-aged man to retract his hand and retreat violently to avoid the oncoming attack.

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