Medicinal Immortal

Chapter 1267: Still have to fight

"Scream, should it be you?" Tangning looked at him with a smile, and wrapped the silver cord around her hand.

"Central Silkworm Xian Cable! Come back!"

The middle-aged man stretched out his hand to make a hand-back motion, and drank at the same time. Of course, there was still no movement, he could not see the eyebrows and shouted, "You dare to erase the mark of the deity!"

His magical artifacts are naturally branded with divine consciousness, but he can't feel it anymore in this meeting, just such a short time.

"You all want to dig the heart of the little girl. I wiped your mind, and what do you get if you take your baby?" Tangning said unhurriedly, and put the money into the space.

"Huh! Don't you hear me? How come you can hear it clearly again?" The middle-aged man snorted coldly, glaring at Tangning.

"Oh, old man, this is the occasional deception, not often." She watched the bamboo stick go out, hit his two sharp swords, knocked the two sharp swords back into one and then returned to her. In the hand, immediately reached out to catch it.

"This is a monster! If the monster does not kill it, it is the righteous sect!" He stared at the little girl hiding behind Tangning, still with killing intent in his eyes.

"Even though she is a demon, her hands are not bloody. Although you are an upright sect, you are doing evil things. I will not say anything else. If you stop and leave now, you will give up on this matter. Want to kill, then, don’t blame me for keeping your life!"

Tang Ning's voice was not hurried, not slow, not warm, but inexplicably expressing a murderous air, which made the middle-aged man's eyes narrowed.

"I want to learn, what is your ability!" As soon as his voice fell, he held a sharp sword in his hand, and his figure flashed out like a ghost, and the tip of the sword attacked Tangning.

"Stay back." Tangning said to Xiao Taoyao behind him, holding the bamboo crutch in her hand and greeted him.

The cultivation base of the same golden core strength, the two are equal in terms of cultivation base, but the difference is that Tangning has the coercion of ancient mythical beasts in her body, and what she has learned is the fierce one-shot attack.

Once the two met, the middle-aged man knew that the other party was slightly better than him, but the baby was taken, the monster to be killed was rescued, and he was ordered to leave. With his arrogant disposition, how could he swallow this breath? , So I tried my best, recruited fiercely, just to put the opponent to death!

Seeing Master fighting with the middle-aged man, Song Tianyou pulled Xiao Taoyao to her side: "It's okay, my master is very powerful. With my master, that person can't kill you."

"Hmm." Xiao Taoyao nodded, watching the battle between the two over there.

In the air, there is a powerful air current, which is the fluctuation of the spiritual power of the two fighting, and the golden core pressure that gushes out of the two of them. The air pressure is like water ripples, and it follows their battle. The waves rolled and spread around.

The two Jindan cultivators tried their best to fight, and the pressure caused by the current caused some cultivators in the vicinity to be aware. They looked for them and saw that the two were fighting, and they did not dare to get too close.

"Isn't that Master Yuan Feng of the Azure River Sect? Why did he fight an old man?"

"The Master Yuan Feng of the Blue River Sect is the pinnacle of Jin Dan, and there are few opponents at the same level, but how do you think the old man can stabilize him?"

"The old man looked a bit like a person in Buddhism, but the means and moves of the attack didn't look like it."

"Hi! Look!"

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