Medicinal Immortal

Chapter 1268: Abolish the repair

Hearing an exclamation, the monks looked and saw that Yuan Fengzhu was kicked out by the old man. As the figure retreated, the bamboo crutch in the old man's hand flew out and knocked him out more than ten meters away. local.


A mouthful of blood spurted out, and Master Yuan Feng fell to the ground unsteadily, trying to stand up again, but fell down again.

Tangning held the bamboo crutch that came back, looked at the middle-aged man on the ground, and said, "You are not my opponent. I will spare your life today and go!" As she spoke, she turned to look at Song Tianyou and the other side. Xiao Taoyao smiled: "I seem to smell the scent of meat. Let's go and go to barbecue."

"Okay!" Song Tianyou responded loudly, and ran forward with a smile, and came to his master's side: "Master, you are really amazing!"

"How can you be your master if you are not great!" Tangning raised her chin and said with a smile.

A dozen meters behind that, watching them turn and leave, as if he didn't put him in his eyes, Master Yuan Feng was furious. He raised his hand, and the long swords in his hand were suspended in a dozen long swords. Attacked with a low drink from him.

"go with!"

The fierce long sword struck out, towards the three people, the killing intent carried on the blade was sharp and striking, and the speed at which it flew out was lightning-like. It seemed that he wanted to kill them by surprise.

Seeing that Yuan Fengzhu actually hurt people behind his back, some monks not far away were slightly startled. They couldn't see that in the blink of an eye, more than a dozen sharp swords had already approached the three old men, and they could take their lives in no time. At this moment, they, who had nothing to do with them, could not help but squeeze a cold sweat for the old three.

When Tangning felt the killing intent behind him, she narrowed her eyes with coldness, stretched out her hand to push the two people beside her down the hillside, and at the same time turned and threw the bamboo crutch in her hand.

The bamboo crutches flew out of her hand and spun. The extremely fast spinning bamboo shadow seemed to form a huge barrier. The moment the sword struck, it was blocked by the rotating bamboo crutches.

"I spared your life, not for you to kill me."

At the moment Tangning's cold voice came out, Yuan Fengzhu saw something flashes in front of him. The next moment, his neck was already choked.


He snorted, the tightened throat hand made him unable to breathe, and the whole person was enveloped by a powerful pressure, stiffened and unable to move, even the flying sword that flew out was restrained by him. And fall to the ground.

"Want to die?" Tangning pinched his throat and squinted, "You should be thankful that I don't want to kill anyone today."

She released the hand that pinched his throat, but did not spare him easily, but shattered his golden core and abolished the cultivation base.


The golden core was shattered, the cultivation base was abolished, and a scream of screams came out at that moment, and the peak strength of the golden core fell rapidly, until the spirit energy aura of the body was dissipated and he became an old man.

After abolishing his cultivation base, Tangning ignored him, turned around and walked down the hillside. The cultivation base was abolished, and there were no more storms to overcome. What's more, in this world of the weak and the strong, without the strength of cultivation, it is still unknown whether he can survive.

After seeing the old man leave, some of the cultivators who knew the Lord Yuan Feng immediately stepped forward to take him away and sent him back to Qinghe Sect...

"Master, the meat is ready." Qi Baihe saw his master come back, cut off a piece of barbecue and handed it forward.

But Tangning's gaze was now at that Xiao Taoyao.

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